All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
277 Chapters
The waiter helped cleared their plate when they were done eating. They had gotten a couple of looks from some of the waiters but that was kind of expected. The last time they were at the restaurant, they had caused a scene and had left everyone staring at them. “Are you okay now?” Ruby asked She had always been the mom’s friend of the group. She always had Esme in check and wanted her to be okay. “I think I’ll be fine,” Esme said tiredly.The doctors had placed her on medications which made her tired easily. “Ruby” she started. “I know I have so many things to apologize to you for, I’ve probably been the worst friend you’ve ever had. I can’t take back everything I’ve done but I want you to know I’m really sorry” Ruby tried her best not to cry or be emotional about it. They had given the people at the restaurant too much show. The last time they had a friendship break was in college. It was only for two days, it was over some silly issue Ruby couldn’t recall. Th
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After another breakdown from Esme, she was ready to talk about her relationship. She didn’t care that most of the waitresses were looking at them and were probably dying to know what they were talking about. The last time they were at the restaurant, it was Ruby who was in tears. “I broke up with my boyfriend” Ruby had this sentence a couple of times but something was different about this one. She had broken up with the father of her unborn child and the man she claimed she loved so much. She was indeed alone and going through a lot. “What happened?” Ruby asked, her voice laced with concernEven though she didn’t approve of their relationship, she wished them the best regardless and was going to support Esme if that was who she really wanted. “Just like Taylor, he stopped talking to me. He was inconsistent and blamed it on work, most times, he would yell at me and even came home drunk. It was then I had realized that I let a stranger into my life. I didn’t know any of
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“Is anything the matter?” Esme asked, her voice laced with concern Ruby had stared at the picture for more than two minutes. “Did you just say he’s a doctor?” Ruby askedHer voice had never failed her but now, it seemed to do so. She tried so hard to believe it was Ethan or maybe he had a twin that he hadn’t told her about. Any thing , any excuse to make sure it wasn’t the same Ethan she knew. “Yes?” Esme answered with a brow raised in confusion. “Do you know him?” Ruby nodded slowly. She wasn’t sure if it was right to tell Esme the truth, considering that she was pregnant and had been through a rough breakup with Ethan. “Tell me what you know about him”Ruby knew it was more of an order. Esme deserved to know the truth about her baby’s father. “We used to work together,” Ruby started. “We had even been close friends but he suddenly switched up on me” “You mean Ethan isn’t a doctor?” She asked with wide eyes Ruby nodded, she hated to be the bearer of bad n
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“Do you feel good?” Nate asked as he poked her playfully He had decided to come home as early as he could and spend every minute with Ruby. It was his duty to protect her from whoever was trying to hurt her.Grace had suggested he returned to his other house but he wasn’t prepared for that just yet. The condo was a home to him, he had Ruby in it and it was always cozy while his other house was just big and fancy, nothing to look forward to. Every morning, he had reporters at his gate taking pictures and looking for little gossip here and there. “You might as well rub my lower back” she laughed as she shoved Nate playfully Talking to Esme had put her in such a good mood that she was certain nothing could ruin it. She had her best friend back and felt wholesome again. “I made you dinner” he pouted After the cctv footage of the man in black was retrieved, he had never been so scared. He wanted to be with Ruby and showed her how much he loved her even though it was
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Days had rolled by quickly and he could feel the tension build up with each day that passed. Doris was nowhere to be found, her former house was scattered and searched thoroughly but there wasn’t a trace of her whereabouts and to make matters worse, she didn’t leave her files behind. “Where the hell is that sly woman?” Wyatt asked himself as he placed his hands on his hips in deep thoughts He had fired his former search party and hired another. This set looked more capable but had barely come up with anything. True to the reporter's promise, he had posted a couple of pictures of Wyatt and a small business owner. The reporter wasted no time to delve into his business and expose all that had transpired between Wyatt and the business owner. The man had come to Wyatt for a business collaboration. Typically Wyatt decided to prey on the man’s company and ended up extorting from him. Wyatt groaned, that had happened over ten years ago, he couldn’t believe someone would dig up su
