บททั้งหมดของ Wolf's Den Bar and Grill: บทที่ 81 - บทที่ 90
Human, Animal, or Something Else
Becky got a text not long after Rob was gone. It was Jane Ann asking her to come to her apartment for breakfast. Jon had breakfast sent up to her and she claimed there was too much food for her. She even sent a photo of the breakfast tray. She was correct. There was more then enough food for both of them. Twenty minutes later Becky entered Jane Ann’s apartments. Grace was already there. “So, another meeting of mates support group?” Becky asked not missing a beat. “It looks like it. We’ve been abandoned for the sake that they can plan for a war that’s probably going to be a disaster.” Grace was not mincing her words. She clearly had a strong opinion about it. “What do you know that we don’t? Or better yet, what did you hear on your end?” “Becky your ex-husband is in town and there’s nothing good coming from it. There’s incriminating evidence in the labs about definite illegal experimentation. We’re talking illegal in that the experiments go against all sorts of worldwide rulings
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Plans Turn Into Action
Bart met Rob and Jon in the study. They were about to start preparations to secure the pack’s territory when several alarms sounded. “What is going on now?” The alarms sounded throughout the packhouse and could be heard within other outer buildings. Jon was checking what alarms were triggered and where they were coming from. Rob was at the window witnessing people leaving the visible outer buildings in confusion. He knew they needed guidance and direction. “Well, Jon, what do we have?” They heard the sounds of several booted feet hurriedly entering the packhouse and Rob knew it was his enforcers responding to the alarm. Their boots echoed offer the hardwood floors as they progressed quickly to the basement and armoury. Every one of them was off duty until the alarms went off. Now his loyal pack enforcers were responding to the alarm to protect their people and their homes. “There’s four alarms triggered right now. It can’t be an accidental
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Ladies React
Becky’s heart was racing when they heard the alarms. One look at Jane Ann told her she was in the dark about what the horrible ringing meant. But it couldn’t be anything good. “Okay, between how loud that it and the heavy ass stomping downstairs. I think something is seriously wrong. Let’s go see what we can do.” Becky didn’t find any arguments with that. None of the three women were the sit down and do nothing type. It became a shock when they made it to the great room, and she saw they’d thrown the front doors wide open, as were several others. The number of people milling about, going from one place to another, talking loudly about a hundred different things. Becky could feel the anxiety and excitement. Before, any of the women could ask about what was going on. Jon stepped forward, with Bart beside them. “I’m glad to see you three aren’t hiding or panicking about this.” “What is this? What’s going on? Are we being attacked or something?”
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Corvin Concerns
Ivan Corvin sat in his office at Hectric Pharmaceutical Labs and watched several monitors of the operation playing out. His little force of mercenaries was literally storming the gates of the werewolves’ home.Ivan could see the dollars rolling in as each one of these monsters was made into a commodity. Ivan knew somewhere in there his wayward wife was hiding the little coward. He wouldn’t accept her running away from him like she had. Rebecca was his and that would never change. It didn’t matter what the courts of any country said. She’d always be his. “Mr. Corvin, the men are almost in place. We still haven’t found many, but we’re sure they’re there somewhere. Should they continue the search?” “Of course they will continue the search. I want everyone of them we can get, and I want my wife in front of me as soon as they find her.” The little bitch would learn the hard way that her fatal mistake was to betray him and with an animal like that. It burned
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Becky Steps Up
Becky soon learned truly how annoying the elders of the pack could be. While she was trying to help other women of the pack, settle the pups down so they would be more comfortable and less scared. The elders were moving through the crowded room, warning various pack members that she was trying to gain favour so she could continue to sleep with the alpha. No human could understand and lead a pack of wolf shifters effectively. They couldn’t understand their ways. It was a great smear campaign they had gone on. It was tiring to watch so many faces with a mixture of fear, hate, and loathing on them before they rejected her offer of help. “Well, Jane Ann? What do I do now?” Becky looked at Grace and Barbie in case either of them might have an idea or suggestion for her. “Anyone? How do I combat these men and what they are saying? I am human and I don’t know your culture or traditions. How do I change the narrative? Is it even possible?” “Becky, stop it. We’re w
