All Chapters of The Moon Kissed Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
58 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One
I woke to the sensation of someone climbing into bed with me, their body warm and wrapping around me from behind, feather light kisses being placed on my neck. I stirred and looked over my shoulder, smiling sleepily as I saw Blaze in the dark. “Welcome home, Little Mouse. I missed you.” He whispered as he tightened his arms around me, pulling my back flush to his chest as he kissed my cheek. “I missed you too Blaze.” I sighed as I relaxed in his hold, his scent enveloping me and making me feel safe and relaxed. “I’m glad you’re still here.”“I’m the baby among my brothers. Therefore I do not have their responsibilities. Works in my favour seeing as I get to stay with you as long as I please.” He gloated before nipping the back of my shoulder. “Sneaky Blaze.” I teased as I turned in his arms so I could face him, kissing him softly, my eyes still closed as I nuzzled into his arms. “Tired?”“Mhm. It’s still night time. Not everyone is a night owl….dragon? Like you and Brodryn. I actu
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Chapter Twenty-Two
“Hello, Alpha Einar? This is Alpha Kara Ravenfield, I’m returning your call now that I’m back home.” I said as I fiddled with my pen while I spoke to him. “Ah yes! Alpha Kara, it's nice to hear from you again. Your Beta informed me that you were staying with your mate. Did you have a good time?” He asked conversationally, the sounds of muffled shouts and laughter coming from the background. “I did have a good time yeah, it was interesting to see his pack and how much it differs from mine.” I admit with a small smile as I swivel my chair side to side. “But I’m happy to be home and back with my pack.”“It’s always the best feeling to come home to your own after a journey.” Einar admits with a soft chuckle. “That is the truth. So what do I owe the call in the first place?” I ask, the curiosity eating at me. “Well I had a thought after our first chat and I went back through all of our old records. I found correspondence between your first Alpha and his family here. It goes on through
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Chapter Twenty-Three
I was unable to convince Echo and Ezra to day drink with me, they were being responsible and taking part in training. Ezra also threatened me not to include his mate Lindy in my plans. So that’s exactly what I did. Figured it would also be a good idea to get to know her better. So as soon as I finished returning all my phone calls and being a responsible Alpha, I invited Lindy and Ellis both to join me for lunch in my office. I hadn’t spent enough time with Lindy and Ellis seemed like she’d be someone I could get along with so it was a perfect idea. “Ok so I have to ask; what’s it like to have that many mates? Do you ever get overwhelmed and like you can’t spend enough time with them?” Ellis asked as she dipped some of her fries in cheese dip before eating them. “Hmm, yes and no. Overwhelmed just because I’m not used to it, but I wouldn’t change it. I do feel sad that I can’t spend enough time with them but they all have major responsibilities so I understand that. I just wish that
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Chapter Twenty-Four
That evening after supper, Blaze and I snuck away into the trees. We had warned the others that my being marked would result in me sleeping for a few days so they were prepared. I wanted the claiming out of the way so I would not be sleeping when the Alpha from Norway came to visit. Though it in no way diminished my want and need to be claimed by Blaze. I was just being practical. A fact he started to tease me on as we walked through the trees. “You know it hurts that you’re fitting in my claim before bigger and more important things.” He mused with an over-exaggerated sigh. “I guess I’m just an afterthought.” “Oh come on! You know it’s not like that. I want to be claimed by you. But it also makes sense to do it now so that I’m not unavailable when Alpha Einar gets here. I’m not being mean here.” I scoffed and held onto his arm, taking him deeper into the trees. “Oh sure, justify it however you want to. I know I’m just an afterthought.” He teased back and pulled from my grip, wal
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Chapter Twenty-Five
Slowly the fog changed into the dark of night and the falling of snow. It was a slow snowfall, the fluffy flakes that blanket everything in heavy silence. The only sound is the heavy crunch of snow as it settles on the branches of the surrounding trees. The moon is full and high in the sky as it casts a silvery glow on everything. I stand in the knee-deep snow and wrap my arms around my body, shivering from the cold. I take a few steps in the direction of his cave, tutting in frustration as the cold seeps into my exposed skin, the sports bra and boxer panties doing nothing to keep me warm. I’ve noticed that there's a big difference between going to the island and then coming here, at least on the island I was more clothed than this. “Pervy old wolf. Bringing me here when I’m basically naked.” I mutter under my breath, my breath visible in the air as I trudge through the snow. The upside was that it’s not as frigid and cold as it was the last time I was here. I see the cave up ahe
