All Chapters of Sold To The CEO: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
139 Chapters
Things I Do For Love
Alexander's POVI didn't want things to turn out like this, I thought that I could talk to Ella, that we could fix things but right now I don't seem to sure. I was okay, even fine that she was not letting me see my boy thinking that I will wait for our day in court, I could have easily sent lawyers her way to get an immediate removal of my son. I didn't want to do that, especially since I know that she is pregnant, I was willing to wait a little more so that we can do this the right way but as soon as I saw that man with my son, I lost it. " Why do you have my kid with you? " I asked Dustin who was looking at me like he was looking at trash. " You should not be asking me that, why don't you ask his mother?" He said. " I am asking you and don't think that I don't see that you are trying to take my wife from me. " I said to him. " Take your wife? Your wife can't stand to be with you, she ran away from you. " He said. It was the truth but it was not easy to take. I rolled up my fist
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Just Like Before
Ella's POV" Where's my boy?" I asked Dustin. He was busy fighting with Alexander and I hope that my son didn't see all of that because that is not the kind of behaviour I want my son to see from the both of them. " He is with Isabella." Dustin said. " What was that? I have never seen you act like that before." I said to him. I have known this man for some time and I have never seen him be aggressive or violent in any kind of way, he has always been supportive, loving and kind. He is nothing like Alexander, a fact that ruined his chances with me in the first place. He was nothing like Alexander and at the time no man was good enough for me if it was not him. I suppose that is why I struggled to find some happiness, at my age I have only been with two guys. I also understand why I fell for Chad as well. He was charming, he was a smooth talker but mostly he was a ladies man, just like Alexander was and just like him, he hurt me. Now I have a chance to build something with Dustin. I
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The Long Game
Alexander's POVwhat is Ella playing at? I thought that she would have called the police on me final but so far none of my guys at the police stations have called to notify me of such. I was expecting that she would have probably been outside that I took Bradley and that she would send for someone to come and fetch him but so far she has never said a word to me and I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. I know that I didn't exactly act out like an adult but I suppose I wanted to hurt her for letting Dustin into my son's life while she kept me out.I thought that this would show her that I was serious about taking action and getting her back home but right now it seems like I might be fighting a losing battle because it is like she doesn't even care that I took him. I sent her a text and told her that I had our son with me and she texted me back with one word which was ok. I didn't know what to think of it and I suppose I have been worried ever since. I suppose I can say that sh
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Killing You With Kindness
Ella's POVI am sick of it, everything, all the fighting, all the arguments but mostly, I am sick of being angry and unsure. A couple of days I had a heart to heart talk with Dustin. I could have easily lied and told him that I was over loving Alexander, that I was ready to give him my whole life with no strings attached but I would be lying and he deserves so much better than that. He deserves to know that being with me is not going to be an easy task. I know that for sure. Needless to say that he didn't take the conversation too well, he told me that he needed some time to think and so he went back home to Texas. I will say that it was not easy to watch him leave like that, I wonder if it would have been the same if it was Alexander. I don't know but I don't get why I can't just wake up one day and be over him. To wake up one day not feel anything for him. I was not sure that coming back home was going to help me in any way. All that I knew was that I was not going to live whole l
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Hole In My Heart
Ella's POVI listened to him thinking that it would give me some closure but all that it has done is left me confused even more. I thought that I knew Alexandra and I thought that they knew the kind of man he was but after what he said to me today I am confused. I never thought that a day would come when he would actually care for someone else other than himself. I didn't expect him to come to me and tell me that he was willing to do whatever it is I wanted if it meant that I would be happy. I was taken by that because the Alexandra I thought I knew would have never said that to me. I actually think that for the first time in his life he was being honest with me. I felt like he was pouring out his heart to me and letting me know what was feeling. I will say that as surprising as it was I am still not sure if I can trust this man. I mean how can I even trust that he means the things that he said after he has lied to me so many times about so many things?" Do you mean it?" I asked him
