All Chapters of Her Tempting Nemesis : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
327 Chapters
Chapter Hundred-Fifty-Nine
CHAPTER HUNDRED-FIFTY-NINE *It all ends here and now*"And for the millionth time, I already told you Janice that I have no fucking idea of what are you talking about. For all we know you might probably be the one in a hallucination all along." she quipped, stifling a snicker like a hiccup.Janice clenched her teeth, her condescension grating her nerves. "That's it, Amber. One word out and the cops will arrive here any minute. You don't wanna be goofing around when the stakes are high, do you? So answer the damn question and let me see her.",Then her voice taking a low growl she added, "But mind you, Amber. If you hurt her I swear you won't go unscathed. You will pay dearly for all you have done and all the havoc you have caused for your victims. Plus, I know of Allan Walker's tragic story and how you had a hand in it.",Amber's eyes dilated slightly and quickly narrowed into a steady deep stare.Janice scoffed, "You really thought that hiding the evidence and shutting up the scho
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Chapter Hundred-sixty
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SIXTY *Just you wait and see*Amber burst into roaring laughter, her eyes misting from the bouts of laughter. She scoffed and clicked her tongue in disapproval."My unlucky day? Says who? The newbie who just got to Brighton College and already playing the hero! ", She barked."You have a death wish or something because you are really begging death to come to you, Janice Jordan."Then, Without warning, Amber lurched at her, gripping the scruff of her neck aggressively, the fangs of her teeth snarling loudly in anger."You are all talk, you dunce. And I'm gonna put you in your place very soon." she hissed in her ears as she leaned forward menacingly.Janice's face curved into a smirk as she stifled a chuckle, further infuriating Amber as her eyes take a darker shade, fuming with rage."Does this sound funny to you? You might lose your life and no one would bloody save you and yet you laugh? You're so dumb really and it amazes me. Never seen anyone who takes a grievous s
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Chapter hundred-sixty-one
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SIXTY-ONE *the dead end?*Janice's lips curved into a sly smile."Wait and see."Amber swallowed a lump down her dry throat, and try as much as possible not to fidget.She forced a smile."What are you planning to do, Janice?" she asked in a tiny voice.Janice giggled sheepishly and shook her head."you know what, sweaty pants. The cops are here and ready. Now, if you know what's good for you, go get Hannah Spikes and bring her to me now!"No this isn't happening to her!How the hell are the cops right here in their highly confidential hideout? How did it get exposed like this? Amber's eyes morphed into a deep narrow gaze.Or, Janice had all this planned out already! She must have been buying time for the cops to arrive.This asshole! How the fuck did she get all this planned out from the very beginning?What is she going to do now?They are in danger of getting exposed and their name and reputation soiled for good!If only Daddy was here. What is she going to do now
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Chapter Hundred-Sixty-Two
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SIXTY-TWO *Sheer loneliness was her only true friend*"For the first time, I don't know anymore, Asia. I thought I'm in control, in charge like always. But, to my greatest surprise, I am losing it." she said breathlessly as she muttered only for the ears of Anastasia.Anastasia smiled wryly and released her from her firm grip after making sure that she was settled and calm."Whatever happens, Amber through thick and thin, we are gonna get through this like we used to. Remember, those times, Leader we got through didn't we? Right, Arizona?" Anastasia gave Arizona the expected look, angling her head toward her direction. Arizona nodded frantically.Amber's throat worked on a swallow.What a shame! She's in a mess and this has never happened to her before. It was unlike Asia to call her by her first name. Normally, she would have yelled at her or given her the cold look but now is not the time for such frivolity.They have far more pressing issues at hand. She jerked
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Chapter Hundred-Sixty-Three
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SIXTY-THREE *For a fact, They definitely didn't see this coming. Not at all**...."In fact, there was a time your father didn't mind missing the doctor's appointment on the very day of your delivery. He said work came first. Perhaps you should ask him that."* Her mother's words came to her again as her shoulders sagged in disappointment and abandonment.Does her father care for her well-being? Or he was only concerned about his own personal interests? His motive for attaining more and more power? She is perhaps just a pawn in his power-drunk games!Damn it!Even in this shit, she got herself into he might not even care to help.That's if her mother is telling the truth.The blasting of the sirens took an ear-pitching note, causing her body to quiver with fear. She jerked her eye to Janice, her stomach churning with disgust and hatred for her."I will remember your ugly face, Janice and Jordan and I swear I will descend havoc on you in due time even in the next life,
