All Chapters of A Hybrid, Battered And Broken, Yet Invincible: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
91 Chapters
AriaAfter shouting out to Luna Ella, I stomp away in anger. How do daughters function? How dare she just leave me for a dad she met barely five minutes? I need to take Allay home and find a gym. Otherwise, I might end up picking fights with innocent people. I wish I was not born a werewolf! Humans do not even bother about such silly familial ties! What makes it worse is the so-called mate bond. ARGH! What was the Moon Goddess thinking when she created soulmates and the wretched mate bond? I am truly not angry at my daughter. If I dare be honest, I am quite angry at my stupid heart! Seeing Manny shedding tears and admitting that he is a jerk, took a toll at me. What irks me the most is how muddle-headed I became at that particular moment. I wanted nothing but to throw myself into his arms and assure him that things would be okay. "Why are you berating yourself incessantly when you know that there is nothing you can do? This is how it has been since time immemorial. The fact that you
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Tugs Of The Heartstrings
AriaAs I stand at by the lakeside, my gaze fixed on the bustling activity within the pack. My mind whirls with conflicting emotions, torn between the desire to protect myself and my children, and the lingering connection I'm beginning to feel towards Manny, their father. My wolf, Amirah, is pacing restlessly within me, the clash of our desires echoing within the deepest parts of my soul.Amirah, with her distinct blue eyes and regal air, nudges against my consciousness, her voice laced with determination. "Aria, you cannot deny the pull of the mate bond forever. Manny is the father of your pups, and there is a part of you that still cares for him. You cannot hide from that truth."My brow furrows as I turn my attention inward, contemplating Amirah's words. The bond we share allows for a deep connection and understanding between us, but I'm struggling to reconcile the hurt and betrayal I experienced at Manny's hands. I have built walls around my heart for self-preservation, afraid to
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Beneath The Willow Tree
AriaAs the days roll by, my interaction with Manny is getting less awkward. The kids have warmed up to him and his whole countenance has changed. All day long he moves around with the brightest smile on his face. Of course, our relationship is more of friendship than mates. However, this is mostly due to my stubbornness, as my wolf says. The resentment I habored against him has since subsided but I am reluctant to accept him fully. Maybe it is just because my subconscious is safeguarding me from further disappointment. I have also been assisting him with the pack training, even though we have not truly gotten back together. Nonetheless, I have granted him full access to the kids. I thought he would take them for days but he insisted that whenever he is with the twins, I should be there. According to him, that helps in creating the family scene for our pups.Today. Jeremy has taken the twins out to the amusement park. He insisted that since I have chosen to give Manny a chance, I sho
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Like A Shadow In The Dark
Aria POV I guess that the time has come for me to show Connor that he is not as ahead as he assumes. After a discussion with Manny and Jerry, we all agreed that Connor needs a little scare. We all racked our minds and came up with a noble idea. Well, not quite that noble but I believe that it is a foolproof plan. The aim is to ruffle Connor's furthers. The idiot needs a nip in the bud. His wings have overgrown and he feels invincible. It is time that I pull him down from his high pedestal for once. "Guys, you both know that I am a hacker, right? Jeremy, you are even better than me. Let's do something a little crazy. Jeremy, destroy his firewalls for all his research facilities. We need to steal all the formulas he used in creating those mutated rogues" I almost yell as the idea comes to my mind. Both my brother and mate stare at me as if I have grown an extra head. "Why would you want that formula?" Jeremy asks, incredulity in his voice. "The rogues are just stray werewolves. They
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AriaAs we move away from beneath the watchful gaze of the willow tree, our determination burns brighter than ever before. The secrets that had burdened me for so long have now been shared, strengthening the bond between us and fueling our resolve to confront the malevolence that haunts our lives. Yes. Our lives because Manny is an essential part of me. My burdens are his as well.In the days that follow, Manny and his family reach out to their allies, assembling a united front against Connor and the demon wizard. The Luminous Pack has pledged their support already. Jeremy and the family will always stand steadfast by my side. My grandfather, Mtungagore, the Azanian warlock, will never leave my side until he knows that all threats have been eliminated. Altogether, we gathered a formidable coalition of supernatural beings who share a common goal: to bring down the nefarious forces that threaten our existence.I was not there in the previous war against the demon wizard. However, I have
