All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
277 Chapters
Wyatt’s eyes narrowed into slits. He had come to Italy for business but things weren’t booming for him. He sought after partnership but people were reluctant to help him.He groaned as he put a call across to the Italian man. He was his last hope. Going back to Oregon empty handed wasn’t an option. He believed people were going to mock him and of course that proves again that Wesley was a better businessman than him. Wesley had traveled different places and amassed wealth while creating good relationships with the people. Most people had thought Wesley was his good friend as they grew up together but deep down in Wyatt’s heart, he was jealous and wanted all that Wyatt had. “I’ve told you to stop bothering me” the man at the other end of the phone said immediately he answered the callHe struggled a lot when speaking English so he ended up mixing English and Italian together “Just listen to me,” Wyatt frowned. “I have great business deals that would bring us money. If o
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“Sorry I’m late” Ruby mumbled as she joined Nate at the dinner table. She couldn’t deny how secretly pleased she was that she had him wrapped around her finger for a bit. With Maria’s help, he had arranged a cute dinner table with candle lights and followers.How cute, she thought. She reminded herself not to be distracted by his gestures and handsomeness. “Why were you late?” He asked softly. He didn’t want to sound entitled or demanding but secretly, he was curious to know where she had been all day.He had imagined her with another man and had almost fought with himself at the thought. “I don’t ask you where you’ve been all day, do I?” She asked coldlyHer mouth watered at the sight of the delicious food as she began dishing her portion onto a plate.The main goal was to avoid eye contact with him, his eyes had the ability to make her melt and soften her heart instantly. “I was worried about you,” he admitted with pouty lips. He could imagine the look of shock on Ad
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“I’m not scared to admit how I feel”He couldn’t believe what he had just said because it was a total lie but that seemed better than staring into Ruby’s judgemental eyes. “I’m tired of going over this discussion a million times” she frowned“We are going to thrash everything out tonight and clear this bad air around us. I want things to go back to the way it was” She sighed, she wanted the same too but it felt impossible. Things were way too complicated to look back. “So where have you been all day?” She scrunched her nose, she thought they were over the question already. “I had a meeting and a went out for tea with a friend”She stuffed some mashed potatoes in her mouth, she had imagined how much effort Nate had put into making the dish. “A friend?”Most of the friends he knew were from work and Ruby didn’t exactly seem like the type to hangout. She rolled her eyes, she could hear the jealousy in his voice and it soothed her. “I went to meet up with a male friend
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“I had a interview the other day” Nate startedThey were now cozied up on the couch, Ruby’s head was on his shoulder.He was quite shocked that she was bullied. It had hurt him so much and he had wished he was there to protect her when people said all those nasty things to her.She had always walked in with her head held high and had an air of confidence around her which made it difficult to tell that she went through a lot as a child. “What about it?” She askedThings were already beginning to feel normal, she was watching rom coms with him after a wonderful dinner and he had placed small kisses on her forehead. “The reporter's name is Tony from the statesman journal” he said and studied her face a bit.“He said he knows you” Ruby sat up. She tried to hide the worry. She quickly remembered Tony but she didn’t think he’d cross paths with Nate. She was aware he worked at statesman’s journal but she hadn’t spoken to him in years. “He took this picture of us on our first d
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“Oh please, it can’t be true” Cassie whined for the umpteenth. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Ethan has crossed the bar this time!” Ruby rolled her sleeves, regretting why she had put on a dress shirt on a very sunny day. Somehow, Katie had figured that Ethan was the man on the scooter and Maria had confirmed it.Ethan was smart but definitely not smart enough to hide from Katie’s hawk eyes. “Ethan is getting scarier as the day passes. Esme told me he called her once but didn’t say anything to her, all she could hear was his breathing” “Oh that silly human!” Cassie raged. She could feel the anger run through her veins, Ethan was getting out of hand and it was high time they called him to order before he did something crazier. “I can confirm that he isn’t working for Anderson anymore”Anderson was now out of the country and had been removed from being the CEO of his company. “Then what is his objective?” Cassie frowned. “I thought this obsession thing was over” CCTV
