All Chapters of Chosen by fate; second chance mates: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
95 Chapters
In the heart of the Shadow Pack's territory, Alpha William, Alpha Amanda, and Alpha Drake were gathered for an important meeting with their council of elders. The grand hall was adorned with tapestries and symbols representing the unity of their packs.The three alphas stood side by side, their presence commanding attention. Alpha William, with his rugged strength, embodied the essence of the Midnight pack. Alpha Amanda, fierce and determined, represented the unity within her own pack the Blue Moon Pack. And Alpha Drake, with his aura of authority, symbolized the Shadow Pack's resilience.The council of elders, representing three packs with generations of wisdom, sat in a semi-circle with solemn expressions. They were not just making an agreement, but forging alliances that could shape their packs' destiny. Alpha William spoke, his voice steady yet filled with emotion. "Today, we gather as stewards of our packs' future, We stand on the precipice of change, a change that can only be b
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Alpha Drake and Amanda enjoyed a leisurely lunch after successfully signing the treaty. The animosity between them had long since gone, replaced by camaraderie as they shared stories and talked. Both felt it was easier to live in peace than harbor unfounded distrust. They were quick to understand that they were not each other's enemy.Their talk flowed easily, covering topics from pack affairs to stories about themselves. They chatted about the difficulties they had faced and found places where their experiences matched during the discussions. As they spoke, it was clear that their packs had more similarities than differences, and this made their connection even stronger. "You know," Amanda said with a smile, "It's quite surprising how much we have in common."Drake nodded in agreement, his eyes thoughtful. "Absolutely. It's like we've been through similar journeys, just in different settings."Amanda chuckled. "Yes, I guess everyone has more in common than they sometimes think."As t
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Drake guided Amanda to the bed, as he gently caressed her. His lips ran a trail of fire, tasting her skin with a hunger that mirrored his desire. As he found her nipples, he treated them with sincere devotion, drawing them into his mouth with a longing akin to a thirst that only she could quench.With his lips and tongue, he gave Amanda pleasure and savored her reactions to his touch. The sounds of her soft gasps and the arch of her body in response to his touch were like a symphony to his mounting desire.As the flames of passion burned between them, Drake's fingers traced the delicate contours of Amanda's body, his touch igniting sparks along every inch of her skin. When his fingers finally delved into the warmth between her thighs, a moan escaped Amanda's lips, as sensations coursed through her.Amanda's breath quickened, as his fingers rubbed around her G-spot. He pushed his finger into his vagina and she gave a low cry but Drake took it as part of her being pleasured. His bulge t
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CRISESAlpha Marcus sensed a disquiet within the heart of the Emerald pack territory. A palpable veil of darkness seemed to have draped itself over the pack, its presence heavy in the air, like an unspoken threat waiting to unfurl.He had heard of the miscarriages, the pain of loss that now coursed through many households within the pack. The somber air held echoes of grief, and Alpha Marcus couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that enveloped him. It was his duty to protect his pack, to ensure their well-being, and seeing them in such turmoil stirred a fierce grit within him.As he strode through the territory as he usually did to get first-hand information on what was going on in the pack, Marcus found pack members huddled in small groups, their expressions a mixture of sadness and worry. Approaching one such group, he overheard a conversation that further reinforced the urgency of the situation."...just don't understand why this is happening," a female pack member was saying, he
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DIMITRI’S SECRETMarcus felt a sense of urgency, a need to confront Dimitri and demand answers. But he also knew that this confrontation would not be simple. The revelations he sought might plunge him into a world of malevolent forces and treacherous paths. Yet, he couldn't shy away from the truth, no matter how unsettling it might be.Marcus paused at the edge of the clearing, his gaze fixed on the moonstone that rested in the center. Its ethereal glow seemed to cast a spell, captivating him and drawing him closer. He couldn't help but think of the seer's words, her warning of a sinister presence that had infiltrated their territory“Was Dimitri, the evil presence?” he wonderedAs he stood there, the breeze ruffling his hair, Marcus wrestled with his own sense of vulnerability. The truth he sought might lead him down a path of discomfort and darkness. It might reveal betrayals and unveil secrets that would hurt him and others around. Yet, he knew he couldn't avoid confronting the rea
