All Chapters of My Alpha Mate is Fated to My Sister: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
66 Chapters
31. You're Lucky to Have Him
Stefan’s POV “Wow, wow, wow, what do I owe the pleasure?” It takes a second. A second to get up there, meet him at the top of the stairs where he’s standing with that stupid smirk on his face, and plaster him to the wall with my hand around his neck. His smirk drops while his eyes widen. He hadn’t expected that, uh? What, did he think I came by for a chat? There’s a commotion behind me—likely his men scuffling with Levi, Andreas, and Max. But I know none of them will make it up these stairs. “Human trafficking, really? How low does this pack go, exactly?” I ask, obviously not expecting a reply because my fingers are not letting much air get past his throat, let alone words. But he manages a few. “Fucking. Let. Me. Go.” His hands grab at mine, but he’s no match for my strength. He should have known that on the night he challenged me. He growls, and I glimpse his fangs breaking through his gums. Trying to shift on me? Yeah, I would like another go at that throat of his. Would pr
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32. Will My Sister Mind?
Stefan’s POV “The guy was like twice his size. And he just stood there, chest puffed out—” “Mari!” I groan, hoping to bring a stop to her storytelling. But she’s bent on embarrassing me, it seems. It doesn’t help that her audience seems thoroughly entranced. “And tells him that he would have to go through him first.” They all burst into laughter—something they’ve all been doing ever since Levi asked Mari to spill a few details about my childhood. I wouldn’t call what’s coming out of her mouth a few details. If someone was taking notes, they would already have enough material to write my biography. “I appreciated him sticking out for me, but I really wish he hadn’t. He got so many scars on account of my bullies.” “That’s how Alphas are made,” Andreas cracks, raising his glass to me as if in a toast. “He is a true one,” Mari says, lifting her glass too. She meets my gaze. “Still saving me to this day. I’m grateful.” Something passes between us as our eyes connect. I give her a sm
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33. He is Mine
Gwen’s POV When I was in high school, I liked this guy. Matthew Simpson. Matthew was…well, he was that boy most girls had a crush on at some point. Him having a lot of options didn’t help my case. It also didn’t help that he was from the wrong side of the tracks. Or rather, I was the one from the wrong side of the tracks. I think my crush on him got serious when I was around fifteen. As the school semesters came and went, I became resigned to the fact that he would never notice me. Not that I expected him to. He was from a good family–read wealthy–and he was smart too. He was also the best player on the school basketball team. In short, he had it all. And boys who have it all don’t exactly pay attention to girls like me. Girls who barely pass their tests, girls who are on the teachers’ shit-list for being a little too far off the mark of what model students should be. Girls who don’t exactly have the best fashion sense. So I was certain I would forever be a speck in his periphera
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34. Worried Over Nothing
Gwen’s POV I leave the bathroom with renewed determination. To quell those misplaced ugly thoughts and try to enjoy the night. It’s been a long time since I had a night out, anyway. Also, in the past, I spent my nights in clubs serving drinks instead of having fun–I shouldn’t let this night go to waste. I take a deep breath as I emerge from the hallway leading to the bathroom and scan the bar area. I’m guessing Stefan must be there after– “Let’s get out of here.” A hand lands on my arm and I turn to find Stefan beside me. “What? Now?” I ask. “Yeah,” he says, already steering me towards the exit. “What about the others?” “They are staying.” There is a sense of urgency in his voice, as if he can’t wait to get out of here. I try to get a good look at his face, but the disco lights aren’t helping. So I voice my concern. “Is something wrong?” He shakes his head. “No. I just want to be with you, alone.” “Oh,” I mumble. I’m all for that idea. When we make it outside, the car is
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35. Surprise Visitors
Stefan’s POV When Levi came to me with news that he had found a healer who can help with my little intruder problem, I thought my troubles were over. Of course, that was before I realised that my body had more ideas on how to screw me over. I had it all figured out. Once Mr Nosy Werewolf Prince from Goddess knows when disappeared into the recesses of my mind, nothing could come between me and Gwen. But as things turned out, I don’t need an unwelcome guest in my body to screw up my mate bond. My body is doing that all on its own. Memories of that night in the nightclub flash through my mind, and I cringe internally. Standing there, super aware of Mari next to me. The roaring need that coursed through my veins. The visions that crowded my mind. Visions that should have been my mate. Instead, all I could think of was mating Mari. Marking her with my scent. Making her mine. It was exactly like I had heard in stories of werewolves finding their mates. The body-crushing need to be with
