All Chapters of The Only Witch And Alpha Ryker : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 Chapters
Chapter 41
***Tamara***Steel's claim was not cogent to my ears and general apprehension. Mrs. Kagwe was locked up in the next room, when and how had she dished out the threat behind bars? Nonetheless to her own pup. Monica's ostensible stay at her friend's home just like another bolt from the blue.1'That was the first place we should have went scouring the moment she went missing. ' Ryker paced from wall to wall, his boot clad feet coming into contact with the tiled floor with loud footfalls.'The boy was just threatened by her mother and you just heard about Monica? ' His back was to me but before I could finish my sentence he abruptly turned around to face me.'Yes Tamara, yes. ' He sighed as he took in my raised eyebrows.'If she is working with Uncle Pete then more than one life is at stake here. The problem is, how do we know that this pup hasn't been put up by his mother to distract us? ' He pushed his questions through our bonds, tilting his head to Steel's side. He was distrustful of t
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Episode 42
***Ryker***'You seem very tense uncle. ' I scoffed inwardly, sending a wink to my mate. She pulled her lips downwards coupled with a roll of her pretty eyes. My mother raised her thick eyebrow at me, looking back and forth between Tamara and I.'This whole issue about Mrs. Kagwe and my son is eating me up. I mean what reasons would push a mated woman, to the extremity of conniving with unknown assailants? ' He shook his head but his flawless public semblance was perspicuous in mine and my mate's eyes.'She awaits her sentencing in three days time. If the investigation proves beyond a reasonable doubt that she really did do that, including communicating with the unknown kidnappers. ' My wolf was growling inwardly, contempt ruling him as we looked at our so called uncle.Tamara and Jayson had broken the news about the darts and instead of shock, rage clouded my entire being. We knew however that we couldn't take action yet and a little patience would win us a jackpot.'Has Theo finally
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Episode 43
***Tamara***'Oh no! ' My thoughts scattered allover my brain, rendering normal functioning impossible. I could feel as my heart pounded in my chest making me feel like blood was flowing and thudding in my ears. My mate's words had put my systems to a halt for a second, only for them to go overdrive after realisation dawned on me.'No! no! no! ' I covered my ears to stop the ringing, swallowing saliva in a trial to moisten my drying throat. It felt as if my wind pipe was closing on me, forcing me to take in deep gulps of air. My chest began to pain and my hands moved from my ears to my upper abdomen.'Tamara! Honey relax, calm down Tamara! ' I barely felt Ryker's hands as they pulled me on his chest, rubbing my tense back. His wolf tried to coax mine, helping her to loosen up. Had I not being in his arms, my body would have been shaking without control. I closed my eyes in an attempt to make the feeling go away.'I can't, Ryker...I..C-an't. ' The words were low and forced in between c
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Chapter 44
***Ryker*** 'It will take more than a weak alpha to stop a powerful wizard. ' I pushed the words to the very back of my mind. I stood on the wooden raised podium at the pack's meeting ground. Normal activities went on as my eyes scanned around the place. Every damn second Theo didn't show up my wolf and I got enraged even more. I had mind linked him the minute I had stepped feet out of Jayson's place. 'Alpha! ' His overly sweet pretentious voice dripped with spite but I remained unfazed by it. 'You're late. ' My upper lip curved upwards. 'I'm sorry alpha, my back still has problems. Ever since I came back I ha....' 'Shut up! ' I couldn't stand his cock and bull story. I was the alpha and Theo and his acquaintances would serve as an example to the rest of the pack. 'A-lpha. ' He pleaded, his form beginning to shake as the pheromones flowed into the air. I watched him closely as the force brought him down on his knees. His head tilted to the side exposing his neck. Even though alph
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Chapter 45
Tamara'It's been three days Jayson, two whole extremely long nights of abandonment. ' I blinked away tears of fury and frustration.'Tamara don't you think you are overstating a bit? I mean aren't you coming from his office right now? ''Don't you dare insinuate that I am making a fit of petty annoyance Jayson. ' I pointed at him with my left index finger in a huff.'He hasn't said a word to me for three days now. I..I can't pretend it doesn't tear me apart anymore. ' Guilt had been a part of me since he dragged Theo to the dungeons for torture.'I will tell you this as my friend and not as my Luna. ' He walked closer to me, his voice taking a clear earnest tone.'You picked up holes in his strength as the alpha, as if that wasn't enough, you disparaged his ability as your mate to keep you safe. ' His words provided the last hit that finally broke my illusions. The false belief that I had been holding on to about all of this being Ryker's fault dissipated.'I see the pain in your eye
