All Chapters of Her Tempting Nemesis : Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
327 Chapters
Chapter Three Hundred-Eight
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED-EIGHT*She wished he could at least read her mind so she doesn't have to say the words out loud.*Her breath hitched in her throat and at that moment, all she ever wanted was to fling herself into his strong arms and weep. Hopefully, things work out for the best. But right now... *"....I can read your emotions like an open book. And for a fact, I know that you never for once liked this matt, Castle."* How could he tell? Well, that was true for a fact... Well, there was no point hiding the obvious and here she thought she was a great actor.She inhaled deeply and puffed out a deep breath. Such a lame performance I must say. She chided herself internally. "Jane?" He called out smoothly, snapping her back to reality. "Yeah... Um... Well, I-" She sputtered. Damn it! She doesn't know what to say or where to start. He gripped both of her shoulders, shaking her gently. His blue eyes were still intent and hooded upon hers but something else flashed in his
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Chapter Three Hundred -Nine
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED-NINE* Hell Awaits and it's drawing close... *"Someone came to look for me?" Janice's brows knitted together in surprise. Who could that be? Because she wasn't expecting anyone whatsoever... "It was a man..." Sandra continued over the phone. "A man? What man?" Sandra cleared her throat. "Well... He just said that his name was Mr Brad that's all. He wanted to see you so badly and extend his hearty congratulations on your upcoming engagement ceremony." Janice arched her brows diametrically. "Mr Brad? I'm not sure I know someone by that name.""He talked so much about you as though he knows so much about you." A cold shiver ran down her spine. Who on earth could this person be? It's strange... She gulped."What else did this so-called Mr Brad say?" "Umm.." Sandra dragged the word out as she thought of it for a while. "He did walk around the store and picked out a dress and suit though. He said for your pleasant occasion and that he can't wait. I was
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Chapter There Hundred -Ten
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED -TEN *All she wished for was to run back home, into the comfort of hid arms*Before you say, Jack Robinson, The engagement ceremony was already here! Janice couldn't sleep a wink last night. She could barely get a good night's sleep. How could she? When she was about to be engaged to a monster?! Well, sometimes people make hard decisions when they have no other choice. She was doing this to protect the man she loves and her own father as well. So at the end of the day, a win is a win... She hoped. Everything was already set and the fashion designer had already finished dressing her up. Putting on her dress was an uphill task. It took about three hours to get her set. It was a crystal stone dress and the designer had to make sure it was stuck to the dress very well. She chose simple smoky eye makeup and her blonde hair was curled and pulled up in a mountain bun, leaving some strands of curly hair at the edges. After giving one final look in the mirror
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Chapter Three Hundred-Eleven
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED -ELEVEN *Well, they say universe The universe had a sense of humour, all right, and it was a shitty one*"Welcome ma'am!" The huge tall guard at the entrance said as he tilted his head to pay his respects. She forced a smile at him and nodded. "Thank you." The guards parted to let her into the entrance. As they entered the huge tall building and passed the beautiful candlelit pathways adorned with rose flowers, the faint music became louder. There was a fountain just before they rounded off the corner into the main arena where the actual party is taking place. Janice could see some guests murmuring amongst themselves and one thing struck her as a surprise; All the guests were wearing masks. "I didn't know it was a mask party." She said, passing a glance at Hannah. Hannah shot her a smirk, nudging her forward. "Well... I got yours for you so don't you worry sweetheart." Arching her brows, Janice asked. "I have a mask?" Hannah nodded. "Yep." "S
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Chapter Three Hundred-Twelve
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED -TWELVE * It was like everything from the moment she woke up this morning, had been a nightmare*"Good thing that my money didn't waste. I made sure to employ nothing but the best in the preparations for the engagement ceremony. I hope you like it?" Matt continued, a wide smile tugging at the corner of his lips. She scowled at him and scoffed. "Yeah right. It's just... Nice." She said flippantly. She could care less about the preparations. She just wanted to go home. She curled her hands into tight fists behind her dress and forced a tight-lipped smile. He chuckled and extended his hand for her. "May, Bride to be, shall we?" He cooed, his amber eyes gleaming with pride. He finally got the woman he had always wanted. Even though she proved to be a stubborn one, he was thrilled to have captured her. It was going as planned... She will become his wife soon enough... And that was all that mattered... Hannah tugged at her arm gently to urge her. Sh
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Chapter Three Hundred-Thirteen
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED-THIRTEEN *She had better act along... Play along as the happiest bride to be...*Janice rolled her eyes with an exasperated groan. Arghhh!!!! This man continued to piss her off!! Can he just leave her be for once?! She deserves a fresh breath every once and then but Matt wouldn't let her be. It was as if she had become his prisoner or something and she wasn't happy about that. She desired a world where everyone is free to make his or her own decisions without being coerced or influenced in any way. This is her life and she had the right to live her life on her own terms. But then again... His extensive cologne wafting through the air made her wrinkle her nose in disgust. Everything about this man made her angry. To think that she would be his wife soon, made her blood boil and her stomach churned in disgust. She wished she could take back the hands of time and retraced her steps. Was this what she really wanted? Hell no! It's way farther than that!
