All Chapters of Her Tempting Nemesis : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
327 Chapters
Chapter Hundred-Forty-Nine
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FORTY-NINE *Amber Harvard-Backdrop2*She swallowed thickly and quickly clamped a hand over her mouth, her eyes glazing with punished tears.Her father looked surprised to see her there. His jaw tightened as he moved closer to the door.He tugged it open a little and forced a tight-lipped smile on his shaken daughter."Hey Honey, what are you doing out here at a time like this? You should be in bed." He said in a low voice.Amber bit her bottom lip nervously."I couldn't sleep," she said faintly. Her voice was a little shaky.Her father puffed out a deep breath. He stepped out of the room gently and quietly locked the room behind him."I'm sorry about that. Come, let me take you back to your room." Her father forced a smile and tugged her away to her bedroom.But Amber hesitated as she paused to gaze at the bedroom door of her parents."What is it, Honey? Let's go." Her father pressed.Her amber eyes glowed with genuine concern."I heard a scream. I heard Mum scream. Ho
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY *Amber Harvard -Backdrop3*Amber's face morphed into a scowl."Dad showed me the truth, Mother. He was there for me even more than you could ever be. Dad is on my side but apparently, you are not. That's why you lost the case because the judge couldn't find you suitable as a mother to take adequate care of her own daughter. Such a pity if you would ask me."Her mother's jaw dropped in shock. She stared at her own daughter like a stranger, dumbfounded.What has happened to her own daughter? Her daughter whom she carried for nine good months? Whom she cared deeply for?It wasn't her fault that she was fighting for her life with painkillers and Antidepressants pills to remain sane and sober.She had been battling with mental illness since she was a child and she thought her husband understood that part of her before he decided to get married to her.But sadly, reality can be quite shocking.The once love-filled and peaceful marriage they had suddenly transformed in
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-One
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY-ONE *Amber Harvard -Backdrop4*"Come back to your senses, sweetheart. Why would a mother despise a child that she birthed to life? It is inconceivable! " Khole said breathlessly, tears streaming down her flushed face. She quickly took Amber's hands in hers. Surprisingly enough, Amber didn't protest. It was as though, the power of her mother's love is bending her will to conform to that of her mother. Like a magnet attacking her towards her mother.Her eyes glinted with emotion she didn't know existed for her mother. She thought she had banished every emotion left towards her mother.Now, why the heck is she being moved by her mother's touch? The woman she had grown to loathe? The woman that abandoned her?"Listen, Amber, I love you so so much that it hurts so badly seeing you like this. I'm genuinely concerned about leaving you under the care of your father. Don't listen to him, he will only poison your mind. You have got to trust me, Amber. Please." She spoke
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Two
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY-TWO *Amber Harvard -Backdrop5*"I don't need it. Leave already!"She bellowed, her eyes gleaming with rage.Khole inhaled sharply, failing her hands frantically in the air. "Listen to me Amber for heaven's sake I am still your mother!" she snapped, her chest heaving in rhythm with her frantic breathing.Amber scowled at her, clicking her tongue in disapproval."I don't give a fuck, Mother!" she squealed. "As far as I am concerned, you're no longer my mother but a complete stranger to me."Khole, flinched at her words in disbelief, unable to fathom the very words that were coming out of her daughter's mouth. Her very own child she brought into this world through the pangs of delivery.She blinked in shock. This can't be happening!How could a mother watch her own flesh and blood stray off a dangerous path and do absolutely nothing?It is outrageous and uncalled for!Only in this case she up a case against a dictator, an insane wealthy monster that has no regard
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Three
*Amber Harvard-Backdrop6*"I am not sure I can trust you, mother, after everything you have done. ", she said as she shook her head frantically."I will never forget how terrified I was to be just around my own mother! How insane and mind-boggling does that sound to you!" Amber hissed.Khole sighed deeply, sagging her shoulders."Amber...""Stop mother! No more lies. I am sick of your lies!" she howled, the veins in her head popping out."My goodness! Your father sure took an iron hold of you more than I expected," she said dolefully as she shook her head in despair."I thought I stand a chance to sway your heart even just a little bit but sadly I have been gravely mistaken." Khole stared at her own daughter in shock, grief, and despair."But I won't give up on you. No matter how far your father intends to push me away. Distance only makes the heart grow fonder. I will always love you, Amber Harvard. Regardless of whatever atrocities your father may have committed. Don't ever forget
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Four
