All Chapters of Club el Diablo: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
210 Chapters
Chapter 81: Angel
She loved their special time after leaving the dungeon-her men bathed, pampered, and cherished her. They seemed relaxed, their focus entirely on making her feel loved. Angel tried to ignore the small flutter in her stomach telling her all was not right in their world. Master embodied absolute control, but even in the reaches of subspace she saw the kiss. It was more a touch of Master's lips, but it crossed the invisible line Sir marked in the sand.Sir washed her hair, massaging his fingertips into her scalp, while Master's wet hands smoothed across the lines on her flesh created by the rope. Master's touch held a mystical quality.She couldn't help the uncertainty she felt due to the kiss, and her mind drifted to Hooriya, the other her, the woman she once was. Hooriya died to escape an honor killing by her family. But the frighteningly real memories of torture and death remained deep within the reaches of Angel's mind. Master and Sir rescued her from that world. They didn't think he
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Chapter 82: Monroe
Mastering the intricacies of rope was much like mastering the nuances of Angel. And tonight, he discovered that no rope on earth compared to the touch of her lips against his skin.His nose rested in her hair, his arms held her close while she slept. For the first time in years, he sank into memories of his past.His parents had little time for the odd child that shied away from a mother's embrace. The best doctors, psychiatrists, and therapists made little headway past the walls that kept the world out of the workings of his mind. Medical professionals bandied diagnoses and tried different therapies, but Nathanial, from his earliest memories, felt he stood on the outside looking in. His nannies and tutors bragged about his brilliance in every subject, but his parents wanted a normal child. Nathanial Jason Monroe would never be normal.When he was ten years old, a stodgy British bodyguard by the name of Stephens put a length of rope in his hand. The braid, perfectly woven from small f
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Chapter 83: Angel
She woke up with Sir's body wrapped around hers. Settling further into his warmth, she tried to believe everything would be okay."He's gone but he'll return to us," he whispered with conviction."I'm not sure what to do." Her hand rested on his arm as his laugh rumbled from his chest and sent shivers clear to her toes. It was his teasing laugh that often meant trouble."We're going for a jog, and then eating breakfast."Angel squeezed the taut muscle beneath her fingers and gave a low groan at the thought of Sir's kind of "jogging." The sound earned a solid slap to her thigh. "Ow." She rubbed the offended skin and turned her head toward him, smiling through wet lashes.He kissed her nose. "When he's not around, you're a brat."Her hand traveled to his groin, seeking an alternative to outdoor exercise by continuing her bratty behavior.He grunted and stopped her playful pursuit. "You're earning punishments and you haven't even gotten out of bed this morning," he teased. "Punis
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Chapter 84: Zachery
Zach was awake when Monroe dressed that next morning. Monroe kissed Angel while she continued sleeping and left the room. Neither of them had spoken. Zach got up and quickly put on clothes in his private bedroom. When he was ready to put shoes on, he spotted a letter from Monroe waiting on his dresser and read it while fastening his laces.Zachery,I should have explained more to you, but time moved too quickly. My unfinished business will hopefully keep danger from the special world we have built. I had no choice and will let nothing happen to the people I love.Angel will need discipline that you are generally lax in providing. She has been wrapped tightly within a safe little cocoon for a year and I trust that you will do what is best for her.The kiss wasn't a mistake. I want more. I've always wanted more and that will never change. To hold you and Angel, I will always respect your wishes.Please review our emergency safety plans with Angel, Marguerite, and Stephens. I will do my
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Chapter 85: Angel
She didn't care for the club. It wasn't just Club El Diablo, it was any BDSM club. It went against her upbringing, which was actually funny. Angel's family would have her blood on their hands if they knew she lived. It would be an honor killing to avenge her rape and torture at the hands of the men who, through no fault of her own, defiled her. The wives of her dead husband orchestrated her sale into human slave trafficking after his passing. Her biological family would feel sadness over her death, but do their duty. Their attitude would change if they knew she willingly gave her body to two men. It wouldn't matter that she loved them both. Her death under those conditions wouldn't be quick.Looking around the club, she knew she shouldn't carry the burdens of a religion she forsook, but seeing the scantily clad or naked men and women made her cringe.Sir granted two favors. She wore a long, gauzy dress minus underclothes and wore Master's collar with leash grasped within Sir's strong
