All Chapters of The Moon Kissed Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
58 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-One
“Well son, let’s demonstrate our manners and sit down to enjoy this delicious smelling meal. It smells exquisite, ma'am.” Einar said as he nudged his son's arm before moving farther into the room and taking Grams's hand, placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Gram smiled and waved his charms away before gesturing to the table and asking everyone to sit and get comfortable. It was a tight fit with Alaric and his family, Gram, Gigi, Laris, myself and Blaze along with Einar and Stienn. The kitchen dining room wasn’t the biggest but we made it work as well all shuffled and sat down to eat. I sat down at the table between Blaze and Stienn and could feel the testosterone flowing off both of them as they sized each other up. Blaze said he expected it and was fine with it, but that didn't mean he was going to sit back and not try to challenge the situation. I let out a small huff as I finished buttoning my shirt up and tucked it into my pants. I glared across the table at Sterling
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Chapter Thirty-Two
I glanced at the phone in my hand, taking a deep breath before I got comfortable in bed and dialled Kane’s number, holding the phone to my ear. I chewed on my thumbnail while it rang, the nervous flutters in my stomach at an all-time high. Despite how nervous I was, it was still a relief to hear his voice when He answered. “My love, it’s good to hear from you. I miss you.” His voice was a deep rumble over the line that instantly brought a smile to my face. Gods did I miss him. “I miss you too, Kane. So much.” I admitted as I lay on my side, facing the window and its chilly night breeze. “How was the meeting with the Alpha from Norway? What’s he like?” He asked curiously, in the background I could hear the closing of the door and the rustling of fabric as he put me on speaker and got undressed. “It was good. He is not at all what I was expecting. A very big man but super informal, very friendly and open so far. I like him and definitely would like to foster really good friendshi
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Chapter Thirty-Three
I woke up the next morning feeling better about the situation with Stienn. It was a relief to know that Kane, Magnus and Blaze were ok with the situation. What made the situation still a struggle was the fact that I could not reach Brodryn and Cadmus. And this was not a majority rules kind of situation. I sat up and pulled on some black leggings and a pale lavender big chunky knit sweater along with a pair of brown ankle boots. I make my way down stairs and head straight to the coffee maker and make myself a large cup, sighing happily as I sip the warm liquid. I move around the kitchen, gathering some eggs and bacon to make myself some breakfast. It was still early so I knew Gram wasn’t up yet and I was more than capable of making breakfast. I didn’t want to bother her for something like this. I wasn’t used to being up this early but I felt well rested and ready to face the day. As I was cooking I heard the door open and close as steps came in the direction of the kitchen. I turned
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Chapter Thirty-Four
“I don’t understand why they are so different…” I sighed as I looked down at the maps in front of me. One was old and hand drawn on a large roll of paper, yellow with age. The other was new and laminated. Both showed the boundaries of the Ravenfield pack. They should have been identical, but they were not. “It doesn’t make sense. It’s like the pack is a third the size of what it should be.” Einar stated as he frowned down at the new map. I couldn’t take my eyes off the hand drawn one. It was old and painstakingly drawn and cared for. The detail on it was incredible, but it still didn’t seem real. A lot of the locations and boundaries were not something we had in this pack. I huffed out an annoyed breath and ran my hand through my hair. “You said there are letters to go with this map?” I asked curiously, hoping that those letters would shed some insight on this whole situation. “Yes there is. A whole stack of them from your first Alpha and his sons. A few years after the Alpha’s elde
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Chapter Thirty-Five
The wind was raging and the frigid air had me shivering in two seconds flat. The air was so lost that the ice-like snow that blew around me felt like it was cutting my skin, leaving open wounds that froze instantly. As much as I enjoyed winter, I was beginning to hate this dream landscape. I wrapped my arms around myself and moved through the snow. The only silver lining was that at least this time I was fully clothed and it offered slightly more warmth than the sleep clothes did. I saw the entrance of the cave up ahead and made my way inside, stomping off the snow as I made my way farther into the warmth and away from the wind. “Well well, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Feilan?” He asked with a smirk as he turned from the fire to face me. The light in the cave was a little dimmer than previously, the fire smaller and the area felt much more intimate than I was comfortable with. And of course, he was naked. “Put some pants on.” I growled out in frustration and picked up
