All Chapters of Falling for the CEO : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
277 Chapters
After a very filling lunch, Nate went to the pub to meet up with Adam and Jake. It was an emergency meeting so he had to go. Ruby was left alone in her room while Maria went off, doing house chores.He promised to get her cupcakes and slushies on his way back home. Everything felt surreal, he was coming back to her waiting for him, just like they were a couple. She shook her head as she scratched that off, yes she loved him but until he asked her, she wasn’t going to conclude they were a couple mostly because his wedding was around the corner and she was still confused on how he looked happy with Taylor in high school but claimed it was the opposite. To be fair, he didn’t exactly look happy, his face was expressionless most of the time so she couldn’t tell what or how he was feeling. She switched on the TV and began swiping in between stations. Nothing interested her, not even the romcoms or comedy shows. With Nate not in the house, she felt empty. His scent filled up her nos
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Nate pulled up at the local pub. He had a baseball cap and sunglasses on. Just when he was about to take Ruby on a tour of the building, he received a call from Adam, demanding that he showed up at the pub immediately.He walked briskly to the pub, ensuring his face was well covered. Adam and Jake were already seated at their usual booth and they ordered fries as usual. The pub was busier than usual, some men who worked around gathered to watch a football match. He was relieved they were so engrossed in the match so they couldn’t notice him. “If it isn’t Mr lover boy that decided to show up” Jake laughed as he stretched his hands for a shake.He had a cigarette tucked at the back of his right ear and a Diet Coke in his hand.Nate wondered if he was ever tired of cigarettes.He bumped fist with Adam and sat opposite them. “I’m sorry for going off the other day, an emergency came up” he apologized “If by the emergency, you mean Miss Ruby, that’s okay” Adam teased as he
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Ruby laid on the couch as she watched another comedy show. It was now several minutes past nine o’clock and she wasn’t ready to go to bed yet. There was no way she could when Nate wasn’t home yet. Maria had prepared dinner for her but she wasn’t in the mood to eat anything because she was worried about Nate.She tried calling him but his phone was switched off. She wanted to call a couple of people to ask about his whereabouts but couldn’t. No one knew they were staying at the penthouse and they both wanted to keep it that way. Maria persuaded her to go to bed but she wasn’t having any of it. She wanted to make sure Nate was alright. Her bed seemed very uncomfortable, she wanted to be wrapped in Nate’s bedsheets with him beside her.She sighed as she stared at the television, her ears blocked to the show that was airing. All she could see were humans moving and smiling. She was too worried about Nate to think straight. She had done all she could think of doing in order to pass
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Ruby smiled as she turned and tossed in his bed. She had spent several days in his house and still wasn’t over the fact that they got to share a bed each night. They were like teenagers hiding from their snoopy parents. The snoopy parent being Maria. She was very sweet but she was always interested in their business. Each night, when they were sure Maria was asleep, he would sneak Ruby into his room and they'd talk, play a game or watch a movie till one of them fell asleep. She stretched lazily and yawned.She was getting enough sleep in his bed. Nate had told her once that he caught her smiling in her sleep but that was bound to happen because she was in the bed of a man she desired all her life. She got out of bed groggily and decided to go make breakfast. Nate had woken up earlier and decided to go for his routine early morning run. Life was perfect, way to perfect until she checked her todo list and realized she had a meeting with Anderson. Her smile metamorphosed into
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Ruby smiled as she rested her head against the windows and admired the tall buildings she had seen over and over again. She had left Anderson looking too stunned to speak. Of course, she had only worsened her case but she didn’t care. She thought of him as a sore loser and a cry baby who only craved attention. Her phone rang for the umpteenth time that day, it was Anderson calling. He was livid and swore to deal with her mercilessly. She had disrespected him in front of his workers and he felt insulted. She decided to answer her phone finally after he called four more times. “How dare you?” He boomed at the other end of the line “How dare you lie to me?” She fired backIf he knew so much about Nate’s office, it only meant that he had a spy on the inside which he denied. He got a replica of everything that was in her office. The only left was for her to hang up her pictures as she did in her former office. “You disrespected me. I agreed to tell you the truth about your l