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Chapter three Hundred-Fourteen
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED -FOURTEEN *...When all she ever yearned for was his touch...*Gone?! Just like that?! Did he disappear?! But to where?! Janice's hazel eyes scanned the ballroom relentlessly in search of Drake again... Where is Drake?! He should still be here somewhere... Except he was not the one in the first place. But how could she be so sure? Her stomach swooped for no obvious reason. "Who are you looking out for?" Matt's sudden question yanked her back to the present, startling her. She quickly swallowed a lump in her throat and forced a smile at him. "No-one. Just awestruck by the decor you chose for this place. Not bad at all." she lied. He chuckled. "Of course, you know I'm out to get nothing short of the best for you. I would do anything for you, Janice. I don't want you to ever doubt that. Ever." He reached for her hand again and stroked it tenderly this time but she wasn't having it. The Mc cleared her throat as the music died down a notch, grabbing
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Chapter Three Hundred-Fifteen
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED -FIFTEEN *The mysterious man behind the mask*He clenched his teeth and seethed in silence as he watched the both of them dancing together, his hands on her hips and his lips close to her ear whispering something to her. He couldn't tell what they were saying but he bet it was nothing Janice was so interested in because her hazel eyes were still scanning the room for him. He was surprised that she had spotted him underneath the mask. How could she tell? Anyway, he had no right to be jealous. She was never his, to begin with, but he had hoped he was able to somehow... Communicate his feelings to her. But it's too late now... Had gulped and turned around in the direction of the restroom at the far corner, several meters away from the ballroom. He couldn't stand it. She was taken by the man whom she dreaded and he wondered why she agreed to this engagement. Something must be wrong somewhere... There was definitely something she might be hiding from him.
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Chapter Three Hundred-Sixteen
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED -SIXTEEN *His worst nightmare was staring back at him in the face*There are times you wish the ground could open up and swallow you or perhaps wipe your existence from the face of the earth. And that time was what he was presently going through at the moment. He wished he would never come face to face with the person whom he hated the most in the world. He would give his eye teeth for the day never to have happened at all. Yet... Here he was gawking like an idiot. The mask clattered to the floor as it slipped off his grasp. A slow smirk curled up his lips as he ran his hand through his hair. Drake gasped, his breath almost leaving his body. He staggered backward and quickly grabbed at the ceramic counter of the restroom for support. He could feel the blood from his face draining. What the hell?! His worst nightmare was staring back at him in the face. This was no dream. He blinked uncontrollably multiple times but he was still there staring back at h
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Chapter Three Hundred-Seventeen
CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED -SEVENTEEN *"What have you done brother?*"You looked surprised. What do you expect? For her to lick your ego? You clearly made things crystal clear that you want absolutely nothing to do with her." His brother continued to banter with him. Of course, he did. But he expected Racheal to have taken the cue and disappeared. Well, he guessed she was so bitter and hell-bent on getting her revenge. But why work for his brother? He thought she had despised his brother so much that she didn't want anything to do with him not even to be a mile within range. It was rather shocking that she would stoop so low just to exert revenge. What a fool she was... His brother never keeps his promises. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation at that. Drake puffed out an exasperated breath. "Rachael is so damn stubborn. I expected she would blow things out of proportion and act brashly. So now she works for you? That's laughable." Drake's lips curled into a sneer. His bro
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