All Chapters of THE REJECTED HUMAN MATE: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
119 Chapters
Chapter 101
Chapter 101Writer's POVA RESTAURANT**Reina couldn't hide her surprise when Red stopped the car in front of a NICE restaurant, she gasped with wide eyes and faced him.“I heard it's very hard to make a reservation here” she said, and he smiled.“Of course, but their French cuisine is the best, you'll keep asking for more, that's why I did everything possible to get a reservation” he replied happily. She noticed how joyful he is. Reina literally dragged herself to get dressed and even come out to wait for Red. She skipped work today with an excuse that she's sick. Reina badly wants to put an end to their relationship. Still, she would rather not let him. She doesn't have a choice. Her life is probably in danger since Ayr is a menace. To her, getting hurt for somebody isn't something that worth anything. Red is stinky rich, and he's also a wolf. He can barely get hurt and can never be an in a financial jam.Whereas, she's just a mere human who's f***** poor. It'll be best to sto
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Chapter 102
CHAPTER 102Dane's POV…“So, are you done?” I asked Ericka as I adjusted the cuff links on my wrist.It's time to go meet with her foster sister and apparently her clingy manager. I would rather not seem over possessive of Ericka, but that manager needs to go. I mean, he is simply too friendly and too close for comfort.Not only that, but I know he has been with her for quite some time now, but for some reasons best known to me, I just don't trust that gentleman.Ericka might find my attitude a bit overbearing, but she simply has to put up with it.I won't let him get so close to her ever again. Since she is finding it hard to tell him about us, I can easily do that for her.She doesn't need to worry yourself any more by disclosing our relationship status to him. Once I tell him we are together, and he shows a look of displeasure, that will be my cue to punch him in the face.“Yeah. But please don't do anything rash” Ericka pleaded, and I smiled at her.“I'm not an animal, Ericka. Do
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Chapter 103
Chapter 103WRITER'S POV**3 DAYS LATER**“Red! Red!” Lady Macbeth banged the door repeatedly. No response. “He hasn't come out of his room since last night, ma'am. It's been three days since sir Red has begun to act strange. He barely touches the meal we prepare; he's been starving himself. That's the simple truth ma'am” a maid told her. Lady Macbeth couldn't believe her ears. What's wrong with him? She left the mansion for a very short vacation. When she came, she tried to called Red through a mind-link, but it was blocked.When she asked some maids about his whereabouts, she was told he hardly came out of his room. “Damn…go fetch the spare keys” Lady Macbeth sighed heavily. Within minutes, the maid brought back the spare key. She never hesitated in inserting the key. She pushed the door open and rushed in.“My goodness! Red!” she shrieked shockingly and fearfully while rushing to him. His entire body is literally red as f***!Red can't even see clearly;his vision is blurry du
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Chapter 104
CHAPTER 104Camilla's POV…Ugh!If there's anything I hate more than waking up to go to work, it's watching a good fight get interrupted. But, in this case, Ericka's in danger. I wonder why she fainted. Oh… Might it be that Erica is actually pregnant?Gosh!If that's truly happens, then I assure you I am the happiest person on Earth right now. Like wouldn't it be grand and awesome?I've always dreamed of becoming an auntie. Of course, I want to be a momma, but not now. I'm somewhat afraid of…All rather keep my secrets on myself for future references. Dane took Erica into his car and left her at I and Tiffany to find our way to the hospital on our own. When everything was telling me about his personality I thought he would reduce his good attitude towards me, but hell was I wrong!I got into the car and Tiffany went to the driver's seat. I guess she was also worried about Ericka since she drove like a mad and deranged person.Like what the f***!“I never knew you had it within you,
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Chapter 105
CHAPTER 105Mayna's POV…It's been almost 3 whole months since I came back to New York City. To be truthful, my stay here has been a mixture of fun anger, exciting and living in constant anxiety and fear.Ever since I almost got my head ripped off by Dane, and going back home the next day only to meet that lethal looking woman, I've been on edge lately. After she dropped the letter and left, I didn't move close to it. It laid there until the next morning before I gathered courage to pick it up. The content of the letter stole my breath away. My eyes were finding it difficult to read and yet, I found the context a bit appealing. The letter was a direct invitation on getting rid of Ericka. As expected, I jumped on this opportunity, but I had to be careful. The last time I plotted against Erica, and it failed, Dane literally got bloodlust; lust for my blood. I won't be that foolish again to allow myself get entangled in any web of deceit. My intentions of coming back to New York wer
