All Chapters of Written in the Stars: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
153 Chapters
The next day, Bruno and Helena's house was imbued with a sense of urgency. The conversation with the lawyer Gustavo Nery had brought a series of important decisions that needed to be made regarding the Siqueira family's inheritance, and Loreta's care was at the center of these decisions.Nilton, sitting in the living room with a thoughtful expression, was still concerned about traveling with Loreta, given her health condition. Helena approached him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Nilton, you won't be alone. Bruno will be with you in Cuiabá and will keep me informed. We'll face this together.”Nilton looked at Helena with gratitude in his eyes. “Thank you, Helena. I really didn't want to have to deal with Loreta's matters alone, and now I feel more at ease knowing that Bruno will be with us.”Bruno, who was finishing packing, approached them. “Everything is ready for us to go, Dad. We'll figure this out.”With the confirmation that Bruno would be there to support them, Nilton beg
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In their hotel room in Cuiabá, Bruno picked up his phone and called Helena, his wife, who was in Paraty. The phone rang a few times before Helena answered. Her voice was full of anticipation.“Hello, love,” Bruno said. “I have good news. Everything went well with the inventory. Now all the properties and assets belong to Mom.”There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and Bruno could imagine the smile on Helena's face. “That's wonderful, Bruno! I'm so happy for all of you.”Bruno sighed in relief. “Thank you, my love. It was a long day, but things went smoothly. The lawyer took care of everything.”Helena asked, curiously, “When will you be back?”Bruno thought for a moment. “Well, we want to make the most of the trip and take a look at the farm in Poconé, in the interior of the state. Mom is feeling really good, and I think it's helping her remember s
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Loreta was visibly happy, and her memory seemed to have been rekindled by the surroundings and the conversation. She shared stories of her childhood on the farm, of playing with friends, and of special moments with her family.After lunch, Casemiro suggested a horseback ride through the farm's lands. Everyone agreed, and they received a warm welcome from the cowboys, who were ready to guide them.Loreta was particularly excited about the idea. She mounted a horse with the help of one of the cowboys, and the others followed suit. They rode through the pastures and the trails that crisscrossed the farm, enjoying the serenity of the place and the natural beauty that surrounded them.As the evening approached, they returned to the farm's headquarters, their hearts filled with gratitude for this special day. Loreta was radiant, and Bruno, Nilton, and Casemiro helped her dismount from the horse. They all laughed and talked about the adventure they had shared.N
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The car was silent, except for the soft sound of the radio. Helena stared out the window with a distant look, still reeling from the news that Bruno had given her. The idea of having to move to Mato Grosso left her lost in thought, and she couldn't shake the feeling that everything was changing too quickly.Bruno drove with determination, aware that the decision was difficult for Helena. He glanced at her from time to time, noting her worried expression. He wished to find the right words to comfort her and help her accept this change in their lives.Finally, they arrived home. The children were waiting at the door, eager to welcome their father back. Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel rushed to hug Bruno.“Where are the grandparents, Daddy?” Isabel asked with a smile.“Grandpa and Grandma didn't come back, little ones,” Bruno said gently, ruffling his children's hair.The children seemed surprised and disappointed. They love
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The long-awaited vacation time had arrived for Helena and Bruno's family, and the trip to Cuiabá in Mato Grosso was about to become a reality. Helena and Bruno had carefully prepared everything they needed for the trip, ensuring that their children, Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel, had everything necessary for a comfortable journey.On the morning of departure, the car was loaded with suitcases, toys, and snacks for the road. The children were excited about the prospect of visiting their grandparents and exploring a new place. Bruno made sure all seatbelts were securely fastened, and with a nod, they set off towards Mato Grosso.The journey was filled with lively conversations, songs, and car games. Helena, sitting next to Bruno, couldn't help but smile as she watched the expressions of wonder and excitement on her children's faces. The road stretched out before them, and as they drove, Helena and Bruno took the opportunity to discuss the trip and what they h
