All Chapters of Possessing My Alpha: The Silver Run Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
131 Chapters
Chapter Seventy-Six
ELLE POV Running through the woods, I can feel Charity's wolf flanking my right side, already taking her task as my Gamma now. While we have both lived in this pack for years, we aren't technically a part of it anymore, and now that my actual rank has been discovered, we can never be too careful that someone might use it against me. 'I don't feel any threatening energies from the New Moon members,' Scarlett confirms as we veer to the right, with Theo's wolf soaring ahead of us, continuing his circle when I feel his energy subtly knock, trying to gain entrance via our mindlink. 'Horny Alpha at four o'clock,' Theo says, his voice oozing happiness that I had not seen from Theo since moving onto the territory; there was always an underlying sadness that had not been there recently. 'Thank you, Beta,' I reply, his title rolling off my tongue like I had said it a million times before, in a past life, and it was starting to gnaw at my insides like it's important, but I can't figure ou
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Chapter Seventy-Seven
ALPHA CHARLES Even after twenty years of being mated, sparks still engulf my body when I have Olivia in my arms—sitting together in my office chair while our closest friends sit in the chairs around the room. It's been quiet for the last ten minutes while they process all the information we just told them regarding Elle. According to Cynthia's strict rules, it was time to include the pack; it was becoming annoying following every rule she set for Elle's life, treating her like a pawn on a chessboard. But the unbreakable vow I made all those years ago only cares that I don't fuck up the promises I made. While Toby and Sam process, I can tell Jake and Ashley knew more about the whole situation than they were letting on, based on the side glances they give each other. It wouldn't surprise me, though; Andrew always tells his parents everything. I don't think the kid has ever lied to them, unlike Matt, who would lie to his heart's content if it meant saving his Alpha's ass and partially
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Chapter Seventy-Eight
DAMON POV *Beep* *Beep* *BEEP* The repetitive sound of my alarm starts pulling me out of my sleep; with eyes barely open, I hit the snooze, rolling over to find the other side of the bed empty. Again. For the third morning in a row, where the hell is Elle? Using my elbows, I sit up, resting against the headboard, brushing the sleep from my eyes when a sweet cinnamon scent fills my nose. Its owner bounced out of the closet in tight leggings and a sports bra. Her hair is in a tight bun. "Do you always wake up at the ass crack of dawn?" I ask, slightly grumpy. It's only 7 a.m., and she has probably been up for hours doing Goddess knows what, and we didn't go to bed until late with mom freaking out about the Ball in two days. It's been all hands on deck. "For as long as I can remember," She cracks a smile, making a joke of her unfortunate situation. "Don't worry, Biscuit," I say, as I watch her move and grab her shoes from their place, "after I mark you, we can get your memory an
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Chapter Seventy-Nine
JONAH POV "Alpha," I hear Eli's voice come from the doorway. What's left of it anyways, the entire house destroyed, windows broken, doors ripped from their hinges, and broken whiskey bottles littering the grounds. What was once a family home meant for me, and my future Luna is now a shell of its former self. "Your mother and sister have called asking you to call them. They have questions about the ball." "Tell them whatever the fuck you want," I growl, my patience already thin. While my chest hasn't burned in agonizing pain in days, the guilt that Tiffany was sexually assaulted and unable to defend herself is eating away at me daily, leading to the destruction surrounding me. "As you wish, Alpha," Eli says respectfully before backing away, showing his neck, and showing extra caution with how feral I have been lately. "Eli," I call, stopping him before he gets out the door, "make sure that only mated males are around Maddie until she is presented at the ball. As you know, she tu
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Chapter Eighty
CYNTHIA POV After days of ruthless torture, my sticky body is caked in dried blood, sweat, and dirt. My red hair is dingy, and mats are already starting to form. It feels like nails have been jammed into my throat from the endless hours of screaming in agony and very little water to quench my unbelievable thirst—only enough to keep me alive as a play toy for Tiberius and his band of rogues. The heat in the room becomes unbearable, my clothes sticking to me as I sweat like a man in the Sahara desert. Tiberius upgraded the cells in the last few years, making them much more similar to a human prison. However, he has included some perfect improvements for torturing unwelcome guests. Now that each cell is a sealed translucent box, they are more easily temperature controlled. Allowing my captures to crank the heat until this is a personal sauna. Once I am on the verge of passing out from dehydration, they provide me with enough water to keep me alive...Barely. After they almost kill me fr
