All Chapters of Her Tempting Nemesis : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
327 Chapters
Chapter Hundred-nine
CHAPTER HUNDRED-NINE *You're hiding something, Janice and I would like to hear it*"Hey, bestie!"Hannah was enthused as Janice approached. "I'm glad you made it." they hugged tightly. "you were a little late though. Traffic?" Hannah quizzed as they pulled away. Janice slumped in her chair, puffing out a deep breath. "Not really. Just mild traffic. I followed the Google map as you said and I was able to locate here without any hassle.", Hannah smiled triumphantly as she settled in the chair opposite the round glassy table imprinted with flowers. "Glad it worked. If I had come to get you instead, it would have been time-consuming and someone needed to do the booking and ensured everything was in order." Janice darted her dilated orbs around the place, admiring the decor and serene ambience. She clapped her hands in appreciation. "And you did well, my friend. I was awestruck from the exterior design to the interior decor, everything is fascinating!"Janice gushed enthusiastic
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Chapter Hundred-Ten
CHAPTER HUNDRED-TEN *Your pain is my pain*"I have no idea what you're getting at, Hannah." Janice lied as she gulped the remaining contents of her wine down her throat. The burning sensation seared through her dry throat. Hannah continued to stare pointedly at her from the opposite end of the table. "Are you really gonna lie to me now, Janice? Remember our promise to not keep any secrets between us." Hannah spoke sternly to her best friend. She really wanted to keep this off the radar as much as possible. Even from her best friend. Digging up the past may trigger painful emotions. And she doesn't want anything in any way to ruin their day. It is a brand new day she intended to keep it so. However, Hannah can see her soul. It is no surprise, they were like sisters growing up, she's her only true friend and they never kept any secrets from each other. "Your pain is my pain" Hannah had said these exact words seven years ago at her hospital bed when she came to see her. they
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Chapter Hundred -Eleven
CHAPTER HUNDRED -ELEVEN *the guilt kept eating at me*"Oh no! Jane. What is the matter? What happened? Stop keeping me in suspense. I am deeply worried. Please talk to me. " Hannah pleaded, as stroked her arm, all the while fixing her concerned gaze on her face. She passed her a neatly folded silk handkerchief from her bag. Janice blew her nose and wiped her eyes into the silk handkerchief. "I'm fine, Hannah. Thankfully, I wasn't hurt. But someone got hurt in my place." she croaked out, fiddling with the handkerchief in her hands. Hannah arched a brow. "Drake? Your father?" Hannah heaved a deep sigh before ah answered. "Drake... " she muttered. Ashamed that she was always relying on him. This Made the second time Drake had saved her from a horse fall. He had done everything in his power to train her to ride a horse and slowly made her fall in love with horse riding which in turn made her stand up against her traumas and fears. But what did he get in return? He was h
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Chapter Hundred-Twelve
CHAPTER HUNDRED -TWELVE *I intend to keep up with this facade for as long as I can until I'm better*"Are you sure it's going to work, Hannah? After everything that happened? Do you think he will forgive me?" Janice muttered, rubbing her tumefy nose. But to go see him face to face? She simply can't bring herself to. The guilt churning in her stomach just won't go away. *"Telling you is okay is not going to magically take the pang of guilt spewing in her stomach"* Hannah's voice rang in her head again. She was right. Whatever Hannah may say to her will never take away or in any way completely obliterate the pang of guilt knotting in her stomach. A hint of nausea grazed her stomach, making her hazy. Hannah's warm hand jolted her back to the present and eased the growing pain in her stomach a little. She breathed out deeply and force a smile on her friend. "Are you okay, Jane? You suddenly look pale." She nodded frantically, with a tight-lipped smile plastered on her face.
