All Chapters of The wolf in the woods: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
122 Chapters
Chapter 101: Rekindle
Nicole and Josephine spent their whole afternoon discussion about random aspects of their life until just about twenty minutes ago when Peter arrived to the apartment, Josephine had actually invited him over without Nicole knowing about it. It was a bit uncomfortable for Nicole to meet him without any sort of heads up, but it was cool by her and with him around that was bye bye to their girl talk.“I honestly imagined that you were actually part of the sports teams, you know with your body build and stuff like that.” Nicole uttered, knowing how weird the question was.“about that, I just work out to look all good but sports has never really been my thing.” Peter explained to her, “well I plan on being part of the schools football team… I find it quite interesting.” He added staring at Nicole while he talked.“wow! That is something I look forward to see though, I am sure you would be a great player since you have got the height.” Josephine said to him, encouraging his idea. “I think I
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Chapter 102: Flirting
Just a few blocks away from Josephine’s and Nicole's shares apartment is a coffee shop, not the only one in town though but it is one to visit. There is always a rush for their natural taste every now and then, especially Nicole is never one to miss that morning taste which never gets old.Just after the break of dawn, Nicole jogs around the neighborhood wearing her slim fit leggings and her long sleeve sweat shirt while jamming up really loud music on her head phones. More or less in a good one hour she would have successfully covered the distance, Nicole jogs the gym like once or twice in a week. She crowns her early morning jogs by stopping by at the coffee shop, she is always one of the first so she does not encounter the unending queue that forms by the time the day officially behind for workers.Josephine was not that much of a coffee enthusiast as Nicole was but Nicole always graced her with a hot cup every morning when she returned from her work out, whet
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Chapter 103: A good thing
    The twenty minute encounter with Peter Reagan started on the wrong foot but it seemed to be going well, especially because he could not recall who she was and Nicole had no idea why but it was kind of a good thing in her thoughts.“I am Nicole.” she uttered to him, “maybe it would be polite to introduce yourself too,” Nicole said to him, trying to persuade him to talk.“hmm… Peter, anyway I think you should get going.” He advised her, he sounded like something bad could happen at any moment and Nicole would not want to stay to find out. She literally ran as quickly as possible out of the alley, Nicole had tried her best to be cool and she definitely did a good job acting but deep down she was so scared.The past few months of her research was all a lie and she was just finding out that the man she had been trying to go after for the past few months was actually a werewolf, that really got her much more con
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Chapter 104: Just Words!!!
Nicole was not going to tell Josephine about her ordeal with Peter, even if she knew a few things about these people. She just felt like Josephine was much more safer staying in the dark about any other secrets, she could barely protect herself today in the presence of Peter talk more of her friend.“I have never seen you this way before, what happened and do not dare tell me that you are fine because I know that there is obviously something wrong.” Josephine pointed out to Nicole as she saw her approach their apartment, “and why were you not picking up my calls through out the whole morning, in fact that was one of the things that made me rush off so late. Do you know how long I waited for that coffee?” she asked Nicole, reading her for a bit.“oh! That is true, I totally forgot that whole coffee stuff today. I did not even drink today, today was quite short yet so eventful.” Nicole explained to Josephine, her eyes gave off unnecess
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Chapter 105: Meeting the beast
The next idea was to get across to Jeremy and explain all that had transpired with Peter Reagan that morning, it had been a while that Nicole had any thought about Mr. Reagan because she felt that trying to find him was just a wasted venture but all of a sudden things had changed. It was as if he wanted to be found by Nicole, why else was he walking in the broad daylight without any security and moreover what was he doing in such a shady neighborhood, Nicole kept on thinking to herself throughout that day.Jeremy was not available when she dialed his number the first time, his phone number rang but there was no answer. Perhaps he was attending to an important business because he never left her hanging whenever she called him, Nicole dialed a couple of times before deciding to wait him out and hope for his message of some sort but soon minutes became hours and then days. It was so unusual for Jeremy to behave like that, he would never see her call and not return it and Nicole
