All Chapters of The Only Witch And Alpha Ryker : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Episode 21
*** Tamara ***'You can't do this Tamara, you are the Alpha's mate and soon you will ...Become the Luna officially blah blah blah .... You are not even making any sense Janette' I cut her short before she could ruin my mood completely. I was tired of her talking about the same thing, insisting relentlessly that I wasn't supposed to help in the kitchen.Tamara, Alpha won't like this at all. He wanted us to stay indoors, that is why he left a guard at the door which you apparently deceived to have your way.'Would you just chill? I am tired of lazing around. I only need to help serve then we'll go back before our mates notice. ' I had reached to a conclusion that, I would start trying to mix with the pack members despite their open repugnance towards me.The Alpha is your mate, but he is my eader Tamara. Being here is defying his directives and I am not ready to be on his wrong side.''Not only is she defying the Alpha and the leader of this pack, she is also behaving like the Luna. '
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Episode 22
**** Ryker ****Ring out the oldThe words were intricately engraved on a cracked piece of a neatly cut square wood. The detailed letters were covered with a glossy reddish-brown liquid, freshly dried blood. The smell was imperceptible as usual, but the colour indicated that it was still fresh.The meaning behind the words was subtle just as the whiff of the metallic liquid. How was the culprit getting away with this unnoticed? I mean there had been pack members around the pack meeting grounds, yet none of them had seen anything bizarre.That is because it's one of us.' My wolf pushed forward, I could feel him wiggling his tail eager to engage me in a conversation.'What are you talking about? ' I questioned my innate wolf in my sub conscious but as a barrage of thoughts began to bombard my mind, I suddenly figured it out.'Summon every damn warrior now!' I barked out the order to Theo who stood beside me at the pack meeting grounds. I could feel my wolf begin to push, wanting to take
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Episode 23
**** Tamara **** We sat at the dining table at my mates parents and soon to be mine, chattering away. With our stomachs full of an assortment of scrumptious foods,we opted to pass sometime chit chatting. My mate sat beside me dressed in his usual style, black cargo pants with matching combat boots and a very fitting navy blue tee shirt. His mother and father sat on the opposite side, with his mother taking control over the incessant conversation. One thing I had learnt about her in a short while is that she wasn't one to easily shut up. The dining room had a hardwood flooring covered mostly by an area grey rug. The dark flooring matched with the dark wooded furnished dining table. The walls were elegantly painted withagray colour accentuated with white trims. The cushioned chairs were nothing shot of comfortable with pastel tones making them stand out. As Ryker's mother narrated about their vacation, my eyes drank in the lovely candle chandelier that hang in the middle of the dinin
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Episode 24
*** Ryker ****'Do you know how ludicrous you sound right now?' I humorously chuckled. Even as the words left my mouth, a vague groundless fear began to hitch itself deep inside.Yes I know, but it's the truth son, didn't you just point out that something was wrong with me?' He wiped his mouth once, then pinched his nose between his index finger and thumb.'Yes I did, but your story sounds implausible.' The statement was meant to convince myself, but my beast and I gripped to the possibility of everything my father had said been true.'Ryker. ' His posture had become stiff, with his feet planted firmly on the area rug. I took a closer look at his actions and in conclusion, his overall demeanour was discern ably telling. He kept on scrunching his face up then releasing it in what I could guess an attempt to remain calm.Ry, you know your father, if there's one thing he candidly detests is deception. What if they were playing a prank on us. I mean they could if they wanted to, but then
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Episode 25
*** Tamara ****I stood by my parents' kitchen counter deep in perennial thoughts that discombobulated my entire consciousness.My right hand reflexively rubbed my lower abdomen gently, as my mind pushed dirty imaginations forward.The former alpha's words continued to be evocatively present in my mind in replication. It was a never ending cycle of thoughts, with images of my stomach sliced up forming every time Addanc's name rang.NightmareThe evil wizard's name made my brain speed up, and the more it went faster, the more my logic decreased. He was a source of my night terrors, a torture to my mind that kept on elevating my primal fear. I knew sooner or later I would come face to face with him, I just didn't know when.'Deep in thoughts with the back door unlocked, a recipe for ... ''Unlocked but closed. ' My gaze on the granite kitchen countertop didn't waver. Unlike before, I knew of his presence the moment he stepped inside the house. The feeling when he was near was inexplicab
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Episode 26
