All Chapters of A Hybrid, Battered And Broken, Yet Invincible: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
91 Chapters
MannyIt hurts so bad to know that I am the reason why my true, fated mate left me. It hurts even more when I try to figure out where she could be. How has she been faring all alone in a world where she knows no one but herself? Talk about self-loathing! At this moment I feel like biting my own tongue and departing the earth. It feels as though a thousand glass shards are continuously stabbing my heart. All I feel is guilt coupled with shame. How am I fit to be an alpha when I can be easily deceived like this?"Argggh!" Just as I am about to claw my neck, a loud, blood-curdling scream bombards my ears. Instantly, I become alert and only now do I remember that Alpha Martinez's luna is said to be in labor. I have been so engrossed in my self-loathing that I did not notice anything else that has been happening around me. "My queen, I am sorry to barge in like this. The young Luna's situation is dire. She is losing a lot of blood and we need to take her to the human hospital. I have alr
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JerryI have never been so enraged in my entire life as I feel right now. My little sister has suffered too many injustices all by herself. I am angry at myself for leaving her behind, and I am angry at everyone who wronged my baby sister. Let me not even get started on Willie's case. My baby brother was slaughtered like a chicken and Aria was forced to witness such a gruesome murder. I cannot wait anymore. I have to get justice for my siblings. Connor and all his cronies have to go. Completely disappear from the face of the earth. Then I will hunt down that Manny Reynolds and make him have a taste of my wrath. I will not kill him but I am going to make his life worse than death. "Argh!""Calm down, my dear. You have to hold on to your rationality, else you will make a colossal mistake. If you go in search of Connor, in this state, he will have an advantage over you. Acting in anger has never been the best solution. What's done is done and it cannot be undone. You should at least l
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The Mischievous Jerry
Unknown After getting the message about the situation in the Luminous Pack, Henna wanted to leave as soon as she could. However, Jerry stalled her proposing that they would all travel together. Although he strongly despised Manny and the whole Luminous Pack, he knew that he could not keep his niece and nephew away from their people for too long. That is why he purchased the largest manor he could find on the marketing Hartland. Apparently, he had another reason for moving nearer the Luminous Pack territory. He wanted to find his sister's mate, Manny, and teach him an unforgettable lesson. He wanted Manny to know that he messed with the wrong girl. However, after hearing about Manny's plight, he felt oddly satisfied. That was the best retribution. At least he can focus on Connor without worrying about Manny. The universe has already dealt him a verifying blow. "Ha! Who said that there is no retribution in this world?" Jerry snorted as he wheeled Master Gao out of the private hospi
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Taming The Feral Alpha
UnknownJerry has been holding a grudge against Manny for a while. Not only Manny, but everyone who made his sister cry was an enemy of his. He wanted to help his sister vent her rage. That is why he has been hellbent on seeking retribution for Aria. He knew that as her mate, Aria would be lenient with Manny. That is why he took matters into his own hands.What no one noticed was the fact that the seemingly gentle-looking visitor was busy scoffing at their so-called tight security. Although he seemed like he was only tapping on his laptop, Jerry was actually meddling with their security system. In no time, he had disabled the Luminous Pack security system. "Although I managed to disable their security system easily, I must commend them as well. I would have had a hard time if I did not have my guys inside this pack. No wonder they are the largest pack in the world. They are quite deserving. Their only downside is their pomposity. Ha! Today I will teach this young alpha never to break
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Shame Exceeds Death
UnknownMeanwhile, in the clearing near the crystal clear creek, an intense battle between a wolf and a human raged on. The onlookers were both baffled and intrigued. They had never seen a human who could hold his own against an alpha wolf. Not only could he stand his ground, but he was handing it to Manny left, right, and center. The pitch-black wolf pounced on Jerry. Fangs bared, ready to deliver a fatal blow. Jerry sneered and crouched. The moment Manny reached him, he was aimed for the jugular. In his couched position, Jerry scoffed and delivered a heavy punch to the wolf's belly. Sending the humongous wolf hurtling to the huge willow tree."Who said a feral wolf will not turn back to his human form? Let me see if you won't shift back once I have hurt you enough." Jerry spoke in a low voice but loud enough for Manny to hear. To add insult to injury, he even dusted his hands, implying that punching Manny had dirtied his hands. The onlookers were all stunned at his unabashed mocke