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36. You Were My First Love
Stefan’s POV “Is this a trapdoor?” Instant panic floods my senses as I turn around to locate Gwen by her voice. She has wandered off to the far side of the compound and is standing right in the middle of the rubble of what used to be a barn. The last time I was in that barn, it was burning. I barely made it out before the roof came crashing down. I walk over to her and look down at what she is pointing at. A trap door, half-hidden by charred wooden beams. Creepers have also grown over the rubble. It’s a wonder she was able to notice the door. “Where does it lead to?” “The dungeons.” “Dungeons? Can we go inside?” she asks. Then a moment later, her face falls. “Oh, sorry. Is this where…” I nod. “Yeah, this is where my father imprisoned me.” Her hand lands on my arm gently. “I’m sorry. It’s fine. We don’t have to look…” I want to be strong, to tell her that no, we can look. But the very idea of taking those steps to the place below makes me want to puke. Just seeing the door is
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37. Werewolf on Steroids
Gwen’s POV “Hey, have you…have you seen Stefan?” I ask Hanna, joining her on the watchtower of the old pack house. The watchtower is at the back of the left side of the house, and it seems to have survived the raid for the most part. The wooden stairs leading to the top are a little rickety and could do with some work before being put to use again. Hanna puts out the cigarette in her hand–this is the first time I’ve seen her smoke–and crushes the stub beneath her boot. “You smoke?” I ask, sidling up next to her. The platform at the top is box-like, with a surrounding walkway shielded by wooden rails. She’s leaning against a corner stilt, and since it isn’t giving way under her weight, I become confident in the strength of the structure and prop myself against the railing. “Rarely,” she says, rubbing her hands along her arms. “Fuck, it’s cold out here.” “Is it?” I ask, frowning. I’m not feeling the chill, and she’s the one wearing a pull-neck sweater beneath a denim jacket. “Ca
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38. Vampires
“What were you thinking going on the run by yourself without telling anyone? Aren’t kings supposed to always have someone accompanying them?” When I get no answer, I look up from the wound I’m cleaning on his chest to his face. He’s watching me, the corner of his lip turned up slightly as if in amusement. “What?” I question, wondering what’s funny about this situation. “Is this where you scold me?” he asks. “Damn right it is,” I reply right away. “What would have happened to you if we hadn’t come looking? What if there were more of them–” “I’m fine now, aren’t I?” I groan and put away the cotton wad. “If you do something like that again, I’ll be the one beating you up.” He chuckles and tries to sit up, but I press a palm to his chest to keep him down. “Will you at least stay still?” “We heal fast, Gwen. I can barely feel the scratches at this point.” I give a doubtful look to the wound I just finished disinfecting. “I’m not sure about that.” True, the majority of the other sc
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39. Sending Her Away
Stefan’s POV You would think that after getting jumped by a werewolf high on vampire blood, the first thing on my mind would be addressing this new threat. I mean, sure, it’s right there at the forefront of my mind, but so are two other things as well. One, I’ve never needed to dress a wound, and I’ve received some nasty ones in all the years I’ve spent getting into fights with werewolves. Even the worst ones usually heal within hours, sometimes with a little help from a healer, but I’ve never gone to bed with one and woken up without it at least having formed a scab. The one I have on my chest right now is setting a new record, it seems. It’s still raw and doesn’t show any signs of hurrying up with the recovery. I ended up dressing it up as Gwen advised–I had no choice, really. I could get a balm from the healer, but I don’t want to raise eyebrows around here. As far as everyone knows, I should have recovered from last night’s injuries. And that’s what I’m going to keep them t
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40. What Have You Done?
Stefan’s POV “What are you doing?” Gwen asks, rushing to my side. She pushes my hand away from the gauze I’m pulling away from my wound. “I want to see if it has healed up,” I tell her, peeking through the edge of the side of the gauze I’d pulled away before she showed up. It’s still raw. “Of course, it hasn’t,” she says, taping the side back to my skin. “It hasn’t been an hour since I applied it.” Yeah, well… She pats her palm over the gauze and looks up at me. I meet her gaze for a second and look away at the mirror. She starts doing up the buttons I’d released to check on my wound. “You are brooding,” she says. I frown down at her head. “What?” “You didn’t say goodbye to her, did you?” she asks. “Why didn’t you?” “I told you I saw her before the meeting.” “No, you didn’t,” she says, and I wonder whether Mari said something that gave away the fact I hadn’t interacted with her since the previous night. “She wanted to see you before she left, I think.” She finishes with the
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