All Chapters of Starlight of the dark night: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
195 Chapters
Chapter 91
Khanh Dung pretended to be apologetic and said."I just wanted to apologize to you. Yesterday I was temporarily angry, but I didn't think it through, so I did this. Can you forgive me?"Tinh Ngoc did not know how to act, she kept quiet.When Khanh Dung saw that she did not say anything, she seemed even more impatient.She hugged Tinh Ngoc's arm, her attitude was more enthusiastic than before."I didn't sleep all night because of this, if you won't forgive me, what should I do?"Tinh Ngoc pursed her lips and said."I'm not mad at you."Indeed, she was not angry with Khanh Dung, just realized that the two of them were no longer suitable to be friends.Khanh Dung dragged her along the empty corridor, constantly apologizing."It's fine if you don't get mad at me. Whatever you tell me to do today, I'll agree."Tinh Ngoc feels awkward, she doesn't know what to do to respond to Khanh Dung's inexplicable enthusiasm.The two walked to the gate, Tinh Ngoc immediately saw Ly Bang's car.She said
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Chapter 92
Tinh Ngoc's eyes were covered with a black cloth bandage, her hands were tied behind her back, her mouth was also glued, she could not escape at all.About twenty minutes later, Tinh Ngoc felt that the car had stopped. The car door was opened, someone approached to escort her. Going another way, Tinh Ngoc was pushed onto a hard and dry floor. At this point, her blindfold was removed.Tinh Ngoc glanced around where she was locked up like an abandoned warehouse.Guarding her were two men, now they were leisurely sitting on two old chairs, eating, and talking. Until now, Tinh Ngoc couldn't think of who had kidnapped her, but she could be sure that this person had influence and high status. Because everyone knows that she is always well-protected by Dinh Quan, but this person dares to kidnap her so blatantly, he is certainly not afraid of Dinh Quan's power.Tinh Ngoc silently lamented in her heart, originally she was longingly expecting tomorrow to be able to meet him, never expecting to
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Chapter 93
After saying that, he looked over at the assistant standing beside him."You can contact them."The assistant nodded, in front of Tinh Ngoc, used her confiscated phone to call Dinh Quan, then respectfully handed it back to Pham Thai Hung.The phone was picked up almost immediately, but the other end of the line didn't say anything.Pham Thai Hung laughed and spoke first."General manager Lam, aren't you worried about your girlfriend?"Dinh Quan pursed his lips, warning him in a tone of voice."This is our grudge, don't touch her."Pham Thai Hung laughed."It was very difficult for me to find the weakness of General Manager Lam, how could I not take advantage of the opportunity?"Dinh Quan asked him."What do you want?"Finally, talking about the main story."You know what I need. The copyright of the application programs you have just successfully negotiated with HI company and all the evidence you have collected in the pastime."Dinh Quan narrowed his eyes and said a sentence with a
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Chapter 94
Previously, he sold her to Dinh Quan, now he cooperates with others to kidnap her to threaten Dinh Quan, a person like him really wants to do anything.And presently, below, Dinh Quan was as surprised as Tinh Ngoc and stared at the person standing in front of him.He asked mockingly."Are you the person that Pham Thai Hung sent?"Tran Tam slightly avoided his eyes, he just said."You just need to give me what he needs and Tinh Ngoc will be safe."After many years of fighting in the marketplace, Dinh Quan can confidently say that he has encountered countless despicable tricks, but Dinh Quan still cannot imagine how a father could sell his daughter out time and again. He himself also has a father who loves him and protects him with all his might, but Tinh Ngoc is not so lucky. Her father had always viewed her as a commodity to be exchanged for gain, this time also collaborating with the enemy to harm her.Dinh Quan looked at Tran Tam and said a sentence from the bottom of his heart."So
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Chapter 95
Pham Thai Hung was surprised, but soon the sound of rushing footsteps suddenly appeared, causing him to panic.What is this?Around here he has arranged many people, if someone suddenly appeared, why did he not know?He looked at Dinh Quan in horror, only to see that the group of people he had arranged, who were pointing guns at Dinh Quan, were now defeated, lying on the ground. And around there appeared countless people armed with guns. Everyone stood up straight, just waiting to hear the command of the man standing calmly in the middle of the battlefield."Mr. Pham, do you see the situation clearly?"The voice sounded, Pham Thai Hung turned his head, only to see a person standing behind him since he did not know.He recognized this person, this is the confidant that always appears next to Lam Dinh Quan, he is Ly Bang.Ly Bang didn't even look at Pham Thai Hung, just stared at the two people controlling Tinh Ngoc, his voice cold."You guys should know the timing. Quickly release peop