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MannyAlthough I cannot turn back to my human form, I still retained my consciousness. I have always known that if I allow Matt, my wolf, to suppress me, there was not going to be a chance for me to be saved. Yes, I have been yearning to just go feral and be killed. Yet, the few times I would think of Aria, I fought for my consciousness to not be corroded. A part of me hopes to meet her again in this lifetime. I guess this is the only reason my sanity did not get completely shredded. I have been locked up for almost a week now, yet even with silver chains, my body refuses to change back to human form. I have since resigned to my fate. However, for some reason, today, I feel especially restless. Another shocking thing is the fact that Matt has been fighting me for dominance. As if the heavens are granting my wish, the silver gates slide open on their own. Without wasting any time, I jump out and let out a ferocious growl. None of the guards dare intercept my escape. They know better
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AriaPacing up and down the corridor of the infirmary, I cannot help but sigh in exasperation. I know that I am vengeful but my brother exceeds me by leaps and bounds. The idiot just had to vent his anger on Manny. Honestly, sometimes I feel as if I am the oldest sibling. What is wrong with keeping a low profile? Did he honestly think that the mate bond would affect me? Even if it means hurting myself in the process, I was still going to make Manny pay dearly. Now this brother of mine has just taken away my chance to do so. Argh! Had he not been comatose, I would have smacked his thick skull for stealing my thunder!A mixture of rage and sadness mars my countenance. Enraged because my brother stole my show and sad because he got hurt in the process. Although I want Manny to pay for what he did to me, deep down, I have no disdain for him. It is just that my pride cannot let it go. After all, my wolf, Amirah, is quite vengeful as well.Truly, I am not even sure if I would have managed
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Despair And Shame
Unknown As the Reynolds watched how much the twins resemble Manny, shame washed over them. However, when they concluded that Aria and the human were a couple, despair enveloped their hearts. How could they not feel such an immense amount of despair when their offspring are being raised by another man? To top it off, the man is just a mere human who despises their kind! To them, the twins are already lost. They know that the human laws would not give them a chance to fight for the custody of the twins. What's even worse is the fact that Aria would never give them the chance after all they did to her. This can probably be described as their worst ever failure. I cannot help but gloat at their desperation. They are so engrossed in their self blame that none of them has recovered from their initial shock. Although Aria has explicitly commanded them to send the two injured men to the infirmary, it has taken ages for them to react. To an extent, she felt that the Reynolds deserved every
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It's Not Humiliation But Atonement
AriaAlthough I may appear calm on the surface, only I know the emotional turbulence in my heart. I am scared for my brother and Henna. She has grown quite fond of Jerry now and I dread the impact it will have on her if things were to go south.This is why I have been keeping myself in check. After considered telling the Reynolds what my wolf has told me, I decide against it without batting an eye. Their condescending looks are enough to keep me at bay. It is only when Henna walks in with the twins that something clicks in my mind.I have someone who is capable of healing my brother. And that someone loves us to the moon and back. He is my maternal grandfather, Mtungagore the Azanian warlock. He named my twins Allay and Harmony, meaning healing and peace. I remember vividly what he told me the last time we spoke. I truly shut him out but he was unfazed. "If you ever face a situation where you are not sure of the next step, remember to reach me in this way." My grandfather spoke with
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AriaI know that if I want my grandfather to help the Reynolds, I have to follow his teachings. I am scared for Manny but I know that he will never leave him to die. I will slowly coax him until he relents.My brother, although he has just been snatched back from the jaws of death. He is not quite happy to know that the Reynolds know the truth of our relationship. He has quite a weird way of viewing life this big brother of mine. "Seriously, gramps? Why did you bother clearing the misunderstanding? I was not done toying with that stupid mutt's feelings. I wanted to break him until his ego got washed away. Ugh, gramps, do I really have to eat now? That concoction of yours has sealed off my appetite for years to come." Jerry complains about everything in one go. Successfully leaving us all in stitches, even the twins giggle at their big uncles foolishness. "How would you have toyed with his emotions when you were both lying hald dead in the infirmary, dear child?" Gramps pronounces ea
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