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Chapter 86: Zach
He and Monroe had never given Angel the gift of friendship outside their unorthodox family of driver, housekeeper, and the two of them. He'd watched Angel's hand reverently touch Willow's stomach and then heard her laughter over the low thudding music. It made his heart ache for the loneliness she must sometimes feel. He'd brought her here tonight because she needed to get out and so did he. Her abhorrence of the club was unfortunate, but it was one of the few places he felt complete acceptance. He wanted to see if some of her fears would dissipate with familiarity and sceneing while clothed.He left her on the carousel so he could speak privately with Damian about possibly finding a female sub to befriend Angel. Brandon's wife played right into his hands. Damian clued him in to Willow sitting by Angel. They'd moved a little closer, but remained in the shadows watching."My sister is a brat, but she has a heart of gold.""Angel has her bratty moments, too, so I think this could work
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Chapter 87: Monroe
Thoughts of Angel and Zachery encroached at odd times-a smell, the turn of a jaw, even the flow of a burqa. Monroe, the king of control, had trouble compartmentalizing their memories, but knew if he didn't focus on his adversary it created incredible danger for those he loved.One of Monroe's first missions introduced him to Uday Hamid Hussein. Their paths crossed many times through the years. Monroe always knew the man needed to die. Uday, especially harsh on women, singlehandedly killed more innocents with torture, starvation, and beheading than most terrorist groups. A few weeks before, during a compound raid to capture Uday, foreign operatives uncovered documents detailing Monroe's civilian life. The accurate files had pictures and maps of Monroe's home residence. After the raid failed, the U.S. government notified him immediately. Monroe agreed to this assignment to draw the cold-blooded killer out where Monroe could finally end his worthless life.Dressed in a black t-shirt wit
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Chapter 88: Zachery
The house phone rang, surprising Zach while he and Angel ate lunch at the cozy table in Monroe's monstrous kitchen. Zach leaned over and hit the speaker button."Mr. Zachery," Stephens' voice sounded unnaturally stiff. "There is a man at the front gate requesting to see you and Miss Angel regarding Master Monroe."Zachery's gut twisted violently when he saw the terror in Angel's eyes. Stephens was a highly trained retired member of the British Army Special Air Service. Whoever wanted to speak to them had credentials, which meant something had gone wrong on Monroe's mission. Zach had reviewed safety procedures with everyone in the household. They all knew what to do, though they'd never prepared for this.Standing, he took Angel's trembling hand and squeezed. "I love you."She stared at him like he was her lifeline, as if he could make the man waiting out front disappear."Sir?" Stephens questioned."Please escort him to the house. We'll meet him in the den." Monroe's den, where he read
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Chapter 89: Angel
From the moment Stephens announced the stranger waiting to speak with them, she knew. When Master had left, she dreaded each minute he'd be away. Until these past few years, her entire life had been filled with the deep wrenching sorrow of losing the people she loved.Now, she felt so very cold and it centered from deep within. She barely noticed Sir's arms wrapped around her. Occasionally, he murmured words she could make no sense of.She let her mind float... the garden needed tending. Willow's baby was due any day and she needed to order a gift. She'd been struggling to play the eighth Sonata by Prokofiev. Master would be proud if she achieved the difficult piece.Her mind jumped away from the thought.Marguerite promised to teach her how to make zucchini bread. Stephens said he'd show her how to change the oil in the cars. Not because she'd ever need to change oil, but because she wanted to know how to do simple things that others took for granted."Zachery, sir... I've made lunch.
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Chapter 90: Zachery
The first few weeks were unbearable.A few days after Monroe's death, Marguerite came and spoke to him about their shared meals and everyone helping her with her work."Do not take this from me, Senor. It is what I do. I take care of you and Angel. It gives me great joy. Stephens' responsibilities keep his mind off the bad. Por favor, let us care for you and the Senorita."Zach realized he had been doing them a disservice. Parts of Monroe's life left a bad taste in his mouth. Servants, the slave aspect of Monroe's relationship with Angel, and Monroe's total lack of understanding any time Zach tried to speak to him about it made Zach's teeth grind on many occasions."It is what they do," was Monroe's less-than-pleasing reply. It infuriated Zach how the man closed himself off with no concept of a normal world. Zach knew Monroe cared, but the man's feelings - whether angry, frustrated, happy, or sad - rarely, if ever, showed. He wanted to punch Monroe when he gave a slightly different va
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