All Chapters of Sold To The CEO: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
139 Chapters
It's A Wedding Day
Alexander's POVThe hour is finally upon us. I have never failed at anything as much as I have failed to save my son, I thought that I would have found him by now but it seems like I actually have to go through with the wedding. I am not even sure if I have the strength to do it. I woke up with one helluva a hangover and to be honest, I feel like getting drunk again. I did not have a bachelor's party but I drank till I passed out. I don't remember much about last night but this morning it feels like my life is about to end.I have been tracking her movements hoping to see what is that she gets up to, I was actually hoping that she would lead me to where my son was but that has not happened, all I have ever seen is her busy with the wedding preparations, she was actually treating like it was a real wedding when every part of my fibre wants to tear itself into a thousand pieces. How am I going to be able to pretend to love this woman? Jack was right when he said that this was my doing.
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Not So Fast
Ella's POVWe have signed a deal with the devil and now I am beginning to second guess everything that I have agreed upon. I thought that I could do this, that I could actually handle standing on the side and watch the man I love marry this evil woman. I am still not over the fact that the man has been keeping dark secrets from me. I didn't know that he was a sadist, I mean it would explain a lot about him. I suppose being in the business he is in, something like this is bound to happen. I hate that he didn't tell me about that part of his life, I have been talking to Michelle and she has been telling me a lot about the man who goes to Harvey's club. She told me that her husband was abused as a child, he was sodomized by someone his family trusted and that it scared him mentally for a long time. She said that they had to go through a lot of therapy for him to be able to even talk to her about the whole ordeal. I can't even begin to imagine what I would do if someone did that to my o
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Get This On
Alexander's POVI arrived at the church and parked outside, I couldn't bring myself to go inside because I know that today I will have to do the most difficult thing I have ever had to done and that is to do something I didn't want to do. I cannot believe that I allowed myself to be played by Tatiana. I don't know why she would do this to me after all that I have done for her. A few weeks before my father announced that I was to wed Ella, I was with her. I had taken her on as a sub and for years she has been the perfect sub but I was leaving the club for good. When you take on a submissive it is pretty much like marriage, as long as they are yours you are bound to protect them and I have done that fort her, I have given her all that her hearts desired, that will also include the modelling gigs, they were all because of me, I know people in a lot of high places and my recommendations are always the first to be considered and so I put a good word for her and she got into in the industr
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Ghosts From The Past
Tatiana's POV**** Ten to eleven years ago. ****" What is this on your wrists? Lacey I am talking to you?" My mama said with a southern accent. " It is nothing mama..." I said and pulled down my cardigan. I marks on my wrists, I can't tell her where or how I got them because she would lose her mind if she knew. " Lacey Gwendolyn Jones I won't ask you again, it is that boy isn't it? He did this to you didn't he?" She asked me. She was talking about Gary, we have been together for three years now. He is the love of my life. I am a big girl and no guy ever looked at me twice let alone tell me that they love me, all except for Gary. Everyone thought that we were wrong for each other. Gary was a bad boy, a little older than me but I didn't mind. He has been with a lot of girls but since he has been with me, he hasn't been with anyone else. I thought that it was a joke in the beginning, I mean how can the most popular guy in school be attracted to litterally the biggest girl at school.
