All Chapters of Seaside Pictures: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
136 Chapters
Chapter 71
FallonThe sun burst through the window casting a warm light across my bare arms. I slowly stretched my sore body and rubbed my eyes.Memories of the night before assaulted me over and over again causing a slow burn to start from my toes and spread all the way to my face.The things he said.The things we did.The way he touched me.I suppressed a nervous giggle."Something funny?" An extremely - thank you, God - naked Zane was standing in the doorway, a cup of coffee in one hand, a marshmallow in the other, and an acoustic guitar hanging off the side of his body.I wasn't really sure if I should laugh or just cry at the image of perfection standing in front of me, every rippled muscle on display for me to see.That was the thing about Zane.His secrets were his and his alone.But his body? It was as if he knew the mental barriers he put up and didn't want to do the same with the physical ones, like it was all he had to share at times.And I respected that.Even though I
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Chapter 72
Zane"You ready for this?" Jay asked a few hours later. I'd spent the rest of the morning in bed, skipping my recording session much to Will's dismay, and hightailed my ass to set.A cameo.I could do a cameo.The crowds of extras were stifling, it was supposed to be a party scene, and I was playing myself on stage.Like usual.On stage.I could do it.I flinched when the makeup artist added more dark shadow to my eyes, something that Jay was completely adamant about, was that I play myself but like this darker self, my designer jeans were shredded within an inch of their life, and I was barefoot.The scene was supposed to be a Halloween party and apparently, I was a vampire.A half-naked vampire.That looked a hell of a lot like Jack Sparrow. I flinched when I saw my own reflection, freaky blue and white contacts stared back at me as fangs met my bottom lip. "I can't sving like vis!" I lifted my hands into the air in exasperation.Alec and Demetri were both in makeup cha
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Chapter 73
FallonI watched in wide-eyed amazement as girls ran their hands over his rock hard body, I had to remind myself over and over again that this was his job.But now that he'd had sex, would it translate to something else?His hips pressed into the air and then against a girl's hand.My jaw nearly came unhinged when one girl started licking his wrist and then took a bite.His eyes fluttered closed as he moved fluidly with the crowd, like they were his drug, his next hit, his voice, or the recording rose above the music as lights flashed across his perfectly sculpted face.The entire set buzzed with electricity.Zane, in his element, was completely and utterly unstoppable. The type of talent you see once in a lifetime and wonder how the heck he does it every day without having a nervous breakdown.And suddenly everything he said, clicked into place.The anxiety.The way he'd grown up.And the constant pressure from the very crowd that adored him, a crowd that in one instant c
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Chapter 74
ZaneI had a headache.That was the first thing I thought when I jumped off stage and made my way through the crowd.The second thing?I didn't want a marshmallow.Stupid that my thoughts came in that order, but my normally twitchy sweaty fingers didn't shove themselves into my jeans pocket in search of comfort.My eyes searched for her.But the crowd was stifling, nearly impossible to get through, and I knew I needed to kiss her, if I could just kiss her, the headache would go away, the nightmare would stop, and we'd celebrate recording the last two songs of the album.Together.After one kiss.Okay, maybe two.But the minute I touched her, spoke to her, bit her neck, I needed more, wanted more, the screams were making it worse, the heat.In an effort to get her away from everything.I'd pinned her to the wall.And just as I opened my mouth to confess - the headache, the possible meaning behind it - she pulled my jeans down.I should have pushed her away, confessed be
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Chapter 75
FallonI paced the floor of the penthouse suite and tried desperately not to clean up. I mean I only worked five hours that week, but it still felt habitual, to clean up the rooms rather than stay in them.Finally, out of boredom, I started folding the towels and then sat and turned on the TV.Zane still wasn't back.And I probably needed to go to my own house, the whole I'm staying over with Mags probably wasn't going to work every night this week, though I was going to at least try to sneak in one more night - the night he finished recording.I looked down at my phone and sighed.Fallon: Hey, how's the song going?Nothing.I texted again an hour later.Maybe he was just in the zone. He was an artist, I could understand how he would be in a creative process that he didn't want to jinx.The eleven o'clock news turned on."Breaking story out of Seaside Oregon, it seems like vesting celebrity Saint, has been rushed to the hospital for exhaustion, this was shortly after b
