All Chapters of Written in the Stars: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
153 Chapters
Four months after Isabel's birth, Helena and Bruno were at a follow-up appointment with the obstetrician. Little Isabel was with them, comfortably seated in her stroller, as they waited in the doctor's waiting room.Helena was nervous, not only about returning to the routine of medical check-ups, but also about confirming her health after childbirth and Isabel's well-being. And, of course, for a special reason that had her on edge. She hadn't shared it with Bruno yet, but she was concerned about the possibility of being pregnant again so soon after Isabel's birth.Bruno noticed Helena's anxiety and held her hand, looking at her lovingly. “It will be okay, my love. Isabel is doing great, and so are you. The doctor will only confirm that.”Helena weakly smiled, appreciating Bruno's reassurance. However, the secret she was keeping still weighed heavy on her heart.Finally, it was their turn for the appointment. Helena, Bruno, and Isabel entered the doctor's office. The obstetrician, Dr.
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In the 12th week of pregnancy, Helena and Bruno returned to Dr. Pereira's office for the morphological ultrasound. They were eager to find out the baby's gender, but also a bit apprehensive due to the concerns they had shared in Paraty Square a few months ago.The office was calm and peaceful, with the soft light emanating from the ultrasound machine filling the room. Helena lay on the examination table, with Bruno holding her hand affectionately. Both of them gazed at the screen, anxious to see the newest addition to their family.Dr. Pereira, a gentle man with graying hair, began moving the transducer over Helena's belly. As the images started to appear on the screen, the future parents' hearts raced.“Let's take a look,” the doctor said with a friendly smile. “First, I'll check the baby's gender.”Helena and Bruno kept their eyes fixed on the screen, watching as the doctor focused on the right spot.“Well, here's the news you've been waiting for,” Dr. Pereira said with a smile. “It
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Spring was in full swing, and colorful flowers were blossoming throughout the city of Paraty. The sun was shining, illuminating Helena's path as she strolled through the tranquil streets of the town, her hair gently dancing in the breeze. She was pregnant with twins and was heading to meet her brother, Marcelo, who had traveled from São Paulo to visit her. The news of the pregnancy had already spread among the family, but Helena was eager to share all the details with her brother.Marcelo was waiting at the cozy café that Bruno and Helena used to frequent together since they found out about the twins. He was visibly excited about seeing his sister and spending time with her in her new life in Paraty.When Helena entered the café and saw her brother, her face lit up with joy. She rushed to embrace him, and the two hugged tightly as if they were reuniting after years, even though they had seen each other just a few months ago when Isabel was born.“Marcelo, how I've missed you!” Helena
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When they arrived at the hospital, Helena was quickly attended to by the healthcare team. She was seven months pregnant, and the doctors needed to do everything in their power to prevent a premature birth.At the hospital, Helena was closely monitored. Doctors administered medications to reduce contractions and ensure that the babies stayed in the womb for as long as possible. Helena was worried, but Bruno was by her side the entire time, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement.Hours passed slowly, and finally, the contractions subsided. Helena sighed with relief, knowing that the babies had a better chance of continuing to develop in the womb for some more time.While Helena lay in the hospital bed, Bruno approached her, holding Isabel in his arms. The little one watched her mother with curiosity in her innocent eyes.“We're okay, aren't we, Mom?” Bruno said, gently stroking Helena's hair.Helena smiled and caressed Bruno
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Helena and Bruno were in the hospital, and the tension in the air was palpable. Antônio and Emanoel, their twins, had come into the world prematurely and were now fighting for their lives in the incubator. It was an anguishing situation for any parent, and Helena and Bruno were facing the challenge with courage and determination.The neonatal ICU room was a bustling environment, with nurses and doctors caring for premature infants. Helena and Bruno approached the twins' incubator, anxiously watching their little, fragile faces through the glass.Bruno was exhausted, not only from lack of sleep but also from constant worry. He had decided to stay at home with Isabel to ensure she received the attention and care she needed.Helena stood by Bruno's side, her gaze fixed on the twins. She held Bruno's hand firmly, silently sharing their mutual support as they awaited news about the babies' condition.Dr. Pereira, the obstetrician who had performed the emergency cesarean section, approached
