All Chapters of Chosen by fate; second chance mates: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
95 Chapters
A GLIMMER OF HOPEAlpha William sat in his office at the midnight pack, his brow furrowed with worry and his mind consumed by thoughts of his kidnapped sister. The passing days had been torturous, nearly two weeks since her disappearance, and still no trace. His heart ached with concern, every passing second like a painful reminder of her absence.As he was lost in his thoughts, a knock echoed through the room, pulling him from his reverie. It was one of his patrol guards, standing at attention. "Alpha William, I'm sorry to disturb you," the guard began, "but your presence is needed in the prison yard."William's gaze flickered up to the guard, his expression showing his irritation. He knew his responsibilities as the pack's alpha were vast, but at this moment, his sister's well-being was all that seemed to matter. "Can't it wait?" he replied with a touch of frustration. "I'm dealing with something important right now."The patrol guard hesitated for a moment, sensing the alpha's dist
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MOUNTAIN TOPGasping for air, Alpha William pushed himself up from the floor, his eyes locking onto the remaining hunter's anger evident in his eyes. "Your trespass into our territory was no accident," he thundered, his voice reverberating with a potent blend of fury and commanding authority. "You have a choice now: cooperate and provide us with the information we demand, or suffer the same fate as your fallen leader."The hunters exchanged uneasy glances, their bravado visibly shaken in the face of Alpha William's fierce resolve. The tension in the air was wild as they weighed their options, their minds racing to find a way out of the dire situation they had gotten themselves into."You see," Beta Marcus interjected, his tone dripping with a stern intensity, "we have ways of making you talk. And you should know, time is running out for you. It's in your best interest to cooperate."One of the hunters, a burly man with a defiant glint in his eye, stepped forward. "You think we're scar
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Guided by the hushed whisper of the wind and the soft crunch of leaves beneath their feet, the group advanced through the mountain, each step deliberate and vigilant. The night seemed to hold secrets, its embrace both eerie and enchanting, as if nature itself was privy to their quest.Amidst the shadows and the symphony of night sounds, Alpha William's senses heightened. His wolf sight, a gift inherited from his ancestors, enabled him to pierce through the darkness, revealing the intricate patterns of the forest. As his gaze swept over the ground, it caught upon a glint of something unusual – a talisman, lying alone and forgotten.The sight of the talisman sent shock waves through Alpha William's veins as he recognized the talisman as his fathers. He could almost hear his sister's laughter, her smile as she received it from their father. Its intricate design, a memento of protection and affection, had always held a special place in Lucy's heart. And now, there it lay, discarded and ab
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PAID A PRICEAlpha William's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the howl belonged to none other than his sister. The knowledge settled in him like a stone, a heavy weight that stirred both worry and urgency within him. Without a second thought, he turned to his team, their eyes already meeting with a shared understanding. No words were exchanged, their purpose was communicated through their resolute expressions alone.Alpha William and his team set off, their urgent mission driving them forward with each pounding step. The source of the howl drew closer by the moment.The forest around them blurred as they ran, shadows and moonlight dancing at the edges of their vision. The wind carried the scent of earth and leaves, the symphony of night sounds enveloping them in an almost ethereal embrace. But amidst this sensory whirlwind, one thing remained clear: the howl that had pierced the night was a call they could not ignore.As they closed in on the source of the sound, Alpha Willia
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"We have to leave immediately," he said, his voice laced with urgency, reflecting his concern. The gravity of the situation made him want to leave as soon as possible.Alpha William signaled his team to gather explosive materials and set them ablaze around the cottage. Flames consumed the wooden structure, as if the fire itself sought to cleanse the place of the horrors that had unfolded inside.Lucy stood beside her brother, watching as flames consumed the building that had been her prison. Her heart pounded with intensity as her fingers clenched and unclenched at her sides. Her emotions were a tumultuous swirl of relief, anger, and a newfound sense of freedom.The fire's tendrils danced wildly, casting eerie shadows. The scent of burning wood mixed with the cold night air, creating a surreal ambiance. Each snap and pop of the flames sounded like a symphony of rebirth. The fire reflected the turmoil inside Lucy and served as a cathartic release. It broke down her barriers of fear and
