All Chapters of Expert Down The Mountain: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
981 Chapters
Chapter 131
Meanwhile, at Bwell Therapeutics, the Waltons were anxiously waiting for the past half an hour. Bradley’s heart was pounding when Kayson walked out with Zachary.“Dr. Yarde…” Bradley voiced out, wanting to ask more, but worried that he might offend Kayson.“It is alright. We have resolved Ms. Walton’s cold. However, she hasn’t stood up for quite a number of years now. She might need to go through some physiotherapy before her muscles can regain strength,” told Kayson.“Thank you so much, Dr. Yarde!” Bradley said while eyeing Hogan.Hogan immediately understood the meaning of the gesture. He went up to Kayson and passed him a $75,000,000 check. “Dr. Yarde, here is a check as compensation for your treatment.”Kayson was stunned. ‘$75,000,000? Do the Waltons have too much money?’The amount also shocked Zachary, but he soon understood what was happening. In this day and age, power and money were the most important. The Waltons were trying to fawn and please Kayson.Kayson frowned.
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Chapter 132
Joaquin said seriously. “I thank you in advance then!”Joaquin was eager to know why the Eriocauli Flos did not work.Meanwhile…Hogan had sent Kayson back to the hospital. “Mr. Yarde, are you a staff here at City Hospital?”“No. My family was previously attacked and was hurt. They are currently admitted into City Hospital,” replied Kayson.“Do you need any help? I have some say on the operations of City Hospital and can arrange for anything that is lacking,” Hogan told Kayson.“That would not be necessary. There is a deputy director called Mr. Zinn who is helping us out. He has been very helpful,” replied Kayson. “Okay…” Hogan nodded while making a mental note of Mr. Zinn.The Waltons had been dabbling in the healthcare industry for quite some time now. They had heavily invested in the healthcare industry in Clouspring and held board positions in various hospitals and clinics. City Hospital was just one of the establishments they had a foot in.After escorting Kayson to the
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Chapter 133
Kayson brushed Liam off with a simple reply. “I heard it from somewhere.” Liam was just about to question him further, but Beatrice interrupted him. “Liam, I feel like eating noodles from that store that we frequent. Can you help me get some?”Liam loved his wife more than his own life. Thus, he immediately got up to buy for her what she wanted upon hearing her request. Beatrice’s face was still slightly pale, but she put on a smile and asked Kayson, “Kayson, how is your relationship with Sadie?”As a mother, she was concerned about how Kayson and Sadie were doing.Kayson calmly replied, “We are doing fine.”“Our family has always pampered Sadie. She might have some princess attitude, but she is good in nature and a good person. If she is too stubborn, you can let me know, and I will have a talk with her,” said Beatrice.Kayson paused for a moment before replying. “Mrs. Wolfenden, do not worry about it. Sadie and I get along well with each other.”“Alright then. If that is inde
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Chapter 134
“B-But he kept hugging me and continued to molest my upper body. He then wanted to rip my clothes apart. That was when I really panicked! As much as I need this job, I am not willing to use my body in exchange for this job… So, I ran all the way here regardless of the consequences,” said Hannah.“You are lying!” Simon’s face was red and full of anger. His body was twitching from the anger that was coursing through his body. “You were the one who came up on me. You then made yourself look disheveled and proceeded to run out asking for help! I have never tried to touch you!”Hannah had a look of horror on her face and looked nervously at Sebastian Carter, the director of City Hospital. “Mr. Zinn is right. I was the proactive one. Mr. Carter, what I did was something on impulse. This issue… This issue… sob sob…” Hannah said, half talking, half sobbing, while her tears flowed from the sides of her eyes.“Simon Zinn, you are using your current position to try to coerce Hannah. How could
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Chapter 135
“What do you mean?” Hannah looked up and asked. “Do you think that a lady’s reputation will be tarnished for nothing?” Her tears flowed again after making her statement.“Hmph! Who are you? How dare you threaten the victim right in front of all of us!?” A few department heads were angry about the accusation—especially Hanson Pork, who was leading them.“Kayson, it’s alright.” Simon was touched. Kayson was someone he had just met, yet he had so much trust in his character.Kayson shook his head when Simon said that. If it were not for Simon, who had tried his best to save Hugh and Beatrice, they would be arranging for their funerals.Two men walked into the room just as Sebastian was about to speak.“Mr. Walton! Mr. Walton Sr.!” Everyone was surprised.Bradley Walton walked in with a grim look. Hogan followed right behind him. “We heard an incident occurred, so we dropped by to check on this matter.”Sebastian’s heart skipped a beat.Sebastian was about to talk to Bradley, but t
