Semua Bab The Red Wedding: Bab 41 - Bab 50
53 Bab
Chapter 41
ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW I laid on Ryder’s bed with my phone in hand as I scrolled through the hilarious and sometimes cringe worthy videos on TikTok until I received a text. It was from Quinn. She probably got it from the police or something.Quinn: I’m outside.Please come meet me. I want to talk.The nerve she had to send me a text message after what she did to me. She had another thing coming if she thought I would leave the comfort of this bed to see her betraying bitch face. I ignored the text and continued watching some more TikTok. Maybe I would create my own TikTok account or maybe a YouTube channel to react to these videos since I was sure as hell I would never get my old job back.Another text popped in.Quinn: Don’t ignore me. Please come outside. She was starting to get on my nerve. Again, I ignored her text.Safe to say for the next few minutes, text after text continuously annoyed me. She was relentless.Another text came in and that was it. I was going to giv
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Chapter 42
I am not a lawyer or a law student. Please remember what goes on below is just me trying to be an author. No hate, please. The next two weeks went by smoothly and how I wanted until I got a letter from the court. I was expected to be at Annalise’s and Alistair’s court hearing. It was a Monday morning and Kai and I were already dressed and on our way to the courthouse. He would steal glances at me as he drove, probably checking to see if I was okay. I was not.When he parked the car on arrival, it became worse. A plethora of things ran through my head at the thought of seeing the two criminals who made my life a living hell. It made me uneasy. Kai stepped out of the car and I was the same, still unable to pull myself together. I was a mess internally.He went around the car and stopped in front of me. “Are you nervous?”“Yes.” I swallowed thickly, rubbing my hand on the pencil maroon skirt I was wearing. “I don’t want to be here.”“I’ll be right beside you the whole time. D
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Chapter 43
“I call Charles Grayson to the witness stand.”The police chief went out of the courtroom and when he returned, he walked in with a man whose hands were cuffed. The man was of average height and his hair was a dark brown. I didn’t like his kind of vibe. They took him to the witness stand where he swore to tell the truth.“Your honor, this is Charles. He was detained for weeks after confessing that my client, Elena, was his boss and that she ordered them to go to Hawaii, where Isabella and his majesty were to wed. He admitted having lied and will tell the court the truth since his actual boss did not keep to her promise.”So he was the asshole who told lies to the police and Ryder. I suddenly had the urge to slap him into Christmas Eve.“Please proceed with your questions.”Elvira walked over to Charles. “Mr. Charles, did you tell a lie to the police when you were detained?”“Yes, I did.”“Please tell the court why you reconsidered.”He stared at Annalise as he answered. “B
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Chapter 44
I did not waste a single second more with him. I walked around him and made my way to the courtroom. When I went in, I saw Kai, Ricky and Jay speaking to Elvira while Arianna busied herself by speaking to Scarlett.“Congratulations, Elena.” Elvira told me, holding out her hand for me to shake once I had gotten close to them.“Thank you for doing a great job. I appreciate it so much.”“You don’t have to thank me for anything. You deserve happiness.”I gave her a smile. “Thanks.”She averted her eyes to Kai. “I can guarantee they’ll get at least twenty years of prison time, so they won’t bother you for a long time.”Twenty years wasn’t much, but it was okay for me. I just wanted them to suffer and pay for their crimes.“It’s good enough.” Kai responded.“The judge will be in soon.” She informed us. “I’ll go to my seat now.”“Okay.”Kai and I returned to our seats, and this time, Quinn was nowhere to be seen. Good for her. I didn’t want to see her betraying face. It irritated me.The bai
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Chapter 45
Arianna and I were having a wonderful time until Kai knocked on the door. I rushed to the mirror to wipe off the ridiculous makeup on my face. Arianna was trying to do the joker’s makeup on me. It was awful on me. “Kai,” she blocked the entrance of the room with her body. “What’s up?” He craned his neck. “Where is she?” I hurriedly wiped off the makeup. At this point, I looked as if a rainbow puked on my face. “Where is who?” I heard him sigh before moving Arianna to the side. On instinct, I covered my face with my hands, creating a little space for me to see. “What’s with you?” he asked, coming closer. “Nothing.” “Then look at me.” “I am looking at you.” He put both hands on his waist, head leaned to the side. “I want to see your face.” “No. Arianna did this awful joker makeup on my face. I’m a mess right now.” “I hear Jay calling me,” Arianna smiled sheepishly. “Coming babe.” She stepped out of the room and shut the door. Little shit. Kai stepped even closer to me. “I w
