All Chapters of Seaside Pictures: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
136 Chapters
Chapter 111
Will"You look like crap," Ang said handing me a cup of coffee before swiping my keys off the counter. "I can drive.""You can drive?"This was news to me. The girl never drove. Why drive when someone could drive you and you could drink in the back seat of the limo? It was something that had always bothered me about her, the fact that she didn't really have a license, I mean she could figure it out as good as anyone but she was too lazy to go in and take a damn test."Don't worry, I won't kill us." She gave me a sly wink before tucking her hair under another one of her baseball caps and opening the door to the house, locking it behind us.Who was this person?She unlocked the Rover and jumped in. The sky was a clear inky black, stars scattered all around. The breeze was frigid. If we had to go in the ocean today I was going to kick Jay's ass.Again.Or at least threaten to.I quickly turned on the heated seats and watched in shock and a little bit of awe as Ang moved the mir
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Chapter 112
AngelicaI hadn't seen Will all day.But I had heard about the drama that went on between him and Jaymeson, and I wasn't the only one who was suffering for it. Every actor on set was ready to quit by the time the day was done. I'd never been yelled at more in my entire life.Apparently, Jamie Jaymeson had a temper.Who knew?Nobody could do anything right, he was angry at the rain, angry that the ocean didn't look blue enough, and when it was time to film the cast party scene all he did was complain that we weren't trying hard enough.I think even Linc was getting irritated.About two hours in, and Pris, his gorgeous and perfect wife strolled on set with Linc's girlfriend Dani. She took one look at the tension, grabbed his megaphone, and yelled. "Take lunch."Jaymeson opened his mouth to argue.Then Pris grabbed it again and said, "One hour."Jaymeson kicked the sand.I tried not to smirk, but it was hard. Huh, who knew he was such a softy when it came to his wife. A pang
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Chapter 113
WillI was surrounded by clothes, costumes, makeup, and basically another version of Hell and yet I couldn't wipe the grin from my face.She'd always had a beautiful voice, angelic, and it always pissed me off that she never shared it with the world, that acting was more important when she could have made a killing on Broadway. The only song she ever agreed to sing was Lighthouse the one song that when I recorded it for my own solo release...She had been too busy getting high to lay down the tracks.It had become a thing.The tardiness.Losing weight.Losing interest.Losing the light behind her eyes.And I hated that she refused help as if nothing was wrong with what she was doing.And I still didn't know why.I knew there was pain there, I knew there was misery, but why self-destruct? Why not let the people you love help you?I shook away the morose thoughts as I put on a way-too-tight white T-shirt that should be illegal in most states, right along with skinny jeans a
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Chapter 114
WillBy the time I reached the filming location on the other side of the beach where a small bar stood near the boardwalk, I was ready to hit the ground running, just in the opposite direction, say toward Antarctica. I'd been stopped numerous times.. Every few feet another scream erupted from the sidewalk.Seriously? I hadn't looked that bad... had I?Sure, I wore glasses most of the time because it made sense when staring at a computer most days. I'd developed astigmatism, so what?And yeah, I liked wearing relaxed jeans, it's not like they weren't designer, and right, okay so most of my wardrobe consisted of suits.Button ups.Jackets.I froze."Oh, shit." I ran my hands through my mussed hair and fought the urge to puke. "I'm my father."I didn't have time to think about what this meant, and why it hurt so badly when Ang said the same thing, and why I'd needed to hear her deny it, mainly because he was a money hungry lunatic with designer suits and never enough time for h
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Chapter 115
Will"Bonfire!" Zane shouted pounding on the door minutes after both Ang and I had gotten home.I groaned. "Think we can hide?""I can hear you whispering!" Zane yelled. "Plus I saw the SUV pull up, we already got all the shit, I got the mallows, meet us all on the beach in ten. And Will, try not to look like our chaperone!""Try not to look naked!" I yelled back."No promises!" was Zane's only reply before we were once again left alone, I'd walked off set in my old clothes and suddenly felt like a stranger in my own body, as if the parts didn't match anymore."What do you say?" I eyed Ang wearily. "You too tired?"She gave her head a shake. "Even if I was, they'd just come back and kidnap one of us... let me just grab some water and I'll be ready.""I'll get it." I held out my hand.She was still holding onto the coffee cup.I purposefully pried it from her fingers, went over to the counter, washed it, and put it away all before getting her a bottle of water from the fridg
