All Chapters of The Red Wedding: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Chapter 21
RYDER’S POINT OF VIEW I was furious.How could I have been so blind to the fact that Elena was not a good person? The accident was just enough proof, yet I failed to see it. She even had the audacity to kidnap my little sister. Until now, we did not know where she could have taken Mirabel to, and it was killing me inside.“Have you found anything?” I approached the police chief and investigator.“No, Sir.” The police chief answered, “But I must ask this.”“Go ahead.”“How did you meet this Elena? What is your relationship with her?”“We barely have any relationship. I first met Elena when she crashed my car and almost gave me a heart attack. It was later confirmed that it was indeed a brake fail, so I let her go. Some days later, I found out she was working at my company and then we exchanged numbers. Mostly because I felt guilty about dragging her to the police station when she was innocent. After my sister got shot, she called me while we were still in the hospital.” I b
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Chapter 22
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW Quinn and I went up the stairs to Mirabel’s room. She was sleeping. That she felt safe enough to sleep made me feel she trusted me. I would never hurt her intentionally. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. Deep down inside, I hoped she’d trust me completely. If she did, it’d be easier for Ryder to drop whatever he was planning against me. “She looks peaceful.” Quinn sat on the edge of the bed, legs crossed. “I don’t know why Alistair has chosen to make her suffer. I’m the one he wants. Why doesn’t he just come at me directly?” “He’s a lunatic. I guess he believes this is the best way to hurt you. Think about it, she’s the king’s sister. Her brother has the power to make your life miserable, and he doesn’t have to lift a finger.” She was right. If Ryder wanted, he could behead me and no one would dare question him. Alistair really used his head here. Thinking about it made me wish I had done as he wanted at first. The stupid
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Chapter 23
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW The SUV I was in came to a halt in front of a house. It wasn’t grandiose, neither was it shitty. The house was okay. It reminded me of my house in New Jersey. It had the white picket fences, a mailbox, and a well-taken care of lawn with beautiful flowers. “You’ll be staying here until boss comes for you.” The waiter informed me. “Please do not leave the house.” “Got it.” I dismissed him with an airy wave as I ambled to the house, taking in its neat exterior. Whoever lived here was doing a good job of keeping it clean. I rang the bell and waited. Ten seconds, fifteen… no answer. I rang it again. “What the fuck is your problem?” A silver-haired girl shouted, throwing the door open with a glare. “Oh, it’s you.” She stepped aside with a much friendlier expression. “Come on in.” “Thanks?” I went into the house. The television was on, and what I saw playing wouldn’t easily leave my head. The black and orange video. “Elena, is it?” She asked. Now that
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Chapter 24
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW I hadn’t seen or heard anything from Kai in days. I feared he’d found something out or just avoiding me for the time being. Maybe he was upset with me. He was probably in some sort of trouble. After all, the police had found me at his house and Mirabel might have complicated him by saying he was Kai. Oh, goodness, what if he had been arrested?“I hate when you do this.” Ariana had both hands on her waist as she glowered at me, unimpressed I had spaced out while she was talking. I dropped the rag in my hand on the table. “Sorry.”It was a Saturday and, according to Ariana; we had to clean the place up. Not that it was too dirty, but just because. Her words, not mine. She was preparing something for us to eat, even though it looked a little too much for two people. It made me believe someone was coming over.She rolled her eyes. “As I was saying, Ricky and Kai will come over in some minutes with a friend. I’ll finish up here. Go shower.”“Kai is comin
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Chapter 25
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW “Is this the place?” Jay asked as we stood in front of Quinn’s door, waiting for her to open up after we had beaten up the two policemen in front of her door. It was fun to fight after a long time. “Yes.” “You’re certain?” “One hundred percent.” “Okay.” He rang the bell again. “So, why the fuck is she not opening the damn door?” “Maybe.” the door was opened to reveal Quinn wearing a strapless, black dress with a high slit and sequins. “It’s because I was busy.” She shifted her attention to me before hugging me. “You made me worry so much, Lena. What happened to you?” “I’ve been hiding.” I said, hugging her back. “I’m sorry I didn’t contact you sooner.” She pulled away. “I understand. So,” she faced Jay, “Who is he?” “This is Jay; a friend. Jay, this is Quinn. My best friend.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Fallon.” “You know me?” He gave a lopsided smile. “I did my research.” She nodded. “I was about to meet up with someone, but since