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Chapter 106
Chapter 106Tiffany's POVWhat a life I have. I'm a personal assistant, that simply means, I have to assist Camilla in the office duties.I don't need anyone to tell I'm carrying out that responsibility with utmost seriousness and diligence. I wish Camilla can also be a little serious.It won't kill her, would it?But no, she prefers to laze around all day long. Recently, the office is turning into a hassle. Sir Lorenzo didn't get her a personal assistant for nothing’s sake; he did that because he's aware how stressful running a company is single-handedly.That's why he made me available to assist Camilla. But Camilla, on the other hand…Sighs.She would rather not do this from the beginning. So, I can't really blame her idleness and her nonchalance towards being the CEO of the company. And yet, it wouldn't kill her to at least be a little more understanding in my standpoint. I have been working my ass tirelessly just for her sake, and she doesn't even seem bothered or concern. Enoug
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Chapter 107
CHAPTER 107Writer's POV…“A teddy bear. I want it!” “Camilla shrieked like a child pointing at the stuffed animal. She's on a date with River right now. She was being completely honest when she told Tiffany about tagging on a date with them.Okay, maybe she exaggerated on Tiffany's present since she wasn't required. Just like Tiffany predicted, Camilla was about to set her up with some random guy. Camilla'really worried about Tiffany's relationship status. She needs to be with somebody who can actually care and love her wholeheartedly. Crystal is all good and amazing, but he doesn't really fit Tiffany. Tiffany is bound to have a hard time letting go of Crystal, so why not try to pair her up with someone that actually deserving of her love?It'll be hard for Tiffany to move on, but she has to. Back to Camilla and River. They are both at a park and are having a really nice time. Camila is surely a basket full of kids, and River admits it. She is playful, a talkative and yet, a cuti
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Chapter 108
CHAPTER 108The more he prolonged the hug, she is clearer she felt his racing heartbeat. She didn't realize turning off the mind-link for just a short period of time could lead to this. She never thought he'd get this perplexed quickly. Ericka moved her gaze to the ambulance—staring at it, she understood Dane's fear and Insecurities. He once told her he'll go crazy if she ever leaves him, she can imagine what he went through when she left. “I'm sorry” Ericka said softly, her arms hugging him warmly. Dane disengaged from the hug reluctantly. He's completely drenched and is slightly shivering. “You're trembling. Let's go back home” Ericka smiled warmly at him again. “Yeah” he agreed. Together, they both walked back to his car. He wanted to drive back, she opposed. “You're freezing. I'll drive” she said, going over to the driver's seat. Moments later, Ericka ignited the car engine and so, the drive back home began. “Are you mad at me or what? You've been staring” she said, her eyes
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Chapter 109
CHAPTER 109“So, it's a date!” Tiffany beamed, with a large yet fake smile on her face. Camilla gazed at her wristwatch, it's almost time for her to leave. Camilla bid Tiffany goodbye as she exited the room. The moments Camilla stepped out of the room, Tiffany began cursing under her breath. the man who is responsible for all their predicament since they arrived at New York is Camilla's mate? Like the f***!How on Earth is she going to break the news to her? Camila won't even believe her. She knows too well how dense and stubborn Camilla can get once it comes to relationship issues. The poor girl has been longing for a mate for so long now. Won't it be mean of Tiffany to tell Camilla who the bastard really is?Thinking about all this is surely adding more to her headache—what on earth is she going to do?“River…he was once an Alpha, but his pack got disbanded thanks to Alpha Dane. It's only logical, he wants revenge. He's also responsible for Ericka's transforming into a wolf. Now
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Chapter 110
CHAPTER 110He let out a sigh immediately he ended the call. He tossed the phone aside and turned. She was leaning on the door with her eyes solidly fixed on River. Since you didn't attempt to speak, she decided to kick off the conversation. “About Camilla, aren't you going to ditch her? It is about time, right?” Lily said, staring at him with a deadpan look in her eyes. She was expecting an immediate answer from him, but he just looked and other way.How can she think he would do something so terrible to her without feeling any slightest bit of remorseless?He's been dating her for some time now. He went as far as marking her, how can he just leave her? “River, don't tell me you're falling in love with her!” Lily shouted at him. She can't believe he had actually fallen in love with Camilla after he has sworn something like that would never happen. If he has feelings for her, it's safe to say the mission is a complete failure. Lily still had High hopes that river would prove her
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