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Cassandra stood flushed and frustrated in the hallway, still replaying her heated exchange with William and Marcus. "Who do they think they are, denying me entry? I don't even care about Lucy that much. It's all just an act."She stormed back to her room, her thoughts consumed by anger and resentment. Once there, she flung herself onto the bed and clutched the sheets while replaying the encounter in her mind.But amidst her anger, a mischievous idea began to form.A sly smile curved Cassandra's lips as she got up from her bed. She recalled how she had overheard some of the younger pack members whisper about her growing influence, about how they admired her boldness. It was time to assert herself, to remind everyone that she wasn't to be dismissed.Cassandra stood before the mirror, her reflection meeting her determined gaze. "I will show everyone that I am not easily swayed or taken advantage of." she muttered, balling her fists. Cassandra quietly left her room, making her way down th
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Lucy's fever finally subsided after several days, during which she endured intense bouts of illness. Throughout this challenging time, Alpha William remained steadfast by her side, providing unwavering care and support. He watched over her with profound dedication, his heart heavy with worry for his sister's well-being.As Lucy battled the fever's grip on her body, Alpha William's thoughts were a constant swirl of emotions. He recalled the times they had shared as children, the laughter and companionship that had always bound them together. Now, seeing her weakened and suffering, he felt a deep ache within his her, a reminder of how close he came to losing her.Each time Lucy suffered from an attack, Alpha William's resolve to never leave her side grew stronger. He couldn't bear to see her in pain, and he vowed to do everything in his power to help her recover. His days and nights were spent tending to her needs, administering medicine, and offering soothing words to ease her discomfo
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“What the hell” Alpha William shouted and drew back. He had bumped into something that was curled up at the door, he thought it was a pet or an animal seeking shelter in the warmth of the kitchen but when the object whelped and stood up, he knew it was a pack member. He wondered why anyone would think it was a great idea to sleep on the floor, especially in the kitchen. Shaking his head in disgust, he focused his wolf senses so he could see who it was and was surprised when he saw it was a female. What baffled him most was that he had not perceived her scent which was always poignant to him, standing before him she smelt only of exhaustion, anger, and pain."What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice hoarse and harsh more than he had intended it to be. Alpha William was aware that his exhaustion from caring for his sister was taking its toll on him. He expected Jane to explain her presence, but instead, she remained silent, her gaze fixed on the floor as if it held all the answers.
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"Cassandra!" Alpha William's voice thundered through the pack house as he stormed up the flight of stairs, his steps echoing on the stone floor. The force of his roar reverberated across the entire building, instantly capturing the attention of everyone within its walls. Doors swung open, and curious faces peered out, drawn by the anger and intensity in their alpha's voice.Alpha William's fury was well known in the pack and no one dared to go close to avoid being the bearer of his visible wrath. He moved with purpose, taking giant steps as he moved, his eyes ablaze with rage.. The pack members who had gathered in the hallways exchanged concerned glances, whispers of speculation spreading like wildfire.Alpha William walked down the hallway towards Cassandra's room. He was struggling to control his feelings. When he shouted earlier, it showed how angry he was. He didn't want to hide his anger anymore. He had never intended to make her his Luna but pressure from the elders made him cho
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Alpha William's footsteps echoed through the ornate corridors of the pack's council chamber. He had called for the gathering within the chamber with his trusted Beta, Marcus, and the council of elders. As they settled into their seats around the grand table, Alpha William stood at the head, his gaze steady as he prepared to explain the reason why he called for an urgent meeting."Thank you all for being here," he began, his voice eloquent. "I have something of great significance to discuss."Beta Marcus leaned forward, his expression attentive. "Go ahead, Alpha William. We're all ears.""Alpha William, are you certain about this?" Elder Sofia inquired, her brow furrowed with a mix of concern and disbelief.Alpha William's gaze didn't waver. "Yes, Elder Sofia. Lucy's account holds credibility, and I have no reason to doubt her sincerity."Beta Marcus leaned forward, his expression a mix of curiosity and seriousness. "What could be Dimitri's motive for such an act?"Alpha William's jaw
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