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Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Alexander's POVThey say that when life throws lemons at you, you make lemonade. I suppose that is what one should do in this world but I don't see how to make lemonade with these lemons. I feel like I have lost control of my life, like I was a puppet being pulled by the strings and I hate it. I keep on praying that everything goes according to plan because this might actually be the last chance I have been given to bring my son back home where he belongs.I have spent the entire week trying to find a way out of marrying Tatiana. I have a problem with people who force me to do things I don't want to do and this morning I was faced with that dynamic again when I found myself having to take the most hardest decision I could ever make. I do not want marry Tatiana, I have made that known from the beginning, I have no intentions of spending a year being married to this woman, I have the woman I love, the one I already married and I was not about to let her go. I was willing to go through
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I Wish I Didn't
Lacey Jones POVTatiana... The name that was supposed to give me a new start in life. I thought that I had left my past where it belongs but it seems like I was wrong about that too. I feel like I am at a point in my life where nothing matters anymore. Yesterday I did a stupid thing, I should have never lost control like I did but when I saw Ella, I was like a bull seeing red, I couldn't control my rage towards her because she had everything that I ever wanted in this life and that is for Alexander to love me like I wanted him to. I was here first and I was the woman who was there when he was at his lowest in his life. I made him the man that he is today and now he was turning his back on me and I couldn't handle it. I was in love with Gary at one point and I would have done anything for him but all he wanted to do was to hurt me time and over again. but when I was with Gary he made it seem like love and hurt go together. I will say that it took me a lot of strength and willpower to
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The Calm After The Storm
Ella's POVI fell in love with a man who was already emotionally involved with another woman. I do not have a single doubt in my mind about how he feels about me, I do not doubt his love for me but I saw something in that church and it scares me more than anything in this world. For a moment I thought that he was going to choose Tatiana. He looked at her in a way that he has never looked at me so I have to wonder if he is not in denial about how he feels about Tatiana. I saw the rage in Tatiana's eyes when she pointed the gun at me. I knew my fate and I had accepted it. She saw me as a stumbling block. I don't know much about the relationship and I don't know what really happened between the two of them but what I saw is that this woman is still very much in love with Alexandra. I also saw that she hated the man she was married to in the past. Gary is intense, I can't explain it but when he walks into a room, you can feel his presence. I know that I don't really know much about BDSM
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Doing What I Can
Alexander's POVAs a man it is my outmost duty to protect the people I love and sometimes that is the hardest part of being a man, especially when you come across situations you can't control and I hate not being in control and that is what I feel like when I am with Ella. I have given her so much free reign and she doesn't even know it. I hate the fact that she thinks with her heart and with her mind because if she did, she would understand that there are things that are beyond our control and there is nothing we can do about that. I wish she could put herself in my shoes. I know that by now she has an idea about the kind of relationship I had with Tatiana but she doesn't know the whole truth. I will be honest and say that a part of me wishes that I could give her what I gave to those other women but I know that my heart won't let me. This is why I have realised that maybe I took it a bit too far at times, especially with Tatiana who gave me everything I wanted in a sub. I wish tha
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Home Coming Is Always The Best
Ella's POVYesterday was a bit hectic, I hate fighting with Alexander but I hate it even more when he keeps things from me. I am trying to understand the man that he really is. He thinks that he is protecting me by not telling me the truth but it the exact opposite of that. I don't want a man who is going to give me only half of him. I need to know the man I love, the man that I married in every sense of the word. I need to know his thoughts, both good and bad, I want to know all of himFor the first since we got married a year ago I feel like everything is moving too fast and I can't cope, it is no wonder I had a nervous breakdown. The problem with me is that I am an over thinker and that is seldom a good thing, that is why I need to be told information so that I don't make up my own conclusions about things. Just like how I wanted him to tell me the truth but he didn't, instead he chose to bark orders at me, telling me that I am not going to have an abortion as if he has the right t
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The Ends Justify The Means
Alexander's POVI know that I have not been the best husband, that I have not been the man that Ella needs but I am trying. I have never had to have a real relationship with anyone other than Ella. This is actually the first time I actually get emotionally invested in a relationship and I am starting to remember why. Having a relationship with no strings attached gives one freedoms he or she would never get in a commited relationship. I don't know how people do this because this is very hard for me. Having to share my feelings was always the hardest thing to do with me. A few days ago I realised just how much I really love Ella because I almost lost her, I don't even know how I would have been able to cope without her. In that moment I also realised that what I feel for Ella compares to nothing, not even what I shared with Lacey. I didn't do right by Ella, I released that when I saw her sleeping on that hospital bed. I realised that she was right about a lot of things as well, I have
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