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Daring Stunt
Author's POV The Luminous Pack is thrumming with life as Manny and Aria keep a careful watch over their family. The recent confrontation with Connor has heightened their vigilance, and they have taken every measure to ensure the safety of their children. But unbeknownst to them, within the depths of the pack's territory, unseen and undetected, the malevolent presence of Vornt lurks, his hatred fueling his insidious plans.Vornt's knowledge of masking his aura has always served him well, allowing him to operate in shadows. But his fear of the legendary blue wolf, Amirah, Aria's wolf, gnaws at the corners of his mind. He knows that crossing paths with her would ultimately unleash her righteous fury, and he understands the consequences that await him. What the Luminous Pack did not expect was for Vornt to act rashly. Driven by his belief in his own cunning nature, Vornt dismisses his fears, convinced that seizing one of Aria's twins would cripple her resolve and bring her and her wolf
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Raw Crimson Rage
AriaThe soft, yet insistent voice of Allay, my little boy, has abruptly interrupted my slumber. Bleary-eyed and disoriented, I stumble out of bed, following the guidance of my little boy's voice echoing through the darkened hallways of our home. There is a growing sense of dread within me as I hurry towards Harmony's room.As I push the door open, my heart seizes in my chest. The sight before me makes my blood run cold. The bed is empty, Harmony is nowhere to be found. Panic spreads through my veins as I desperately scan the room, searching for any sign of my beloved baby girl.Allay, only two years old and unable to articulate the events that had unfolded, can only call out his sister's name repeatedly, with a mixture of fear and confusion. His tiny voice breaks my heart, amplifying my urgency and desperation.But just as despair threatens to consume me entirely, a glimmer of hope materializes in the form of my grandfather. Gramps returns with Harmony cradled safely in his arms, her
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Connor's Lament
Connor's POVWatching as the battle rages on, I stare into the darkness, my heart heavy with regret and trepidation. From the shadows, I observe the chaos unfolding before me, my once mighty army being decimated by Aria and her allies. Limbs are flying through the air. My soldiers' bodies a being torn and strewn across the forest floor, the chosen battlefield for this bitter confrontation.It all started with Vornt's ill-conceived plan to kidnap Aria's daughter. I cannot help but shake my head, my mind is haunted by the memory of that fateful decision. Standing beside Vornt, I had agreed to the idea, believing it to be a strategic move that would cripple our enemy's spirit. But I now realize the grave mistake we have made.Our initial plan was to attack with stealth, utilizing the dark spellcasters to incapacitate the warriors gathered in the formidable Luminous Pack. It seemed foolproof at the time, a way to gain the upper hand without risking a full-blown battle. But Vornt, driven b
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Aria's Rage
Manny POVIn the heart of the night, I am suddenly startled into wakefulness by a reverberating growl. My heart starts pounding and something about that powerful growl tugs at my Heartstrings and stirrs my wolf, Matt. This guy has been giving me the cold shoulder lately and only perks his ears if it is anything to do with our mate, Aria."Aria!" I shout out loud springing out of bed, not bothering to dress up. I contemplate running in wolf form towards doctor Boyce's house where Aria and our twins are currently residing. But I go on and take the stairs three at a time. A sense of urgency propelling me forward. When I reach the doctor's residence, I catch a glimpse of my mate's majestic and rare blue wolf, leaping towards the forest. I stare at this awe inspiring rare breed of a wolf and momentarily forget about the urgency that made me rush here.Only after her magnificent wolf disappears into the deep of the forest do I Snape out of my dazed state. I still cannot shake out my shock.
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Final Reckoning
Aria"You slashed little brother Willie's head with one swift move. Unfortunately, I am going to use this blunt knife to cut yours off. I am going to savour every moment of it. I will be looking right into your eyes. I will forever remember your pain, your fear and your helplessness. I want you to never be wicked again in your next life. That is if you will ever get a chance to be reborn."I do not move my gaze from Connor's fear stricken eyes. I am not going to be compassionate with scum like him. Otherwise, I will never be reconciled in this lifetime if I don't make him go through a pain much worse than he subjected me to. In fact, everything I am giving him will never comapre to the pain he subjected me to. This man broke me. In his hands, I was Battered and Broken Yet I remained Invincible. This idiot and left me for dead but I somehow survived. I believe my survival was for a reason and this reason was for me to live to get rid of scum like Connor from this universe. I start cu
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