All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
277 Chapters
Few days until the wedding…. Cassie placed her hand on her stomach,she had quite a lot to eat. The strawberry cake was amazing. She sighed. Coming here wasn't a bad idea after all. She steady herself on the sink, resting her arms on a nearby rail. Hiding in the toilet wasn't the best option but it was comfortable to her. Her friend Monica kept giving her signals and chiding her to speak to the gentlemen. Her mother's attitude irritated her so she lied she had to use the bathroom real quick and she remained there. The only disadvantage was that she was missing out on the yummy food. She wasn't sure how long she was going to hide but she could care less.She groaned, she only agreed to attend the party because it was a trap for Ethan.Ruby was certain that Ethan was going to show up because he had been promised a large sum of money. Ethan was running low on groceries and of course he needed money to survive.Ruby planned that they used Cassie’s mother’s party as a distra
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Nate and Ruby laughed heartily. It was such a beautiful night. Some couples joined them on the dance floor. The disc jockey played some upbeat country music while everyone danced. Ruby cheered Nate as he danced in the middle of the crowd, showing off his funny dancing skills. It was such a perfect night with the perfect weather.Her feet ached from all the dancing she had done.Neither of them felt like going home just yet. A second spent apart made them feel so distant from each other. Ruby helped her remove her heels as they walked in the sand at the beach. Some couples had a bonfire out while somewhere swimming in the shallow part of the water. It was no wonder why it was called lovers' spot.Nate held her hand while her heels were in the other hand. He had also pulled off his shoe and jacket. The first four buttons of his shirt were left open, giving her a view of his chest. She sighed,it was really such a night. She vowed that no matter how things turned out
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Ruby pulled up at the coffee shop. She could see Mark in the cafe, sitting on the table they normally say whenever they came to the cafe. It warmed her heart so much.She pulled the door of the cafe open and a little bell jingled above. Mark’s eyes lit up immediately when he saw her. He pulled her in for a long hug.Ruby was taken aback but hugged him back. They remained in that position for about thirty seconds. "Oh my, I'm sorry" Mark apologized, his cheeks flushed crimson.He was surprised by his outburst of emotion. "There's nothing to be sorry about, I missed you" Ruby said truthfully as she took the seat opposite Mark. "What can I get you Miss?" a waitress asked as she walked up to their table. "Cappuccino is fine," Ruby said with a small smile."I'll have the same," Mark said. Mark waited for the waitress to finish taking their orders before he began their conversation. "Ruby, how have you been? Why haven't you been taking my calls? I was dead ass worried
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She sat in her car,her face buried in the steering wheel. The ordeal at Cassie’s party still has an effect on her. Her eyes were swollen from crying and she was still in the parking lot of the prison.Her phone rang,it was Nate. She cleared her throat and took in deep breaths. "Ruby" his masculine baritone said at the end of the receiver.She smiled at the way he pronounced her adopted name. "Hi Nate "she smiledEver since they shared their first kiss, her heart warmed up to him even more. They argued less and managed to have meaningful conversations every now and then. "Where have you been?" he asked "I've been waiting for you all day"She felt her heart flutter a little when he said he had been waiting. "I went to run some errands,"she answered.She bit her lower lip, waiting for a response. She hoped he wouldn't ask her what errands she had to run. He made sure everything she needed was gotten for her and he hated it when she drove around alone. "Come home early so we
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It was alright to say all her world came crashing down literally after her trip to Florida with Nate.She turned in bed and sighed, what had she gotten herself into?Just two weeks ago, she was basking in the Florida sun, tanning and spending her nights in Nate’s arms.Where did it all go wrong? After she came back from Florida, Nate got extra busy. Ruby wasn’t sure what it was all about and she had tried to have conversations with him on different occasions.On time, he had come back from work late in his usual manner and she tried to talk to him but he brushed her off, saying he was really tired and had a hectic day at work. She groaned as she turned in bed again, what if he was tired of her and willing to let her go? Everything was going alright now and she could move to California as she had planned. Anderson had gone MIA as his father had taken his post as the CEO of his company. Esme was now in safe hands and Doris was still in hiding but she was positive she was safe