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Chapter 106: Persuasive
The bartender had already served her with about four shots and the money was enticing yet his heart felt guilty and pity for her, he wanted to stop but each time she was quite persuasive with the cash. The man then came beside her by then she was slowly sipping down on the fifth shot, he sat down by her sideand asked the young lady what the issue was.“I am actually fine, I just want to rest and have the day to myself.” Nicole said to the man, she was already beginning to feel tipsy and that was quite weird for the bartender because with the number of shots she had taken, she should be unable to stand on her own or see properly.“Look lady, I have been doing this job for a good number of years and trust me no one comes here alone and gets stoned all in the bud to just clear their heads. It is so obvious that there us something up with you and I think you should talk to someone about it, honestly sometimes these discussions lighten you up.” He sa
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Chapter 107: counterclockwise
Just then Nicole decided that she was going to gather her own group of werewolves just like the packs that were talked about in the historical books she read, according to the stories she read only a strong werewolf could actually pull the stunt of gathering a pack of wolves of which they were the alpha. Nicole was not one to get discouraged by that, because for her she imagined that the greatest kind of strength anyone needed was the knowledge about something.Nicole knew what she had to do was to entice people into her pack on a common goal, something that was not necessarily important but at least had the ability to bring together werewolves of all ages and statuses. That was definitely going to be a whole days thought if she wanted to really get such a good result, plus she would need the help of a werewolf she knew and the only person that she knew was a werewolf and would be willing to help was Henry.He was not around at the moment and Nicole was beginning to co
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Chapter 108: Waiting at Dinner
His men hurried to his aid, picking the man groaning in pain from the ground. Just then Patrick came back into the bar, he noticed the unusual commotion as they gathered by the door. He initially thought that it was a fight, so he first rushed towards Nicole to whisk her out of the premises.“you need to get out of here, it is no more safe for you to be around because this could get bloody really fast.” He explained to her as reached our to her to help her up from the stool she sat just behind the counter. “did you see what happened?” he questioned Nicole.“oh! That guy? he was trying to smart around me though and he got what he deserved. Anyway, did you get the taxi?” she inquired from him, Nicole did not really want to explain in depth about what happened because it would have made her look weird.“yes I did, let us get going.” He said to Nicole, he sounded like he was in a hurry to get her out of there. Patrick
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Chapter 109: Make it up to her
Nicole wanted to return Josephine’s favor the previous night, so she woke up early and did not go for her routine workout just to make her bestie, just to make an amazing meal for breakfast. She came with a bottle of red wine as she set up the meal just by the side of Josephine bed, just then she clanked the fork on the glass wine cup she held to wake her up from bed.Josephine rolled on the bed, as she twisted and turned just before she slowly opened her eyes. Nicole did not open the curtains to the room, that early morning sun was as irritating as ever and Nicole knew that. Just then Josephine looked over to the where Nicole stood and smiled at her, “when did you come back?” she asked Nicole, “Because I literally stayed up all night just to wait for you to return back home.” Josephine told her.“Yea, I arrived with you on the table fast asleep and I had to carry you like a baby to your bed.” Nicole teased her, wearing a misch
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Chapter 110: Ambiguous
“so about the stuff you wanted to tell me, what is this all about?” Josephine asked Nicole as she sipped the wine slowly from her cup, “you seemed quite happy wanting to talk about it and I just imagined it was an interesting topic and now I am kind of impatient to hear it.” Josephine explained to Nicole, she was still sipping the red wine. Both of them had almost finished the content of the bottle.“yea… about that, of course I would but first I want you to open your mind to all possibilities so that you would not freak out if I told you about it because I know for a fact that you are bound to freak out.” Nicole pointed out to her. “maybe if you get a little bit drunk you might not think about it too much when I tell you about it, plus you are not meant to say anything of what I tell you to anyone at all. When I mean anyone, not even your family members,” Nicole sated categorically to Josephine.“damn, how d
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