All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
277 Chapters
Nate typed away at this computer as the scenario began to loop in his head. If there is anything that he had earned from Ruby, it would be that it was okay to not be okay. It was fine to show emotion and not curl up into his shell when things went wrong. It was almost impossible for him, especially for someone who was dealing with his childhood trauma and was trying not to be a burden to anyone. He loosened up his tie and continued typing. He wished he could douse his head in a cold bucket of water. The air conditioning was faulty and the maintenance guy was trying to get around the problem. Nate had noticed he couldn’t function properly when there was discomfort. He tried to work but his mind kept going back to Ruby and his forced marriage with Taylor.Marrying Taylor was the greatest torture Wyatt had brought on him. He would have preferred if he demanded for money or tried to spill death on his name, anything but marry his spoiled daughter. The wave of humidity struck his f
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Nate eyed his visitor. She was more of a ridiculous clown, she had come to his office uninvited and Thad expected him to go easy with her after disrespecting his staff.Even though the air conditioning wasn’t back on and the fan was on the highest, her presence made everything worse. The office got hotter and her perfume filled the air, making him wrinkle his nose. “I’ve made a list of things I want for our wedding and I hope you will comply. First, I need to address why you are still at your condo, you’ve been there for months” Nate rolled his eyes and got back to typing. One way to infuriate Taylor was to act like she didn’t exist. She loved the attention and social media, it almost felt like she fed off it, once it was taken from her, she would be miserable. “I was going to stop by the condo and talk to Maria” “What did you just say?” He slowly raised his eyes from his computer and they narrowed into slits. “I’m going to stop by at the condo later” “If you e
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Ruby kicked off her shoes and climbed into her bed. It was indeed a long and dreadful day, one she won’t be forgetting for a long time.It was another kind of hurt watching someone who she called a friend turn into a monster, a monster with no control.Ethan looked pathetic, the way his brain functioned was even worse. She groaned as she tossed in bed, leaving Oregon made so much sense to her now. She was going to be away from the never ending drama and would be surrounded by a breath of fresh air.Cassie had been nice enough to comfort her, surprisingly, she wasn’t judgemental about it and knew to be quiet and not bug her with questions. She snapped her fingers, now it made sense why she was staring at the scrubs and stethoscope in Ethan’s house. She had remembered that Esme’s boyfriend was also a doctor. She rolled her eyes as her mind drifted to her best friend, or ex best friend.Most times she wanted to call, to ask her how she was holding up, how the baby was doin
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“What is wrong with you?” Esme demanded Pregnancy hormones weren’t doing her any good. She found herself getting emotional over the slightest things and would have a breakdown over nothing. “What exactly do you want from me?” Ethan asked, his hands on his hisIt had now become a normal thing for them to argue every morning. Esme was beginning to question her choices although she didn’t have the boldness to admit that she had made a wrong decision and Ruby was right. Ethan had now developed a nasty attitude and was barely at home. He claimed he had so many things to do at the hospitals. Most of which were preventing him from spending time with his girlfriend. “I had to drive myself to the hospital this morning for heaven’s sake!” Esme snapped She was beyond hurt by the way Ethan treated her. The doctor had warned her to avoid stress but it seemed like the universe wanted the opposite for her. There was always something to complain about. Her dysfunctional boyfriend a
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“Do you feel any better?” The doctor asked with a wide grin as he checked his patient’s temperature “I’d feel better if I was able to smoke a cigarette right now” Jake joked Nate and Katie laughed lightheartedly. Nate had got him the finest tobacco and had promised to let him have it when he was discharged from the hospital. “Your ribs are healing nicely. You’re one strong man” the doctor smiled proudly Jake sat up in bed and thanked the doctor before watching him leave. He had gotten used to the irritating smell of antiseptic and other disinfectants. The nurses were nice and came to have a chat with him every now and then.As a plus, he had made some friends with some of the patients. “It’s nice to meet you” Katie commented So far, she was proud of how far she had come with Wyatt’s close. She was close to finding out everything that Wyatt did and those that he had implicated. What excites her the most was that he didn’t see what was going to befall him soon.
