All Chapters of Expert Down The Mountain: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
981 Chapters
Chapter 151
“Rowan…”Lincoln was already dumbfounded that his senior had been defeated with one punch!“Y-You killed my senior…”At that very moment, how could Rowan possibly not realize that Kayson was talking about his senior, Atticus?“Ah, I think so!” said Kayson derisively. It was a good thing that Rowan was still alive.He had already reduced his strength substantially. He would be in an even worse mood if he were to beat Rowan to death with one punch despite his effort. It was fortunate that Rowan did not disappoint him.“Run, Lincoln, quickly!”Rowan’s expression changed ever so slightly. Then, he perked up abruptly and wrapped his arms around Kayson’s legs.Lincoln’s face turned ghastly pale. At the same time, he gnashed his teeth, spread his legs, and ran!“Tell our mentor… to avenge us!”Rowan cracked a smile as soon as he realized that Kayson did not attempt to pursue Lincoln, who was running away.“Is your mentor more skilled than you?” Kayson lowered his head to look at
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Chapter 152
Hogan and the others cast their hopeful gaze at him. Kayson was rendered speechless. He said, “He’s injured from being beaten up, not dead. Why are all of you so anxious?”Yulene said emotionally, “Is my grandfather alright, Mr. Yarde?”Kayson nodded. “He will need to rest and recuperate for a month. He’s not allowed to fight during this period.”Yulene wept tears of joy. She was still in a wheelchair because her muscles had yet to adapt to standing fully.“Thank you, Dr. Yarde.”“Don’t mention it.”Hogan hastily pulled out a credit card and said, “This is a small token of our appreciation. Please take it, Dr. Yarde.”Kayson felt reluctant. “Money again?”Hogan hurriedly said, “If you have something else that you prefer, please let us know. I will figure out a way to do it!”Kayson shook his head. “That’s not what I mean. Forget it. I shall accept it.”He figured that the Waltons would be anxious and overthink the situation if he didn’t take it.Zachary was no longer aston
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Chapter 153
Kayson failed to dissuade the enthusiastic Hogan, so he could only nod to accept the invitation.It did not take long before Bradley regained consciousness. He was so grateful when he learned that Kayson saved him that he wanted to get out of bed to bow.Kayson could not allow himself to accept an old man’s bow.Yulene stared closely at Kayson and thought about how he had cured her illness and saved her grandfather’s life within two short days.Theoretically, Kayson could totally seek hefty remuneration based on these two huge favors he did, but he did not.Kayson was rather charming in view of his exceptional skill in the art of healing, had a good personality, and was extremely gentle-tempered.Bradley exclaimed emotionally, “I am out of practice indeed. I was focused on finding a cure for Yulene over the past few years. Otherwise, Atticus wouldn’t be able to catch up and surpass me for sure. I wouldn’t be so weak that I would be defeated with one strike today either.”Kayson
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Chapter 154
‘What sort of person is he?’Jonathan stepped forward to welcome them in haste.“Mr. Walton Sr., Mr. Walton, Mr. Yarde!”Hogan said in astonishment, “Are you acquainted with Dr. Yarde as well, Mr. Walker?”“I suppose so.” Jonathan said courteously, “I hosted the dinner when Mr. Queen from Triumph Land came here with Mr. Yarde for a meal previously.”“Jason Queen?” Hogan expressed his astonishment.Even though the Waltons were an influential family in Clouspring, Jason was the owner of a real estate company ranked top three in Skyriv!In fact, the Queens had even surpassed the Waltons in a comparison of connections and financial status.“Yes.” Jonathan said smilingly, “Shall I take you upstairs, Mr. Walton?”“Sure.” Hogan suppressed the shock in his heart and followed Jonathan’s lead to the private room.They entered the elevator.“Oh right, there’s a distinguished guest from Skyspring boarding in our hotel today too.” Jonathan said, “It’s possible that you might have heard o
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Chapter 155
Dawson Wolfenden was here for Hugh’s family.They were the ones that financed the magnificent expansion of the Gillete Group.Their goal was to suppress Wolfenden Corp. In fact, they wanted to acquire Wolfenden Corp. before the company could expand.It was a waste that Wilson failed to accomplish that all this time. The Skyspring Wolfendens could no longer sit still and watch Apex Investment Partners investing in Wolfenden Corp.Apex Investment Partners was a renowned investment company with rich funding, influence, and resources.With Apex Investment Partners’ help, the Gillete Group had completely lost the opportunity to acquire Wolfenden Corp.The Skyspring Wolfendens would never tolerate the rise of Wolfenden Corp.Hence, the Skyspring Wolfendens sent Dawson to handle the situation.Naturally, Dawson did not go in blind. Before taking action, he looked into the situation between Wolfenden Corp. and the Gillete Group. ‘One who knows his own strength and that of the enemy i