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“I’ve gotten all the information on the young reporter” The man said excitedly Wyatt smiled a little, it was the only hopeful news he had heard a week. He was asked to stop his political campaign until he cleared off allegations. “What’s her schedule like? We need to move fast. I can’t go out anymore, the reporters are trying to squeeze every information out of me. I’ve tried the usual charity and speeches but they aren’t buying it” He sighed and rubbed his forehead. It upset him, how everything turned out. He knew back in the day, he would have easily turned the story and denied everything but with social media and the press, there was almost no escape for him. “She has guards with her all the time but on Wednesdays, from five to six in the evening, she attends a Pilates class and she goes alone” “That's perfect but what if you get caught? Your men are quite clumsy, you need to be careful” Wyatt tutted, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do to the reporter yet, certai
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Cassie’s phone buzzed in her back pocket. The view from the bathroom wasn’t too bad. She could see some of the men dancing and drinking and probably laughing at something she was sure wasn’t funny.That was her reality. So many people saw her as the perfect girl who had nothing to worry about and went about gossiping about people. It really wasn’t the case for her although she did enjoy talking about other people and drama. Whenever she had to go to her mothers house, sadness washed over her because she knew the criticism she’d face.She made herself more comfortable in the bathroom as she continued judging the guests. Her phone buzzed. She sat up immediately and struggled to zip her dress. The text was from Ethan. He was at the entrance of the hall. It was perfect for them to meet and talk by the corner, there was a camera just close by although it wasn’t visible, she knew she’d be able to capture her conversation with Ethan and if anything went wrong, he was going to be appreh
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Ethan groaned as he sat on the cold concrete slab. He was impressed by how rich and influential Cassie’s mother was. He imagined how perfect her life was growing up and how she had things go easy for her.He rolled his eyes and clenched his teeth.He swore to deal with Taylor later, that was if he didn’t end up in prison by the end of the night.She had convinced him to come to her house and she told him she was going to give him an amount of money if he cooperated with her. He hissed as a guest eyed him. How he went from working for one of the biggest companies in America to barely feeding off whatever he could see was very crazy. What upset him the most was that he had caused it all for himself. When he found out Ruby liked Nate, there wasn’t much he could do about it as it was obvious she was long gone.What set off his infuriation was when Nate returned the energy and he’d stare at her when she wasn’t looking. He didn’t like Nate much, he never did anyway which was one of
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Taylor smiled triumphantly, the dress was perfect. It was going to be talked about for a long while and when she finally tied the knot with Nate, the internet was going to go crazy. Her followers would increase, those who mocked her would be embarrassed.She laughed, daydreaming. Life was going to be perfect soon but first , she had to deal with the unnecessary bad press her father was getting. It was embarrassing and people were beginning to ask questions. Her smile quickly turned into a frown. The year had been tough for her and all that started when Ruby showed up at Nate’s office. She hissed, she hated Ruby so much and would rather see her not succeed. She knew Ruby had the biggest crush on Nate since highschool and she tried to separate them from each other. She was scared of the high potential of a chemistry sparking between them.Nate, just like Ruby, was the kind of person who always had his nose in a book. He always loved having intellectual conversations and shari
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After a heated argument with the interior decorator, Taylor lay on the couch, enjoying the view of the sunset. She had requested for a baby pink and white decor but the decorator got the wrong shade of color.She huffed as she sipped her champagne. Everything was perfect even though there were slipups here and there. Most of the girls from her clique in highschool were going to be in attendance at the wedding. A devilish smile crept into her face. What if She sends an invite to Ruby and Esme and then they bully her just like when they were in highschool. She felt energy and happiness surge through her at the thought, the only downside to it was that Nate wasn’t going to take things lightly with her. Back in highschool, he never approved of her bullying anyone but he was too occupied by his own problems to fight for other people. She smirked as she ran her fingers on the stem of her champagne flute. How sweet was it to get revenge after being doubted and stepped upon consta
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