All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
277 Chapters
Ruby was glad away from the cameras and nosy reporters. She smiled as she received a glass of champagne from one of the waiters. Mixing up with the guests was easy as they were thrilled to see her. Most of them had discussed some business ideas with her while others commended her for being an exception. The attention Nate got was nothing compared to hers. He had almost everyone surrounding him, either trying to speak to him or trying to ask for his business card. She was proud of him and how much people looked up to him. It was only proof that he was hardworking and he made it look easy. Most people won’t believe the stress and opposition he had faced in order to be successful. “Hi beautiful” A man she had recognized from an interview on a morning show. “Hi” she smiled politely Nate was talking with some other businessmen. “Ruby I believe?” He asked with a charming smile She nodded as she sipped her champagne. Unfortunately, she had forgotten his name but remembered
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“Do you want to get out of here?” Nate whispered into her ears The words sounded like music to her ears. She could hear the urgency and need in his voice.The conference had started and they had barely paid any attention to what the speaker was saying. Nate’s hands had found their way to her thighs under the table. He loved how soft and smooth her skin was. He had imagined his head buried in between her thighs. Everything about her intrigued him, he had never desired a girl and waited long. He was upfront with whatever he wanted but it was different with Ruby. He wanted to take it slow with her and treat her like the queen that she was. She wasn’t like other girls, she was special and he didn’t have any plans of messing up the good thing they had going on. “Sure” Ruby nodded Her words had come more as a breath. She could feel the heat in between her lap as her body ached for his touch.Like teenagers sneaking food into a movie theater, Nate took her by the hand as they
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Ruby did the back strokes lazily in the pool. She was glad the Florida air wasn’t as humid as the one back home. She had woken up with a start as she tried to recall all that happened the previous night. She remembered she was drunk when she got home. She slipped out of her dress and climbed into the bed immediately. She wasn’t sure what happened to Nate but she found him sleeping on the couch when she woke up. She sighed as she changed to the butterfly strokes. “Had I said something to annoy him the previous night?” She asked herself. “Or had we gotten into a fight?” Whichever it was, she couldn’t tell what was the answer until Nate woke up. One of the reasons she avoided alcohol was because of the kind of things she said when she was drunk. She had no control over her emotions and poured out her heart ever so easily. Santos had brought them breakfast but she decided to keep it aside and waited till Nate was up so they could eat together. She had spent a part of the mo
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Doris got dressed in her yoga clothes. It was now a common thing for her to go in disguise as one of the people who jogged past the newspaper house every morning. As usual,she parked her car at a distance and hid behind a tree. So far,she had gathered quite enough evidence against Wyatt. She knew Wyatt could buy his way out of court with money but not this time. She needed enough evidence that would not be overlooked by anyone. The fleets of cars arrived five minutes later than usual. Roberta, the reporter, came down from the car teary eyed. Her face looked swollen as if she had cried all night.Fear gripped Doris. A thousand things went through her head. Was Roberta attacked? Was she sad? She sighed, it was a bad idea to use her niece to expose Wyatt’s deeds. The young reporter of twenty two had just finished college of journalism. She needed a breakout story to gain her audience. Doris decided to help her and at the same time use her to expose Wyatt. She figured that
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Grace offered him her biggest smile as she pulled him into the warmest hug. She was happy to see him after a busy week and his flight to Florida.Nate smiled widely as he hugged her back, the most important women in his life were doing alright and that was all that mattered to him. "I missed you"he said and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. Grace asked that he come to meet her at the park. Unlike other times she preferred to discuss with him in a room. She had loved the way they had bonded even more ever since he met Ruby.The garden was one of his favorite places to go when he was younger. It was always calm and had a fresh smell to it, it helped him take his mind off his problems. "I missed you too,"she said She looked forward to seeing him on the weekends. It had been a busy week for both of them. Ricardo put in extra effort in his work and the stock markets were rising. Everything about his business was going smoothly. Grace on the other hand was gettin