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Chapter Hundred-Thirteen
CHAPTER HUNDRED -THIRTEEN *Life can be funny as hell!*Seven years ago was a total nightmare for Janice and her family. She couldn't walk or attend to urgent personal needs that she would ordinarily be able to do on a whim like use the bathroom and stuff. To be able to walk only at the mercy of a pair of crutches left her mortified and helpless. She dreaded each passing day and wished for nothing but to be able to walk again. In that moment of mystery and sadness, she appreciated the little things life could offer. Only in such moments, one would begin to notice the random insignificant things and start to appreciate them, realizing that in fact, they are not as random or meaningless as one had initially thought. Life can be funny as hell! Her once super enthusiastic parents became sad and sullen. Her father skipped work for a whole week despite her mother 'a refusal just to be by her side. He was grief-stricken and devastated. He blamed himself for what happened to her. He would
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Chapter Hundred -Fourteen
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FOURTEEN *This is by far the craziest thing that has ever happened to her*"Talk to me, please." implored Hannah, her brows crinkled with worry and anxiety. Janice sighed deeply and lowered her eyes to the table, wringing her hands underneath the table nervously. "It's complicated, Hannah. Even for me to understand. I..." Her voice faltered as she swallowed a lump down her throat. "It doesn't matter if it is the most unnatural insane thing I have ever heard in my entire life, Janice! I am your best friend not just for the title... Best friends are more than just friends; you share even the most hidden shameful parts of yourself that you have never shown to the outside world, and you share that with your best friend because they are more than that to you. And I am not just your best friend, Janice, we have lived through so many moments together, the good and the bad. I am fit to be your sister. And you can tell me anything, anything at all. C'mon" Hanna
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Chapter Hundred -Fifteen
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTEEN *It was as if I was blind....*"C'mon Jane. Tell me what you saw. I'm dying of curiosity." Hannah wailed as she clasped her hands together, boring her brown orbs at Janice imploringly. Janice's fingers tightened around the table as she forced them to relax. She sniffed and licked her lips. She paused, Willing her shallow breathing to resume its normal rhythm before she continued, "I saw...I saw total darkness, devoid of life, of meaning... It was just dark..."The words came out quietly and heavy with disquietude. Her heart was a frantic drumbeat in her chest, her stomach a storm ofnausea. Hannah's face distorted with confusion and anxiety as she rubbed her thoughtfully processing what Janice had said. Her brows rising diametrically she quizzed, " How do you mean by dark and devoid of life? Can you be a little, um, explicit if possible?" Janice shrugged, waving her hands furiously in the air. "I don't know! I don't understand too. That's the pr
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Chapter Hundred-Sixteen
CHAPTER HUNDRED -SIXTEEN*The past she never wanted to remember*"What the hell are you talking about Janice?!" Shrieked Hannah at an alarming rate as she perched on the edge of her chair. Her brows were furrowing in anxiety and confusion."How do you mean you went dumb?" She quizzed flailing her hands aggressively.Beads of sweat formed on her cleavage and her chest heaved at a rapid rate.Janice found her best friend's confusion and anxiety oddly amusing as a sly smile ghosted her lips.But hold up! Why is she reacting this way?This is the complete opposite of how she reacted when it actually happened; she was petrified and traumatized. She was confused and disconcerted. She was all alone in that floating darkness...And yet, here she was finding this all story funny. What had come over her?Surely she is not going raving mad, is she?God help her!She swallowed thickly and met Hannah's frantic gaze."Slow down, Hannah, it wasn't all that bad. And besides, it could have all been n
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Chapter Hundred-Seventeen
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SEVENTEEN*It's your turn to Spill the beans, bestie*Janice arched her eyebrow inquisitively at her who was still smiling sheepishly by herself."What important discussion could that be?" She dragged out the words as she folded her hands across her chest.Hannah shrugged. "What else are we talking about?" "Well, what more do we wanna know?""Your trip, idiot what were you thinking?" Janice shrugged. "you tell me.""Drake? Of course, I was getting to that. " she snickered.Janice's cheeks flushed a slight colour of pink as she giggled, tucking her blonde hair behind her neck.She cleared her throat and strengthened."Yeah sure the trip!""Nice. This would sound more pleasing to the ears with wine teasing our tongues. Don't you think so?"Janice nodded in agreement. "You bet. After the advertising campaign, you ran on that wine, my tongue can't wait to have a taste of it." "Sure! Please Henry -" Hannah motioned for the waiter to start pouring the drinks to which he q
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Chapter Hundred-Eighteen
CHAPTER HUNDRED-EIGHTEEN*why the hell has she been thinking about him lately?*"Good because I am all ears!" Janice beamed as she edged closer with full concentration.Hannah scoffed at her friend and clicked her tongue. "it's nothing serious. Stop reading more reading into it than necessary. Okay!"Janice rolled her eyes defiantly. "Hmmm... how about nope! Spill the beans dear friend and quit keeping me hanging like this! I'm dying of curiosity!" She whined loudly.Hannah shushed her with her finger pressed to her lips as her widened eyes scanned the room, hoping no one was looking their way.She breathed out a sigh of relief when no one was looking. And turned to glare at her best friend who was grinning from ear to ear like a kid keenly waiting for sweets and treats.Only that what she was about to say or speak of is anything far from sweet or treats in the figurative sense.Mr Cross was her nightmare!He not only succeeded in tormenting her physically by his tempting presence bu
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