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In the farmhouse bedroom, Helena sat with Emanoel, her son, who was playing with his toys. The sunny afternoon had been overshadowed by the threat from Graciliano Ramos, the neighbor from the farm.The door opened, and Bruno entered, concerned about his son and the tense atmosphere in the room. He approached Emanoel and asked gently, “Is everything okay, son?”Emanoel looked at his father with eyes still filled with uncertainty and replied in a low voice, “Yes, daddy, I just got scared.”Bruno caressed the boy's head and reassured, “We will keep you safe, Emanoel. Nothing bad will happen.”Helena responded with a firm voice and a dry tone, “Yes, he'll be fine when we leave tomorrow.”Bruno furrowed his brow, surprised by the response. “Tomorrow? It's still a long time until the children's vacation ends. What happened?”Helena looked directly at Bruno, a tense expression on her face. She said, with a hint of irritation, “Bruno, the man threatened our son. I can't leave the children in
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Bruno's parents' house in Cuiabá was a quiet refuge amidst the bustle of the city. It was a spacious building, surrounded by a well-maintained garden, where palm trees stood out under the scorching sun of Mato Grosso. The sound of local birds filled the air as Helena and her children, Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel, entered through the front door.Helena instructed the children to go take a shower, allowing them to rest after the journey, while she took charge of preparing lunch herself. The kitchen was spacious and well-lit, with a window overlooking the backyard where some fruit trees grew, providing refreshing shade.The golden sun peeked through the window, creating dancing shadows on the kitchen walls. As the pan heated on the stove, she found herself immersed in her thoughts, replaying the argument she had had with Bruno. Those harsh words echoed in her mind. She felt hurt and misunderstood, as if her decision to follow her heart and prioritize the safety of her children was inter
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The night fell gently and serenely in the spacious house in Cuiabá. Stars shimmered in the night sky, and the city's silence enveloped the residence, creating an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. Helena walked through the house, which now seemed so large with its six bedrooms, two suites, a spacious living room, and an equally vast dining room. The kitchen was the size of her mother's apartment in São Paulo, and the house was full of bathrooms to accommodate all family members.After putting Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel to sleep, each in their room as they wished, Helena wandered through the house, lost in her thoughts. The house was exactly the kind of residence she had imagined sharing with Bruno one day. She couldn't help but smile faintly as she thought of her husband and how he had chosen to stay on the farm, a factor that made her own decision to leave even more painful.Bruno had clearly shown his desire to remain in Mato Grosso, and Helena knew they were on an irreversible p
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The morning sun rays began to seep through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on Helena and Bruno, who were lying in bed after the night of love they had shared. The atmosphere was serene, and both seemed enveloped by a sense of calm and renewal. Helena took a deep breath and broke the silence that filled the room with a soft sigh.“The children really love the house and the farm. They're truly enjoying it. They love being able to sleep in separate rooms. And for them, they'd stay here,” she said, her gaze meeting Bruno's.Bruno looked at Helena with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. “They said that?” He asked.Helena nodded and then continued, choosing her words carefully. “Yes. They are also happy to be near their grandparents. Nilton and Loreta mean a lot to them. I didn't want to deprive them of that.”Bruno agreed, understanding his wife's concerns. “We can make it work. The kids don't need to stay at the farm all the time. We can arrange for them to spend time there, but also keep t
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Life in Paraty, in the eyes of Helena and Bruno, was returning to its familiar rhythm. Bruno was determined to fulfill his promise to his father and, between bike rides, tried to find a buyer for Nilton's Bike shop. Meanwhile, Helena was busy taking care of their children, Isabel, Antônio, and Emanoel, and managing the preparations for their move to Cuiabá.In addition to these responsibilities, Helena kept her commitment to her legal practice, albeit on a quieter scale compared to her days in São Paulo. One of her clients, an elderly lady involved in a property dispute, fully trusted Helena to fight for her interests. “I never imagined we'd have to go through all of this,” Helena thought.As they navigated this whirlwind of tasks, Helena continued her quest to find a doctor to perform a vasectomy on Bruno. After several searches and recommendations from local friends, Helena found Dr. Ricardo Delgado, a respected doctor in the Paraty region.It was a sunny day when Helena scheduled t
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