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Taylor grew impatient. The man wasn't taking her calls,it took all her willpower not to storm his office. Her money was on the line.She paced in the lobby. If he didn't show up today then she would have to show up in his office.After five minutes of sighing and glancing at her wristwatch,the man came in,as usual he was dressed in all black. "Why have you been ignoring my calls?"she shot immediately as he walked in.A part of her was relieved he showed up while the other part was very mad at him. "That's a really nice welcome" Ethan said sarcasticallyShe eyed him."What have you been up to?"she demanded He took the seat opposite her. He was beginning to question why teamed up with Taylor when he could take down Nate alone. "Asides plotting evil,I have a life you know? I have work and other important issues to attend to. Also, people are looking for me and I have to hide” "Well, Nate is very important to me. I invested all my money in some stupid redevelopment plan and n
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Author's noteHey besties, I listened to stay with me by Sam Smith when writing this,hope you enjoy it! Her back and head were sore when she got back home. She pulled up in the garage tiredly. Her eyes caught his car, she wasn't mistaken, it was the car he drove out in. She'd expected him to come back home quite late. She knew she was in a lot of trouble.She blamed everything on the cab driver whose car broke down on the road. She had gone to the newspaper house to see the reporter, not that she was allowed into the company anyway but she decided to hang around to catch a glimpse of the reporter's face. She had told Nate she was feeling a bit sick before she went out and he made her promise not to get back home late. "Where were you?" Nate demanded as she opened the door.His tie was loose,he looked really worried and tired."I had to run some errands" she liedShe didn't have any strength to argue further and hoped he wasn't going to ask her any more questions. "What erran
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Ruby rolled her box down the street, she knew leaving the house late at night was a bad idea. She reminisced about her stay at Nate’s. She had to admit that it was the most luxurious months of her life, she noticed she added some weight from all the pampering she had been getting. She had fallen for Nate regardless, she closed her eyes, trying to block all thoughts about Nate and the kiss they shared, he didn't deserve her. He was unfair to her despite everything. She sighed, she was determined to start a new life when she traveled. A life where she would heal from Nate and all her trauma. It began to get awkwardly cold. She rubbed her palm against her arms, she wasn't going to get to the bus at this rate, she had to drop Nate’s car key behind. She was only dressed in a wool cardigan and black pants. The streets were cold and empty, it began to drizzle lightly. She cussed so many times and blamed herself for leaving his house.She blamed Nate for being so charming and f
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Few hours ago…. Ruby opted to walk home. The evening had gone badly. Nate had tried to explain his decisions but she wasn't having any of it. She felt stupid for bringing up the topic of marriage when she was aware of how he felt about getting married. He tried to apologize but she was too embarrassed to listen to him. She left him at the park and decided to walk home. She fought so hard not to cry.It began drizzling. She cried even harder. She pulled her glasses. The poor glasses had hit the wall but it served its purpose very well anyway. The next bus wasn't going to show until another thirty minutes. She frowned, regretting not driving to Grace’s house. She flagged a cab down and she decided to see her mother.The cab driver didn't mind that she was drenched in rain and she was going to ruin his chair. The driver turned on the heater and increased the volume of the radio. Ruby wiped off her tears, she didn't want any sympathy from the driver who was already k
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Doris paced in the lobby of the newspaper house. As a woman in her fifties, she had experienced pain,pain beyond her control. Doris grew up in the church. Her father was the pastor there while her mother was the housewife that said nothing and just did as her husband instructed. She wasn't allowed to talk to boys or even greet them. After school,she was asked to return home immediately. Her father once threatened to enroll her in a same sex school. She never experienced anything like highschool love or any of that. Her father was very strict although she was never rebellious. He always admonished her for nothing, shouting at her whenever she made the slightest mistake. When it was time for her to go to college,he wanted her to go to the convent and become a nun. She was furious. All she ever did was obey her father with the hopes of seeing the world for what it really was when she was old enough. She always wore long skirts even during summer. Her beautiful hair was al
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