*** Ryker ***My Alpha primeval combative instincts kicked in, crowding the room in nothing but pure protectiveness over my mate. My wolf snarled at the man who dared enjoy mines and my mates special time. I stood in front of my fearful woman, watching intently and angrily at the evil wizard.My wolf and I wanted nothing but to finish him off leisurely in unadulterated and excruciating pain.'Let me out!' My beast bellowed on the inside, pacing back and forth, putting vehement and ardent pressure on my conscious to be let free.I could feel my control slipping as my being unceasingly kept on pushing forward. I knew by now that my eyes were becoming black, revealing the beast's presence. Soon he would be out to play. The son of a bitch stood still, unfazed by our stupendous anger waves that rolled out of me continuously.mmh.' He shrugged, deep set eyes beneath his heavy black brows giving away nothing of any sorts. His unperturbed stance only fueled my wolf's rage. Disrespected, my wo
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Episode 27
***Tamara ***'That is not the answer I want!' My mate bellowed in rage, pushing his office chair backwards as he stood. The ferocious stare he pinned on his Beta and Theo had them fidgeting on their feet. I stood unfazed by his office window, observing the scene evolve, with my arms crossed over my upper abdomen.'Alpha, we have searched everywhere, there's no sign of that wizard. ' Either Theo didn't have any idea that his statement was just fueling Ryker's rage, or he genuinely wanted to ease of the temperatures that had began to rise up.'We did it both man and animal in turns and still nothing useful turned up. ' Jayson spoke lowly, shifting on his feet at the high levels of Alpha testosterone that oozed from my mate.'Pathetic!' The shout came off as ifthe words were forced out of his mouth, in between teeth that were pressed together.'Are you trying to say that, that devil incarnate vanished without a trace? ' A roar of temper heated up his office more, making Theo spot visibl
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Episode 28
***Third Person's POV****The evening was dull with dark clouds occluding any sun rays from penetrating. Apart from that, the weather was calm save for the buzz that covered the entire pack lands. As darkness approached, adults raced down to the sacred hall mated and unmated. Excitement filled the pack, contrary to the baleful clouds that hang over them.A series of screams of agony were heard at the former alpha's place. The Luna to be writhed in the bathroom, seated on the tiled floor as cold water pelted over her nude body. Anything to calm the heat that spread forth through her veins, leaving her insides burning.'Rykeeeer! ' She screamed the raw pain in her voice breaking the heart of the women who waited by the bathroom door. She needed to be dressed for the ceremony, like tradition stipulated, several elderly women were appointed to groom her. In their presence, the former Luna was there, talking her through the pain.The cold water did nothing to numb the pain, but it was some
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Episode 29
***Tamara***Something inside of me possessed me, owned me and rendered me helpless against the alpha male. My hooded eyes drank his riveting features by the candle lights. I lay on my back breathing heavily after an orgasm had torn through me. Even so, I carnally desired more.He examined my body from head to toe, quietly just kneeling there. His avid penetrating stare had my insides buzzing. He was simply sex on stick. As he took in my heaving chest with two hard buds enticing him, my body thrummed. With a ravening gaze of my own, my eyes settled on the perfect creation between his legs.The size of him was hypnotic, over 11 inches long with a wide girth that had my pussy contracting. His hungry cock rested on his thigh, the head glistening with pre cum. Feeling my eyes on his manhood, he extended his arm and finally wrapped his large hand on his equally large cock.2He gave it one long stroke, his mouth opening in a silent groan. Liquid gushed out from my opening, trailing down to
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Episode 30
***Ryker****The crowd erupted into uncontrolled cheers, as we lay there with my mate basking in our confirmed bond. It's not until we came down from our high that I remembered we had an audience. Nude bodies lay on top of others or beside others, having participated in a fuck fest.The smell of cum mixed with sweat, heavy in the crowded room. Even so, my beast was able to separate and pick on my mate's enticing juices. He held his snout high and let his tongue out dripping with saliva.Nudity to werewolves was pretty normal. Especially in times like this when many of the adults mated and enjoyed a good time in the presence of others. I picked up the white robe she had been wrapped in and covered her body while she caught a breath.I could distinctly feel her contentment and serenity flowing through the bond in waves. Her pure and lofty joy mixed with mine, a full grin breaking on her glowing face. I admired her, smiling back at her and pulling her for a tight embrace.My beast inhale
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