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Fifth Wave
Rob listened through the radio to Bart’s conversation with Ivan and his father. Which distracted him from the next stage of the conflict. As he listened, Rob missed the first report of the fifth invasion from a fifth entry point. This time, he needed to lead the group to defend their territory. Rob grabbed his equipment bag, shoved the radio into it, and picked up his gun. This wasn’t the end. What did this human want from this? “Move out. They’re too close to the packhouse and the noncombatant shelter. Let’s get them away from here. I want this over and done. You know the rule. No killing them and don’t let them kill us. We want to send them home and give a clear message.” “We lost them somewhere between the entry point and a half mile in.” “Your wolves. They’re human, find them.” Enforcers scattered in organised groups, heading out to do exactly what Rob ordered. The pack wouldn’t run and they wouldn’t win this round. “Make sure a
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Confrontation at the Packhouse
It wasn’t easy. It took far too long to end the conflict. They’d achieved securing both alive and dead creatures. Though several were still being hunted. Wolfsbane didn’t work on these things. They’d not left them very many ways to secure these creatures short of killing them. The ones that were alive were only alive because they didn’t have a death wish and they didn’t have any loyalty to Hectric or the mercenaries. Or that was the story they gave Rob, along with several of his people didn’t believe their noses. It sounded and smelt like the truth, but if wolfsbane and shifter silver didn’t contain them, what would? This is why the Ruling Council wanted them. It wasn’t a shining moment for them, but it was necessary for the future. Laws did not control these things on either human or the ruling council’s courts. Though, he’d hedge his bets that there were some loopholes that stretched the ruling council’s powers to cover the discovery of a new supernatura
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Rob didn’t have a clue if his presence ability would work on these creatures. This was presence was a tell that a wolf shifter was strong enough to be an alpha or luna. The creatures were ready to fight before Rob demanded they stop and shift. They shifted and appeared as confused as everyone else who witnessed the confrontation. “How…? How did you do that?” One male asked, clearly confused about what was happening. He looked genuinely confused and angry until he saw the shifters in their fur and skin. Pretty much Rob’s command forced everyone into their skin. These were the first of these creatures to shift back. Before this, no one was sure if they could shift back. All the others were still in whatever form it captured them in. Unless they were killed, and they returned to their human form. “You were human, weren’t you?” Rob asked. Hedging his bets that his reaction was a mixture of confusion and lack of education. “Yeah, this is all so weir
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Getting Down to Brass Tacks
Someone invaded his territory a third time in one day. The only difference was these were friendly, and they were here to deal with the mess they ignored too long. Rob grant his people permission to leave the shelter and listened to the mixed reactions about Becky. “Wait, what are you talking about? Start from the beginning and explain step by step. Then tell me who you have your beef with.” “The new humans that were in the shelter with us. They were doing many things. From researching laws and how they might affect us, to if we’re considered persons, animals or other. Then the elders stepped and within minutes, they were arguing. Someone called for the humans to be put out of the shelter. I can’t be sure, but I think it was an Elder. But I’m not sure which one. Then the human named Becky got in the Elders’ faces and pointed out how they were failing to help their pack in their time of need. They then helped settle the pups, among others. My question is, who
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Run Up to Invading
Rob was more annoyed with each Lycan. They were a mixed bag of once human and once shifted. The poor humans were confused and angry because they didn’t know what was truly happening to them. It would take time. They needed to know what triggered their shifts to help them fear their situation less. The security information was surprisingly easy to obtain along the way. But it would take longer to get any real understanding of them because Rob could tell these people were kept in the dark about what they could do. Which made everyone present wonder how little these human scientists understood about this entire endeavour. Were the scientists just splicing genes together and hoping for a good outcome? Or did they know what they wanted but got unforeseen complications? Either way, they would know soon enough. With the information about the security and layout of the lab, the Ruling Council would go in and clean out the lab. Rob finally made it back to th
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