All Chapters of BEE Sugar Baby: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
I hardly think this is stalking.Borderline stalking, sure. But the intention matters, right? That's what differentiating this from either being a stalker, or just a worried husband. I am a billionaire, and according to some ridiculous lists by those tv shows and magazines, my family is one of the top five richest family in US. So it's perfectly justifiable to hire a whole squad to keep an eye on my wife, because it would be too late to do anything if she somehow got discovered by bad people who aim to retrieve money from me by the act of kidnapping, blackmailing, or any other crime. I have money and power to shut them up, or blackmail them back, but if they touch my wife, or do worse things to her, I'd regret it till the day I die for not protecting her with all I have. She wants space, I'll give her space. But to pull the plug on security, there is no way in hell I'm going to agree to that. Be it stalking, or invasion of privacy, I'll deal with the lawsuit if she so much wants
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Jakarta is known for its ridiculous traffic jam so being the adventurous city girl, I influence my little sister to follow me to the night market by motorcycle. Luna and I had been doing this since I got my licence in high school but we stopped when she went overseas to further her studies so to do this again, to reminisce our fond memory, shopping at such crowded places hunting for cheap, authentic Indonesian street food, ahhhhh I'm homeeeee! After seven weeks of being in my hometown, I must say I'm born to be an Indonesian. I'm born to spend my days in this tropical weather rather than the four seasons at a big city called New York. I love how I can converse with anyone without needing to stutter just because I can't find the right word in English. Everybody speaks Indonesian, and everybody shares the same cultural behaviour. I don't have to worry if anything I do will offend someone. Most importantly, the one thing that I will always treasure is how easy it is for me to get my
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I'm gonna see my baby today!It's already tomorrow where he or she is but you get what I mean. So yeah, I'm gonna see my baby!When I read the report Hank sent during the phone call, I couldn't believe it. I thought my mind was doing a trick because of the excessive worry I've had since yesterday, and also the fact that I was talking to my sister in law. But when I read it again, digest every sentence, with the statement clearly written that she's pregnant, I still thought it was impossible. Because I was sure as hell she's on birth control by how much she wanted to be out of this marriage; the last thing she needed was an anchor that would forever attach herself to me. Also because I saw an empty pack of birth control pills thrown in her room's trash can that one time we had sex. I scanned through the attached result from the lab since I honestly had no idea what the figures meant to actually read it comprehensively -because believe me, if I had the knowledge of a lab technician,
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"But I had ten negatives! Ten! I tested every single day for ten days, and they were all negative. Are you sure I'm pregnant?" Despite my weak facade ten minutes ago, I'm very much energised right now, sitting down facing my doctor who had to come back to answer my doubt eventhough she just left the room; the perks of being a VVVVVVIP patient. I bet this is Honey's doing because instead of looking like a normal ward, this is more like a hotel suite. According to Dian, she slept in the other room last night while waiting for me to wake up. Hah! A hotel suite with two bedrooms! And a kitchenette. With a big dining table as if I'll be entertaining. Have I mentioned the whole set of three seater and two seater sofa? And a huge LED tv? With sound system? "When did you take the test?" She asks calmly, as if she's not fazed with the conflict between what I said and the blood test result. "A week after I arrive here. Like maybe, uhh, six weeks ago?" She smiles widely as if she just figu
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I purposely made sure she's booked for a suite knowing how particular she is with her hair and whatnot- she fucking wore her hijab to bed when we shared a room during my nephew's wedding at Italy back then.But when I stepped into the room, with a pillow being thrown straight to my crotch, I was surprised to see the culprit dressed in a hospital gown with a shawl wrapped around her head. Who is she covering her hair from? I wanted her to be comfortable, to the point of assigning only female doctors, female nurses, and female bodyguards but there she was, covered from head to toe despite looking weak. The last thing I want for her is to worry about trivial stuff when she's already tired from carrying my baby. I'm gonna get Hank for this. "Call me if you need anything," Dian says once we’ve reached the main entrance of this suite, "Anytime. Okay?" I nod, "Okay. But I got this."She chuckles instantly at my confidence, "I'm available 24-7. Just call me if she's too difficult to handl
