All Chapters of Possessing My Alpha: The Silver Run Series: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
131 Chapters
Chapter One-Hundred-Three
ELLE POV ********FLASHBACK CONTINUED******* I have been sitting in this uncomfortable office chair in the security room for the last two hours staring at the code in front of me. A similarity screaming at me, but I don't remember where I had seen it before. The answer is sitting in my mind somewhere. I feel it like a heaviness sitting atop my head, begging to be remembered, but Goddess help me, I can't. 'Alpha,' Charity's cheery voice rings through my head as I stare blankly at the screen, lost for the first time when it comes to deciphering a code; there is a reason I don't have to waste my time with class or school. I can't remember where I am from, but I can remember every book I have read. 'We are back in the territory.' 'Security room,' is my reply while I crack open a Redbull I grabbed earlier from the mini-fridge. I am lost in my own world while Damon's playlist rings through the speakers at ear-splitting volumes. For some reason, I am calmer with it playing in my ears as
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Chapter One-Hundred-Four
ELLE POV ***********FLASHBACK CONTINUES*********** "Oh?" I say, careful with my words, while I rack my brain to determine where I went wrong, "about what?" "You have chosen a path to take," She says as her eyes scan through the first before returning her piercing gaze to mine. While a serenity surrounds Selene, the same cannot be said about me. My heart is racing in a panic as my palms begin to sweat. If Selene is here, then maybe this is the wrong path to take, and I am about to royally fuck things up. "Are you confident in your choices and the possible consequences?" "Yes," I say without hesitation because I have accepted the possible consequences of my actions. I have accepted that I could lose Damon over this choice of keeping him in the dark. But I am choosing Scarlett's entire life work over him and Slade. My stomach is knotted with fear and apprehension as thoughts of Damon never forgiving me invade my thoughts. As if she can sense my internal struggle, the Goddess steps
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Chapter One- Hundred- Five
*******FLASHBACK CONTINUED******** ELLE POV "A rogue?" Charity asks, her head whipping around to glare at Theo, "what could you possibly be thinking?" "Look, I know Xander and his Beta Fletcher," Theo protests as we dive further into no man's territory, "they're good guys who left toxic Alphas. Not all rogues are bad, and these guys can be included in that group." "Alpha, you can't be considering this can you?" Charity asks, but I don't pay attention as these two argue, my eyes scanning the forest for any announced visitors. "I have been more places than you, Charity," Theo responds, his mouth moving faster than his brain can make him shut up. "I know more about life outside the comforts of pack life and protection." "What makes these men so special?" Charity asks while a twig snaps to my right. Turning my head, I find two men in their late teens and early twenties. One has a flirtatious smile and blue-green eyes while only a few inches taller than me. The man beside him is cl
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Chapter One-Hundred-Six
DAMON POV *************PRESENT DAY*********** "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!?!" Slade's animalistic roar tears through the house, my eyes completely black, the claws already extending, and fur sprouting from my arms as I rip my office door off its hinges. Throwing it behind me without a care for Andrew or Matt standing there. Thankfully, they're quick, ducking out of the way before it hits either of them. "Alpha..." Andrew says, his words calming but not what Slade wants to hear as we spin to face him, our canines extending as the shift starts to take over as much as I try to contain it until I find my father. "Step away, Beta," Slade growls bitterly, "I have no quarrel with you, but I won't hesitate to kill you if you try to stop me from finding my Luna." "Never, Alpha," Andrew says while throwing up his hands, his neck turning up in submission. Matt, following his lead, says, "we want to find our Luna too, Alpha." "THEN STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" Slade roars one last time befor
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Chapter One-Hundred-Seven
DAMON POV "The council's elite warriors?" Andrew asks, "are you sure? What the fuck would they want with New Moon?" As he asks the questions, he begins pacing, his eyes glued to the screens while his brain tries to figure out where this new puzzle piece belongs in the bigger picture. "I am unsure, Beta," Trent says, as his fingers fly along the keyboard to pull up the video feed from the last week, "but I went through the feed, and they have been here since the ball, making no advancements towards us but growing in number steadily. But they have come ready for war." "War?" Andrew asks while I stare at the screen, my eyes glancing between them when a new clip of Elle pops onto the screen. Despite the fury sitting in my chest, I can't help the giddiness at seeing her, even if it's only a picture. "Elle," I grunt as my eyes dance between the pictures, "they want Elle. It's the only thing that makes sense. They became aware of her existence at the ball." "Then why haven't they att