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Katie returned a while later with coffee in her hands. She knew how unbelievable it was for her to be moved by mere words. She placed the coffee in between both men and then brought out her notepad to resume her interrogation. Many people had asked her why she didn’t join the police force and become an undercover cop, the answer was always the same, she didn’t want to answer to anyone and she wanted to have the liberty to do whatever she wanted at her own time. “Can you tell me what happened when you were conscious?” She asked “Well, I remember I was in the back of a van surrounded by the same men in black. My head was throbbing as I had sustained an injury to it. I tried to figure out where we were headed but I couldn’t because there wasn’t any window” he explained “Did any of the men say anything to you?” She asked He shook his head. “No, they didn’t. All I got was glares and looks of disapproval” “Go on” she urged him Getting every single detail was import
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Mrs Wyatt wore the happiest smile on her face. Her eyes were radiant and her happiness was contagious. Finally, Taylor was getting married and she was sure of it. “What color do you want for the wedding? You know, the last time we chose baby pink but Nate wasn’t cooperative” She turned to Nate who was busy on his phone. He had no time to pay attention to the women who chattered excitedly about the wedding. “I think we should go with white” Taylor chirped. “It’s a symbol of our love and all we’ve been through”Nate scoffed as he shifted in his seat. He had gotten a message from Taylor to meet up at his house to discuss the wedding plans.He was going to ditch but at the last minute, he decided to change his mind. If he didn’t attend whatever they were doing, then they were going to come to his house. The last thing he would ever do was to put Ruby or Maria in danger. He felt guilt eat at his heart. He imagined Ruby would probably be waiting for him in bed while he was
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Dinner was exceptionally quiet. Maria had prepared buttered salmon and rice.Ruby twirled her fork in her plate as she watched Nate do the same. His head had remained bent since he came back from work and he avoided eye contact. It was quite obvious they they both had a lot to say but wasn’t sure on how to go about it. “Is something wrong?” Ruby asked in a soft voice Nate sighed. He couldn’t exactly hide it from her for ever but he could get somethings off his chest. “I’ve been really tired” he started. “Wyatt has been on my neck all week. Jake told Katie and I of the horrible things that was done to him” Ruby sighed. Wyatt seemed for be the villain constantly. It was the same Wyatt who was after Doris and maybe her. “That’s sad” she replied. “I really do hope he is arrested soon” “Now, can you tell me what is on your mind?” He asked. “You haven’t touched your food either” Again, he had kept the details of his marriage from her. It was quite surprising th
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Wyatt glared at the newspaper, she squeezed the page into a ball and tossed it into the trash can. He lit the end of the paper as it watched it burn.The reporters and journalists knew how to test his patience so easily. The reporters and newspaper company were quite aware that they were untouchable. They always had the upper hand in everything. If any of them got missing or showed up dead, they could easily trace it to him. “Do you know who did this?” He asked angrily Even with the air conditioning on, the heat from the burning paper still affected him. Just when he was about to bring his political campaign, someone was trying to expose his evil deeds. “I can’t say for sure” one of the men replied in a shaky voice with his head bowedThey all dreaded what Wyatt could do when he was angry. They had seen so many get tortured by him, even his recent victim, Jake was lucky he had gotten out with only a number of injuries and broken bones. “Have you found Doris?”
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Ruby stared at the menu of the coffee shop, she was hungry and had been starving herself lately.Katie had come by the house the next day as Nate had promised, she had spoken with Maria and took all the necessary information. Nate had ensured there was more security at the house. She had to take another route back home, not the usual one anymore. Maria had explained that her familiarity of the neighborhood was what saved her from the man on the scooter. She had explained that she hid in a corner and then took the left turn to the condo. Many people weren’t aware of the fact that that route also led to the condo. The man on the scooter had probably thought she followed the normal route, searched for Maria for a while and gave up when he didn’t see her. “I’ll just have a scone and a beverage” she said to the waiter with a tight lipped smile Typical Nate, she thought. He has asked her to go out in one of his cars but she declined. Nate had the most expensive cars and that
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