All Chapters of TRANCE: FORBIDDEN LOVE WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
125 Chapters
I fucking want to kill someone. Squeezing the pen in my hand, I glared at the man sitting across from me. If looks could kill, then this man would have been six feet under the ground. And for a change this time my anger is not directed toward Ethan. I am angry with a bald man, with one foot on earth and the other in the grave kinda old man, or I say a pervert, boggling shamelessly at Iris. He is shameless enough, to not even try to hide his dirt gaze. From the moment we entered he had his eyes fixed on her, as Iris is going around the table, placing the required papers needed for the meeting, he has his fixed on her ass. And if he soon, doesn't take his eyes off her, I am gonna poke this freaking pen in his eyes. But why Alexander Russo? My subconscious asked the 100th time and I have no fucking answer to that question. Why I feel this way toward Iris, is a mystery to me. All I know is that, for some reason, I feel this harmony with her, this need to protec
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Iris's POV I stood at the door. While Xander paced around the office angrily.Before, I came with the thought to calm him down, but now I have no clue, how. Calming Xander was not something that I don know. Of anything for him, my mere presence was enough to calm him down. But there is a difference between this Xander and the Xander I knew. They are the same person, but still different for me. At last, I was enough for Xander to calm down, because I meant the world to him, he may be been chaos for the world, but he felt calm in my arms. I was his sanctuary, where he felt surrounded by serenity. But this Xander is Alexander Russo, to him, I am a challenge or a stranger, I don't know. But what I am sure of is, I am not the person who knows, how to calm him down. My once confident steps are now frozen and hesitant. I am debating if I should stay or leave until he has calmed himself. I was still debating looking between him and the door when I flinched at the so
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Not now
Alexander's POV It's been fifteen minutes since they took Oris, inside, they stopped me from following, like the hell they could, it's only because Ethan held me back, that's the only reason here I am pacing outside of Iris's room. Looking continuously at her door. What the hell are they taking so much time for? "Can you stop, pacing like this is not gonna, speed things up. You are giving me a headache." Annoyed, Ethan complained. " Then stop looking at me," I answered hoarsely. Since the moment we arrived, he has his eyes fixed on me as if he is decoding something, looking at me, which is going to answer all the question swimming in his eyes. I am not blind, I am just ignoring his questioning looks. Because that's the last thing I care about. I don't know, what is stopping him from bombarding me with questions, he has all the rights, but he is not. That is making me both curious and angry. His indifference, towards another man, being this worried for his gir
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Fancy dress
" Mommy, I look good? " in his bubbly voice Xan asks as he, runs towards me. Today is a fancy dress competition in Xam's school, where they are supposed to dress like their favorite superheroes. Which was a task for me and Blair. Only we know how many shops we wandered to find their perfect costumes. But all was worth it. Because the happiness that came afterward, to our kid's face was priceless. They were never so excited about school like this as if today they are in a sugar rush. So energetic they are. Looking at my baby, I couldn't stop myself from gushing. My son is looking so cute. He is dressed as Captain America, and I want to just keep touching wood to keep all the evil eyes off my baby. " Aww... You are looking so handsome. Come here." Can't run into my arms, filling my heart with happiness that only he can give me. My baby is my world and he is the best thing that happened to me. Now I understand why mom use today, that motherhood is something, a b
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Iris's POV At this point, I don't know who to blame, him for always coming to me like that or me, for always losing control of myself. I know the latter is the only one to be blamed. Xander is not even aware that, how much he affects me or how much he means to me, for him, I am some girl he is attracted to I guess. But to me, he is the air I breathe. I feel him in my being, he is the hope that helps me live every day. He and our son. His son. Xan, never says but he needs a father. I see the longing in his eyes when he sees other kids with their fathers. It's only because Ethan always makes sure, he is there whoever he needs a father figure in his life, making it easier for Xan to let go of longing. But the question is until when. No matter what someone does for you, you will always long for a father. Ethan is great, but he is not his father, and Xan knows it, the reason he longs for his father. But my baby is so cute but smart, that he never asks me abou
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Bitter reality
