Urban Vampire의 모든 챕터: 챕터 251 - 챕터 260
332 챕터
Chapter 251
"Why does it matter? I can't die of starvation, can I?""No. You cannot. But you can experience pain, and there is no need for that. It will not change anything. So eat. Please."It wouldn't make me feel better, but it would make him feel better, so I sat up feeling groggy and lethargic. The smell of the coffee on the tray turned my stomach topsy-turvy. I caught one sight of the eggs and knew I was going to vomit.I jumped out of bed, pushed past Alexis, and ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before I vomited. Ran and Alexis came into the bathroom while I was heaving."What's wrong?" Ran asked."She got sick." Alexis bent down and rubbed my back. "I tried to tell you that you will experience the same discomfort that you did as a human.""I know," I grumbled. When I felt strong enough to stand, Alexis gave me a cup of water to rinse my mouth then he carried me back to bed.I averted my eyes from the sight of the eggs. "Get rid of those please," I croaked. "The sm
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Chapter 252
"Our memories don't go back that far," Ran replied. "But we give credit for our origins to She-Who-Has-No-Name.""The Mother of all Neratomay," I added thoughtfully.Alexis narrowed his eyes."What if we went to her again?" I asked. "We can plead our case—and this time it wouldn't be for us. I mean, this affects all of the Neratomay. Hell, it affects the entire world as we know it.""What do you mean talk to her again?" Ran asked. "You spoke to the First Mother? I didn't even know she had language…"I explained about our visit to her and how she had given Alexis permission to use our powerful bond to prevent me from dying during my punishment."She doesn't have power over the Neratomay," Alexis said with a sigh. "She formed the laws, she can interpret them, but she cannot enforce them. Besides, we are trapped in this bubble. I have tried many times to move outside of this realm."I lightly bit my lip. "But this realm is where she exists?""Yes," Alexis said. "She is quite power
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Chapter 253
"Why do you two insist on giving this entity gender?" Alexis asked. "Your Succubus is a non-living thing. It has never lived except through you.""If she lived through me and I'm female, then she probably self-identifies as female," I said. "Wouldn't that make sense?"Alexis scowled.I moved toward her. I was scared, but she was scared, too. She tried to escape, but unless she went through the wall, there was no escape.It's okay. Just…don't do that again. I held up my hands as if trying to calm a frightened animal. I wasn't sure if I could talk to her without words, but if I could do it with my minion, then I certainly should be able to do it with my own Succubus.How? she asked.I understood the question!How were we separated and not able to merge?This place gives me the power to be both human and spirit but not in the same body, I explained.Satisfied with the response, she stopped huddling into herself. I will not hurt you again. She tentatively moved toward me. One of h
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Chapter 254
I laughed, but he remained serious while pulling me into his arms and kissing me."Shall we try out this bed?" he asked."Eww. That's gross. No. We're going to go home and kick Ran and Succubus girl out of our house."He lightly bit his lower lip as his hands settled on my hips. "I've become quite hungry for you.""Oh my." My cheeks warmed, and the rest of me followed.His eyes scanned my form in appreciation. "Is it possible that your nipples have tanned? They are a lovely shade of sienna against the white of this fabric…"We wore no underwear here, which was fine as long as we didn't get wet. Then the fabric of our tunics became translucent. I looked down, concerned that I had been flashing Ran this entire time—not that he cared about nudity. He had been a Werewolf for months. Still…Alexis' hands ran up my sides and his thumbs lightly circled my nipples, causing them instantly to tighten and ache. He cupped my breasts. "Heavier too," he whispered in appreciation.My mouth dr
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Chapter 255
When I opened my eyes, I saw him lying with his head on the pillow next to me, one of his legs still thrown over mine, his hands cupped along the bottom of my breasts. He watched me with such intensity that I turned in bed and looked into his eyes, seeing the swirls of golden brown, a bit of jade, and the blacks that were only beginning to recede."I love you," he said simply.I knew he loved me, but my heart…it caught in my chest. The way he looked at me, the way he said it, so simply. This man, this ancient, powerful being loved…me.I reached out and placed my hand on his cheek."I love you." I looked into his eyes, through what made up this body knowing that he wasn't only this—we weren't only this. We were so much more. What we were surpassed a physical form. We were spirits and creatures and eternity. We were forever. I shuddered when it all came to me. Alexis and I were eternity.He sighed and released a breath that he seemed to have been holding for years.He smiled.