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The first light of dawn broke over the Emerald Pack territory, and as the members of the pack emerged from their home to start off the day, they quickly realized that their home had been infiltrated by a menacing presence – rogues.The pack was overcome with fear, causing them to feel an urgent need for safety. They quickly retreated to their homes, their heartbeats racing as they tried to escape the danger. Doors slammed shut, the sounds of locks being fastened punctuating the air. Tensions were high, and the once-familiar territory had transformed into an unsettling battleground. Whispers of uncertainty filled the air, and worried glances were exchanged between pack members as they grappled with the shock of this unexpected threat.The pack had thrived for generations under the protective leadership of Alpha Marcus, finding strength and unity within the bounds of their close-knit community. Now, faced with this intrusion, their sense of security had been shattered, leaving them wit
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The atmosphere was tense as Alpha Drake waited for Alpha Marcus to arrive. The plans had been carefully organized and the communication had been quick and positive. However, as time passed without any word from Marcus, Drake began to feel uneasy. The absence of response to his calls and messages only added to his worries.Alpha Drake and Amanda were in his bedroom together. Alpha Drake had begged Amanda to return to the room and forgive him for all the times he had wronged her. Amanda gladly accepted his apology. They were like two peas in a pod and never wanted to leave each other's side.The dim light reflected on the walls and created a peaceful atmosphere. They sat next to each other, finding solace in their closeness amidst Drake's worries. The room felt like a safe haven, providing a break from the troubles of their pack. Drake's expression was serious, his forehead furrowed with concern. As they sat together, a feeling of togetherness enveloped them like a cozy blanket. They re
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ON THE MISSIONAs the meeting drew to a close, the squad members dispersed, their paths diverging with a shared understanding of the grave mission before them. Each had a fierce determination kindling within them to safeguard their packs from the looming peril. Though anxiety and resolve intertwined within them, they stood united, bracing themselves for the enigmatic journey that lay ahead, even if it promised danger and the shadow of uncertainty.Alpha Drake's steady gaze held their attention. "Remember, we are the guardians of our packs. This mission is not just for us; it's for the safety and future of everyone we hold dear," he stated, his words like an oath etching their souls.A chorus of agreement echoed through the room. Maya, a fierce warrior stepped forward. "Alpha Drake, we pledge our unwavering allegiance. We stand united, and resolute in the face of whatever challenges may arise. Our packs will be protected."The sentiment was shared by others as well. "Our loyalty is to
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PLEASE DON'T DO THIS FATHERFollowing the breaking off of the engagement between Alpha William and Cassandra, Cassandra's emotions were a tempestuous whirlwind. She and her aunt were both angry and shocked at the turn of events and they both accused Jane of having a hand in it. even though Jane denied it they still held on to their belief claiming that Jane wanted Alpha William to herself.Cassandra's room had turned into her place of refuge, she refused to come out and stayed in her room crying, however, whatever she was going through did not stop her from using her makeup or making her hair because she still believed that alpha William might regret hurting her and come back to her so she had to keep up her good looks. "This is because of her! If Jane hadn't interfered, I would have been the Luna of Alpha William already!" She screamed as she walked back and forth, unable to stay still, her anger was clear in the way she paced her room and how she moved her hands in frustration.As
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WHAT THE HEART WANTSThe mating ceremony of Alpha Derek and Jane was in full swing. The arrangement and planning of the event had been orchestrated meticulously, with Cassandra and Evangeline taking the lead. They both seemed elated to see Jane being married off to Alpha Derek, the union was expected to help Cassandra get back to Alpha William.However, Jane's demeanor stood in stark contrast to that of her stepmother and her niece Cassandra. She wore a forced smile, her eyes betraying her lack of enthusiasm. While her family reveled in the joyful occasion, Jane's heart felt heavy, she could not shake off the feeling of doom that lingered in her heartAlpha Derek, only seemed interested in flirting with everyone both male and female, especially Jane. When he leaned in close, attempting to steal a kiss, but Jane turned her head away, rejecting his kiss. Her discomfort was evident, but Alpha Derek's persistence knew no bounds. He gripped her face firmly and kissed her forcefully taking
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