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Chapter 46
CHAPTER 46ELENA’S POINT OF VIEW The flight to Estonia was the craziest, most mind-blowing flight of my life, with Kai confessing his feelings and opening up to me about his ex. To top it all off, Ricky cried in front of me and, to be honest, it was surprising. I never imagined I’d see him cry. Kai could not understand why he was crying. I couldn’t, too. It wasn’t as if she broke up with him. She only moved to Spain because of her academics.Ricky had said. “You don’t understand. Kayleigh is gorgeous. She’s everything. Elegant, beautiful, and caring. Guys are going to try and get her.”I still didn’t see his reason. All he needed to do was trust her.Kai then suggested. “You can move to Spain if it bothers you so much.”“I can’t leave my business here and besides, my siblings need me here.” He’d said.In the end, we let him cry his heart out while we comforted him.After about three hours of fun and crazy, the jet landed. A car was already waiting for us. Jay took the whee
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Chapter 47
I dragged my feet along the street, still not wearing my coat. It was dark out and the cold air nipped at my skin, but I wouldn’t give in. I liked the feeling of numbness it gave me. I lifted my head when colorful lights flickered on the snowy floor.A nightclub.Just what I needed to get my mind off things. I was going to party like it was my last night on Earth. Anything to get my mind away from the harshness called reality. I entered the club after being checked by security outside.As soon as I stepped foot into the club, beats revved up my soul. Bodies rubbed against each other’s, sweats mixed and joy flowed in the air faster than a virus ever could. Every soul here was invited to become one, and the loudspeaker was the commander. A commander I was ready to follow for the next few hours.I made a beeline for the bar, ordered three shots of vodka and downed all immediately. It burned my throat as it went down. I didn’t care. It was exactly what I needed.I slammed the
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Chapter 48
I waited in the car for several minutes, waiting for Arianna to come out of the pub with either good or bad news. The bad news being he rejected the gifts. Fortunately, she came out empty-handed, wearing a bright smile. When she got into the car, she still hadn’t stopped smiling.“What got you smiling like that?”“Your brother is such a sweet person.” She said. “And good-looking, too. If he wasn’t married and if I wasn’t with Jay, I’d shoot my shots because damn!” she slapped her thigh. “That man is damn fine. His wife is extremely lucky.”It made me happy to hear her say such positive things about Andre.“Did he say anything?”“He said he was thankful and if it was possible, he’d like to meet up.”My eyebrows shot up. “Really? He really said that?”“Yeah. Do you want to go in?”“I want to, badly, but I’m afraid he’ll judge me.”“Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? That man doesn’t seem like he could harm a fly. Why would he judge you?”I said nothing. Maybe if I had a
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Chapter 49
When I tell you Jay squished me in a tight hug when I told him about what happened with Andre, it’s no joke. He wouldn’t stop telling me how proud of me he was. He really was a ‘family sticks together’ kind of guy. Even when I told them about me and Kai going over to his place for dinner, he was ecstatic. It made me happy.It was 6.30p.m, and I had just received a text from Andre, which had his home’s address. I was almost done getting ready. I wore a velvet zipper front long sleeve skinny jumpsuit, black heels and a black purse. I did my brows, then put on mascara and a red lipstick. The last thing was spraying perfume. Very important.“You look so fine.” Arianna said, looking at me like a proud mom would. “So damn fine.”“Thank you.” I sucked in a deep breath. “I’m nervous.”“About what?”“The whole dinner thing. I just hope it doesn’t go downhill.”“You worry too much.” She held my arms. “Don’t stress. It’ll make you old.”I was definitely the luckiest person in the world. There wa
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Chapter 50
I went into the living room to join Kai and Andre. Aretta was still not down. Man, having a baby seemed stressful just being with them for about an hour. I wasn’t certain if I wanted a baby or not. I couldn’t imagine having to feed another mouth that wasn’t mine, be sleep deprived and always on alert. My brain could never. I’d probably pass out on the street due to stress. “What are you asking him now, Andre?” I sat on the armchair next to Kai’s. “Just getting to know him.” He looked at Kai. “Right?” “Of course.” I narrowed my eyes at Kai. “You’re lying.” “No, I’m not.” “Your shaky pupils tell a different story.” “Leave the guy alone, Elena.” Andre crossed his legs. “We were talking about you?” “What about me?” “Just curious about stuff.” He drummed his thigh. “Stuff between us guys.” I rolled my eyes. “Mm-hmm.” Andre suddenly became serious. “Before I get to ask.” His gaze was on Kai. “Do you two live together?” “Yes.” Kai answered. Andre shut his eyes and mumbled somethi
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