All Chapters of Club el Diablo: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
210 Chapters
Chapter 61
My teeth marks from the previous night are beautifully highlighted on her inner thigh. Red with a touch of blue surrounding the bruised flesh. There will be more tomorrow.My kink.The one I didn't share with Nathanial years ago. But Monroe had his ways and it didn't take him long to use Shibari to expose my kink. He never batted an eye. He encouraged me to bite and bite hard. For something that embarrassed me so much back then, Monroe didn't have my inhibitions. To him, sex and its varied intricacies are to be celebrated and not hidden.I move back on the bed while pulling Angel down, turning her body so her back rests against the duvet. "Hands above your head. Don't bring them down."My knee feels much better, which makes it easier to straddle her waist. I separate her hair to either side of her shoulders, dividing each heavy wave into three strands. I meticulously braid her hair, starting the weave close to her head. When the first braid is finished, I lift it into one of her ha
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Chapter 62
I roll and bring her with me pulling her close. A halo of hair cocoons us. I smooth away the strands near her face so I can judge her condition. Our play is nothing compared to what I will do in the dungeon, but this will give me an idea of her well-being when things intensify.I run my hands down her arms and over her shoulders, massaging gently until her breathing slows and a gentle lull takes over. A short time later, her stomach growls and my hand travels down to cup that subtle curve. "At some point, we need to shower and dress for dinner.""Yes, Zack." I lightly tickle her ribs and she giggles. "Nathanial is crazy for leaving you with me," I say in a sobering voice.She doesn't reply for a moment, and when the words finally form, she looks away. "He loves me."She's not being shy about it, but I don't quite understand her attitude. "Yes, I believe he does," I say because he told me he does. Her stomach growls again and I place a slight stinging slap to her ass. "Shower, food, an
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Chapter 63
Angel's eyes lower and her free hand makes a small fist on the table. During my years as a police officer, I learned the best way to get an answer is silence after the question. I wait, making each second seem like a minute.She replies abruptly without looking at me. "I was married to an older man when I was young and-"I break the golden rule of interview and interrogation and interrupt. "How young?"Her delicate gulp before answering tells me a lot. "Sixteen.""Go on," I say and pick up my glass again. I suddenly realize I need the fog the alcohol brings as much as Angel does. She was fucking sixteen when she went to some dirty old man. I need to have a grip on the sudden burst of anger that's spreading through me.Angel glances up and I'm suddenly caught in her web of what's made her who she is. "My mother died, and my father sold me at the request of his remaining wives." The hurt drips off her in waves of misery. I remain quiet so she'll continue. "I was the third wife." She
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Chapter 64
I wake the following morning in my own bed. I tucked Angel into her bed last night and then left the room, refusing to give in to her look of desire. I needed time to think.I stared into the darkness until the early morning hours, when fog finally overtook my thoughts and I passed out. I'm worried about Angel's nightmares, but I didn't wake to her screams, so I figured the sleeping arrangement worked. I roll over and place my bad leg on the floor. When my foot brushes something soft, I glance down and see a pillow where Angel's beautiful head rests with the remainder of her body on the floor.Damn.I can't lift her to the bed with my bad knee, so I take hold of the end of her hair and give it a few gentle tugs. "I have an angel fish on my line." It's corny, but her tender, sleepy smile makes me happy I went for teasing."I could not sleep," she says sleepily.God, she's so gorgeous my chest has heavy pressure right in the center. "We'll need to work on that," I tease again and
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Chapter 65
I always expect the dungeon to smell like sweat and sex, but it never does. Marguerite keeps it spotless and smelling like leather cleaner with a slight touch of disinfectant. I've often wondered what she thinks about when cleaning up after Monroe. The thought makes me smile.I glance around the quiet room and my cock hardens further at the sight of Angel kneeling. She's in Monroe's favorite submissive position and there's no way in hell I'll correct it. I pretend to ignore her, walk to one of many drawers, and remove wrist and ankle restraints, placing them in my pocket. I adjust the height of the spanking bench, prolonging Angel's suspense while I play with the knobs. Next, I move to another drawer. I withdraw a new packaged butt plug and lube, and lay them on a table near the bench.I turn on my favorite kinky hard rock music and let the sound roll through the room before approaching Angel. My hand has a will of its own and moves to the crown of her head."Before we begin with
