All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
277 Chapters
She pulled out the first aid kit from a cabinet in the kitchen. She tried to keep her activity as quiet as possible. Nate instructed that the only condition he was going to receive any treatment was if she didn’t involve Maria or other servants. She stealthily crept up the stairs, the first aid box was awkwardly heavy so she had a little bit of trouble taking it up Nate’s room.There was a lot about Nate she was yet to figure out. It was just one night and she found out quite a lot about him. She placed the first aid box on a table close to the bed. His eyes were like that of a lost puppy. She knew he didn’t want her worrying about him but she was determined to help him regardless. “Are you going to tell me how you got this?” She asked as she soaked a gauze pad in polysporin.She had considered him driving punches into Anderson’s perfect face but dismissed the idea. Anderson also had tight security so it was going to be difficult to get on his yacht. “It was an accident” he
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Rays of sunlight poured through the curtains, forcing themselves into the dimly lit room. Unlike the previous day, the day promised to be very sunny.Ruby tossed in bed as she struggled to open her eyes. She was having the best sleep and she wasn’t ready to wake up just yet. The familiar scent filled her nostrils and her lashes fluttered and she opened her eyes. The grey silk sheets felt so unfamiliar but comfortable. They weren’t her usual pink sheets with her teddy bear and throw pillows all over the bed. Neither were they the soft sheets of the room Nate offered her.Her eyes widened immediately at the realization. She had slept in Nate Jacobin’s bed!She gasped as she turned to his sleeping figure. He looked so relaxed in his sleep, better than how troubled he looked when he was having the nightmare. His hair was tousled in his sleep but somehow, it still looked perfect, of course only Nate could pull that off.Her eyes trailed down to his shirtless body. Wasn’t he wearing
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She reluctantly crept out of the room when she saw him turn in bed. As much as she wanted to see his beautiful eyes and listen to his groggy voice when he woke up, she had other things to do. She planned on looking into the list of companies Anderson gave her. She took the first aid box back to the kitchen quietly. She felt sixteen again, like she was sneaking into the house after a long night of partying and sleeping with her boyfriend. The only difference was that when she was sixteen, she never did any of that and spent Saturday nights reading romance novels or watching romcoms. A sly smile played on her lips as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Now she understood why girls were so quick to sneak out of the house, the feeling was just too ecstatic. She remembered Nate didn’t want any of the servants finding out about what happened so she had to be as quiet as possible. She imagined the look on her parents face when they found out that their perfect, straight A daughter
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When Ruby was done with her tea, she decided to explore. Nate was still asleep while Maria went out to get some groceries. Maria told her the gym was open. She needed to get some sweat in. She had gone months without visiting the gym.She changed into some more workout appropriate clothes and left for the gym. She checked up on Nate earlier, he looked so peaceful and relaxed in her sleep. The other servants included the chauffeur, a gardener and another housekeeper. Ruby didn’t see the need for their services but Maria explained Grace insisted on having them around. Nate’s room was the most abstract of all rooms in the house. He had designed the room himself while Grace did the rest of the interior decoration which explained why there were potted plants and the feminine wall art. The house wasn’t exactly so big but it was twice her apartment. There were a few rooms, most of which weren’t in use. Maria had also told her Nate hadn’t used the house in almost two years which exp
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Nate yawned as he stretched lazily. He sat up in bed immediately as he looked at the wall clock, it was a few minutes past one o’clock in the afternoon. He had more than enough sleep for one day. He imagined how shocked and impressed his doctor was going to be when he told him he was able to sleep that long. He stifled another yawn as he turned to the other side of the bed. The sweet floral scent of her shampoo greeted him. He picked up the hair tie she forgot and played with it using his fingers.She had left his bed a couple of hours ago so he couldn’t feel her warmth. He frowned at his badly bruised fingers as images of the previous night's event started coming to him.After his argument with Ruby, he had thought of so many things that had upset him so he decided to go to the gym. Going to the gym meant lifting more weights and doing a few cardio exercises. The more he lifted the barbells, the more anger he felt. He was filled with regret and sadness, all of which he cou