I don't know how, I try resisting every time but still end up in this situation. Knowing very well, once I am here then there will be no part of me that will try to back down. Xander's fingers were circling my hips in a very father-like touch, he is only applying enough pressure to let me feel every inch of his touch. This whiff of his woody cologne turned my thoughts hazy, it's like all my capability is fogged by the desire swirling in my eyes. His touch was initiating emotions, I know I can't act upon. Still, I feel no control over myself. My inner battle was still nowhere to be ended when suddenly, Xander pulled his hands away from my hips, and my eyes snapped open, looking at him with confusion, and instead of answering he smirked then with hooded eyes, he leaned closer. " The ball is in your court, Iris, either you can push me, or you will have no right to ever stop me." " This is not right. " " Then tell me what's wrong. " " I am engaged." " Yet you neve
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Bad news
I am doing things wrong, everything around me is wrong, and I don't know how to take control of things that I do or that seem to happen to me. Standing and looking at the scene in front of me is heart-wrenching but at the same time I am failing to emote the emotions, I am feeling inside. Other than shock I show nothing on my face, and it's not like I am hiding my emotions no it's happening on its own. Xander is looking at me, there is this sorry look on his face that I both hate and feel pity for. The girl in his arms is saying something and when she realized it, she doesn't have his attention, her eyes moved from him to where he is looking, at me, with puzzlement, she looks between me and Xander and then grabs her attention she, puts her hands on his shoulder, calling him. And as soon as his eyes are not on me, I slipped away into the office, the only safe place, right now. Entering I locked the office, my brain still processing everything I saw. I fell on my c
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Iris's POVThe pain in my feet is nothing, compared to the pain I am feeling in my chest. Sitting on a wooden bench, I saw the side of the road and kept staring ahead. My mind is blank. I dont know what I am supposed to do now. I so want to run away somewhere where there is no pain. No worries, nothing just me and my baby."Xan.," I whispered remembering my baby's cute smiling face. I remember when he was born he was chubby, with cheeks so red that, he looked like a tomato. There was not a single person left in the hospital, who didn't gush looking at my baby. Blair called him Pandu a nickname she got him as he looked like a cute panda. And what I can never forget was when the nurse brought him wrapped in a fluffy soft towel and placed him on my lap. For minutes I kept staring at his small face, eyes closed, he was looking like an angel. Raising a single finger, I softly caressed his feather-soft cheeks. He scrunched his nose. , then blinking slightly he opened his eyes and gave
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Under the stars
Standing on the sand, blindfolded, Iris shivered due to the cold breeze caressing her skin. Her cotton shirt and loose crop top were no help either. If anything only thing keeping her warm was Xander's arms wrapped around her waist, protectively, to protect her from tripping.Her ears perked, hearing the clash of the waves and seashore. "We are on the beach." Yelling excitedly she ripped the blindfold, impeding her eyes, from enjoying the view she loves the most. But no sooner did she open her eyes, she was stunned, seeing the beautiful view in front of her. The sea was sparkling, reflecting her favorite beautiful stars. The moon imprints itself on the surface of the water. Making it feels as if the sky has come on earth to lie down and see how he was a few moments ago.Iris was mesmerized. Closing her eyes she spread her arms wide, took a deep breath, she let the smell of the serene sea engulf her in its warmth. She was feeling tranquillity, especially when her favorite two arms wra
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Alexander's POV"Ladies and gentlemen, I agree with this company are small, compared to the companies, we mostly do business with........." I kept going on with the meeting but, every time, I would steal glances at Iris.I dont know why, but there is something different about her. She seems off. As if she is here, still absent.I am worried, but more than that, her sullen face is scaring me.What if it is because of, what happened between us?What if she regrets what conspired between us?And not to forget, when woke up, she left. Initially, that made me a little angry but when i saw the breakfast and a cute message about her friend needing some help, I understood. Did she lie? The thought is making my heart thud. Because after that night one thing is for sure, even if Iris wants, then also I am not letting her go.In these last few days, I have gone addicted to her. The thought of being away from her squeezes my heart. And thinking of her with someone else, wants me to burn ever
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