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Chapter 66
While I administered the paddle, I began suspecting the truth. Monroe establishing her limits now makes sense. She craves more pain than I'm comfortable with. Monroe understands how dangerous this could be for her in the wrong hands.I smooth her hair away from the damp skin of her forehead. This time, my kiss is gentle. I take her mouth in apology, though I doubt she understands. I pull away and trail my fingers along her cheek and jaw. "We are finished.""No, Sir, please," she begs again.I force a devilish smile. "Only with punishments. Now, it's about pleasure."Her sigh of relief makes the tension in my shoulders relax. "Is your ass ready for me?" I reach down her back and rub my hand over her heated ass cheeks."Yes, Sir.""Good, because I'm ready to feel your tight muscles milking me for everything I'm worth." I release her hair and walk behind her.I once more smooth my palm over her ass and move to her pussy. She's so fucking wet and my jeans are too tight to keep on. O
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Chapter 67
I thread my fingers through her hair, unraveling some of the mess I made. "You would like my parents," I begin. "They always wanted a daughter too, but after me, their one and only child, they were never successful." I take my other hand from her shoulder and use it to help unweave her tangles as I continue speaking. "I had a dream childhood but wondered, often, if they adopted me. I was completely opposite from them. If there was a violent sport, I wanted to play-ice hockey, football, rugby. It didn't matter how many bones I broke, I lived for the rush." I peel hair from the side of her face where sweat has glued it. I lift the strands I remove and bring them to my nose. God, she smells wonderful and it's even better now that the scent of sex fills the room. She snuggles in closer with a small purr. "My parents are the gentlest, sweetest people you could ever meet," I continue softly. "They spent their younger years marching against war, fighting for gun control, and shaking their hea
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Chapter 68
I've slept with women from time to time but seldom, if ever, do I find enjoyment in the actual sleeping. Angel is different. She snuggles in, digging her hands into my biceps, making herself an extension of my body. Waking up and looking at her long, braided hair makes me think of the possibility of waking up beside her each morning. Then my mind wanders to Monroe and all my uncertainties resurface.I gently pry her fingers away and offer a soft kiss on her cheek when her sleepy eyes open. I pull myself out of bed even though it's the last thing I want to do. Angel rolls over to her back and one breast is exposed. Fuck me because I want nothing more than to climb back in bed. I slap her thigh instead. She needs to stop enticing me. Hell, if she were wrapped in a brown sack my dick would still be hard right now. "Come on, sleepyhead. I'd like to take a walk and stretch out my knee. We won't leave the property, so wear what you like." I head downstairs before Angel leaves the bed and
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Chapter 69
The day passes quickly. Before the sun goes down, we dress for dinner with Damian and Lydia. I put on jeans and a black button-down shirt, which I leave hanging loose. Angel looks unsure when she walks into my room wearing another set of flowing pants and top. Her head and hair are covered."You look beautiful," I tell her because it's true. There's something to be said for keeping Angel's curves to myself. Her relieved smile makes my cock stiffen and my jeans uncomfortable. "Once we're inside Damian's apartment, would you be willing to uncover your hair?"Her eyes shine into mine. "If that is your wish.""Will it keep you from enjoying yourself?"She shakes her head. "No, I do not think so.""Then that, my beautiful damsel," I place a soft kiss on her cheek, "is what I wish."***I resist the temptation to hold her hand during the drive, but only because I need to shift gears in the Mustang. My craving for touch hasn't diminished, and I only make it halfway to our destination b
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Chapter 70
The ride home is quiet until Angel's voice fills the car. "Thank you," she says while looking down at her lap.I reach over and cover her joined hands. "What for?"She looks up. "For not making me attend the club."My grip tightens on the steering wheel. "Does Monroe force you to go?""Only for punishment."I relax slightly because it's good to know Monroe doesn't force her to play in public on a whim. "Why would he make you do something that is obviously a hard limit for you?" I ask as I do my best to keep anger from my tone.Silence is my answer.I want to yell in frustration. "I won't take you to the club for punishment, but I don't think you'll enjoy the ones I'll give you in place of the club. Now that we have that settled, I asked you a question."Her eyes move back to her lap. "He does not enjoy hurting me and prefers punishments that do not leave marks."I choke out a laugh. "The man is a sadist! Believe me, he loves leaving those marks and causing you pain.""He does
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