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Chapter Eighty-One
TIBERIUS POV Slamming the prison door, using more force than necessary, my boots thunder down the hall, my anger hitting the men like an army tank. The ones who have been here long enough know to step away from me like a bomb waiting to explode. My fury swirls around me like a storm needing a release, my fingertips itching as memories of past choices flash before my eyes. A movement in my peripheral vision sends my instincts into overdrive as my hands wrap around the person's head, twisting with all my force before I hear the satisfying crack of his neck breaking. His body goes limp before landing with a dull thud on the floor. Looking down at his neck, I see a mate mark resting proudly as a howl rings throughout the house, a small smile breaking over my lips, listening to the mystery wolf's cry of pain. Kicking the guard one last time, I turn and continue down the hallway calling over my shoulder to those standing around with shock and fear on their face, "Kill the mate too. The
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Chapter Eighty-Two
*TRIGGER WARNING SUICIDE* TIBERIUS POV *****FLASHBACK CONTINUED****** ***Six Months After the rejection and death of his mate. Cynthia's Arrival at Silver Run**** Everything seems darker now that Claire is dead, Acheron and I's guilt starting to gnaw away at us like a pet dog chews a bone, slowly withering it away to nothing. The guilt we didn't think we'd feel is starting to make living unbearable. Anger consumes every waking moment, from those in my pack ashamed of my actions to my own that seem to fill me to the brink. No matter how many hours I spend in the gym working away my aggression, it never seems to wane, staying just underneath the surface, starting to concern those around me. If I am not taking care of pack responsibilities, I am in the gym or on the training field. Today is one of those where I will be in front of a punching bag until the last possible second. I must work through the rage brewing all morning before showing Cynthia around the town square. I know
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Chapter Eighty-Three
LUNA OLIVIA The morning of the birthday Ball. It's been a whirlwind of a week. I can't help but think about all the shit that has happened while eating my breakfast with the others like I do every day. After Elle's shift, we were left to facilitate numerous conversations about Elle's heritage and why she was brought here. No one asked if it had to do with Damon. At least by the adults, they know how two Alpha are together. While not as uncommon as it once was, it's still a rare thing to see. A pull between two Alpha mates is undeniable. It's magnetic and palpable. Making matters more complicated, I hope to find Elle and Damon at the table with fresh marks every morning. Instead, they turn up with bare necks. It's damn frustrating. I want to throttle their necks for being such teenage idiots! Jesus almighty! We have been following the plan to a 'T,' but nothing seems to get through their hormone-addled brains! Their inability to cooperate has frazzled my nerves, which isn't good w
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Chapter Eighty-Four
DAMON POV There is electricity in the air; every pack member is busy scurrying around, helping with the decorations, and making the pack look pristine for the Ball today. Elle was up training early like she had been all week, leaving a little note beside my pillow with a little Hershey's kiss resting on top like it had been all week. I don't know where she keeps them, but I have grown used to the little tradition that developed between us. 'Damon,' my mom's voice rings through the mind link, her voice taking on that pitch, telling me she is pissed off and not in the mood to wait around on my bullshit. 'Are you coming into breakfast or not?' "Yes," I say aloud as I round the corner to the dining room, where my mom is already sitting with the Beta and Gamma families. I walk towards the table and plop down in the seat next to Elle, throwing my arm over her chair before kissing her temple in a silent greeting. I can feel my mom's frigid stare on Elle and me again, and it's been the
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Chapter Eighty-Five
ELLE POV The pressure of tonight wraps around me like a straight jacket, and with each second, it's like I am one of those poor Salem women when blocks are placed on their chests. Damon's excitement is almost palpable, and it doesn't help that everyone constantly comments or stares at my neck. Every time I walk by a pack member, they instinctively check to see if our unique mark sits there yet. How stupid would we be to mark each other BEFORE the ball when visiting Alpha's and Council Officers will be able to see it? I am seventeen, and Damon would be thrown in the Council's prison and be forced to step down from being Alpha. Neither of us would be willing to live with ourselves if that happened. New Moon is Damon's birthright like my pack is mine, not to mention this is the only home I have known for the last five years. I don't have any intention of seeing it destroyed, which is why it's so fucking annoying that no one else seems to have the same reservations. "All done, Lun
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