All Chapters of The creature inside me: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
First flight
“Irvin…” Zadkiel called him, seeing him heaving.“Hmm?” He didn’t have enough strength to even answer properly.“Would you agree to one thing, if I ask?” He asked grabbing his hand and keeping it sandwiched between his own.“What is it?” Irvin stared at him with tired eyes. They all were resting against a tree.“I can… I can make you…” He took a pause thinking about how he should say it but then he had no time to think. With every passing second, his mate was dying and he couldn’t see that. He had to do something so he took a deep breath and said it out because he was running out of time and patience.“I can make you immortal.” He stared at Irvin’s face after saying that and tried to comprehend the expressions on Irvin’s face.There was a silence for a moment. He was dreading the answer and maybe he knew the answer as well but he had hope that maybe Irvin would try to understand the emotions he was going through at that moment.And it happened. The answer Zadkiel was dreading b
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Did we win or I lost?
"She's still in there. Sitting still and chanting something I don't understand but she does." Julian informed him, pointing to Tia."She is struggling because this time, she is taking down two packs. Let's not forget that one of the packs had a Luna who was an angel and one has a Luna who is a hybrid. It's becoming difficult for her. And the fact that you keep healing people. It's taking longer and if this keeps happening, she'll lose all her energy and we can take her down." She spoke, looking at Zadkiel who sighed."But we can't let her keep casting the spell. Our packs are dying. We need to stop her." He said and just then the two wolves arrived. He could see that they were startled to see him there before them but he just winked at Irvin's wolf. He kneeled to give them their clothes but then understood that most of their stare was because he still had his wings open and he knew every time he opened his wings, it was enough to send people in an admiring trance.He packed them an
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Lost the last connection
“You must be mistaken. She can’t die.” He chuckled but it was sad and kind of a shocking chuckle as he looked at Irvin to back him up but Irvin just stared at the ground beneath his feet, trying not to speak anything as he didn’t know what to say.“I just received Abel’s call. He informed me about it.” Aiden spoke.“Yeah, right! Abel would’ve called me instead of you. That’s how I know you’re lying.” He chuckled, resting his back against his mate’s chest. He was in denial and he didn’t look like he was going to be convinced any time soon.“Alright. Let’s head home.” Irvin pressed a hand on his lower back. He knew Zadkiel had to see for himself to actually accept the fact that his mother was no longer in this world.“Yeah sure.” He spoke in a whisper but before moving forward he turned to Aiden. “Never even think of joking about something like that to me.” He spoke furiously, glaring and pointing a finger at him.Aiden kept his mouth shut because he knew that Zadkiel was fighting
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It took him a few minutes to figure out that he was lost but he still didn't give up. He continued to search. His mother said it was up there but all he could see was clouds. His eyes filled with tears when he couldn't find anything instead of clouds. His mother wasn't here to guide him anymore and he had no idea where to find this bloody heaven.He stopped searching and kept flapping his wings while looking around the skies. He needed guidance. He was just 20 years old which was too young for an angel to understand things. What's more shocking is that he was just 5 years old in heaven so, nobody should expect him to be successful on his first flight and not get lost.Few seconds of flapping and then he felt a gush of wind against his face. He closed his eyes momentary but when he opened them, a woman in a white silk gown that looked too beautiful to be ordinary, looked divine and young and freshening, was right before her eyes, flapping her wings.Angel."You seem lost." She spok
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A failure
He stood there for a few minutes taking in the view around him. He still couldn't believe he was standing in heaven. He felt like he was having a dream but never in his life did he have such a beautiful dream and he could swear that he could never have a dream this beautiful ever.When he was sure he had spent enough time just sightseeing, he started to walk. He knew he could never get used to seeing this place so why waste time to get used to it.He just started walking and doing what Rosangela told him to do. Think and believe.And it didn't take more than a few minutes for him to spot his father. He had only seen him once and that too was in a picture so he took his time to confirm it really was him. When he was sure that the person resting in the garden of a palace was the same as the person he had seen in the picture back home, he slowly approached him. He was so happy to see him and it overwhelmed him. Seeing him alive, well not alive but still alive and just being right befo