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Chapter 76
ZaneI was numb.I felt numb.Maybe it was emotional numbness, like when news hits you so hard you have no choice but to deny the fact that you have feelings - I wish."Here," Will tossed me a bag of marshmallows."No thanks." I grumbled shoving them off the bed and onto the floor, they reminded me of her, of the pain I felt at finding out that she wasn't who I thought she was.I'd given her everything.Except for one thing - the one thing that could potentially hurt her, hurt us.I refused to feel guilty for keeping one secret.The pounding in my head had died down the minute they gave me an IV of fluids, but it was still there.As was the fear that this was something bigger.Something I couldn't control."We'll get news soon," Will said in a hollow voice. "It's going to be fine, Zane. You can afford the best doctors in the world, it's not like this is the end, it's probably just exhaustion.""Great. I'm one of those. My relationship is getting splashed all over the wor
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Chapter 77
Fallon"He doesn't mean it.""He's harmless.""He's British."All the things Demetri kept repeating over and over and over again, until finally, I glared at him and shakily grabbed my phone sending Zane another text.I had no idea if he even had his phone.But I had to try.Mags was in the back of the car probably having a minor breakdown that she was with one of the members of AD2 while I was just so worried about Zane, I felt sick to my stomach.Fallon: Are you okay? Zane, I swear, I would never, ever do anything like this to you.Fallon: Zane! Please. I know I'm acting crazy, but I need to know you're okay, that you're breathing. Just, send me something. I don't care if it's mean.Fallon: I would never betray you.While sending the last text, a knock sounded on our window. It was Jaymeson, and his expression was angry. At least angry is better than sad. I could deal with angry."He's okay." I said it as a statement, hoping he'd confirm.Jay jabbed his finger at me
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Chapter 78
ZaneI should let her go.It was my new mantra, the damned sentence kept going on repeat over and over in my head until finally I just tuned it out and watched as she made a little marshmallow tower on my hospital tray."It's going to fall.""Shhh!" She placed a marshmallow on the top of the pyramid and pulled back just as it took a tumble sending the thing crashing down. "Ugh.""My turn." I rubbed my hands together. "You forget," I licked one side of the marshmallow. "It's about the lick."Her face turned bright red."I'd love to know where that little mind of yours went right now."She turned redder."That good huh?" I whispered, wishing like hell we weren't waiting for the stupid results from the surgeon to see if we were moving forward or just waiting for my little bomb to go off. I would have loved nothing more than to lock the door, pull the curtain, and devour those red lips."I can be quiet.""Hell..." I wiped down my face with my hand. "Are you seriously trying to
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Chapter 79
ZaneAn hour later, we had a rented stretch limo.With two SUV's following.Alec, Demetri, and their wives plus the baby in one, and Jay's crew in the other.Dani and Lincoln decided to ride with Jay, but I knew they were probably regretting it by now. Jay drove like a maniac and still managed to forget to drive on the right side of the road. Often. It was his thing, well that and threatening Lincoln, who was still sleeping with his wife Pricilla's sister, Dani.Fallon read all of the instructions out loud while I tried to get her to underage drink so she wouldn't stress out.She said no to wine, champagne, beer - everything.If you can't have it - I don't want it.That was Fallon though.She even handed me her chapstick for safekeeping. Ugh, I was so far gone if chapstick did it for me like a freaking promise ring or something.Her parents weren't thrilled that she was traveling with me to Portland. Then again, all she did was explain the situation. They were completely si
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Chapter 80
Fallon"I refuse to be the one who ruins his hair. Isn't it insured for like ten million dollars?" Alec wondered aloud while Demetri silenced everyone with a loud hush.After arguing for a few minutes, Demetri decided he was the most qualified to shave part of Zane's head; he referenced one time when he'd cut Alec's hair in his sleep and said it was practically the same thing, only without scissors.Every time he got close to Zane, he backed up and tried a different angle."Just do it!" Zane clenched his teeth while Demetri paled."I'll do it!" My dad offered."No!" Everyone said in unison while he shrugged, his only experience was skinning animals, I highly doubted that Zane wanted my dad's hands anywhere near his person.Demetri took a deep breath and then muttered a curse. "I can't. His hair's too silky.""Come again?" Lyss, Demetri's wife, rolled her eyes. "Did you just call his hair silky?""Oh please, like you haven't been thinking that this whole damn time!" Demetri f
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