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Back To The Beginning
Alexander's POVMy life has been a mess and at some point, I didn't think that it would work out . Especially when everyone was coming for me. I have tried to clean up my mess as best as I could, even then I can't clean up the biggest mess I have created. As a man I have to sit back and reflect on all the wrong things I have done to Ella. I am amazed that she agreed to wait on the divide, I don't want it, I want to fix things. I know that I have wronged her, I am a dog and I probably don't deserve it. The same I know that I don't want to be without her. She asked me for some space, she said that she needed to get her head together and I want to give her the space she needs. The only problem with that is that I am going crazy being away from her knowing that she is in town. So much that I have made an offer to purchase a property around her area. The house is biggerand if things go well, it might be our family home. I am not going to give up on Ella or my marriage. I am willing to d
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Giving It My All
Ella's POVI have made peace with the fact that I might never find a happily ever after, that I might have to spend the rest of my life alone. I thought that I could be with Dustin but this morning I found myself packing away the last of his things to send back home to Texas. He didn't say that he was not going to come back but this is not fair to me or my children, neither is it fair to him. I don't want to wake up one morning and hate him, or for him to hate me for not loving him. It is amazing was heartache can you make you do. I almost threw myself at Dustin at the fear of spending the rest of my life alone. I thought that if I didn't have a man with me I wouldn't be able to raise my kids in a proper way. I then had to ask myself if I was doing the right thing for my children, for me to be with a man that I don't love for the rest of my life. I had to ask myself if that was the life that I wanted my children to know and a life where I would only be half happy.I won't lie and say
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Little Things That Matter
Alexander's POVI would like to think that I am not a terrible man and that is why I am fighting for my family. I know that my wife is upset with me right now and I don't blame her after everything that has happened but it is also made me realise just how much I loved her. I suppose it is true when they say that you don't know how much you appreciate something until you lose it. I have tried to tell myself that I can endure being away from her but it has been getting harder and harder everyday.I also knew that she could never accept that man that's wanted divorce so I am trying to be the man that she wants to stay married to and that man is a good man. I told my father to make me an offer and he has made me one and I have since accepted his offer but I hadn't told my wife about it. I didn't want her to feel like I was doing all of this because I wanted to get in her good books. I know that part of it is because of that but a big part of it is because of I want what's best for everyon
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The Life Of Me
Alexander's POVI have never been so scared in my entire life before. I never in my life thought that I could find myself at this place having to make the hardest decision of my life. I planned a baby shower for my wife hoping that she would have the time of her life. I never thought that I would be rushing her to the emergency room only a few hours later and somehow I feel like all of this is partly my fault. I say this is partly my fault because I know that she was on bed rest and that she was supposed to be at home in her bed and not out and about. I am trying to put my family back together and so I am doing everything I can to make sure that it happens. I threw that baby shower because I wanted to do something nice for her before she gives birth. I wasn't able to do this when my son was born because I didn't know about him. I know that things are not going perfectly between my wife and I but I just want to make things right. A lot has happened between us ever since we got married
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At The End Of It All
Ella's POVCarrying Bradley was hard on me emotionally, knowing that I had to give him up gave me sleepless nights, I even wondered if I would ever be able to go through with it. It was an emotional turmoil for me but physically, it was a breeze. The morning sickness didn't last long. Even the baby bump was not too visible, I carried him full term and at the end, I delivered a bouncing healthy baby boy, he was so beautiful, so perfect. I almost backed out of giving him up, telling myself that I would run away and start a new life with my son. I knew that a lot of women where doing it and while others where lucky to make a good life for their children, for others it was just too much to bare and as a result many others have struggled to do so. I didn't want that for my son. My parents have their mistakes but they gave me a good childhood. I got everything I wanted. Two loving parents and everything I could ask for. As an only child they gave me everything and they made sure that I was
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