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Helena and Bruno's life was in constant motion. With three children, Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel, the house was always filled with laughter, play, and challenges. But the greatest difficulty they faced didn't come from the children but from Alzheimer's disease, which was increasingly affecting Loreta, Bruno's mother.Isabel was already seven years old and growing fast. She was a loving older sister and always looked after the twins, who had just over a year's difference between them. Helena and Bruno had a strong partnership when it came to taking care of the children, and this included caring for Loreta.The family's routine was hectic. Helena worked part-time as a lawyer, while Bruno managed Nilton's Bike, the family store. During the hours they weren't working, they devoted themselves fully to the children and the household. However, the biggest challenge was dealing with Loreta, who became more and more confused and disoriented.One day, while Helena and Bruno were in the living
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The soft light of late afternoon flooded Bruno's parents' cozy kitchen, where everyone sat around the table. Loreta played with her grandchildren, Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel, in the adjacent living room, providing a momentary relief for the family.In the kitchen, Helena, Bruno, and Nilton gathered around the table. It was time to discuss what had happened earlier when Loreta left home in a state of confusion. They exchanged silent glances, knowing it was time to address a topic that had been avoided for years. Helena, curious and determined, took the initiative.“I was thinking, Mr. Matos, about this farm Loreta talks about so much when she's confused. You've mentioned that she is the daughter of a rancher, right?”Nilton sighed deeply, looking at Helena's concerned face. It was a subject that rarely came up, but now it seemed inevitable.Nilton nodded, his gaze wandering into the past. “Yes, Helena. When Loreta and I met, she was the heir to a large farm in Mato Grosso. At that ti
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The routine at Helena's house was always full of action, especially when it involved helping the three children – Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel - with their homework. That afternoon, they were sitting at the kitchen table, books, and notebooks scattered as they tried to unravel the mysteries of math and science. Loreta was in the living room, engrossed in her favorite soap opera.Antônio, the oldest of the twins, cast a tired look at his mother and murmured, “Math is boring.”Helena laughed. “But math is fascinating, Antônio! It can be challenging at times, but it's like solving puzzles.”Isabel, with her childlike frankness, grumbled, “I think science is worse.”Emanoel joined the conversation, “School is boring. Can't we just play all day?”Helena frowned, jokingly, “Is there a rebellion against school happening here? You know education is important, don't you?”The three children laughed and continued their lessons as Helena encouraged their love for learning.Meanwhile, the sound o
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After Gustavo Nery, the lawyer responsible for the Siqueira family's estate, left, the room fell into a momentary silence. The atmosphere was filled with tension and uncertainty. Helena sat down once again and looked at Nilton and Bruno.“Do you know if Loreta has her guardianship formalized? Any documents that prove Nilton is her legal guardian?” Helena asked while her eyes rested on Nilton.Nilton seemed confused by the question. He shook his head negatively. “No, we've never needed that. Loreta has always taken care of herself.”Helena took a deep breath and looked at Nilton with understanding. “I understand, but the situation has changed now. Loreta is not in a condition to make decisions for herself. It would be much easier and safer if we had this formal documentation. After all, we are dealing with the Siqueira family's estate, and Loreta's legal representative must be in compliance.”Nilton seemed to realize the importance of the situation but was uncertain about how to procee
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On a peaceful evening, Bruno and Helena's family gathered in the dining room for a joyful dinner. The table was set with a variety of delicious dishes, and the sound of animated conversations filled the air. Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel shared their daily stories with their grandmother Loreta, who smiled and laughed along with them. It was a scene of warmth and familial joy.Bruno rose as the landline phone in the room began to ring. Helena watched as he walked over to the phone and answered it. His face grew serious as he spoke to the person on the other end of the line. Helena noticed the change in his expression and knew that something important was happening.Excusing himself from the table, Bruno headed to the living room to take the call. When he heard the voice of the lawyer on the other end, a look of surprise came over his face. He hadn't expected a call at that moment.“Gustavo Nery, the lawyer responsible for the estate, what's this about? Is everything okay?” Bruno inquire
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