All Chapters of The creature inside me: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Piles of lies and secrets
“Let’s sit down.” Irvin pulled him back to the seat and made him sit on the table.“So, where were you if you weren’t with Abel?” Irvin asked him and Zadkiel started fidgeting with his fingers.“I went to talk to my mother. I didn’t want to tell you about it because I didn’t know how it’d go but she didn’t show up. Do you know where she is? I wanna talk to her. I mean you gave her a place to stay? Can you give me the address?” Zadkiel questioned, looking hopefully at Irvin. Irvin broke the eye contact and looked at the pen he was playing with, instead of answering Zadkiel.“Irvin?” Zadkiel called him again, making him look up at him.“Yeah?”“My mother’s address?” Zadkiel repeated. Irvin seemed troubled and Zadkiel couldn’t put a finger on what could have happened.“Oh… yeah. She… Uh… she… Look, the thing is she just… she left this morning. I don’t know why but she kinda just left without a word.” Irvin hesitantly replied. Zadkiel’s expressions were blank and he didn’t know what
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A ridiculous apology
Zadkiel headed home late that night. It was almost 1 in the morning when he entered the room, only to find Irvin wide awake, reading a book which was so not like him.“Hi…” He awkwardly greeted him when their eyes met. Irvin gave a small smile before turning his gaze back to the book. Zadkiel went straight to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change into his pyjamas.Once he was done with it, he came back and plopped on the bed. Irvin’s eyes sneakily followed Zadkiel around as he prepared himself for some sleep. Zadkiel fluffed his pillow before lying down and faced away from Irvin.“Alright. I’m sorry.” Irvin huffed, slamming the book shut and putting on the night dresser. Zadkiel didn’t move a muscle and closed his eyes.“Zadkiel, I said I’m sorry,” Irvin spoke again, placing a hand on Zadkiel’s shoulder. Zadkiel opened his eyes and without turning mumbled.“Say that when you mean it.”“I mean it.” Irvin protested.“Sleep, Irvin and let me sleep too.” Zadkiel sighed, before
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First confession
“Oh… Irvin. I have a question for you?” He nodded for Irvin to go to a private corner. Edmond excused himself out.“What is it?” Irvin asked Zadkiel once they were alone in the living room.“How do you guys talk to the moon goddess?” Zadkiel spoke, looking at Irvin intently.“Well…” Irvin couldn’t be more dumbstruck as he looked at him weirdly.“I mean… Everyone has a place to you know worship god where they also talk to god and confess their sins you know like churches and temples. Where do werewolves go to talk to moon goddess or to confess a sin?” He asked, knowing how crazy he was sounding.“I didn’t take you to be a believer.” Irvin chuckled.I’m an angel. How could you not? Zadkiel thought before passing a smile.“I’m just curious.” Zadkiel shrugged.“You wanna confess sins?” Irvin said in a teasing tone. Zadkiel knew Irvin was stalling.“Or maybe I just want to talk about the sins of other people,” Zadkiel smirked at him.“Very well. We don’t have any sacred place whe
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Murder Plan
32 hours before Zadkiel’s first full moon and he was already feeling worried. He didn’t know what to expect. Well, no one had any idea if Zadkiel would turn or not, or if turned, was he going to be able to control himself. He was going around asking everyone about their first full moon experience. So far, every story had scared him.“Yeah… I don’t think it’s a great idea to continue, you know.” Abel chuckled after hearing the story of one of the pack members telling him that it felt like every bone in his body broke and reformed itself. Only he dared to say the truth while everyone tried their best to hide the truth about how much pain it would cause.“No… I don’t care about the pain. I just want to know if anyone of these people hurt anyone.” Zadkiel declined the suggestion.“All of them are saying they don’t even remember what happened during those hours. So, I don’t think they can help you. They are just increasing my anxiety.” Abel sighed.“Irvin knew he hurt someone. Remember
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Zadkiel barged into the office and saw Irvin sitting on the chair, looking right at him with a smile on his face as if he knew that Zadkiel was going to walk in and of course, he knew.“Sensed your presence ages ago. I had a meeting but I didn’t even inform them that I’d be late because I was waiting for you. Knew you came here for me.” Irvin chuckled getting out of the chair while Zadkiel gave him a small smile and shut the door.“Yeah. Decided to raid your workplace today.” Zadkiel spoke, walking to Irvin who wrapped his arms around his mate as soon as they were closed and locked his lips with his mate’s.“Thank you,” Irvin whispered against his lips pulling for only a second and then going back to kiss Zadkiel.The two mates devoured each other’s mouths as much as they could. Irvin picked up Zadkiel and sat him on his desk without breaking the kiss and kept kissing Zadkiel like a horny teenager.“Ha… Irvin.” Zadkiel managed to stutter out his name and pushed him gently to make
