All Chapters of Her Tempting Nemesis : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
327 Chapters
Chapter Hundred-Thirty-Nine
CHAPTER HUNDRED-THIRTY-NINE *Now it's time to put all this to an abrupt stop*Hannah gulped, her breath hitched in her throat.Don't panic! Don't waver!You got this! Or at least pretend that you do.Okay, here it goes ..."Yes, I was about to say something actually. If you could at least hear me out first..." Hannah spoke as calmly as a muse, holding her hands up in the air defensively.Anastasia snickered loud enough for her ears, her eyes glinting in sheer mischievous delight. She had that," Oh you fucked up this time, Hen" look on her face as the corners of her lips lifted in an amusing smile which was enough to discourage her to abort her mission right there and now and cower in shame.But heck no! It's too late to back down now. She had been putting up with their senseless games for far too long and now ...Now it's time to put all this to an abrupt stop.Amber glowered silently but remained silent. She seemed extremely curious as to what Hannah had to say.Good! Now she was g
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Chapter Hundred-forty
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FORTY *Mum, Dad! I am so sorry!!!!!*With a tweak of Amber's Fingers, Anastasia lurched forward and hoisted the alarmed Hannah and carried her to another chair she didn't notice at the corner of the room earlier.She protested, but Anastasia paid no attention to her.She tossed her to the chair, the bones in her arse must have rattled as a result because the excruciating pain that followed was enough to make her senses go numb.She grunted in pain, her head growing dizzy.Before she realized what was happening, Arizona snatched both of her hands and legs and bound them up with seal tape. "Please stop! What are you trying to do to me?!" Hannah shrieked in fear and panic, her eyes dilated in shock."you blab too much Hannah! Shut your gob already!" Amber howled, her eyes burning with wrath. Then, a smirk spreading across her face, she added,"And besides what happened to the confidence you were boasting of earlier huh? Ran out of battery already ?" she ribbed.Hannah
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Chapter Hundred-Forty-one
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FORTY-ONE*Please Amber, please stop!*Amber's lips curled up in an amusing smile as she watched with admiration how rattled and frightened Hannah was.Hannah wriggled aggressively, moaning in pain."you seem to be enjoying it very much, Hannah. Perhaps I should aim for other delicate parts of your body hmmm?" Amber ribbed, with a smirk plastered on her face.Hannah shook her head frantically, groaning. Her cries of disapproval were trapped in the seal placed over her mouth.I don't want to! untie me this instant!She screamed in her mind, as the words refused to come out.Damn you, Amber! You would pay dearly for this! I hate you! Always and forever!"Why don't we make this more enjoyable huh? Wouldn't you agree guys?""of course! ", Anastasia said breezily and then a mischievous grin flirting on her lips she added, " in fact, I have a better idea.""pray, tell." prompted Amber with a wide grin on her face as impatience crinkled her brows.Anastasia chuckled cruel
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Chapter Hundred-Forty-Two
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FORTY-TWO *Please God, let it be an intruder!*"I said you should keep it shut, damn it!" Amber whispered fiercely, with a hint of warning in her voice. Her eyes gleamed with anger for the interruption to her "special torture ceremony" of Anthrax.Hannah adamantly continued struggling and muffled screams hoping that the supposed intruder would come to her rescue.But how the hell is she certain someone is coming to rescue her?Besides they have but ascertain where the burning sensation is emanating from. It may not even be the person that caused it.She could very much still be in danger!Arizona crept silently toward the entrance she came from initially. She pinned herself to the wall to conceal herself from the presupposed intruder if there were any.Please God, let it be an intruder! Hannah prayed silently.A clanging sound escaped from the outside, startling everyone in the room.Amber jerked up and hid the Anthrax object under her skirt. Her eyes and ears wer
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Chapter Hundred-Forty-Three
CHAPTER HUNDRED -FORTY-THREE *So many loopholes to fill up. So many puzzles to answer*"And if it turns out that someone truly is here, then it's your fault and you will take the punishment without protests," Amber growled silently."But why? Has it ever occurred to you that someone might have lost their way and in that situation, I take the blame for something that was utterly unpredictable? " Hannah countered.Before she realized what she had done, the words had already slipped out!She gasped softly and clamped a hand over her mouth with widened eyes.Oh shit!She thought the words will remain in her head like they used to.But this time, she accidentally let them slip out.Or perhaps her brain is already having a mind of its own and needed to decongest all the emotions welling up inside of her that she had been bottling up for a long time.Her nostrils flared red, as her heart fluttered at an alarming rate.Anastasia and Arizona were gawking at her in surprise. Meanwhile, Amber
