All Chapters of The wolf in the woods: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
122 Chapters
Chapter 111: Reflexes
It had been like ten minutes since Josephine passed out, her mind could not comprehend the fact that she had been friends to a werewolf. For Josephine something like that was not meant to exist, it was just wrong and her mind shut down trying to understand it. She had slumped all of a sudden bit with Nicole’s Sharp reflexes she was able get hold of Josephine before she hit the ground.“oh no, what the hell have I done?” she muttered to herself, as she kept Josephine back on her bed. She desperately tried torevive Josephine with light taps on her face and by sprinkling some water upon her face, as she called out to Josephine.Finally she was, able to get Josephine back into reality. “what happened? Did I black out or something?” Josephine questioned Nicole, who just sat beside her holding her hands when she woke up. “it all went so dark in just a moment,” she said as she tried to sit up on her bed.“you do not have
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Chapter 112: The venue
“I would be back in no time… were the exact words you uttered but here you are just returning in about half an hour, anyway I noticed that it was just a number that was in the letter.” Josephine uttered.“I needed to get a new device because I really needed it for the call, I want to be sure that I am not being monitored because I have no idea if this is really Jeremy that sent this letter.” She explained to Josephine nonchalantly as she set up the virtual number.“what do you need a virtual number for? I have heard about that a couple of times though but does that really work?” she questioned Nicole as she watched her set up the process. “anyway what else do you need, I would be more than glad to help you get it done.” Josephine offered to Nicole.“I am actually fine here, it is just an online thing and there is nothing much needed to be done apart from the online payments to gain access to such servi
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Chapter 113: Engrossed
Nicole chose to meet up with the stranger at a park as soon as the next day, but she was only going to convey the location and time of the meeting just about an hour before the meeting. Josephine had given her the idea, that way they would be able to prevent the while possibility of a set up in case it was not going to Jeremy that she was actually talking to.The person accepted the proposal, but they were not still quite certain who the person really was because they were still using the robotic voice to mask their identity. Well there was not much that Nicole and Josephine could prepare since they barely had any resources, all they did was to find the most busy possible place to use as the venue for the meeting. The only place that kept popping up on their minds was the Polo club park that was actually quite a distance from their apartment, about an hours drive to the place.“so what do you think would be something to do as part of the preparation, maybe like a
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Chapter 114: The ordeal
Nicole and Josephine were at the Polo club park, by noon. Once they arrive the informed the stranger behind the phone call and they gave him the location of their meeting and the timing was in the next thirty minutes, it was quite sudden but that was the only way that they could ensure the best possible way of staying safe. Surprisingly he accepted the invitation, once the individual arrived at the Polo club park, Nicole and Josephine were notified of his presence.The two girls hid their presence the entire time until they were sure that it was Jeremy that had honored the meeting, that was when Nicole approached him on the table were she had told him that the meeting would hold. Nicole could not hide her joy when she saw Jeremy, she literally ran up to him and gave him the warmest hug ever.“I thought I would never set my eyes on you again, but I guess that I was wrong.” Nicole said to him, expressing her happiness. “the only thing that made me deny
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Chapter 115: The unending storm
Nicole and here my were still talking when the weather began to change and the thunders rumbled, it was quick and in just minutes the cumulonimbus clouds surface and began to block out the afternoon sun little by little until everywhere grew dark. It was obvious even to a blind man that the storm was bound to be intense, in Denver it was normal for there to be a massive set of storms just before the winter.Each sitting platform had a large umbrella-like roof, that was able to cover who ever was with in it. Apart from the fact that they were stuck in the park, both if them were fine where they were, although the storm was getting increasingly aggressive. Josephine was also there with her friend, but she kept her distance not wanting to get noticed by Jeremy.“oh boy… this storm does not feel like something that is about to end anytime soon, I guess we would just have to sit this one out and let nature do its thing.” Jeremy uttered to Nicole, trying t
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Chapter 116: Such a risk
“you were really incredible today, you seemed like a superhero. You reminded me of how selfless your dad was, you are truly just like him aren’t you?” he commended her amazing efforts, the storm has died down well enough for them to began going back home.“thank you so much, I just could not let anything happen to those two back there and I felt I was the only one who could take such a risk.” She uttered to Jeremy, “I would not lie, I felt so good when I was being praised as a hero. The feeling was just out if this world and I would really love to experience more of that, you know, getting recognized as a hero buy an even more larger crowd bit I guess not all dreams could be actualized.” Nicole uttered to Jeremy, she was emotional at that point in time.“yea that would be nice for you, but I think we better get going fast because it seems like the weather is not just done yet,” Jeremy warned, it was still drizzling
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Chapter 117: confused
She was so nervous as she prepared for the day, it was the best day if her life but her heart was in her mouth. She was visiblyuneasy, yet happy but Josephine was there to save her from a heart attack because she had been panicking through out that day, all because of a ceremony. Josephine got Nicole dressed and made her up, as they laughed over a couple of experiences in the past between each other.They eventually got carried away with their conversation as they went down memory lanes, just then they realized that they were almost running late.They began to hurry up and get the finishing touches of Nicole’s appearance done, they hurried downstairs were her limo was supposed to wait for her but the chauffeur had not yet arrived there.“You said he was already at the apartment, but where is he?” Nicole asked Josephine, she was quite confused and impatient because she did not want Henry to feel like he had been stood up.“I have no idea, l
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Chapter 118: deep dreams
Nicole jerked up from her sleep, and rolled a little bit then fell of the couch.“oww!”Nicole exclaimed, she had past the night in the living room. “what the fuck was that? Why am I on the floor?” Nicole mumbled to herself as she picked herself off the ground. She was a bit shocked as she tried to recollect herself, then Josephine stepped into the sitting room.“oh, there you are Nicole. I thought that you had already steeped out, since you said yesterday that you would be going to campus today.” Josephine said to her, “moreover, it is kind of weird that you slept on the ground when you have got the softest bed in the world.” Josephine said to Nicole, teasing her a bit as she approached her.“I would never sleep on the ground, I think I fell off the couch and that was exactly why I woke up.” Nicole pointed out to Josephine, “I had the weirdest dream ever, and it seemed to real and so sweet at firs
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Chapter 119: Not a stalker but a lover
“I am no stalker, I just did what I thought was right and even if it was silly, I just wanted to feel compassion and love.” Cassidy told him. “I know that in a few days or weeks, you would get over this and we would be back to our normal talking.” She put it to him.“oh really, is that what you think? You know I was actually beginning to consider your words but this has probably showed me more of how you think and believe me it is not a good picture that has been painted in my head about you.” Henry uttered, he picked up his stuff and went over to another chair.Cassidy did not bother following him, although she was going to keep on trying her luck until she would eventually calm him down. She was going to keep on using his good will to her advantage, since he knew that within Henry was a great guy that found it easy to forgive. Well unknown to her, she was past forgiving with regards to her behavior earlier, Henry could not take the
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Chapter 120: Issues on Ground
Once Henry was done with his assessment the next week, he set his distance from Cassidy again. It always baffled him why she was hell bent on getting him into her bed, there were so many other guys on campus that would not even resist one but yet she rather put up with his attitude. Any time he brought it up, she kept saying that she was in love with him but deep down Henry could see through her and could easily tell that she was just lying.Henry was not going to keep someone with such negative energy around him, he needed to be focused through out the duration of his time in college and women issues was something that would easily impede on his success. He had already made up with Nicole, but he was not quite confident in his test performance earlier since he had a bad preparation phase leading up to the assessment. Well that was his first and he made a promise to himself that he would be ready next time, Henry had to find a way to balance his romance and his studies.He knew that i
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