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Chapter Thirty-Six
I woke with a start and sat up, rubbing a hand over my face and sighing as I moved till my feet were on the floor. My heart pounded and my breathing was ragged, the feeling of his lips against my own still there and making me feel lightheaded. I stood and went to my desk, shaking my head as I reached for my water bottle and took a large sip, hoping the cool liquid would help to clear my head. There was a small knock on the door and it opened showing Echo standing in the doorway looking exhausted and stressed. “Wow. You look like I feel. Who pissed in your cornflakes?” I asked as I motioned to the couch and went and sat beside him. He snorted and sat down heavily, resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes. “What’s the matter?” “I’m just exhausted. I don’t know what to do about Ellis. I’m not a mean guy. I don’t want to hurt her. I just…I’m not sure what to do Kara. I need some advice.” He sighed and turned to look at me, his silver/grey eyes sad and tired. I sighe
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
I walked around the clearing and talked with the pack, playing with the little ones, racing with them, and drinking food and drink with others. It was an amazing night and everyone was having a great time, with nothing but laughter and happiness in the air. It gave me such a feeling of pride to see my pack so happy. Made me think that I was actually doing something right. I t and drank some mead with Echo, Lindy, and Ezra, all while Echo looked longingly at Ellis. It was hard to watch but I was hoping they’d work it out eventually. I stood and made my way to the food table, picking up a few sweets before I moved and grabbed a glass of mead. I stood sipping it and smiling at everyone, happy to stand back and watch everyone interact. Happy to see that the wolves from Norway were seeming to fit in really well. I ate the desserts and watched as people mingled before I wandered over to my koi pond and stood looking down at the fish. If it got much colder we’d have to move the fish into a s
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
I sat on the couch and panted slowly as I tried to hold back the pain, trying to power through. It made me feel like such a mess that all I could focus on was Magnus and the pain I was feeling. I could only imagine how much pain he himself was in. If this was just a portion of his pain then I prayed to the Gods he was passed out so he couldn't feel it all. I stood and told Lindy she could stay in the guest room if she wanted but Elise offered her the other side of her bed, neither of them wanting to be alone. They both hugged me goodnight before heading downstairs to the second level, Sterling going with them and promising to stay awake and on the lookout for anything. I wished them a good night and then stayed curled up on the couch while Stienn paced the living room and kept looking out each window. I lay on my side in the fetal position, groaning as I feel the pain flutter through me. I growl under my breath and shiver, feeling my wolf and dragon acting restlessly as they feel the
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
I stirred and opened my eyes as I turned over and smiled to see both of my men in bed with me. I ran my hand over Kane’s cheek gently before placing a kiss on Kane’s chest, just over his heart. I traced my mate mark on his chest softly before sitting up and heading into the bathroom, doing my morning routine. Once done I stop at the end of the bed and stare at the beautiful men in my bed. I crawl naked across the bed and kneel between them, watching them before squealing in fright as they both lunged forward and dragged me down between them, kissing and nipping me while their hands skimmed over my skin. “Good morning Darling. It’s so good to wake up to you once again.” Magnus says with a chuckle as he nuzzles just behind my ear. I chuckle and run my hands through his hair, pulling him to me and kissing him with a small chuckle. “I’m happy you’re here, Magnus. I’ve missed you so damn much. Both of you.” I murmured as I clung to them. “This is perfection. Being with the both of you.”
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Chapter Forty
The day was hectic from the get go. After a quiet breakfast it was hectic and non stop for the rest of the day. After introducing Kane, Magnus and the triplets to Einar and his people, I then had to check in with everyone and get the full story on what happened last night. The triplets agreed to help out with the pack, curious about this place and its people. It was a flurry of activity and a long meeting filled with speculation. Magnus had no idea he was being followed, nor did he see who attacked him so he had no leads to give us. Kane’s Huntersand my Scouts had returned, none of them having any leds either. It was frustrating to say the least.“Ok so all we know for sure was that these people were skilled, well trained and left no trace. Could it be that oil stuff that Victor gave you guys to use?” I asked as I turned to look at Tristan and Elle. Elle looked surprised before frowning and nodding.“It could be yeah. You can’t be tracked when you have that oil on. It covers your sce
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