All Chapters of My Alpha Mate is Fated to My Sister: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
66 Chapters
21. Crazy Werewolf Sex Hormones
Mari’s POV I place the book I’ve been reading on my bedside cabin and sigh as I settle back into my pillows. Maybe reading a steamy werewolf novel before bed wasn’t the best idea. Now my mind is taking a wild ride back to all those hours I spent in this bed, taking every last bodily pleasure I could from Stefan. Stefan, who I haven’t seen at all today. A fact that’s making me restless. I turn to my side and stare at the door, willing him to walk through it. But it remains closed. If I want to see him, it’s getting obvious that I’ll have to go and look for him. Unless he doesn’t want to see me. What did his mother tell him about my sister? Did he go looking for her? Maybe that’s why I haven’t seen him all day. An ache spreads throughout my chest as I think about that. They were childhood friends. She was his destiny. He has been looking for her for years. And somehow, stupid me has managed to convince myself that he’s content enough with me. That I can take her place. God, what’s
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22. First Shift
Gwen’s POV I shift for the first time on a full moon might. It’s a week after Stefan’s wolf bit me when I start feeling the tingling sensation all over my body. It begins with my fingers and toes, spreads to my limbs, and soon, I’m feeling it all over my body. I’m at the dining table when it happens. Thankfully, I’m not alone. “I feel weird,” I tell Stefan, who’s sitting at the head of the table to my right. He must have seen something when he turns to look at me because he instantly grabs my hand in his as if feeling for something. Then he’s coming to his feet, bringing me with him. “Come,” he tells me, heading towards the back of the house. We go through the back hall and out of the back door near the kitchen. When we come to the back garden, he tilts his head back, looking at the sky. At the full moon hanging low in the sky, partially hidden by clouds. “It’s a good night to shift for the first time.” Is it? Nerves are already flooding my stomach. Stefan looks back at me. Hi
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23. She is Mine
Stefan’s POV “Want some more?” I ask Gwen when I notice she has polished off the steak and potatoes I set before her a while ago. She shakes her and grabs her empty plate as she stands. “No, I’m good,” she says, heading to the sink to clean it up. “Thanks for dinner.” “My pleasure,” I say, my eyes following her every movement. Does she know how delectable she looks in that dress of hers? It isn’t exactly body-hugging, but it skims softly over every curve that matters, so it’s not hard to imagine what’s underneath. Knowing that she has only got a pair of panties underneath isn’t exactly helping with my self-control. “What will you drink?” She looks behind her shoulder at me, her dark eyes seeking mine. “Can I have a glass of wine? It’s been a while since I had one.” Right. She had to stay away from alcohol while her body was deciding whether to transition or not. But now, she’s out of the woods. Which means she can drink, though only a little. Or actually want to fuck me without it
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24. He's Obsessed with Her
Stefan’s POV I brace my palms against the edge of the counter as I stare back at myself in the bathroom mirror. My glowing eyes stare back at me as if mocking me. It feels like it’s someone else looking back at me. “Get the fuck out of my head,” I growl. ‘I’m in more than your head.’ I freeze as the reply comes. I wasn’t exactly expecting one. But the fucker has already made it clear that he has a voice of his own, hasn’t he? “What do you want?” I grit out. ‘Her.’ I scoff and let go of the counter. That’s just fabulous, isn’t it? “I thought you were here for some grand scheme of revenge against humans.” ‘Yeah, that’s what I told your mother.’ I look back at the mirror, narrowing my eyes at…well, myself. What’s that supposed to mean? Did he lie as to why he wanted to hijack someone’s body? “Why are you really here, then?” ‘For her.’ He’s going to keep up with that, isn’t he? “Look, you already do whatever you please with my wolf. How about—” ‘My wolf, you mean.’ I pause.