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The body changes
Zadkiel had returned two weeks ago from heaven and he was slowly recovering from the shock that he wouldn’t get to see his mother ever again because she was being tortured in hell.If it wasn’t for Irvin who kept peppering him with kisses and hugs now and then, he would’ve gone to a pit hole of guilt that he couldn’t do one thing for his mother.He was so shattered that even when they were burying Evangeline’s body he couldn’t help but cry more because burying the body of the dead symbolizes putting the dead to peaceful eternal sleep but he knew that where his mother was, it wasn’t a peaceful place at all.“You’re thinking about it again?” He heard Irvin’s voice that pulled him out of his thoughts to the reality.“What?” He tore his gaze away from the sky and looked at his mate.Irvin sat beside him on the sand and pulled him closer to him while resting his hand on his lower back. He had taken Zadkiel out on the beach to cheer him up because he knew his mate needed to clear out h
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The chat and solution
After coming down from the high, they cuddled in the bed under the sheet, slightly panting but sticking to each other.Zadkiel's head was resting on Irvin's chest, hearing his heartbeat thudding and slowly returning to its normal pace while Irvin's hands were roaming on Zadkiel's back, occasionally caressing his feathery wings that were packed."Hey... Can I ask you a question?" Zadkiel whispered, making circles on Irvin's bare chest."You just did." Irvin chuckled, making him whimper."Go on.""When did you find out about me? I mean, I know that if you had known from the start that I'm the son of the person your father killed, your father wouldn't have called the orphanage to adopt me." He said, now perching up on his elbow to look at his mate's face."Remember I told you about the trip to the Appalachians? That's when I found out that my dad killed your pack. I didn't believe Ayaan's words but when I asked my dad after I returned, he said it was true and if you're the same guy
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One more try
A few days later when he knew exactly what he would do, he decided to go back. This time he wanted to succeed. He didn’t know if his power of illusion would work or not.He was just planning on recreating a moment he had with his mother with his dad, just to make him understand that whatever his mother did was indeed wrong but being a person who lost someone for eternity, she sure had big grief to deal with.He landed in heaven without any help this time. He didn’t know it was so simple because he almost cried last time. Well, who is he kidding? He did cry when he couldn’t find it.He went straight to his Dad who was shocked to see him but nonetheless sat with him on the grass in his garden like before.“How are you, son?” He asked, looking at him with a warm smile.“I’m fine, dad. Just putting on some weight.” He said. That was the only thing he was saying to everyone these days.“You still look good.” Uriel chuckled but his compliment was genuine.“I know. Irvin keeps telling
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"So?" He carefully asked his father, running out of patience."I didn't remember everything as you said." His father spoke, lifting his eyes and locking them with him. His shoulders slumped after listening to it. But then, his father spoke again, "But I had a familiar feeling when she mentioned that I used to call her an angel to spite her off and the place where you were sitting with her... It seemed so known and I kinda know the name you were taking... Ayaan? Wasn't it? I know that name and the blue moon night... I just feel so happy when I think about it." His father finished and a bright smile appeared on his face."See, I told you! You're only remembering the good parts of your life. Goddammit, dad! We did it!" He was so happy that he jumped up and instead of just keep jumping up and down he flew over the garden in excitement, yelling "woohoooo!" several times and rolling over and doing some flips in the air and caught the eyes of different angels but they smiled it off saying
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The ultimate question
When Zadkiel returned, he told the good news about his mother to Irvin and thanked him for giving him an idea and making this all very easy for him. He told him all about what happened up there but Irvin only said one thing. That he wouldn’t let him go there ever again because he missed him too much.Zadkiel assured him that he’d try not to go there but he didn’t promise because he wasn’t sure when he would have to go there. There could be some important business so he was never sure but he did try his best to assure his mate that he wouldn’t be long again.There was one thing that was bothering him all the time. The uncertainty of Irvin’s life. He was a mortal and he could be dead any second. There was no surety that he would live his life till he is old and grey and even if he lived that long, that wouldn’t be enough for someone immortal.He hadn’t talked to Irvin about this and he wanted to offer him immortality but he had a hunch what would be his reaction and he didn’t know if
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