All Chapters of Lexie and Killian: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
108 Chapters
Chapter 31 
Killian Walker sat in the D. Walker Mineral Company's small conference room with his brothers and their attorney, Stanley Benner, Esquire. It was the start of the week they were all to spend together here in Red Creek, Kansas, and so far they'd just been sitting there jawing on about every little detail of the company. Who the hell knew there was so much crap to get through? It seemed they each had their own idea of how to distribute Dusty Walker's duties as owner and CEO, but none of them showed any interest in the traveling portion. Not when every one of them had a honey living and loving right here in town. Especially Killian, newly married and loving every minute of it.They'd been there for a couple of hours when he noticed Jackson look at the wall clock for the seventieth time. Killian frowned. Only five past ten and the lawyer had only gotten through a tenth of the files stacked in front of him. This might just kill him, and his brothers, too.Dylan stared at a spot on the wal
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Chapter 32
The fishing trip turned out to be more exciting than they'd expected, what with Jackson getting a lure embedded in his hand and the unexpected trip to the local emergency room. Yup, they'd certainly made a lasting impression their first day here together. Although they'd bonded over the situation in a way fishing might not have done.But Killian believed they still needed a brothers-only get-together where they could sit around, drink a little, and hash out all the bullshit. He and Lexie had cut their honeymoon short because he'd gotten a line on a ranch for sale dirt cheap. The man hadn't even had a chance to stock it before his bride decided she didn't want to live in Kansas. He'd sold the land and his brand new house to Killian at an unbelievable price. What a mad whirl that had been, closing the deal, moving into the house, trying to get everything organized. He'd wanted to be set at the ranch when all the brothers were in Red Creek for the week they'd agreed to spend together.H
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Chapter 33
Killian remembered that simple wedding now, in her parents' backyard, with her family and close friends, his mother and his newly discovered brothers flown in for the day. He knew he'd always remember every minute of it, especially when the pastor pronounced them man and wife.They'd barely gotten settled when they'd been meeting again with the attorney. And hadn't that just been like rubbing sandpaper on a hangnail. Jackson's idea of a fishing trip to get them in a more relaxed environment would have been great if he hadn't gotten nailed with a lure. Killian had thought a casual barbecue with just the four of them might be a good step in that direction.He was the one who brought up the idea, but everyone else agreed it would be a great thing to do. They were all finally beginning to adjust to each other, to learn about each other and to put aside the hostility that exploded when they learned Dusty had actually fathered four sons with four different wives.They all had challenges r
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Chapter 34
Killian shaded his eyes and looked up at the Kansas sun casting its warm rays down on the pastures and the ranch buildings. Everything was bathed in gold, a symbol, he thought, of his life now. The soft breeze carried the sweet smell of hay and grass and the familiar aroma of horseflesh. When he let his gaze roam over the ranch house, the barns, and the other outbuildings, he had to pinch himself to believe it was really all his. The dream he'd always believed too far beyond his reach was actually a reality.And then, of course, there was Lexie, a woman he loved desperately. From the first moment he'd seen her, he knew she was the one. At first, he'd been afraid to think of forever with her, reminding himself that he was one of four offspring of a man who sired sons out of wedlock. Who'd betrayed his marriage vows. But then his mother had convinced him she had to hold tight to the fact she'd been supremely happy with his father whenever they were together. And that a wandering dick wa
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Chapter 35
"Only if we know what we're doing?" Dylan pointed to Jackson with his beer bottle. "You ought to be willing to get up on one of them, rodeo man." He took a swallow of beer and glanced at Rogue. "What about you?""Hell, yeah. I've been on a horse a time or two. Or maybe three.""I'm serious, you guys," Killian insisted. "If you don't know what you're doing, someone can get hurt.""Hell, I'll help." Jackson pushed himself out of his chair. "Come on. I'll hold your hands.""Shit." Rogue shook his head. "I don't know about that. Doing anything with you is dangerous. Look what you did to your hand on a simple fishing trip.""Yeah, but it's healing nicely. I'll be fine before my next date on the rodeo circuit." He glanced at Dylan. "You game, bro?""You know," Killian drawled, rubbing his chin, "I didn't say it had to be done this minute. Just whenever the time feels right.""Well, I say that's now," Dylan said. "At least for me. But, Rogue? You're fixin' to take your lady on a cruise