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Taylor paced in the room, hands on her hips. She thought of the millions of things she could do but couldn’t come up with one. “Who is Nate in love with?”” She asked herself for the umpteenth time She suspected Ruby but wasn’t sure about it. She was on set when she read that Ruby had won the contract for Nate. It all came as a shock that Ruby was now working for Nate. She clicked her teeth, even after these years, Ruby didn’t learn to stay away from her man. She was still adamant and she (Taylor) was ready to bully her all over again.Another thing that had made her feel insecure was that Ruby was the girl from years ago. She had gasped when she saw pictures of her, her once frizzy hair was now beautiful curls that cascaded down her waist. Her skin was so clear and beautiful.She still wore her eyeglasses but something about the way she wore it was so cute and classy. She sighed as she grabbed her phone and thought of what to do next. She was surrounded by over five w
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“What exactly do you mean?” Cassie frowned Ruby frowned as the hot Oregon air hit her, she liked the weather humid because it made the pool warm enough for her to swim in. Now, it was too humid and made her shirt stick to her skin.They were in Cassie’s convertible and they had the sunroof open but that wasn’t enough for Ruby. “Why would Ethan do that?” Cassie was appalled by Ethan’s behavior and was even scared that he was a monster that she let into her life. Contrary to how he was behaving now, he used to be a really sweet guy and everyone loved to hang around with him. How he managed to keep up with the act for months was what she found interesting. “Ethan used her, he lied to her. Now, she’s pregnant with his child and he has abandoned her. How could I not see that this guy was this evil?” Ruby ranted It was even scarier because she had let him into her house and he always cooked for her and brought her flowers. What if he did all that to get into her space and
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Nate had just gotten off the phone with his pilot. He asked that he get the private jet ready for use as his trip with Ruby was in a week.So far, he was pleased with everything. Joe’s pub was restored and now back in business, Jake was still healing and was discharged to go home. There was a lot, he was quite happy about so many things. He wasn’t bothered so much by the wedding as he was already transferring Jake’s children to another school so Wyatt couldn’t reach them no matter how much he tried. “Sir?” Maggie poked her head through the door “Come in” “The spot for Ethan is opened I asked that those interested in the job should come tomorrow for an interview” Nate nodded, it was fine by him. He was going to fire Ethan anyway, after his outburst the other day, he figured it was best to lay him off work. Nate returned to his work as he got busy on his laptop. He had received a call from Wyatt and decided to return the call.Grace was still very furious about the wedd
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The flight to Florida was long and tiring. Nate and Ruby had spent the entire flight napping and eating. It was just two days in Florida but they knew it was going to be worth it.Ruby had been counting down the days to the trip excitedly. She had told Esme who was thrilled and was now at peace as she had her mother and siblings surround her. Maria had now moved to Grace’s house which meant she was safe. The man on the scooter was seen again although they were still cautious about it. Ruby hadn’t heard from Doris but was looking forward to the next publication by the reporter. She rested on Nate’s chest as the driver took them to the cabin Nate had booked for the weekend. She could feel the fireworks in her tummy as she finally lived her dream of going on a vacation with Nate.It was so exciting and refreshing. Nate pulled her close to him and placed a kiss on her forehead, he loved how they shared a comfortable silence. There wasn’t much to talk about and he wanted a littl
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Nate held his breath as he watched her strut in her heels. She wore a simple black cocktail gown with a deep plunge at the back. He was taken away and lost for words as he could see the sale of her round butt. He groaned a little as he felt a sensation in his lower member. He wanted her body against his own immediately. She had her hair in a low bun, leaving tendrils to frame her heart shaped face. She wasn’t putting on her glasses and he had a proper view of how beautiful her eyes were. They matched the color of the ocean and had a shine to it. Ruby barely wore any makeup but he was still amazed at how stunning she looked. Most of the girls he had been with took pride in adorning their faces for hours but Ruby didn’t need any of that. She was simple and he found the simplicity insanely attractive and sexy. “I …. I” he was lost for words and tried to speakHe remembered how she had him tongue tied on their first date even though it hadn’t gone well. Everyone who knew Nate kne
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