All Chapters of Possessing My Alpha: The Silver Run Series: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
131 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Seven
ELLE POV "I had a great time with you," Damon says, lifting my hand to kiss the fingertips. "It was nice getting to know you without pack members watching our every move." We are standing outside the elevator door, bags in hand, waiting to be taken down to the lobby, where the rest of the group is supposed to meet. It was nice getting to know each other better over breakfast. While Damon and I have always been sexually attracted to each other, it's nice to know we have more in common than that. "I had fun, too," I sigh, my mouth continuing to run even though my mind hasn't caught up to it yet, "almost like a date." "That was not a date," Damon chuckles as he steps onto the elevator, pulling me along with him. "Oh?" I reply, trying my hardest to hide the disappointment filling my gut. What's wrong with me that he wants me but doesn't want me simultaneously? "Not a date," Damon says, wrapping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer as we descend to the lower levels. My hear
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Thanksgiving Dinner Flashback
Hello guys, I am blown away by the number of views, likes, shares, gems, and comments you have gifted me within the past week. For those of you leaving comments about grammar and sentence structure issues, I appreciate the time and effort it takes. Please know it is not in vain. I am taking notes and slowly editing through each chapter. If you love Damon and Elle, I cannot wait to share the next book in the series . The outline is coming along nicely, and I plan to start writing chapters by the end of the week! (However, you will have to wait until Damon and Elle's story is concluded for them to be published). To show my gratitude for all the kindness, I am sharing a flashback of Damon and Elle before he leaves for Alpha Training. Damon is sixteen, and Elle is fifteen-ish. (This chapter is completely free.) Happy Holidays. XOXO Emma Taylor *************************************** Damon- 16, Elle- 15-ish ELLE POV The longer I stare at the dress Olivia laid out for me to
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Chapter Sixty-Eight
ELLE POV Once the Bronco crosses into New Moon's territory, my anxiety suddenly skyrockets. Damon grabs my hand, sensing my nerves; tingles unfurl, calming me at once. Reconfirming something neither of us is ready to say out loud; instead, it lingers underneath every interaction. 'Elle, there is something that we need to discuss,' Scarlett says quickly, 'it cannot be avoided. The first chance that we are alone.' 'Okay,' I reply, as Damon mutters, "shit," his body tensing, staring at Olivia pruning the petunias in the front yard, but he doesn't release my hand. Instead interlocking his fingers with mine like he is terrified of letting me go. Damon murmurs, "Stay here." Stopping in front of the house, parking in the turnaround drive before hopping out to scurry around, hoping to get past his mother. Nothing gets past Olivia. I swear she was a witch in a past life, but I stay put to have a secretive talk with Scarlett. 'What is so important that we can't wait?' I ask, wanting to
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Chapter Sixty-Nine
DAMON POV My entire body is on fire, every inch of my skin sparking with ecstasy. Slade is purring like a baby kitten, and I know I should focus on the task, but I keep getting distracted by her scent. Goddess, help me stop the semi- I am already sporting as she wiggles around, trying to adjust. If she continues this, I will drag her into another room and have my way with her. 'Hey, uhhh Alpha, could you cool with the horny ass Alpha energy, please?' Matt begs through the mindlink, breaking through the thin barriers I had set up. Glancing at Matt, Andrew, and Theo, they all wear the same uncomfortable, flushed expression as they try not to be affected. 'Sorry,' I grumble, 'I will try too, but I can't make any promises.' How can I calm myself quickly when all my hidden fantasies were this scenario? Being open and free with Elle, now all I have to do is mark her, and the picture will be complete. "Okay, can we back up to the beginning?" Charity asks, leading the questions with th
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Chapter Seventy
ELLE POV Damon leaves me sitting on the edge of the window sill, panting and breathless, my panties soaking wet from his kisses and teasing touches. 'I swear to the Goddess if you do not go after him,' Scarlett scolds, breaking through the fog and my feet finally working to chase after him. Walking down the hallway to my room, I find his scent right outside my room; entering, I expect to find him on the bed or one of the armchairs, but he isn't. Seeing the door slightly ajar, I hear the bathtub filling with water; pushing the door wider, I see Damon leaning against the counter. His smug attitude is prancing around the room while the tub fills with bubbles and water. "Strip," Damon demands, his eyes consuming every part of me as if trying to imprint my features into his memory. The energy rolling off of him is suffocating and more robust than it has ever been in the past. I don't move a muscle, standing there staring defiantly. "Babygirl, I am not in the mood to punish you, but I