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Chapter 36
Killian looked around the waiting area at the hospital's Emergency Room and hoped they weren't going to make this a regular stop on their schedules. Much of the blame for this trip landed on his shoulders. He should have known better than to let the greenhorns up on the horses. But the animals were very tame, no spooky habits, and he'd figured a slow walk couldn't hurt anything.Hah!Showed how much he knew.All he'd wanted was an afternoon with his newly discovered brothers, a chance to eat good food and drink beer, and to maybe show off his ranch a little. They'd all agreed they should take this time to do a little bonding. So far, they were mostly bonding over disasters.He'd taken the responsibility of calling Zoe, sucking it up as he related the situation, and telling her where they were. To her credit, she didn't scream or cuss him out over the phone. She just thanked him for calling and said she'd be right there. But he heard the underlying tones in her voice, a mixture of a
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Chapter 37
By the time they parked the truck and made it inside the house Lexie was so aroused just from thinking of sex with her husband her pulse raced. Moisture flooded her panties, her cream evidence of her heated desire. The nipples on her aching breasts tightened to diamond-hard tips. A pulse throbbed low in her belly and in the walls of her sex, insistently trumpeting the intensity of her need. Would it always be like this between the two of them, instant conflagration whenever they touched, raging hunger whenever they were alone? She hoped they didn't burn themselves out before they celebrated their first wedding anniversary.A slight tremor shook Killian's hands as he hung his jacket on a peg in the mud room. She hooked hers next to it and, without a word, spun and headed for their bedroom. She'd almost made it into the room when his hands grasped her hips, turning her around to face him."I have to have a taste." His voice held that passionate, husky sound she loved."Have at it."S
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Chapter 38
Lexie asked herself daily how she ever could have gotten so lucky as to have Killian fall in love with her and marry her. She'd fallen for him the moment he walked into Heart Starter, although her cautious heart had tried to put the brakes on. Now, well, she didn't even want to think of what her life would be like without him.Are you crazy, girl? Dithering and blathering when you have a near naked hot man who wants your body, and who loves you to distraction? Get your shit together.She kicked off the ugly but comfortable shoes she wore at work. Then, wetting her lips, she unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down her legs, wiggling her butt as she did so. Then she stood there in a thong matching the red bra, nothing more than a scrap of satin barely covering her mound. Discovering Killian had a thing for a bikini wax, she'd made it a habit to maintain it so no curls peeped out from the edges of the little triangle of fabric."Christ!" he growled. "Come here, Lexie. Let me run my to
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Chapter 39
Reaching around behind Lexie, Killian loosened the rope then lifted her to the bed. She knew exactly the position he liked for her, on her back with arms spread wide so he could bind her wrists to the headboard. He watched her the entire time he looped and knotted the rope, just as he always did. Checking for her discomfort. Checking for any sign of reservation. It was such a big part of what and who he was, a man whose love for her came before anything. She figured that was part of the reason she could be so uninhibited with him. She trusted him completely.She kept her eyes on him as he slid back onto his knees, pausing to place strings of kisses over the upper swell of her breasts. She arched her upper body to him, silently urging him to suck her nipples and torment them as he liked to do. In seconds, he obliged her, attending to first one taut bud then the other. His mouth was hot, his tongue even hotter as he swirled it around the tip. She bowed with pleasure when he bit down fir
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Chapter 40
They were both up early in the morning, despite the stresses of the day before and the absolutely incredible but exhausting sex of the previous night. Killian interviewed prospects for ranch hands while Lexie worked a full day at Heart Starter. He'd thought about what he wanted to say all the while he showered, while he dressed, and while he fixed their coffee. Now, when he sat down at the table with her, he carried the envelope from the Savannah Art Show Committee, dropping it on the surface between them. It was dumb luck he'd been the one to take the mail in the day it came. Otherwise, lord only knew if she'd have said anything to him.Lexie stared at it as if it might bite her."Are you ever going to open it?" he asked at last.She shrugged. "Maybe, although I'm sure it's a very polite rejection.""You won't know until you look."He wished he could infuse her with the kind of self-confidence she lacked where her art was concerned. He knew she'd never completely recovered from t
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