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Irvin couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had heard about this in myths or children stories but never once he thought it could be real.Right before him, stood a very majestic wolf... Well, not a wolf but Pterolycus with an actual halo around his head. He didn't even know that the myths about Pterolycus were true until now. The aura of the creature was so captivating that everyone just stood there to stare in adoration."Wow!" A sigh released from his mouth in astonishment.The creature just stood there looking as confused as anyone else, just staring at the smiles on the faces of the people around them. Its golden eyes wandered around to search for answers as it stood there on all its four, looking like a heaven-sent creature."Zadkiel..." Irvin carefully approached Zadkiel, trying not to alarm him. He had seen it by now that Zadkiel was a different kind of wolf because except for the initial attack on Edmond that too happened because he was shot, Zadkiel handled his first
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Choking Secrets
"There's one problem though. Whenever I open my wings, my shirt just tears from my shoulder blades. They didn't show that in Lucifer." Zadkiel pouted, seating himself on his throne. Irvin's lap."We'll figure out something for that. For now, stop opening them." Irvin answered leaning in to place a kiss on Zadkiel's nose."I feel bad for kicking out Abel. I know he won't mind but he came here all the way from his home to just check on me. I shouldn't have kicked him out. I mean I know that it was bad timing when he arrived but the poor thing didn't know that we were about to shag. Should I go and apologize to him. He's still here. I can smell him. I think at least he would know that I- wait a minute. I can smell him." He stopped his nonsense blabbering in the middle and looked at Irvin with a shocked face when he realized he could still smell Abel."You're a werewolf. Of course, you can." Irvin frowned not finding anything odd in it."No, I couldn't smell humans or anyone for the m
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The texts
"I should go. Abel must be waiting for me." He spoke as he stood up on his tippy toes and placed his hands on Irvin's shoulder to balance himself while Irvin's hands travelled down to his waist. He leaned in to kiss his lips while placing one hand on the back of Irvin's neck.He closed his eyes and as soon as their lips were attached, Zadkiel had another vision, he got so lost in it that he pushed Irvin against the door to elongate the kiss."Good to see you come to rescue your pack members, Irvin." A voice spoke softly, though in authority."Who are you? Why did you attack my pack members and how do you know my name?" Irvin asked. It was dark and it was taking so long for the image to become clear. It was a blur."You may not remember me but I clearly remember you, best friend." But when the guy answered Irvin's questions, the whole scenery become clear. It looked like a small cottage that was lit with dim lights coming from the small lanterns placed at a safe distance from o
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Date time
The meeting with Abel didn't go as he thought it would go at first because when he messaged Abel, he was mad at Irvin and he was ready to do some bitching about Irvin to feel relaxed but when he actually left to see him, he wasn't anymore. Though there were still some things on his mind that he did like to talk to Abel about but still he wasn't raging mad at his mate. They both just talked about what Irvin told him before going there and what he learnt when he had the vision.He was also feeling guilty for using Irvin like that for his own advantage. He knew he shouldn't have used him like that but he had completely lost in his vision.Putting everything else aside, the vision or whatever it's called, gave him new information. It confirmed that Irvin didn't know about him from the first meeting and his guess was that maybe Edmond also didn't know because only that could be the reason why Edmond was so desperate to unite his son and his mate and after Irvin came back from the Appalac
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The hidden story
Once they reached the point, Irvin got out and ran towards the other side of the car at super speed so he could open the door for Zadkiel."You're being gentle." Zadkiel grabbed the extended hand and stepped out of the car."I'm always gentle, mister." Irvin gave him a pointed look, a smile visible on his face."When you're not being a meanie." He smirked and kissed Irvin's cheek before letting go of Irvin's hand and jumped up to sit on the bonnet of the car, facing the sun."I'm never a meanie to you. You haven't seen my mean side, love." Irvin followed him on the bonnet of the car but as soon as his clothed ass made contact with the bonnet, he jumped up."How are you sitting on that? It's so hot." Irvin frowned, staring at his mate in shock. He was shocked to see Zadkiel sitting on the bonnet so comfortably when it was burning like hellfire."Why? What's wrong with it?" Zadkiel asked and after seeing the genuine confusion on Zadkiel's face, he understood that Zadkiel was immun
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