All Chapters of Starlight of the dark night: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
195 Chapters
Chapter 101
Tinh Ngoc and Dinh Quan were in love in the living room for a while before they let go of each other. Trinh Duc and Dieu Linh also returned, the four of them sat at the table.To eat food cooked by Lam Dinh Quan himself, this is really a rare thing, so Trinh Duc enjoyed it very much, constantly taking food into Dieu Linh's bowl, looking at Dinh Quan again."I didn't expect you to cook so well. Will I come here often to eat in the future?"Dinh Quan did not answer him, only focused on peeling shrimp for Tinh Ngoc. Being ignored, Trinh Duc did not feel angry. Normally Dinh Quan is so cold, Trinh Duc knows very well, today he has the privilege of sitting here to be respected by Dinh Quan.He happily ate rice again, and occasionally exchanged a few sentences with Dinh Quan about work.After eating, the two men assigned to clean up, the two girls sat on the sofa and continued to eat fruit and watch TV.Suddenly, Dieu Linh spoke again."In a while, Trinh Duc will take me to meet his parents
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Chapter 102
Tinh Ngoc suddenly felt her heart tighten, the first time she saw such a lost and weak Dinh Quan. It turns out that there are times when he needs to rely on others.She wrapped her arms around her man, softly coaxing."Not at all, if I were you, I would be the same. But I can feel that you love your father very much, right. We'll be very filial to him in the future."Dinh Quan didn't answer, he just put all his strength into hugging her. But his next words hurt her even more."You won't leave me, okay?"It appears to me that he always has cautiousness and fear, and up to now, he still can't guarantee that Tinh Ngoc will never leave him."I love you."At this point, she thought she could only use these words to comfort him.Then she heard his laughter, Tinh Ngoc thought, indeed her man is easy to comfort.Dinh Quan sat up from her body, helped her up, but still sat close to her to accept.He whispered."Will I take you to see my father this Sunday?"Tinh Ngoc listened to him speak, bot
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Chapter 103
Right in front of the red light, Trinh Duc stopped the car firmly, then looked at her."You think I don't love you?"Dieu Linh did not answer immediately, she looked out the window, her heart was full of many things.Initially, because she had an intense night with him, Dieu Linh used this excuse to date him. But she couldn't deny that she was afraid every second, every minute because they had never talked about whether there was love in their relationship before?Trinh Duc pursed his lips to look at her, the traffic light had turned green, but he still refused to drive, and someone else's horn sounded behind him.Dieu Linh just turned around, people looked at him, reminded."The light has turned green. "Trinh Duc withdrew his gaze, continued to drive, and they didn't say anything more after that. Dieu Linh felt regret, obviously very happy at first, why would she talk about these issues? But now she doesn't know how to start a conversation with Trinh Duc.However, at this moment, Tr
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Chapter 104
Lam Kieu looked at Dieu Linh and smiled gently. She was not aloof, on the contrary, very friendly. Lam Kieu looked at Dieu Linh from top to bottom, smiling brightly."Hello, come here quickly. You have to stay for dinner with me in the afternoon."Today, Dieu Linh is indeed very blessed. Lunch was eaten by Lam Dinh Quan, now still being taken care of by Trinh lady.She smiled."Thank you."Lam Kieu waved her hand again, quickly led her into the house, from beginning to end, not paying attention to Trinh Duc standing there.He also felt speechless, his mother had just seen his daughter-in-law and had forgotten his existence.But no matter what, he feels very happy about this.Lam Kieu led Dieu Linh inside, just sat down on the sofa and started his investigation campaign."How old are you this year?""I'm 24 already."Lam Kieu said with a smile."Three years younger than Trinh Duc, very well-matched."She asked again."How's your job right now?""I'm working for my family company."Lam
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Chapter 105
Dieu Linh really felt the goodwill of Madame Trinh as well as those of the Trinh family. Unfortunately, Trinh Duc's father is still on a business trip and has not been able to meet her.Dieu Linh had spent a rather comfortable day at the Trinh family, until the evening, Madame Trinh still couldn't bear to let her leave.She took Dieu Linh's hand and said with nostalgia."You should stay, I can't feel secure when you're out at night."Dieu Ling smiled shyly."It's okay, auntie, I've bothered everyone a lot today."Although she cherished Madam Trinh very much, it was impossible for her to stay overnight at someone else's house at the first meeting.Trinh Duc also understood her embarrassment, he immediately released the siege and looked at his mother."Mom, don't be like that, she'll be scared. I'll be with her at night, ok?"Being reminded by him, at this time, Madame Trinh seemed to suddenly remember something. She looked at Trinh Duc with a meaningful look, then immediately changed h