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25. I Was Meant to Be Here
Gwen’s POV Six days. That’s how long it’s been since Stefan practically ran out of the bed in the middle of what was possibly going to be the best sex I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’ll never know, will I? Six days is also exactly how long it’s been since we were intimate like that. Sure, we’ve been keeping up the nightly runs. But each night, he makes it clear, one way or another, that he isn’t ready to get freaky again. And that’s fine, I guess. It’s not like I’m going through a body-crushing need to have sex with him. Come to think of it, maybe that—having that uncontrollable need—is what will have to happen before I’m in his arms again. But it’s all good, I convince myself as I bring my glass of wine to my lips. It’s not like our relationship is all about sex. Actually, after how everything got started around here, maybe taking a step back from any physical activities of that kind is a good idea. Get to know each other, you know. I mean… We are getting married tonight, f
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26. Let's Do It Again
Gwen’s POV Stefan and I rush off into the forest with the cheers of the crowd behind us. We run for about half an hour, getting deeper into the jungle to where it’ll be easy to find prey. I find that I’m enjoying the hunt—as any wolf should. In this form, my senses are so much better. I can hear every little sound in the forest, see clearly in the dark, and pick up all sorts of scents. And when I run, feeling the wind move over my body is the best thing ever. It doesn’t take long for us to track down an antelope and bring him down. It helps that he’s a lone ranger, otherwise it wouldn’t have been so easy. “So what now, we drag him back to the compound?” I ask Stefan through our mind link. It’s an ability I find to be quite useful when we are in our wolf forms. It would be super cool if we could do it in our human forms too, but that privilege only belongs to vampires, as I’ve heard. “I’ll call others to get him.” “Should we get back now?” Stefan doesn’t reply right away. Instea
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27. We Won't Bow to a Blind King
Stefan's POVTwo Weeks LaterHe was with her. He kicked me out, and then he took her. And I still haven’t figured a single goddamned way to get rid of him. Sure, Levi has been asking around, he has even gone on a few trips to meet some renowned healers, but there’s nothing on that front yet. And when I asked my mother whether there was a way to reverse everything, she said no. We are stuck together, from birth to death, that’s what she said. Something brushes against the back of my hand and I look up to find Gwen staring at me, a crease between her brows. “What’s wrong?” I shake my head. “Nothing.” When she doesn’t look convinced, I add, looking out into the crowded hall. “I hate parties.” She lifts an eyebrow and follows my gaze. “Well, you can’t exactly get out of this one.” I can’t, can I? Tens of Alphas and their mates travelled from far to pay allegiance. Every last one is here, and that means one thing—I won’t be going to any battles any time soon. As long as they all rema
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28. The Real Mari
Stefan’s POV Gwen stays in the bathroom for quite a while. Long enough to have me almost bursting the door open to ensure she is alright. When she emerges, her face is freshly washed, but her bloodshot eyes give away the fact that she has been crying. I start towards her, reaching for her, but she shakes her head and moves aside. “How can I know when it’s him and not you?” Frustrated that I can’t comfort her, I scrub my hands down my face. “I don’t know if there’s a way to tell that when I’m in wolf form. But as human, my eyes. When they glow, that’s him. He has never taken over my human body, and I don’t think he can. But when my eyes glow when I haven’t shifted, it’s a sign that he’s here, paying attention.” The look she gives me tells me exactly what she’s thinking. That night we had sex after I had a little too much to drink. “Gwen, I’m looking for a way to keep him away from you, okay? And I’m taking all precautions to ensure he doesn’t spring up on me even with my wolf. I d
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29. The Only Reason I'm Here
Gwen’s POV There must be something wrong with me. That’s the only reason I’m sitting here, feeling sorry for myself, instead of staying by my twin’s side and making sure she’s okay. A twin I haven’t seen in eighteen years. One I thought was dead. That’s why she feels like a stranger, right? It’s not my fault that I don’t feel any sort of attachment to her. Maybe this is about me getting lost in my mind, thinking of how she was always everyone’s first choice. How I was always her back up. I remember crying for days on end when my mother took her and left me behind. Even at five, I knew my mother didn’t love me like she did her. I never figured out why my mother hated me so much. Enough to erase my identity and force me to live as her favourite daughter when she lost her. And just when I thought I was done living in her shadow, just when I reclaimed my own identity, she shows up again. And goes right into the arms of my mate. My mate, who was her childhood friend. Who looked far
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30. There's Nobody Else for Me
Gwen’s POV When I come to, the first thing I do is check the time. I sigh in relief when I realise I was only out for several hours. It’s now eight o’clock at night, and I’m starving. I should take care of that before finding Stefan and giving him a piece of my mind about what I think of him pulling his little hypnotising trick on me. I head downstairs, mentally steeling myself for whatever scenario awaits down there. Hint: scenarios involving Stefan and my sister. I’m not sure who between them I’m less ready to face right now. Maybe both of them, together. The living room is clear and I’m almost believing I’m home free when I walk into the kitchen and there they are. “Eat all of it,” Stefan is saying, placing a steaming bowl of soup in front of Mari. “You’ll feel as good as new in the morning.” She flashes him a grateful smile as she grasps the spoon beside her. “Thank you, Stefan.” You know what? Maybe I’m not starving after all… Before I can tiptoe out of the entrance and ba
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