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Chapter 26
RYDER’S POINT OF VIEW It’s like she disappeared.Even after speaking to the owner of the house we found her at, all he could tell us what that she had broken into his house. When Mirabel was asked to see if she knew him, she said no. She told us that the man Elena was with had black hair and grey eyes. She said he was tall, but the owner of the house was a redhead with brown eyes. He wasn’t too tall and was buff. His name was Lynn Alexander, whereas the man my sister saw was a man she called Kai.How could she have disappeared without a trace?Who on earth was this Kai?“I know you didn’t just come here to see me, Lena. What’s going on?”I quickly sat up on my bed when I heard Quinn’s voice.Lena? Was Elena at her place?I heard nothing for some time until Quinn’s voice broke the silence.“Those bastards. I’m suing, I swear.”Elena was there. I was certain.I dialed the police chief’s number. On the third ring, he answered.“Hello, chief.”“Good evening, Mr. Smith. Is ther
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Chapter 27
THEO’S POINT OF VIEW Sitting and waiting for the cops to find Elena, or should I say Andrea, was slowly becoming tiring. My friend was dying on the inside and I had to help him. We had to make that snaky woman pay for her crimes. She deserved to suffer in jail. I would make sure of it.As I drove with Mr. Brad seated beside me, I couldn’t help but think something was odd. Something made little sense. I had asked him to look into Elena and he told me he found nothing. How come Annalise was the one who found out Elena was not who she claimed to be? How did he not find that out?“Is there a problem?” he asked, shifting in the seat.“Huh?”“Is there a problem?” he reiterated.“No. Why?”“You’ve been glancing at me.”I shook my head. “It’s nothing serious. I’ve just been wondering what cream you use. Your skin is really glowing.”His cheeks flushed as he chuckled. “I use Peach Secret.”“I’ll have to buy that. It really does magic.”We remained silent for a while, much to my hap
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Chapter 28
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW Kai would have my head if he were to ever find out I showed myself to Theo. He just wouldn’t take it lightly with me. That was the least of my problems now, though. Alistair was. I was going to meet him tonight with the money I took from him. Not a warehouse. At a club Jay owned in Southern Jochester since he had some men there just in case something was to go wrong. “Alistair will be here in fifteen minutes.” Jay informed me as we got out of the car. Ricky, Kai and I got out of the back and Ari, the front. She wore a short silver dress with a low V-neck and black diamonds around the waist, like a belt. Me, on the other hand, I wore black jeans, and a cropped brown shirt. On my feet were white sneakers. I did not feel the need to dress up because it appeared the guys wanted to stay back for a drink and relax after everything. I didn’t bother to hide my face with my hat because the turned off neon light was a sign that the club did not have people i
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Chapter 29
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW I was quite fortunate today. Jay, Arianna and Kai were not in the house, which meant I had the whole place to myself. They did not know I was going to meet up with Theo. If they did, they’d have my head. It was nine minutes past six and I knew I had to leave the house if I would get to the warehouse in time.However, my hope of seeing Theo seemed to crumble when I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I quickly took off my shoes and tossed my jacket on the couch before grabbing the remote and scanning through the channels as though I had zero plans of leaving the house. When I had found a suitable channel, the doorbell rang.I breathed deep before going to open the door. To my surprise, it was Ricky. He was clad in an all-black attire with a small smile playing on his lips.“You?”“Yes, me.” he nodded in the door's direction. “Won’t you let me in?”“Um, sure,” I stepped aside to let him into the house. He observed my shoes beside the couch and a smirk
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Chapter 30
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW I couldn’t move a muscle. Staring at the ceiling in a confused state of mine, I refused to leave my room and see who was at the door. I was in too much shock to move. It was probably Arianna, or one of the guys. As the ringing got too much, irritation replaced my confusion. Why wouldn’t she use her own key to unlock the door?The ringing eventually stopped, and moments later, angry footsteps filled my ears. The door to my room burst open and there, Arianna stood, arms folded over her chest and her lips in a thin line of disapproval. She wore a white skirt, a white tank top and a yellow cardigan. Her usually bright lipstick was softer and a lot more casual.“Why didn’t you get the door?”“My bad. I did not know I was your butler.”She let out a sigh and came to sit beside me on the bed. “You saw the news, didn’t you?”“Yes. Yes, I did.”“So, what will you do?”“Run away to another country and change my name.”It was what I did best, anyway.Here’s the
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