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Chapter Hundred-Forty-Four
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FORTY-FOUR*She couldn't believe her eyes!*"Damn it! How long will Asia take to scout the area?!" Amber wailed, beads of sweat glistening on her forehead.Embarrassed by how worked up and rattled she seemed she did a few paces and cleared her throat.Tweaking her fingers she motioned for Arizona to wipe the sweat off her face which she hurriedly did as she retrieved a neatly folded Dior handkerchief from her waist bag tied encircling her lean waist. The super-rich kid! That mere Dior handkerchief must have been worth a fortune.The lap dog, Arizona, is always obedient to its master even unto death.Poor girl.A smug smile crept up on Hannah's face but was hidden behind the seal tape.She couldn't believe her eyes!Amber is so nervous and rattled by the sound. Whoever trailed her did a great Job!!! You have my heartfelt thanks!If it's the cops, then they will surely be interrogated alongside her which would allow her to voice out the full truth thus clearing her nam
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Chapter Hundred -Forty-Five
CHAPTER HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE*The battle is far from being over!*What?! What did Amber just say? Dispose of me? As in kill me and dissect my body parts and burn them in the furnace-like in the book titled "Native son" by Richard Wright which was based on a true life story. She shuddered in fear.What if that's what is about to happen to her?God please no!Someone, please help her!!Anybody !!!"How are we gonna do that?" Anastasia asked, visibly perplexed."We will think of something, anything. We just have to ensure that the cops or whoever the heck is out there, do not know that we are holding someone hostage." Amber said evenly."Okay, but how are we going to do that? She's obviously still bound up. Or should I untie her?"" So she would scream on top of her frigging voice and probably escape thus, putting our plans in jeopardy and subsequently exposing us, Certainly not!" Amber wheezed, her nostrils flaring.Anastasia was startled by her reaction and apologized profusely."I'm s
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Chapter Hundred-Forty-Six
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FORTY-SIX*She can't afford to die out here!*They hoisted her roughly, each of them on either side, and they staggered to the stairs where the attic is located.Approaching the attic, The air suddenly turned stuffy and hot and reeks of rotten smell.What the hell stinks in here?! She would have asked and yelled but her mouth has been gagged and sealed. Damn it! She can't survive in here for even thirty minutes straight!Good lord!The banging at the door downstairs became more subtle as the eerie silence of the enclosed, air-tight attic sucked out the sound from the major room downstairs.Even if she happened to scream at the top of her voice, no one could hear her.That's strange or could it be that the walls of the attic are soundproof?Oh no!A cold shiver ran down her spine.It is giving real serial killer documentary vibes now and it sucks like hell!She can't afford to die out here!Not even in this crappy attic!Someone get her out here already, please!Anybody
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Chapter Hundred-Forty-Seven
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FORTY-SEVEN*She's dead meat!*The rusty smell stemming from the metallic objects that she could not see clearly surrounded her.If anyone would have told her before that she would end up a real hostage like in the movies she watches so often, then she would have probably laughed out loud and dismissed such stupid jokes.Yeah stupid 'cause never in her wildest dreams did she imagine she would be locked up in a dark shitty locker room in an attic right in the belly of a creepy forest.Good lord!What the hell what she thinking?Coming down here like a fool? Blinding following their orders?If only she had told Mrs Hope the truth maybe something might have been done by now. From the look of things, Mrs Hope isn't someone who would just randomly report to the school authority knowing fully well what transpired during Allan's case. Notably, she was one the most fearlessly outspoken advocate in the case despite the fact the school management was in support of the case. And
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Chapter Hundred-Forty-Eight
CHAPTER HUNDRED -FORTY-EIGHT *Amber Harvard-Backdrop*"Has She been secured properly? I would not tolerate any blunder, you understand?" Amber hissed through gritted teeth as they reappeared in the room downstairs."of course, we did the best we could. There's no way she would escape that." Anastasia said firmly as she glided a glance at Arizona, who was nodding frantically in affirmation of what Anastasia what said.Amber cocked a suspicious eyebrow at them."Are you sure Asia?" she probed.Anastasia's t crinkled in slight confusion. She cleared her throat and then replied,"Yes, I am positive. She is currently locked up in the locker room, as well know, it's pitch black in there with no means of escape. She can't get the keys to unlock the door either. It's a jammed lock. So we are good. Plus, you know that's it soundproof. No one can hear her even if she screams at the top of her voice." Amber rubbed her chin thoughtfully, her brows furrowing in deep concentration.Then after a w
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