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Chapter 46
***Ryker***Excruciating, the pain from the extremely tight grip on my neck was just acute. I just felt a force squeezing life out of me, and even though it happened for a few seconds I was still feeling it. How the hell had Tamara done that so fast? I was sure as hell that wasn't her wolf talking, she would never physically use her powers on me.This, this was an entirely different force. Formidable than the power my mate possessed. What the hell was that? My beast was still shaken up, and he had retreated on the back of my conscious. A power that left my mate unconscious, but breathing peacefully. It had been roughly 10 minutes since collapsed, that was immediately after I was set free.I had mind linked my mother instead of rushing her to the infirmary. I knew that, that particular incident was the one that had drained energy from her. She would recover but I figured with my mother around, she would be in safer hands.'How is she? ' My mother pushed in the door then walked straight
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Chapter 47
***Tamara***'You need to eat more darling, look at your lips. ' Maggie poured too much soup on a large bowl. She insisted that I needed to add more meat on my bony self.'But it's barely 30 minutes since you forced 2 pieces of arrow roots down my throat. ' I was so full, but the mouth watering aroma of the sizzling soup as it wafted through my nostrils posed a temptation. It was filled with white beans, roasted chicken, hearty and root vegetables.'Just ten spoons. ' She placed the spoon inside the bowl and urged me to take a sip. 'Mmmmh.' My taste buds exploded as the savoury herbs settled on my tongue. It was scrumptious, the taste of it making me forget my manners. I placed the spoon aside and picked up the bowl, downing the soothing fluid in big gulps.'This is sooo sweet. ' I wiped the side of my mouth with the back of my hand.'I will prepare it for you till you give you give birth. ' That had my heart palpitations increasing again. It had been days since I let out Mrs.Kagwe an
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Chapter 48
***Ryker***+I sat silently at my parents living room, my ongoing thoughts drowning the chatter in the room. Hours of interrogating Monica bore nothing related to her escape. To begin with, her right thumb was bandaged and when I unwrapped it, a quarter of the finger was missing.She was the same person Theo remembered seeing when he was immured. But that had been weeks ago, she would have been healed by now. Near rhetorical questions kept on pressing my conscious for answers. Why? Is it because I finally got mated? Is it the reason she sought out my cousin? To hurt him as revenge against my death sentence to her?'Ryker I already told you that her mental state suffers greatly. Her wolf is so weak otherwise by now that wound on her thumb would be healed. I need to heal her first then we can question her when she is back to normal. ' Tamara, whispered beside me, rubbing circles on my back with her tiny palm.'Absolutely not! ' Every one turned to look at me, the outburst obviously draw
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Episode 49
Ryker 'Is she re..really my si...ster? ' My thoughts were a in a muddle, my emotions in a quandary as well. multitudinous questions popped up, all demanding answers hastily. I wanted to open my mouth but my tongue felt leaden and tied with words. 'Yes Ryker...This feeling that I've always had...wanting to be close to her all the time. ' My dad whispered, wiping a lone tear with his left hand. My dad wasn't one to show his emotions openly, but this, this was entirely different. My long lost sister was very much alive, and in the pack as well, mated to my best friend. Oh how I couldn't wait to hug her when she would awaken. She was being tended to by Bashir, her mate, mine and my mother by her side. This was totally unanticipated and I understood my parents reaction. Finding out that the child you once lost, was not only alive but close to them must have been so surreal. Janette, the girl that my mate had blindly chosen to defend that day in the woods. The same action that made me ch
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Episode 50
Ryker'What do you know about Janette's kidnap? ' Jayson drilled, watching my every move in my own office. My stubborn friend had been going at it for minutes, repeating the exact question.'I already told you Jayson, nothing you should concern yourself with. ' I dismissed him again, pointing at the door for him to make an exit and leave me alone.'Fucking stop this shit now Ryker! You might be the alpha and her sister, but I am her mate and I deserve to know. I am not leaving this goddamned office until you give me what I want. ' He scratched his head repeatedly, pacing around my office space. He has never lost his cool, he always knew how to control himself and yet emotions were clouding his thinking capacity.'What makes you think I know something? ' I put my pen down on the wooden desk with a click. Raising my eyebrow at my friend, I leaned on my office chair.'That night you left Tamara on her own once you found out about the disappearance of your sister. There is no way you came
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