All Chapters of Her Tempting Nemesis : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
327 Chapters
Chapter Hundred-Nineteen
CHAPTER HUNDRED -NINETEEN*In her books, No one that hurts her family goes unpunished*"No, listen to me first." Hannah held up her hand.Janice scrunched up an eyebrow at her curiously."Then talk to me, Hannah. What did your boss do to you?"Then Janice glanced at her shoulders ensuring no one was within earshot safe for the waiter at the back who wouldn't make out what they were saying from that angle, and edged closer, her lips mere inches from her face."Or did he touch you against your will?"She whispered fiercely, fury flashing in her eyes.Hannah shook her head frantically and muttered rather reluctantly, "No. Not really.." Her brows pinched together in confusion and impatience as she edged much closer their face always touching.Janice's hazel eyes bored searing holes through Hannah's light brown ones."What do you mean by not really, Hannah? Are you gonna tell me or not?"Hannah's throat bobbed as she forced a bitter swallow, grimacing.She exhaled deeply and clamped her
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty
CHAPTER HUNDRED -TWENTY*Why would she be wet and ready for a man she loathes?*"You have no business with how I execute vengeance on those who hurt my family and those I call family. Just tell me everything that transpired between the two of you already."Janice continued, her brows wrinkled in fury and worry.Hannah nodded slowly and swallowed a lump in her throat.She gripped her hands with all of her might underneath the table until her Knuckles turned white."Okay... Um, it's about my boss, Mr Cross... " Hannah started as she lowered her eyes to the table, her brows marred with a deep frown as if Mr Cross was sitting on the table looking at her."What about him, what did he do?" Janice pressed relentlessly.What did that motherfucker do? Would have been appropriate in this circumstance 'cause she is smelling trouble. Janice thought angrily.Hannah bit her lip and shifted in her chair again. She had used the restroom as an excuse to get her acts together and willed the persistent
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty-One
CHAPTER HUNDRED -TWENTY-ONE*Her first true friend perhaps?*"Bonk his nose?!" Hannah burst out laughing. "oh my God, Jane. You never change. Just like old times."Janice smiled widely as memories of their time in Brighton College sprung up in my mind.Brighton College was pregnant with a lot of memories for Janice and Hannah. In fact, that was where they first met.Brighton College is one of the most expensive and highest-ranked International schools in the United Kingdom. Initially, her father wanted to enrol her in Winchester College but they changed their minds later on.She was barely twelve when she commenced. The twelve-year-old Janice appeared calm and timid on the outside and a little whiff of a condescending aura surrounded her.Everyone knew who she was on her first day after the teacher assigned her to her class and introduced her, a loud gasp and thunderous applause rocked the classroom.And Hannah was in that same class. She was a geek wearing big weird glasses with eye
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty-Two
CHAPTER HUNDRED-TWENTY-TWO*No one messes with them and goes scot-free*"Likewise." Janice smiled back at her.Hannah returned it rather awkwardly, tucking a wayward strand of her frizzy hair behind her ear.Silence stretched between them like a hot blanket wrapped around them. Hannah's heart was fluttering with anxiety.What could she say? She doesn't want to say anything weird to scare her off.She wants a true friend and something in her is nudging her towards this girl.Her lips formed a flattened line as she clamped them briefly together.Janice quirked an eyebrow at her curiously.Hannah quickly cleared her throat weakly and forced a smile."Um... Janice, I admire your courage and how you were brave enough to face those girls. They have been a total pain in the arse." Janice stifled a laugh and nodded."It was nothing. I didn't do anything or said anything." Janice shrugged."You think that was nothing? That was the best comeback ever! You didn't notice how rattled they were? I
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty-Three
CHAPTER HUNDRED-TWENTY-THREE*This girl desperately needs help!*"W-what are bayou T-talking about?!" Hannah sputtered as she waved her hands frantically in the air, feigning ignorance.But she was way easy to read. Janice chuckled and shook her head again"You what I'm talking about, Hannah. I understand we just met but you don't have to through that. Speak up when you need help." Janice gripped her shoulder gently, her brows furrowing with concern and pity.Hannah swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded slowly in resignation."Thank you, Janice. But I am fine..."Janice released her hand from her shoulder and puffed out a deep breath in mild irritation.Why is she being silent? Could she possibly have been threatened perhaps?Why is she keeping mute and not seeking help? For what purpose?But it's none of her business anyways.They just met and she doesn't want to come off as being annoyingly persistent. But she could swear that she spotted the fear lurking in her eyes.She is scar