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Chapter Seventy-One
DAMON POV It didn't take long for Elle to fall asleep after I carried her to bed from the tub. I covered her with the duvet cover, hoping to sneak away, but instead found myself crawling beside her. Pulling her onto my chest, I hope the uncertainty settling in my bones begins to ease with her in my arm, but it's useless. An emotion I never thought I'd experience has me in its death grip; fear. As the clock ticks closer to midnight, the uneasiness sits in my stomach like lead, weighing me down. A change is coming, and I still haven't decided if it's good or bad. Squeezing Elle closer to me, I run my fingers through her silky smooth hair, still slightly damp, small whimpers leaving her mouth while she snuggles closer. 'You never mentioned marking her,' Slade reminds me, obviously vexed that I am not rushing the subject, but insecurities run deep. 'I know,' I sigh, irritated that I have to explain this to him again, 'Elle has enough on her mind with the shift tonight, and I don't
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Chapter Seventy-Two
ELLE POV Rolling over, half asleep, I reach for the hard chest of a man I know is supposed to be there, only to come up empty. Trying not to let my imagination run amuck, I sit up in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before looking around the room, only to find it dark and empty. Glancing at the side table, the clock says 11:10; only fifty more minutes to go until midnight. Before the nerves can burrow, making themselves home in my stomach, the door opens. Damon storms into the room, a dark cloud hanging over his head until he realizes I have woken up, and a calm smile spreads across his face as his gaze wanders over my body. As if he can see through the duvet covering my naked body. "What's wrong?" I ask as I try to decipher the sudden change in his attitude from entering to seeing me awake. "Nothing, Biscuit," he replies, "did you enjoy your nap?" He asks while walking over to plant a kiss on my forehead, sparks sprinkling over my flesh at the quick contact. "You need to get
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Chapter Seventy -Three
DAMON POV As soon as the clock turns midnight, an eerie silence fills the field, everyone waiting with bated breath, a tangible power radiating from Elle. Saturating so much of the air around us, it can be tasted on the tip of the tongue; spicy and invigorating. Any hope that the authority coming from Elle is a good sign things will go smoothly is quickly dashed when a bloodcurdling scream left her lips, ripping my heart to shreds. Before I can move toward her, my father's voice echoes through the link, 'Stay, Damon. She is a Firstborn Alpha son; she must bear this pain alone, as did you and all firstborn Alphas.' 'You can send her words of encouragement,' my mom's voice comes through, nodding towards Elle on the ground whimpering in agony, her body already drenched in sweat. 'Don't cross the boundary though, no matter how much pain it looks like she is in, okay?' Nodding in understanding, I lower myself to the ground, keeping my gaze locked on Elle's face, "It'll be okay, Biscu
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Chapter Seventy-Four
JONAH POV The pain starts subtly once again, starting on my wrists before the burning in my chest; it started on the drive back to Diamond claw without Elle. That bastard is having me punished and is using Tiffany to do it. I know what it means; he is allowing his men to put their filthy paws on something that doesn't belong to me. "Accchh!" I scream, my claws digging into my chest because tearing out my heart would be better than feeling this every day. Thor is howling in agony, the burn quickly consuming my soul before stopping suddenly, a less-than-subtle reminder of the predicament I find myself in. Why Goddess? What could Tiffany or I have done to deserve this? 'When we finally get our hands on that fucking bastard,' Thor roars in my head, my fist numb while it repeatedly smashes into the wall, not caring about the blood or broken hand, knowing it'll be healed by tomorrow. The hairs on my neck stand on end while two people stand in the doorway, watching silently as I take
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Chapter Seventy-Five
CHARITY POV I feel... powerful and magnificent as I zip through the woods, under the moonlight, the gentle breeze running through my fur, the trees in my peripheral are shadowy blurs. I can't believe I survived that shift. I shouldn't have. I had no reason to. Out of all the wolves on the field, what is so special about me? 'One, we are powerful and magnificent,' Summer says, her voice light and airy, loving the feel of our paws pounding into the earth, 'own that shit. Two, Scarlett sensed that and called out to me, asking me to step forward to the Gamma position. We already knew who her Beta was going to be.' 'Theo,' we say in unison as we wander absentmindedly throughout the pack lands, following dutifully behind my Alpha; while he runs around us in a wider perimeter. The two have had an incredibly strong bond since moving here, and I wasn't surprised when I saw he had also shifted. 'Wolves can do that?' I ask. 'Talk to each other without us knowing?' I had never heard of wolve
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