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Nate looked younger in cargo shorts and an olive shirt. The Florida sun had perfected his skin. He held on to the stem of his glass as he took a sip to clear his head of the madness surrounding him.He frowned as the after taste of the wine hit the back of his throat. Who knew his heart could go through so much pain? Ignoring Ruby everyday was something he had to force himself to do. In two weeks, he’d be married to Taylor. Even though he had a plan, it wasn’t going to be easy convincing her that he didn’t want the marriage and that marriage was going to fail eventually.He was never one to feet or be confused but that was his case. His heart was confused, Adam reminded him he didn’t exactly owe Ruby an explanation because they weren’t together technically. He rolled his eyes as he gobbled what was left of the wine and smacked his lips.Even though Jake’s children were now safe, it wasn’t easy moving them to another city, out of Wyatt’s reach because they had to adjust to t
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Ruby smiled, quite satisfied with the outfit she wore. It felt good to be dressed in a pants suit and patent pumps. She decided to meet up with Mark, the man she had met in Florida. Mark had slipped his complimentary card into her purse and asked that she texted him if she was still interested in working with him. She had started considering her options, moving to California meant she’d have to resume work to keep up with her bills. Mark was quite impressive, she loved that he was focused and was one of the fast rising businessmen in Oregon. She decided to have a meeting with him and talk about expanding his business to California. She smiled as the receptionist ushered her into his office. She loved how cozy his office looked, with throw pillows on the chairs and pictures of his family on his desk. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you miss Sonja” he smiled warmly and he pressed a kiss lightly on her dainty fingers. He also looked smart in his suit, more executive than h
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Ruby sipped her coffee as she stared at him. He was well spoken and had a bunch of awards to him but none compared to Nate’s.She felt her heart drop as she thought of him, the past few months had been back and forth and she found it really draining, emotionally and physically. “I'd be traveling to California and I propose that we start up a branch of your company there” “Actually, I’d be relocating there permanently” she corrected herself She felt a pang of guilt, it was almost like she was betraying Nate by choosing to work for someone else but she was convinced it was for the best. She was distracted easily whenever she worked for him and she could tell she had lost the zeal and passion she had for work in the beginning.Mark raised a brow, surprised by the news. “Relocating?” He asked. “I didn’t see that coming” “Well, I’ve been planning towards it for a while and in a couple of weeks, I should have fully moved”Mark sighed and folded his arms, trying to study her.
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“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Jacobin” the reporter started with a wide grin on his faceHe was quite young, compared to the image Nate had formed in his head. He looked like and intern and was obviously a novice. “I’m from the Statesman journal” the reporter continued. “My name is Tony and I’m excited to interview you” Nate nodded and pressed his lips into a forced smile. It was difficult to focus when he had a lot of things on his mind, Ruby being top of the list. “The photographer would be here very soon but we can begin the interview while we wait for him” Nate nodded again and sipped his wine as he watched the reporter clumsy drop his bag on the floor and some papers went flying. “Sorry” Tony apologized jittery and bent on his knees to scoop the papers.Nate watched him closely, he felt irritation but tried to conceal it. Ever since he had issues with Ruby, he had developed a short temper and was always on the edge. He sighed and rubbed at his temples, trying to
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The night was still young even though the sun was quick to set. It was one of those nights Ruby would have spent at a diner with Esme but pregnancy had been restricting her movement a lot and she was still healing from the heartbreak.Esme smiled as she watched Cassie walk into the burger palace. One thing she liked about Cassie was her ability to pull off any dress, no matter how basic it was. “You really took your time, didn’t you?” Ruby asked as she watched her take the seat opposite her. “My apologies,” Cassie sighed. “My sister just got engaged and my mom is making a fuss about it. She is upset that I have refused to get married yet and to make matters worse, she has decided to throw a party, inviting all the eligible bachelors she knows. To make things worse, she won’t let me breathe” Ruby laughed a little as she watched Cassie rant dramatically. Cassie’s taste in men was rather quite interesting and she was a very picky person so there was no surprise on her refu
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