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Chapter 106
Hearing him speak, Dieu Linh immediately became quiet again. She pulled the blanket to cover her face, and silently moved away from Trinh Duc. Trinh Duc looked at her action and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. He reached out his hand to hold her back, stopping her action."You are a little good."Then he turned around again, wrapping his arms around her waist, making her whole body fit in his chest.He said again."Until I get your permission, I won't do anything off-limits."Dieu Linh's erratic heart was quiet again for a moment. She knew that Trinh Duc was a reliable person, but at the moment, her thoughts were chaotic. But in reality, if he really wanted to do something off-limits, she wouldn't really say no. Thinking like that, Dieu Linh gradually calmed down. She leaned on Trinh Duc's chest, hesitated for a moment, then asked again."You still haven't answered me.""Answer what?"Dieu Linh looked up at him."Today I used up all my courage to tell you, but you
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Chapter 107
Last night, Dinh Quan and Tinh Ngoc really had to “work” very late, so until 8 a.m the next day the two of them still hadn't left the bed.Tinh Ngoc turned slightly, his eyes opened slightly, only then did he see the usually disciplined man who was still sleeping. Rarely did she wake up earlier than him, so Tinh Ngoc kept leaning over and looking at Dinh Quan's sleeping face. No matter how many times she looked at it, there was never a time when Tinh Ngoc stopped being overwhelmed by his handsomeness.She unconsciously reached out her hand to sketch every curve of his face, from the high bridge of his nose to the erect chin. Suddenly, something caught Tinh Ngoc's attention.She frowned, lifted the blanket that was covering Dinh Quan's chest, and appeared in front of her was a scar still in the recovery stage.Was he injured? When?This wound is still not completely healed, only appearing recently. But before he went on a business trip, she knew it had never appeared. So, there was a p
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Chapter 108
Tinh Ngoc hugged Dinh Quan's face and burst into laughter, it seemed that she was very pleased with his words."Okay, okay, I know that."Then Tinh Ngoc seemed to remember something important, she said quickly."I have something to show you, wait for me."After saying that, she immediately broke free of his arms and ran upstairs. Dinh Quan leaned over to look at her figure, his face filled with a happy smile.Not long after, Tinh Ngoc returned, in her hand there was also a square box. She ran over and jumped into Dinh Quan's lap like her old position. Dinh Quan raised his eyebrows at her, as if asking what she wanted to do.Tinh Ngoc pretended to be mysterious, using both hands to give the box she was holding to him, as if giving him some treasure.Dinh Quan took it, and conveniently took her small hand. He asked."What is this?"Tinh Ngoc immediately urged."You can open it and see."Looking at her hurried appearance, Dinh Quan was also very curious. Without waiting any longer, he qui
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Chapter 109
The secretary job of this general manager has been vacant for a while, and recently Starlight is looking for someone to fill this position.Since the selected person will be able to work directly with Dinh Quan, he also has very high requirements for the profiles of those who want to apply. Among the countless applications sent to the company with the desire to apply for this job, the files submitted by Ly Bang at this time are the most qualified.Dinh Quan picked up the files one by one, carefully examining each recorded information.Until the last file, his expression suddenly changed a bit.This is a resume of a girl.Name: Hoang LamAge: 24Educational Qualification: Master.But this is not what attracts Dinh Quan's attention, but the attached photo of the girl.The girl in the photo has a very beautiful face, and above all, a face that resembles Tinh Ngoc more than 60%. This is certainly not simple. It makes him think of some things he doesn't want to remember, but there are time
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Chapter 110
When Ly Bang saw Tinh Ngoc, she was still obediently waiting on the sofa in the hall. He hurriedly approached and said hello."Sorry to keep you waiting so long."Of course, Tinh Ngoc won't feel sad, now she only cares about one thing."Is he busy at the moment?"Ly Bang pushed the frame of his glasses and replied."Boss is having a meeting right now, shall I take you to his office first?"Tinh Ngoc agreed, just thinking about how surprised she would be after he saw her, she felt excited.The two walked towards the elevator, when passing through the reception area, the receptionist could not help but widen her eyes in surprise.What was the status of the girl she didn't allow going inside, but Ly Bang had to personally come and pick her up? Moreover, it is not through her, obviously, that girl has directly contacted Ly Bang. She secretly worried, did she offend someone with a high status?How does Tinh Ngoc know the thoughts of that little employee? All her attention now is focused on
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