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Chapter Hundred-Sixty-Four
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SIXTY-FOUR *Blackmail. It works every time*"What are you all chit-chatting about? Enough of that! Nothing can be done to save you from what is about to happen to you lot!" Her mouth curved into a sneer."C'mon Amber! Don't be such a pig-headed fool! Quietly accept your fate with no complaints or protests. You are the discerning and cultured leader of the notorious big trio. It amazes me that you would act just glibly. " She mocked. A satisfied smirk plastered on her face as Amber glared at her with clenched teeth."We are talking about how to dispose of your body. It would give us great pleasure to watch you die slowly," she said with a venomous hiss.Janice gasped softly, feigning fear and shock."Oh my! How scary! " then, her countenance morphed into a scowl as she laughed out loud mocking her feeble attempt to scare her off.She tsked in mockery and shook her head.Grunting in annoyance and frustration she pointed her index finger at Amber."look here, Amber! I'm
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Chapter Hundred-Sixty-Five
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SIXTY-FIVE *There's no escape Amber, you are surrounded until you surrender."**"There's no escape Amber, you are surrounded until you surrender."*Janice's words rang through her head, simmering through the recess of her head, her voice was a little faint and echoing as though she was drowning in the deep oceans and someone was calling out after her from the surface. Her heart reverberated in her chest, slamming hard against her ears, making her head go numb and dizzy."what are you spacing out for? Your time is already ticking!" the shrill voice of Janice broke through her jumbled thoughts, yanking her back to the present.She swallowed thickly and licked her chapped lips and then forced a casual smile."let's, go Leader. Time is not on our side." Anastasia urged as she signalled to Arizona to tag along.Amber nodded frantically and was about to head for the stairs when she whipped around abruptly, angling her head in Janice's direction. Her amber eyes squinted with
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Chapter Hundred-Sixty-Six
CHAPTER HUNDRED-SIXTY-SIX*Perhaps her mother might have been right about him*A taut silence blanketed the room except for the ragging breathing of Amber. Her hands clutched the phone so tightly that her knuckles turned white.Whatever her Dad says from now onwards will determine a whole lot. Either she's going to fail or win.She swallowed thickly."In trouble you say? What kind of trouble? Isn't it something you can handle yourself, Amber?" His voice detonated the wariness of a thousand ages.Amber bit her bottom lip furiously before she responded, her voice weakly faint."No. It is not." She heard her father sigh very deeply and clicked his tongue in disapproval."fuck!" He cursed under his breath seethingly."What trouble did you get yourself into now?"Amber bit her lip aggressively again and inhaled sharply.How will she start?Plus there isn't time to dilly daily about.She swallowed the lump forming in her dry throat.She exhaled deeply."Dad... It was rather unexpected. I
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Chapter Hundred-Sixty-Seven
CHAPTER HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN *Harvards don't beg, they control, they propel and they command*"What is wrong, Leader?" Anastasia asked with bulging eyes.She inhaled sharply and forced a smile at them, she increased the distance between them by about a few inches.Thankfully they couldn't make out what was being said by her father over the phone.She exhaled softly and nodded frantically into the phone."Okay, Dad but I'm having a bad feeling about this," she said weakly, hoping her father would change his mind.He arched a brow from the other end and clicked his tongue again."You're not supposed to, honey. You should have acted cautiously, knowing fully well that the warehouse could be traced to me as well. If the cops should commence their investigation, that might be a problem for me."She held her breath and nodded slowly."Amber, do you realize what you have done? You are only proving to me how much of your foolish mother you take after! " He hissed, disgust evident in his tone.
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Chapter Hundred-Sixty-Eight
CHAPTER HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT *"you are not getting away this time, Amber Harvard!"*Amber scoffed, folding her hands across her chest challengingly."Why don't you come off it, Janice and spill the truth? What is your merit in all of this? I can't believe you would go all the way out for some random weird schoolgirl like Hannah. And besides, you are only new here and yet you act as if you have been here for a long. Is there something that you are hiding from us?"Janice clamped her lips briefly together and puffed out a deep breath in irritation."Does it matter now? Well, I don't fucking think so! Listen, Amber, how many times do you expect me to say this? If you plan on turning the tables around, it's too late for that. You already lost! Accept Your fate already. Now, where's Hannah? I thought you are going to bring her with you?"Amber groaned in annoyance, flailing her hands frantically in the air."I don't freaking trust your blind games, Janice! Not until you tell me who the hel
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