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Chapter 116
AngelicaYou know that feeling you get when you know you've said too much of the heavy things that should really never be spoken out loud in the first place? I had that feeling, in my stomach the entire time we walked down to the beach. Will didn't seem to mind my silence, but I minded. I minded that I'd basically exposed myself to him a very vulnerable way and he'd chosen silence. Again.And the more I thought about it the more disappointed I became.Until Demetri's words hit me all over again like a sense of Déjà Vu when I saw his face near the bonfire."He doesn't hate you. He hates himself."I stumbled into the sand, Will gripped my arm and kept me from planting my face in the dirt. "You okay?""I don't hate you." I said the same thing that the guys had said to me over and over again this past week. I looked up at Will and spoke slower, with more meaning. "I could never hate you, Will. Ever. No matter what's been said, you aren't easy to hate. You're just easy to miss, whic
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Chapter 117
WillI carried her to her bedroom, she was slumped in my arms like she was in a sugar coma. As gently as I could I removed her shoes and tucked her under the covers as I'd done a million times before the breakup.Before we broke.She sighed and turned on her side, pieces of marshmallow stuck to her hair.I grinned and slowly pulled them away."Night." I kissed her forehead, only to have her hand shoot out and grab my right biceps, scaring the ever-loving shit out of me."Stay." She pleaded in a sleepy voice. "Please, just stay."I gulped, licking my lips, turning and looking at the doorway I very well should walk through, the only escape before I made the choice that would change whatever we had been building between us.Sink or swim.Fight or flight.The easy road, walking out of that room.Ignoring the fast beating of my heart, the rhythm of my pulse as it sped up when her eyes blinked open like she was waiting for certain rejection.I peeled my shirt over my head and t
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Chapter 118
Will"Someone didn't get any food last night," Zane said in a singsong voice as he strummed his damn guitar and wrote down a few lyrics.We were on set waiting for our call times, and when I say we, I meant me. Zane just decided it would be fun to torture me while he wrote another hit song and made millions of dollars with no shirt on."Can we not talk about this?" I hissed, "Let's talk about your tour, the last company did a shit job, we need to hit it bigger with-""I'm not going on tour," Zane interrupted. "I just got done touring man, I want a break.""But-" I frowned. "You realize that you earned over twenty-eight mil on your last tour right?""What the hell do you think I need more money for?" He stopped strumming. "I write music because I love it, because I have to, because it's my passion. You know this about me, it's why you look so damn sad all the time. You quit because of her, you quit it all, and you lost yourself man, you lost your fucking music." He dropped his g
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Chapter 119
AngelicaWell I went all in.Threw my cards in his face.Admitted it all.Except that I still wanted him.Loved him.Breathed him.But at least... at least maybe, it would help us heal, move past this part of us that we were both trying so desperately to cling to, I was done clinging to the damaged burned pieces when all I wanted were to build new ones."Gem?" I was getting my hair put in a ponytail rather than my usual baseball cap."Yes honey?" She pulled tight enough for my scalp to rip right off my head near my ears."Do you think it's possible to give someone a second chance, when they hurt you so much that it destroyed your life?"She stopped tugging and looked at me through the mirror. "Nobody decides whether or not your life is destroyed but you. To let someone have that much power over you isn't right. It isn't healthy.""No, I mean-" I was frustrated just trying to explain what I meant."-like they ruin your life.""Only person capable of ruining your life, is y
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Chapter 120
WillI turned the AC on full blast, opened every damn window in the car, and was still sweating profusely.It was fifty outside.So I only had my own internal wildfire to blame. Just touching her like that, kissing her... I slammed my hand against the steering wheel, she jumped next to me.Maybe I finally understood drugs.Because I couldn't think beyond anything but tasting her again.Drinking from her lips, sucking her dry, licking every inch of her body until I had no energy left."Sorry." My voice was gruff. "It's not you. Well, it is you, but not for the reasons you're thinking." I groaned. "Shit, this isn't coming out right. What I mean is... I'm not angry at you." Yeah that sounded so much better, Will."Good." She crossed her arms. "Because I don't do that anymore.""Huh?" Now I was confused. I glanced over at her closed off position, the way she was tucking her body toward the door like she was preparing to armor herself against the arrows getting shot her way. "You
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