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Chapter Twenyt-Six
When I woke I felt the presence of another person in the room, a skin prickling sensation that had me immediately sitting up and looking for danger. I groaned when I noticed it was just Gram gathering up clothes and that I had no reason to be nervous or scared. I flopped back onto the bed and took slow breaths to calm my rapidly beating heart. “Sorry my dear, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just trying to tidy up. How are you feeling?” Gram asked with a small smile as she set the laundry basket down and sat on the end of the bed. I kept the sheet around me as I sat up and smiled softly at her. “I’m feeling ok. Tired but nothing too bad. How long was I out?” I asked curiously as I ran my hand through my hair and grimaced at the rat's nest it had become, my fingers getting caught in a ton of knots. “It’s been three almost 4 days. Blaze has been with you every chance he got. But he’s also been a big help with patrols and even training. You’re one lucky lady my dear. You’ve found goo
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
I headed towards the training grounds in search of Echo, stopping to watch the groups that were in the midst of training and very impressed with the drills and workouts they were being put through. It looked intense and I was hoping that with all that new training that the pack would be safe from the threat of the black wolves. Though they hadn’t been back this way ever since I started to see Malik in my dreams. I guess there was a plus side to that after all. I found Echo in the weight room, doing some reps with heavy weights as he stood facing the mirror. I saw his silver eyes flick at me in the mirror before he focused back on what he was doing. He was covered in sweat and I could hear from my position by the door that his breathing was ragged. He had pushed himself hard in the short time it took me to eat. He definitely was trying to exhaust himself so he didn’t have to think about Ellis. “Congratulations are in order I hear.” I walk into the room and sit on a bench so I’m facing
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
The next few days are a flurry of activity and I’m exhausted when I finally fall into bed at the end of the night, there are no more dreams of seeing Malik. Which is a huge plus as far as I’m concerned. I keep my focus on my pack and the responsibilities I have as well as trying to fit in time to talk with my mates. I’ve managed to talk with Kane and Magnus a few times, but both are busy with their duties and I understand that, it’s just sad not to have them with me. Selfishly I’ve loved having Blaze with me, though our schedules are often opposite but still, he’s here and I can spend time with him. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reach Brodryn and Cadmus. When Blaze called home his mom informed him that they’d been busy and had been scarcely seen since they got back. It made me worried that something was wrong. And a small tiny voice in the back of my head thought that they were hiding something. But I didn’t want to listen to it. It was just the voice of doubt that Malik ha
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
“Hello, Kara.” His voice was a deep pleasing rumble in my chest as he held me close to him. I let out an embarrassing whine, my wolf pushing to the surface to the point where I felt like the shift was seconds away. She was adamant that she needed to be close to Stienn. He chuckled and leaned down, nipping my jaw lightly• “Settle pretty wolf. I’m not going anywhere.”“Gods…she’s embarrassing.” I muttered, my hands coming up to rest on his arms, my skin tingling with the touch. He chuckled and pulled back slightly so he could look me in the eye, his eyes were no longer silver and gold with his wolf, instead they were a very bright blue, so bright they almost glowed. “She is beautiful, and I look forward to meeting her.” He commented as he reached up and tucked some hair behind my ear, cupping my cheek as I looked up at him. I blushed and I could hear snickering behind me. I turned and caught Ezra and Echo whispering to one another and laughing. : Shut it you asshats :I grumbled at t
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Chapter Thirty
I only sat with Stienn for another 15 minutes before I left to make it back to the house. I checked in with Gram and Gigi before making my way up to my room. I was hoping that I could get in a moment with Blaze before craziness ensued with the informal dinner tonight. Tomorrow night was the big feast to welcome the Alpha and his wolves to our pack. “Well damn, don’t you look amazing.” Blaze spoke as he stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from a shower and his black pants resting low on his hips. I smiled at him and walked toward him, placing my hands on his chest and giving him a small smile. “Hey, handsome. Going to join us for dinner?” I ask as I give him a kiss. “Of course. I want to see what this Alpha is all about.” I smiled and bit my lip with a small frown. “Speaking about the Alpha…I met his son, Stienn. My wolf…she had an intense reaction to him. Like she wants him to be a mate. His wolf also had the same reaction to me…I didn’t ask for it to happen, certainly wasn’t sea
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