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty-Four
CHAPTER HUNDRED-TWENTY-FOUR*The big trio equals her worst nightmare*The entire class gasped in disbelief as they glared at her. Well, minus Janice whose face she couldn't make out from here. Maybe she's also glaring in disbelief who knows? And probably rethink her decision to remain friends with her.What is she gonna do?!Not Anastasia ruining her reputation for her already with her narcissistic attitude. Always internationally doing things to mess with her and put her to shame. Always.The big trio equals her worst nightmare.Will she ever be able to escape from this unending cycle of bully and misery?At any rate, she had better focus on getting herself out of this mess.She gulped.Mr Abel was gaping at her in confusion.His rigid gaze glided from Anastasia to her."Is that true, Miss Spikes?" He probed.Of course not! Her throat worked on a swallow. Ensuring her ragged breathing was taking a regulated tempo, she finally answered."N-not exactly sir!" She blurted out, her nose
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty-Five
CHAPTER HUNDRED-TWENTY-FIVE*Every day is a nightmare at Brighton College.*"Nothing much is going on. You're just in an anxious state. You need to calm down. Do you sleep well? Are you having a sleepless night. ?" Mrs Hope asked as she retrieved the medical thermometer from her underarm and went to the back deck and rinsed her hands under the running water.She dabbed a clean towel over her damp hands and slumped in the seat across the table with a deep sigh.Hannah gulped.Sleepless anxious nights had been her close companion lately. All thanks to the monstrous trio that kept making her life a living hell. Plus, she had no friends. She would often stay awake battling with her troubled thoughts all by herself and then put on the fake mask of a happy kid living her best life in school to her parents.For how long will she keep up with this facade?It's only a matter of time...and at all costs, the mask must not be removed let alone crack a smidge So no one must know. Not even her teac
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty-Six
CHAPTER HUNDRED -TWENTY-SIX*That place reeks of suffering and menace*The last person that she had expected to meet up with was her dreadful nightmare, the Big trio!!!!They were already waiting for her at the far end of the hallway that led to the backyard of the school.Anastasia was amongst them and she didn't seem pleased at all.While the other two, Amber and Arizona were smirking at her with an amusing smile curling up their lips, Anastasia was snarling at her like a cornered tiger.A tiny smug smile lifted the corners of her lips slowly as Hannah triumphantly recalled she was the cause.Yeah, feel a little pain, a little kick in your ego. Even just a little bit is okay.Feel insulted and humiliated even a weeny bit.As a return ticket for all the hell, you let loose on me. It's even far worse what they did to me but seeing how worked up and flustered Anastasia was, brought a smile to her face.Eventually, they will pay heavily in due time. Just you wait!Besides, she doesn't e
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Chapter Hundred -Twenty-Seven
CHAPTER HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN*The last thing she wants is to add fuel to the burning fire*She watched how Allan deteriorated from a healthy robust happy boy to a lanky skinny dishevelled miserable boy.The big trio did it but the school authority concluded in its investigations that there was no correlation or link that points to them. Therefore, declared them innocent.Everyone knows that the big trio did it.But no one dares say so. Everyone was scared of those girls.They were like the Alpha and Omega of Brighton College.There are speculations that there is a possibility that the school headmaster is on the payroll of amber parents. This may be true considering how quickly the case was closed down and suddenly disappeared into the thin air.Allan couldn't seek justice and was ultimately kicked out of school. To the fulfilment and happiness of the monstrous big trio.And now Amber is threatening her the way she threatened Allan.She had better act smart and witty.How could she r
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Chapter Hundred-Twenty-Eight
CHAPTER HUNDRED -TWENTY-EIGHT*Would telling someone actually save her though?*Her heart slammed against her ribcage violently as she fought silently to keep her breathing manageably normal to hold the conversation and avoid rousing any suspicion from Mrs Hope.Mrs Hope swept a calculating gaze over her silently.Shit! What gives now?She balled her hands into a fist to hide the swollen finger which resulted in far much worse pain than before.She grunted softly and puffed out deep breaths."I assumed you should be at Mr Abel's office currently. Why aren't you there yet?" She quizzedOf course! She was already headed there when these monstrous domineering Big trio decided to get in the way. As always.But if she had said that to Mrs Hope in presence of her bone of contention, the big trio, she would be toast!Instead, she bit her bottom lip furiously and forced a lump down her throat.She inhaled sharply as she strived to fix the words in her head.Damn! What would she say that would
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