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY-FOUR *Get back in line, Amber!*The clanging of the mental at the door resumed with full force, yanking her forcibly out of her thoughts.Damn it! She had been so lost in her journey down memory lane that she forget she was in actual danger of getting caught here.But why was she suddenly recalling her past? And why the heck was the thinking about her mother whom she detests so much?*"...I won't give up on you. No matter how far your father intends to push me away. Distance only makes the heart grow fonder. I will always love you, Amber Harvard...*"Her mother's words from 3 years ago chimed in her head.She bit her lower lip furiously.Why the fuck is she thinking about that woman now?She hated her mother and besides, they no longer lived together since her divorce from Dad.So why would her words suddenly make her crave her presence? Or perhaps she is beginning to see reasons as regards what her mother had warned her about?Her father loved and cherished he
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Five
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY-FIVE*It can't be!*The eerie silence was so mind-boggling and deafening that her stomach swooped as she waited for the person on the other side of the door to respond.Her breath hitched in her throat.This is long overdue! What gives?She bit her bottom lip angrily.She gulped as she heard the intruder edging closer to the door. Anticipation climbed up my spine at the danger swirling in the air."Who are you? State your identity or I call on the cops! This is privacy intervention and I can sue you know !" she squealed in mild panic. Damn it! She has never been this rattled like this!If her father caught her lacking like this, he would be so mad at her.She gathered herself and straightened her shoulders, puffing out a deep breath."Just open the damn door, Amber. I'm sure as hell you can't call the cops either." The voice dripped with poisonous honey, making her blood boil with fury and rage as the voice registered in her head.It can't be!"Who the heck a
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Six
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY-SIX *Get ready to face the consequences**"You are the powerhouse, Amber. You are in control of your life. You are a Harvard and a Harvard, does not relent in the pursuits of power. Power is synonymous with being a Harvard."* Her father's words, Jefferson Harvard, crossed her mind.She inhaled deeply as the words registered in her head.*"You are in charge. Always. Don't you ever forget that my love?"* *"make Daddy proud!"* Yes, daddy, I will!I will not condone any mockery of my powers from anyone, talk less of this silly newbie. She thinks she's all that huh?Conceal your fear and anxiety from the outside world. She must never be caught lacking.She is in charge. In control of this situation.It's about time I put her in a place and show her who the boss is.With a sneer wrapping her face, she angled her neck towards her mockingly, folding her hands tightly across her chest."Cops?" she ribbed. "What cops?"Janice's throat worked ok a swallow. Her eyes f
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Seven
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY-SEVEN*You are not leaving!*"What?!" Amber squealed in utter shock and quickly clamped a hand over her mouth.Did she hear that right or she's tripping?Hand her over? Could she be talking about Hannah Spikes? But how the hell did she know that Hannah will be here?Except, of course, she had trailed her here. But Hannah swore that Janice believed her cock and bull story of having a family appointment due.What gives? How could she tell that something was off?Clearly, she had underestimated Janice Jordan. This girl is capable of far more than she had initially expected.Damn it! No one should have known about this.If word got out that the big trio had captured a Brighton college student and held her hostage, things will be rough.She would have to handle this before it escalates and involve her father.Her mouth flattened into a tight line."I have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about," Amber said, feigning ignorance.Janice arched an eyebrow at
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Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Eight
CHAPTER HUNDRED -FIFTY-EIGHT *She will pay for all the atrocities she had committed!*"You're not leaving Janice Jordan until I find out who you truly are." Amber declared, her amber eyes gleaming with resolution and mischievous delight.Janice stifled a chuckle and shook her head slowly."I don't want to. As a matter of fact, I came here to seek answers to some questions I have and I was hoping you would cooperate with me." Amber clicked her tongue in disapproval and burst out in a burst of roaring laughter."Are you fucking kidding me right now?! You got the nerve to come down here in my territory to command me? In case you don't know, Janice, I am the powerhouse around here and I give the orders. Do you have a backing?" Amber snarled through clenched teeth.This saphead has successfully gotten under her skin. Her blood is boiling at an alarming rapid motion just seeing the smirk and scowl on her face as set rains insults on her and even went as far as belittling her and threateni
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