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Chapter 136
Hanson was so startled that he hastily pulled back his arm. Like everybody else, he knew that the Elder Master of the Waltons, Bradley, was a ruthless, cruel thug. Sebastian uttered, ‘Oh no!’, in his heart because he realized that matter had just become more complicated than before!Bradley let out a cold grunt. Soon afterward, he said casually, “Hand this matter to the police then. They’ll investigate the case closely and find out the truth behind it.”He darted a look at Hannah. “The innocent won’t be unjustly accused, and the trouble-causing guilty will be penalized.”Hannah was petrified. She was shaking inside from terror after witnessing how the hospital treated Bradley with so much respect.“I-I am telling the truth!” Hannah hurriedly looked up.Meanwhile, she had already lost her grievous look from earlier.Sebastian’s pupils constricted. He looked toward Hannah ferociously and startled her until she was shaking in fear. Hogan nodded. “Tell the truth, and I’ll ensur
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Chapter 137
Lucas leaned against the chair, his face beaming with pride.After today, Simon’s reputation would be tarnished, and the hospital would never allow him to continue his work anymore.From now on, Simon would live the rest of his life with a bad name.Hanson would take over the hospital director position after Simon was fired.One could say that it was solely Lucas’ father, Sebastian, who had got Hanson to his position as a department head.Lucas would be promoted to deputy director of the hospital through Hanson in another two years as well.Hanson would retire in a few years, and the director’s position would be passed to Lucas, naturally.‘My future is bright and limitless…’ Lucas was in a great mood and began indulging in wild thoughts. He found Simon to be an eyesore for a long time. ‘Simon abuses his power despite having just a little capability. He’s so old that he’s going to die soon. Isn’t it better for him to retire early?’All of a sudden, the door of Lucas’ office w
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Chapter 138
Everyone was dumbfounded. ‘So the hospital director has been substituted?’The incident was resolved satisfactorily, so Kayson was preparing to return to the ward. Noticing the situation, Simon hastily said, “Thank you so much for your help today, Kayson.”“Don’t mention it, Mr. Zinn.” Kayson smiled and brushed it off.“I shall buy you a meal later on to repay your favor,” said Simon in all seriousness.“Sure. You can decide on a time in a few days.”Then, Kayson left. Bradley said nonchalantly, “Mr. Zinn, you shall perform your duties properly and engage in the duties of the hospital’s director from now on.”“Don’t worry, Mr. Walton Sr., I promise I won’t disappoint you!” Simon was extremely earnest.Bradley looked toward Sebastian, whose face was dull with dejection, and let out a grunt. “Mr. Carter, you’re on your own now!”Sebastian heaved a sigh bitterly. “You’re right, Mr. Walton Sr.…”Bradley and his son left soon afterward while Simon was suddenly surrounded by s
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Chapter 139
Kayson returned to the ward.“Where did you go?” Sadie stared at Kayson.“Didn’t you mention that Mr. Zinn was in trouble? I went to check it out.”“What happened in particular?” asked Sadie.“Someone slandered him, but his name is already cleared. It’s not a big deal,” answered Kayson.Coincidentally, Liam returned and said as soon as he entered the room, “I heard quite a number of people discussing an incident in the hospital earlier when I entered the building.“Dr. Simon Zinn is now the director of the hospital.”“What!?” Sadie asked in astonishment, “How did that happen out of nowhere?”“I don’t know the details, but they were talking about the director’s son framing Dr. Zinn, then he was exposed.”Sadie’s face was filled with puzzlement. She wondered if Kayson was involved in the incident as well.“Did you bring it?” asked Beatrice.“Of course.” Liam passed her the food.“Would you like some, Kayson?” asked Liam.“No, thank you.” Kayson shook his head.Liam did not
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Chapter 140
Kayson came to understand Michael’s intention. “So, you’re saying that I should commission the Waltons to protect the Wolfendens, Uncle Michael?”“That’s right,” said Michael. “Hogan reached out to me to inquire about you, but I didn’t reveal too much.“However, it’s possible that the Waltons have offended you, and they’re trying to redeem themselves, so you have a better impression of them. If you’re willing, you may ask them to send their staff members to protect the family.”Kayson considered for a moment and answered, “Sure, I understand what you’re conveying here, Uncle Michael. I shall give Mr. Walton a call.”“Sure, shall I pass you his number then? He asked for your number, but I didn’t give it to him.”“Sure.”Kayson called Hogan after receiving the number.“Hello…”“Mr. Walton, it’s me.”“Dr. Yarde!” Hogan became excited instantly. Kayson told Hogan about his request.Hogan accepted the task without the slightest hesitation. “You can count on the Waltons! We will
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