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I'm trying my best to be grateful for this pregnancy knowing I'm one of the lucky ones, to be able to conceive without much difficulties compared to those who have been trying for years, even decades. So believe me when I said I really, really am trying my best. But one after another issues keep happening in my life, in just two days, that I start to question if this is what I get for being a wife who always fight with her husband; Islam teaches us, women, to treat the husbands as a king, contrary to what I've been doing since the past five years. I even went rogue these couple of months when I purposely rebelled to ensure a divorce at the end of the two years contract. Here I am, horrified with what I've gathered in just two short days. One, an unexpected pregnancy when I was so sure about the divorce. Let's just say I've accepted the fact that there will be a child in my life, though divorce is still at the back of my mind. Two, it was fun during the baby-making, yes. Very fun
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"Ehhh? I thought you were discharged just yesterday?" Luna's voice halts my walk towards the kitchen that I turn to her, didn't even realise she's right here at our parents' place. I haven't seen her since we ate the food that caused us food poisoning, I thought I'd meet her up at her house perhaps in a few days since she's still recovering though wasn't admitted to the hospital. "Where are you going?" She asks when I'm right in front of her. "Huh? What do you mean?" What kinda question is that? It's 7am, and I'm still in my pyjama, what did she mean with where-am-I-going? Staying home, obviously. "You're wearing hijab. Where are you going?" "Ohhhh." Yeah. About that. "Mama told me you're still resting when I wanted to come and visit. She said I'd be too noisy blah blah blah. So where are you going? It's still early." "Exactly, why are you here? It's still early." I'm diverting the topic like an expert. There is no way I'm telling my sister I'm wearing hijab at home simply beca
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"Honestly, if a billionaire asks me to fake date him, I would simply say yes. No questions asked." I roll my eyes at my youngest sister but keep my focus straight ahead; I take driving very seriously. Afterall, I can only enjoy this activity for one more week before I'm back in New York being chauffeured like the billionaire wife I am. "It's not like he asked you to go hiking," I thought she's done with her argument, "He just wanted to dine with his wife whom he hasn't seen for two months, bring her somewhere just the two of you instead of having the mother in law at all meal times. How about you say yes for a change? Just for tonight?" "You mean sit there all night watching him eat all the good food while I fight my nausea? That kinda date night?" She giggles at her silliness, "Yeah I forgot you're pregnant. But what about Bali?""...what about Bali?""Didn't he ask you few days ago if you'd like to go to Bali?""...and?""Oh come on, Al. He just wants to spend some time, honeymo
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People say the prettiest a woman would be is on her wedding day. I feel like I owe it to her because when we got married, it was so sudden and quick, I'm sure she would like a proper one considering her engagement to that Indonesian man four years ago was big and extravagant, imagine how vast it would be for the wedding itself.What she had with me, was merely a meeting between five people (us and the man who married us, along with two witnesses). Though I've gotta say she did appear beautiful doesn't matter how simple everything was back then. I've instructed my assistant to plan for a beach wedding next week, making all the arrangements including flying all the necessary people if she has to, just to make it grand and dreamy. In fact, I've asked her to do the preparation the moment Alya went to Jakarta, giving her ample time to ensure everything runs smoothly. Yeah I know I haven't gotten the bride's agreement but I will carry her to the jet if I have to- she WILL have the weddin
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I get a feeling he's gonna go all out starting today, because the first thing he told me this morning was to clear my schedule (I had been going to my bakery these days) as it would be a full day ahead. He even had a lady escorting me to places (whom I believe is one of my security detail because I think I've seen her somewhere, most probably she was disguising as a bypasser or something hmmmmm) as he went missing to God-knows-where. First it was the shopping spree that I believe was to prepare me for a dinner date tonight, because the lady at the shop kept shoving me dinner dresses. There were also summer outfits brought out to me, which I think would be for our trip later to Bali. No, I still haven't agreed to him. But as I mentioned, I get a feeling he's gonna veto it out of me so let's just assume I'll be having that trip anyway. Next, I was brought to a fine-dining restaurant where I finally met the man, already waiting for me at a table with his laptop in front of him. Despi
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