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DAMON POV Taking the two stairs at a time, I am through the door of the packhouse within seconds, not caring that I am completely naked as I walk into the foyer to see some pack members milling around. "OUT! NOW!" I holler as they scurry past me, trying not to look me in the eyes as they pass on their way out the door. Running up the stairs, I can see other pack members making their way out of the house, doing their best to avoid me. My Alpha energy is running rampant, consuming the entire house, and putting pressure on everyone to get the fuck out. I finally reach the hallway where my room is; racing to my door, I enter my room, hoping to find the faint cinnamon and vanilla scent, only to find it empty, fueling the rage stirring in my gut. Entering the closet, I grab the tactical gear I only wear in situations like this. Changing in record time, I kneel to blouse my boots; standing, I lock my heart in a cage, mentally preparing myself for the decisions I am about to make. That I
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Chapter One Hundred Nine
DAMON POV Before I cross the barrier of the cell, Simon calls out, stopping me in my tracks, "I never wanted to keep the information from you, but if I didn't, my Luna would not have her Alpha. They would have killed you the second you were out of the territory. She wanted you there; she wrote you a letter. Gave it to me for you; I hid it in my dresser drawer at my house." He rasps out, despite the antidote coursing through his bloodstream. "You better hope to the Goddess that's true," I growl, Slade fighting me for control, hating that another person made the best decision for us without our input. Slade's pissed that he was conned by a duplicitous bitch into making a decision he shouldn't have all those years ago. "Because if Elle doesn't make it home, I don't care how far any of you run; I'll hunt you down and kill you myself." I flash my eyes to my parents, letting them know they aren't immune from this promise, "Especially you." I nod to my mother, "you know more than you're
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Chapter One-Hundred-Ten
ELLE POV "What have I done?" I growl. My blood starts to boil; it didn't take longer than two seconds for her to obliterate my calm. "All of this is because of your stupid obsessions!" I yell over the music playlist I had chosen, still blaring through the speakers of the house and the rest of the pack. "I did what was necessary to make you the best!" She sneers, her demeanor turning to ice as she stares at me with dead eyes. The same look she would adopt whenever we were alone together, "if I hadn't taken advantage of the situation, you would be weak! Now, look at you! You'll be written about for decades to come!" "Are you serious right now?!" I yell, my voice transforming into Scarlett's as she thrashes for control, wanting to tear apart the woman we are supposed to call mother. "This was never about me," I say, taking a deep breath through my nose and composing myself, "this was about how you would look; at least be honest about the bullshit." "Tiberius was going to attack your
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ELLE POV As my mother's body falls to the ground in a helpless thud, the door crashes open as I pull my blade from her open gut, my eyes snapping to the intruders barging into the room. Charity going on the defensive until we see who it is and visibly relax. Theo's chest heaving up and down, my aura making the air in the room dense and nearly unmanageable the others in the room. My gaze meets Theo, Emma, and Taylor as they enter the room, looking nervously at the dead woman laying in a pool of dark red blood in the middle of the room. But the real shock happens when they finally meet my gaze, "holy shit, Alpha. Your eyes!" Taylor exclaims coming towards me calmly before spinning me to face Charity whose only response is for her mouth to hang open. Behind her a large mirror sits on the wall, but I don't pay attention to the scratches, blood, or bruises on my skin. No, the only thing grabbing my attention is my one bright green eye that practically glows like a neon sign. However i
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Chapter One- Hundred- Twelve
DAMON POV "ooooooooooh, that had to hurt," Trent flinches, watching as Elle climbs on the back of an enemy wolf, reaching around to slit his throat with the dagger she holds in her hands. Most men might be disturbed seeing their woman caught in the violence of war but not me. There is something invigorating about watching Elle slay every enemy that comes her way. "Scoot over," I say, pushing on Andrew and Trent, so they can move their chairs and make room for me; I need to have a front-row seat to watch her take back what was meant for her. Sliding a chair over, I shove it between theirs, plopping into the chair while keeping my eyes plastered to the screen, terrified of missing anything. "Popcorn?" Andrew asks as he offers me the bag without moving his eyes from Theo's fight on the screen. Shoving my hand in the bag, I grab a handful of the buttery goodness, not caring that some fall to the ground as I pop a few into my mouth. "Our Luna doesn't play around," Trent whispers in
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