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The smell of bacon and eggs drifted towards his nose and he went downstairs. Before he went down, he had peeked at Ruby’s room but she wasn’t there. He had felt a little scared that she left him until he saw her luggages at the corner of a room and he felt relieved. “Hey sleepyhead” Ruby smiled as he walked into the kitchenAfter her gym section and cleaning up the gym, she decided to make breakfast. She disposed of the garbage filled with destroyed items faraway where Mari couldn’t get hold of it. For some reason, she felt Nate didn’t want anyone to know about it.She considered waking Nate up for breakfast but decided against it, it was obvious he hadn’t slept in days so he needed as much rest as he could get. “Umm hi” he stuttered a little as he rubbed his napeIt was a little strange having her cook in his kitchen. Most of the time, he ordered or had Grace cook for him. He had relieved his chef of her duties because he barely ate anything she cooked.Ruby was dressed in a
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Echoes of their laughter filled the room. The coffee addicts had had several cups of coffee and they felt awake. It was a moment Ruby cherished. After they were done eating, Nate helped her do the dishes walking on sunshine played on the radio and they sang along. Nate couldn’t help wash the plates as his hands were still badly bruised and healing. A few minutes into their dining, she changed his bandaids. It was a peaceful kind of day, stress free. Just the two of them with no one to disturb them. “Are you going out today?” She asked as she rinsed the last plate She couldn’t imagine how empty the house would be without him. “No, do you have anything you want to do?” He askedShe sighed and then sat on the stool beside him. There were a lot of things for them together but she wasn’t sure just yet. The more she created memories with him, the harder it was going to be for her to live on from him. “No, not at all” she shook her head “Well, if that’s the case then, I h
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The afternoon rolled by quickly and then came evening. Maria was back from the grocery store and was preparing a late lunch for them. After their conversation earlier, both had returned to their rooms.Ruby on the other hand had slept soundly throughout the afternoon while Nate finished off some work. It upset him that they didn’t spend as much time together as he wanted. He had a couple of things planned in his head. The penthouse had quite a number of amenities, some of which he hadn’t even used and was ready to try with her. He shut his laptop as he reached for his phone, as usual, Taylor kept blowing his phone up with messages. He missed a call from Mrs Wyatt and the pastor of the church where Taylor picked for them to get married. Apparently, they found out he hadn’t slept in his house and they were upset about it. The fashion designer kept sending different suits to his house. Grace on the other hand kept receiving food from the supposed chef from Italy. Taylor sent hi
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Ruby took a long lazy bath, allowing her body to soak in the scent of the oils Maria put in for her. It was an unproductive day for her as she barely got anything done. She had spent the day sleeping and getting some rest. Her stomach rumbled which was her sign to leave the bathtub and go down for lunch. She hoped Nate was going to show up for lunch, she genuinely enjoyed eating with him.They had conversations about life and other topics which interested them. She was amazed at how he had a lot of interesting things to say on each topic, he was well spoken. Also, if he came down for lunch, not only would she get to enjoy Maria’s delicious cooking, she would have a chance to look at his handsome face while doing so. She wrapped a towel around her body and stepped out of the bathroom. It was her second night in the house so she was still living out of her boxes. She lathered her body in her body cream and sprayed a little perfume. Whenever she was with Nate, she always wanted t
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Ruby couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips as she bit into the beef stuffed bell peppers. After her little emotional moment, she gathered herself together and went down for lunch. She plastered a fake smile on her face as she didn’t want anyone to worry about her. The sight of Nate already at the table turned the fake smile into a genuine one.Thankfully, he was now wearing a shirt which distracted her a little less. He also seemed to be in a better mood which helped lift hers. “Wait until you try her lasagna” Nate commented and bit into his hamburgerAfter his call with Taylor, he switched off his phone just in case her parents started bugging him with unending phone calls. “Maria is the absolute best” Ruby nodded as she tried the hamburgers “I could take you to a little cafe, not too far from the office. Trust me, they sell the best slushies” she addedThe cafe was one of her favorite places in Oregon. After school hours, she always rushed there to get herself a
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