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“I genuinely think there is something wrong with him” Cassie chipped in as she rolled her fork around her pastaThe food had finally arrived after a couple of minutes. Ruby ordered for a little portion of food in order to leave space for Maria’s cooking. “Your resignation still came to us all as a shock. If I was earning the amount you earned or if I had gotten as much attention from Mr Jacobin, trust me, I’d never leave” Cassie’s declared, waving her hands in the air as she spoke Ruby smiled sadly, it was only her who knew where the shoe pinched. Everyone saw her as the perfect girl who wasted her opportunity and shot at greatness. “I think Ruby’s resignation is for the best. Mr Jacobin is quite smart isn’t he? He would be things figured out himself” Ethan responded coldlyRuby had noticed he wasn’t his usual self and she seemed a little withdrawn. She wanted to ask him what the matter was but then she remembered that he invited her over to his house a couple of times and she
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Ruby let out a long sigh as she kicked off her shoes. After lunch with Ethan and Cassie, she went into the city to do a little shopping. She bought some peace lilies to plant in the empty flower vase in her room. She still had a little time to kill so she stopped at her parents restaurant and helped around. Her mother’s cat was slowly recovering from whatever was wrong with it. Ruby was very much impressed with how many customers they had that afternoon. On her way home, she wanted to pay a surprise visit to Esme’s home but changed her mind. She didn’t want to bump into Esme’s boyfriend because she had refused to introduce them to each other. She believed that whenever Esme was ready, she was going to set up a meeting for them.She rubbed at her aching feet until she heard a knock on the door and Nate peeked his handsome face through the door. She couldn’t help the sweet smile that crept into her face. When she took a cab home, all she thought about was returning home to him
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A week later, Ruby stood at the aisle of an old church in a black overcoat and an umbrella in hand. What happened to start as a drizzle was now pouring heavily. She paid the cab driver and watched him zoom off. She felt her heart skip a beat as she surveyed her surroundings. The streets had emptied out as the rain fell heavier. She felt her heart race as she pulled out her phone to read the address again. She was at the right place.Now she wished she had taken Nate’s advice by letting the chauffeur drive her to the location. For all she knew, it could be a trap. The church hadn’t been in use even before she was born. It was located in one of the isolated parts of the city. “Follow me” a young boy of about seven said as he approached her.He had a little umbrella over his head so she couldn’t see his face.She had a lot of questions for him but reluctantly, she followed him. She scrunched her nose at the smell of dirt mixed with rain and wet sand.Over the week, she decide
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Doris relaxed in her chair as she stroked her pet. Ruby realized she wasn’t as scary as she seemed. She wasn’t the type to talk much or anyhow.The Persian cat curled up in its owner’s lap and yawned, staring at Ruby. “You have to understand that once I start revealing things to you, you automatically put yourself in danger. People may come for you, it’s too dangerous which is one of the reasons I decided to hide in this part of the city” Ruby exhaled heavily and closed her eyes as she thought of what to do. She wished she had involved Nate in all that was happening right from the start, she felt he had better judgement and he would know what to do. Fear clouded her thoughts but she tried to let it not get the best of her. A little voice reminded her that she hadn’t gone that far only for her to turn back and go home without getting any vital information, another voice reminded her that if someone like Doris was hiding in the worst part of the city, then it was indeed too da
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The cat scratched and purred at the window while the bird picked on an insect. The rain showed no sign of stopping as it continued to fall harder. “Here, take a look at this” Doris said, placing some documents in front of herRuby gulped her bottle of water before she took a look at the paper. It was obvious that Doris had most of the secrets of the most respected businessmen in the country. She was able to destroy their business at any time she wished by releasing some of their secrets. Ruby fed her eyes on each page. There were details of how they carried out their fraud and sold out fake products. “How does Nate come into the picture?” Ruby asked, still flipping through the pages of the book “Ah” Doris sighed. “The poor boy is just a victim of circumstance, Mr Wyatt keeps blackmailing him”Ruby dropped the paper immediately. It made no sense, why would Mr Wyatt choose to blackmail his friend's son and daughter's fiancé? “What do you mean?” “Wyatt is jealous of Nate
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