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Chapter 96
If it weren't for her stupidity and lack of vigilance, she wouldn't have caused him trouble, nor would she have made him so tired. It appears that he went back to the country urgently to save her, and because of this, he did not get a proper rest. Tinh Ngoc was heartbroken, she repeated her apology."I'm so sorry, honey."Dinh Quan leaned his head on her shoulder, his hands still clasped her in his lap. He objected."It's not your fault, it's me who got you involved."Originally, the person Pham Thai Hung wanted to target was him, and Tinh Ngoc was just an innocent person dragged into these matters.He let go of her slightly, and looked at her up and down again. He pursed his lips and asked."Do you hurt anywhere?"When he saw those guys holding knives close to her neck, only heaven knew how scared he was. Just thinking about her getting hurt made him want to kill them all. Luckily, she was okay in the end.Tinh Ngoc of course understood his concern, she turned around slightly."It's
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Chapter 97
Ly Bang seriously narrated everything."With the charge of kidnapping, Pham Thai Hung was arrested at the scene, he will no longer be able to deny it. There are other crimes such as bribery, stealing wages, and prostitution, with the evidence we handed to police over, it's also hard for him to get away. All of those crimes would probably be punishable by at least twenty years in prison."Dinh Quan nodded, seemingly satisfied with this result.Pham Thai Hung is more than 50 years old this year. But the last time of his life spent in prison, this is a really suitable price for him.Ly Bang seemed a little hesitant, then he asked again."What about Tran Tam, do we need to intervene?"Dinh Quan said decisively."All should be left to the police to handle according to the legal order."Ly Bang nodded, as if he understood what he meant.Thereafter, they talked about some more related things. Khanh Dung was also arrested, under the interrogation of the police, she confessed that she was comp
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Chapter 98
Busy all evening, finally near eight o'clock Tinh Ngoc also cooled down. But she still hasn't woken up, Dinh Quan still can't rest assured. He does his best to take care of her, sometimes using a warm towel to wipe her body.He kissed her forehead painfully, soothingly in a low voice."Honey, get well soon. I was worried about you."It seems that Tinh Ngoc heard what he said, her mouth moved to say something. With a very low, hoarse voice, Dinh Quan could only bend over and approach her.He heard her call."Quan, you ran away. Huhu, they caught up with us, you ran away.""I don't need it, you just go quickly."She sobbed confused, a few words that shocked Dinh Quan.Did she remember those things?He called again."Tinh Ngoc, what are you doing?"The girl in the bed seemed to have come out of the nightmare and was entering another, more peaceful dream.At this moment, the corner of her mouth curved up."I'm not hungry, you just eat.""Quan, I like you so much."Because she was sick, he
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Chapter 99
Finally, Dieu Linh also looked at him. She said."Can you step away for a bit? Two girls talking to each other, what are you doing here?"Trinh Duc glared at her."Long time no see, don't you miss me?"This time, Dieu Linh thoroughly ignored him, only worried about holding Tinh Ngoc's hand to instruct him.Trinh Duc was completely speechless, he clicked his tongue and walked towards the kitchen with Dinh Quan.Indeed, this was the first time he saw Dinh Quan do such trivial things. But these jobs could not detract from his charisma. Trinh Duc clicked his tongue teasingly."I didn't expect that General Manager Lam would have to be a housewife one day. But looking at your appearance, you seem to be enjoying yourself a lot, right?"Dinh Quan glared at him, coldly said."There's still a pot in the pot, if you like, get some for your girlfriend."Trinh Duc just now mocked Dinh Quan doing housework, this time he went to fetch porridge for his girlfriend."By the time the two of them took th
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Chapter 100
Dieu Linh raised her eyebrows, obviously knowing that she was deliberately teasing."Hmm? What is that precious thing?"Tinh Ngoc glared at her, but Dieu Linh still didn't stop."Oh, it's true that when people are invaded by love, they can't think of anything but the person they love."Tinh Ngoc choked on her words, thought for a moment, not to be outdone, but teased Dieu Linh."You're not wrong, that means you also miss Trinh Duc every minute and every second."Dieu Linh immediately hit her shoulder lightly, shyly shouting."You don't."She blamed again."It's really unintentional of you, I worry about you like that, and yet you say that to me."Tinh Ngoc smiled and flattered, feeding Dieu Linh a strawberry."Okay, okay, it's my fault."Dieu Linh “huh” for a moment, then asked Tinh Ngoc to get one more grape to calm her anger.The two laughed and laughed, and at this moment, a voice sounded behind them."Okay, time to eat."The speaker is Trinh Duc.Speaking of which, after coming he
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