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Chapter 256
"Yes," Oni said."And what about Ran and Alexis—can they come with us?" I asked."They go with their Oni," she said.My hopes fell once again. What good was any of this if we couldn't go together? I scrubbed my face with the palms of my hands.Oni touched my forearm lightly. Words are hard. I will find them soon. Learning. Time and I will become better. I stay here with you and learn. I return home and stop knowing.I nodded then told Alexis and Ran what she "said" in my head."We can't send her back," Ran said firmly. "You heard her, Kim. If she returns to her realm, she will stop knowing." He frowned. "That's not fair to her. She was hungry and there's no telling how long those bastards are going to keep us here and you two separated.""I won't send her away," I assured him. We needed Oni, but she also needed us. "But Ran, what about your demons? Maybe we can hitch a ride out of the bubble on our demons." Ran shook his head in misery. "I cannot call mine. I don't have that t
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Chapter 257
Over the next few days, Oni and I became even closer as I struggled to find myself. In the process, she began to develop her own personality. She and Ran came over often, and we all spent time trying to coax new words out of her. She stayed with Ran in his new house because he blurted out in embarrassment that he was her food. Ran liked his new house, and I liked that I didn't have to hear him "feeding" her. Oni obviously wanted him as much as he wanted her. They held hands so tightly, as if they were afraid Oni would turn into a puff of smoke and disappear.To pass the time, Alexis and I spent hours talking about our lives. Because we weren't exactly Vampires, I could no longer share his memories, but we talked about history, and through him history began to unfold before me.I was most interested in his memories of being turned into a Vampire. I appreciated that he didn't try to shield me from his infatuation with Athena. I wasn't jealous, but it made my heart ache for him as he
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Chapter 258
I slipped my hand into Alexis', and he squeezed my hand gently."Oni," I said carefully. "The baby is…healthy?" As if anything undead can be healthy.Oni nodded. "Yes. Healthy."I sagged in relief. I didn't want to be pregnant a minute ago, but knowing that I was pregnant changed everything.I was pregnant."Wait." Ran held Oni back from him at arm's length. "We can't have a baby, can we?" He looked horrified that he might have impregnated Oni with all the "feedings" that he'd been giving her.Oni smiled. "Un-living cannot have child with living. Only two living have child.""Then why did you call our child undead?" Alexis asked. "Two living things…I mean two humans make another human, right?"Oni shrugged. "Not in this realm. The un-living have always been here—never born, never made, just always. Only the undead can be born to this place." She looked at me now. "What you call demons."Alexis pulled me into his arms as if he thought I was about to fall over.Perhaps this had
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Chapter 259
Time was relative at the beach. Some days we spent hours trying to teach new words to Oni. Sometimes Alexis and I marveled at the beauty of the sun as it reflected off the ocean's waves or slowly set into the horizon. As my stomach grew, Alexis made me long flowing dresses. I would catch him staring at me as if he was searching for a glimpse inside of my soul. Whenever I saw him staring at me so intensely, I would remember the way I used to stare at Paul at the end, wanting to say more to him than I was allowed. The ache for what Paul and I had lost still remained, but it didn't cripple me. Even though our supernatural bonds had been severed, my human ones were still present.I still loved Paul, maybe I always would, but I didn't want to be with him anymore. I didn't blamed him for not ending his alliance with the Wolfpack. Hell, I couldn't even blame him for not rejecting Sasha and her baby. But I could never forgive him for not making me his Lupa, something that could have changed
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Chapter 260
Once we had formed a true friendship, I felt comfortable enough to broach the topic of her and Ran's relationship. "Are you happy with Ran?"Oni nodded enthusiastically. "Ran does not only desire to devour but to teach. Before, all I know is feast. Now I know to watch sunset on the beach. I know to speak with words. I know how to touch without eating."Her words were beautiful and lightened my mood.But it always nagged at me that one day when I moved back to the real world, Oni would return to her passive role inside of me. I didn't like the idea of that, and bringing it up seemed cruel, especially if I couldn't help her.I couldn't sit back and do nothing, especially when I could clearly see her growing in independence as her own separate being. So while Ran and Alexis were working on creating the farm, I asked her, "Oni, what would happen if you didn't come back to live inside of me?"Omi smiled. "I wait until I am called to go to the world of the living. You call. I will come.
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