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Chapter 156
Streaks of scratch marks could be seen on Wilson’s body.He had scratched himself so hard that he opened up those wounds. He would feel an ineffable itch over his entire body frequently in the middle of the night for the past two days, and it was agonizing.His entire body would be itchy for three hours, followed by a piercing pain all over his body for three hours. It felt as if worms were gnawing on his body.He had no idea what was happening and wanted to run out of here, yet he ended up being beaten up by Gabriel and the others.He initially wanted to yield because he failed to get in touch with the Allens all this time. Yet, a call from Dawson ignited his hope once again.He realized that the Skyspring Wolfendens were not pleased with his progress, so they sent Dawson to make things difficult for him.However, he could not care anymore because he wanted Dawson to take action instead. He wanted Dawson to kill Sadie and Kayson!Hence, he chose to put up with it!He was convi
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Chapter 157
“Frankly, I don’t know much either.”Kayson shook his head. “It seems the third heir of the Wolfendens that Mr. Walker mentioned earlier is planning on going against Wolfenden Corp.”“What?”The crowd of people turned pale with fear upon hearing the remark—even Bradley assumed a solemn expression.“That’s troubling. The Wolfendens is a huge household that has reigned over the provincial capital of Skyspring for decades, with countless skilled fighters working for them.“On the other hand, the Wolfendens not only have a huge influence in Skyspring, but it is also one of the top families in the whole of Skyriv,” said Bradley solemnly.The Waltons were not so bad either, but their influence was only limited to Clouspring. Clouspring was not a feeble city, but it was only ranked third amongst the cities of the entire Skyriv province.Bradley ventured from place to place when he was young, and so he had built his small fame in some cities.However, he was well aware of his family
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Chapter 158
Bradley’s expression was slightly unpleasant. Frankly, he was well aware of the Wolfendens’ terrifying acts. Unless his family were not planning on having a foothold in Skyriv, it would be absolutely unwise for him to offend the Wolfendens.Kayson furrowed his eyebrows. “Can you please lead the way, Mr. Walker?”Jonathan hesitated.Kayson did not wish to make things difficult for Jonathan upon noticing his reaction, so he planned on looking for the room himself.He was certain that the Wolfendens’ third heir would be protected by skilled fighters anyhow, so he could feel for the presence of those people to locate them.“I shall lead the way, Mr. Yarde.”Jonathan was afraid of the Wolfendens but decided he would wager a bet this time!“Mr. Ewell, wait for me here so you won’t be implicated.”“Sure, I won’t go there and add trouble.” Zachary nodded.Bradley and Hogan were about to stand up, but Kayson asked them to stay.“Thank you for your kind intentions, both of you. However
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Chapter 159
“You’re such a bully!”Liam was fuming because it was not an easy feat for Wolfenden Corp. to receive Apex Investment Partner’s investment.The company had a bright future ahead now.How could he make peace with the fact that Dawson was here to reap what they sowed?Sadie spoke through gritted teeth. “Don’t even think about it! How will we possibly hand over the company that we built with blood and sweat!”‘Trying to acquire Wolfenden Corp. for just $150,000?‘Dawson, you’re just a bully.’“I’m not looking for a discussion. It’s just a notification to both of you.” Dawson said in contempt, “You may choose not to do it, but you must bear the consequences of your decision.”Sadie was so furious that she almost teared up. ‘This man is impossible!’Liam clenched his fists tightly but did not have the courage to offend the Wolfendens in view of their influence.Otherwise, perhaps his whole family would end up homeless for real.“I can change the company's name to ensure that the
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Chapter 160
“Kayson…”Sadie’s face was bathed in tears, and her light makeup melted from all the crying. Kayson had a vague feeling in his heart. “Since you were going to meet him, why didn’t you ask me to tag along?”He noticed the injured Liam.Sadie felt even more aggrieved in her heart now that Kayson berated her. ‘How could I know that Dawson would actually try to kill us!?’Dawson spoke. “You’re Kayson?”Kayson looked toward him and said, “The Wolfendens’ third heir?”“I didn’t expect that you’d be sensible enough to know me.”Dawson calmly said, “I didn’t expect you’re a well-trained fighter. Your future is limitless in view of your achievements at such a young age.“My family seeks talent with eagerness. If you’re willing to work for my family, I assure you’ll enjoy boundless wealth and glory for the rest of your life.”Kayson shook his head. “It’s fine. What’s the point of working for a short-lived family?”Dawson’s expression turned solemn, and he said with murderous intent,
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